Vol. 2 Chapter 6: Group selection. — Part 1

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“So, in today’s homeroom, we’re going to separate the groups for the school excursion. Those left out will have to go around with the teacher.”

What awaited me after I managed to survive that cold was hell: group assignments. Come to think of it, September is already here and I vaguely remember we were going to Kyoto at the end of the month or something.

This is bad. Katayama, my only friend, has his own group, and if I were to go around with Asakawa by ourselves, something bad is bound to happen. Or rather, we might be attacked by some weird extremist like Makabe.

The more I think about it, the more I feel like it’d be a nice idea to go sightseeing with Ms. Kotoriyu. She’s beautiful, and I’m sure we could admire the scenery in peace and quiet—

“By the way, I’m a big fan of the Genji tale. In Kyoto, I’m sure I’ll be droning on, and on, and on about it, so those of you who are eager to learn, you can offer yourselves!”

Oh hell naw. My school trip was over before it even began.

I no longer could think of a way out, so the only thing left is to tell the teacher I’m going with my three imaginary friends.

“Miyamoto? Could you give me a sec?”

I see…! I’ll just have to materialize my imaginary friends! Oh, what a smart guy I am.

“Miyamoto? Oy?”

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Oh, if that’s the case I’m gonna start training today. I don’t know if I’ll do it via witchcraft or some other way, but whatever it is, I’ll master it. Ha-ha-ha!


“What the—!? You’re so noisy!”

“I know, but I’ve called you several times…”

Before I knew it, there was a chiseled face right in front of me with worry painted all over it. Katayama just went up to me as if he had something to discuss.

“Sorry, sorry. I was just thinking. So, what’s up?” I apologized.

“No, there’s only one reason I’d call you at a time like this. You’re gonna have to squad up with me!”


I appreciate your offer to die for, but what are you on about, dude? I’m not proud about it, but people in his group seem to hate my guts, and I don’t have a shred of confidence we’ll get along. Just thinking I might create a crack in their friendship makes me want to politely decline him.

“Thanks for the offer, but I don’t feel I’ll get along with the rest of the group.”

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“What are you talking about? They’re gonna form their own group, and we’re still the only two members in ours.”


Sure, they have the numbers to form a group without Katayama, but why would they do that? I don’t understand why he’d go through the trouble of choosing me over them.

“Why do you wanna go with me? Are you alone or something?”

“Um, y’know… You’re more important to me as a friend than you think, dude,” he said.

I’m ashamed for being so adamant about stupid stuff. He really cares for me as a friend, though it’s a little weird his cheeks are tinted slightly red. Well, I’m sure it’s just ‘cause he’s embarrassed.

“If that’s the case, then if it’s okay with you, I’d be happy to go with you.”

“Of course it is. Happy to work with ya.”

Thus, the loner group increased from 1 to 2. Although the extracurricular lessons by Ms. Kotoriyu are still unavoidable, I’m sure I can overcome them with him.

“Oh, yeah, dude, I’ve talked to three people about Iwashiro-san.”

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“Really?! Thanks! And what did they say?”

“They said your sparkly personality is scary to people who might not have experience with the opposite sex, so, with that in mind, I think it’s better if you take things slowly and gradually lower her guard first.”

“Hmm… Lower her guard…” He said, resting his elbows on the table and covering his mouth with both hands in a thoughtful pose. It’s a rather anime-like pose, but even then it’s so him. “You say lower her guard, but I can’t even approach her in the first place.”

“That’s true, you told me she’d avoid you before.”

“Mhm. If she somehow joins our group, I’ll have a chance to redeem my honor, and stuff.”

If they could both be in the same group, certainly they’d have more opportunities to clear up any possible misunderstandings. Still, I don’t think she’ll join under these circumstances… So what should I do?

“Hey, Miyamoto, is your group still just you two?”

“Asakawa, is… it…?”

When I turned my face to the side, the first thing I saw from my seat was long and thin legs sticking out of her skirt. Her proportions made the skirt seem shorter than it actually was, which made me nervous.

I understand that the owner of such beautiful legs approached me to join the group, but what surprised me most was the person behind her.

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“Iwashiro-san… would you like to join us?”

“Y, yeah… Miyamoto-kun and, K–Katayama-kun, if it’s okay with you two…”

“Katayama… kun…”

His name parting from her lips left him with a short circuit. Meanwhile, I considered the whole situation. As much as I’m embarrassed to say it myself, Asakawa likes me, so she’ll try to take advantage of this opportunity.

Regardless, I didn’t know what connection the two girls had. I just couldn’t imagine a motive for her to go out of her way to join a group with Katayama, whom she’s not good with.

If this is the good idea Asakawa was talking about, then she’s a pretty damn good schemer. I don’t know how, but she lowered the impregnable fortress’ door. We both already knew the answer to her question, but let’s still say it for formality’s sake.

“I’m totally fine with it. How about you, Katayama?”

“S, sure, of course I’m okay with it! Nice to meet you, Asakawa-san, Iwashiro-san!”

“Ah, mhm.”

“Pleased to meet… you.”

Thus, we went from a tirade about Genji’s tale to a spectacular high school trip in one fell swoop.

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