Chapter 209 What a beautiful attack

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Tian Yuan didn't get the text message till he arrived home. He smiled excitedly and squatted on the floor to show off to Jindou'er when he read the text message Pan Lei sent him.


"Look, your dad misses me more than you. He hasn’t mentioned your name in the text message. Your dad is busy, but he can return early. Isn’t that wonderful? I need to call your grandma and ask her to prepone the plans. Right! I have to tell Zhang Hui to reserve the venue for an earlier date. I don’t know what he’s thinking by getting married and making such a big deal about it. I really can't stop him from doing what he wants. He wouldn’t know what embarrassment is even if it smacked him in the face. Whatever. Forget it. I suppose it's fine as long as he's happy. We’ll tie the knot! If he wants to make it a big deal, let's make it a big deal! It’s just odd to me. Can those senior military officers come to a wedding ceremony for two men? Do you think it's possible? I know, right. Your dad and grandma are just messing around. Let it be. Let’s just join them in their antics. I mean, what else can we do?"


It would be fantastic if Pan Lei could return sooner.


Tian Yuan asked Jindou'er to stay at home and wait. Their suits were ready, and he was on his way to get them. Pan Lei often reminded him that he needed to buy a full set of new suits. Tian Yuan reasoned that since it was such a special day, it should be treated as such. He went out of his way to find someone who could make two custom suits for them. He was the most familiar with Pan Lei's proportions. How could he not be clear? Pan Lei had hugged him innumerable times while they slept in the quilt. He was quite knowledgeable of Pan Lei's size.


He'd planned for a spare outfit for himself, so he should do the same for Pan Lei. He'd been to a colleague's wedding, and the scene had been chaotic. Friends had carried water spray guns from home, filled them with soy sauce and Coke, and sprayed it all over the groom. The clothing had to have been written off. Tian Yuan imagined the situation at his wedding would be significantly more chaotic with Lin Mu, Zhang Hui, and Huang Kai present. He'd prepare extra clothes just in case.


Tian Yuan phoned his mother-in-law. Mama Dang Hong pointed out a few errors in his paper; he resend it after revising it. Mama Dang Hong felt quite satisfied after reading it.


"I’ve already submitted the manuscript to the medical journal. You will just have the thesis remaining after it is published, dear boy, and you will be able to graduate with enough credits."


Mama Dang Hong was overjoyed. Her son-in-law had worked hard and made significant improvement, which made her awfully happy.


"I've also started writing the thesis, Mom. Please look into it for me. If you think it's lacking, I'll modify it."


"Don't be concerned. The invitation list has been prepared. Find time to go shopping with Mom tomorrow. This is my first time planning a wedding. Your father instructed me to make the finest possible preparations. Come along with me, and we'll buy whatever you want. Let's go out and get another pair of rings. Your father is paying for it, so Mom will buy you diamonds." {T/n: To be clear, Dang Hong is referring to Papa Pan as TY's "father."}


Tian Yuan was torn between laughter and tears.


"Mom, you know that doctors aren’t allowed to wear anything on their hands. Why waste money on something neither he nor I are interested in? It's enough for us to be together, Mom. In truth, as long as we're together, it doesn't matter what the formality or method is. I don't want anything; all I want is for him to return safely."


Did she truly consider him a woman?! His mother-in-law wanted to take him diamond ring shopping? Forget about whether or not he liked it. In any case, a doctor's hands cannot have such things. Mama Dang Hong's couple rings, which she had given him as a first meeting gift, were merely sitting in a drawer at home. It was not worn by either of them. What was the point of this?


"You silly boy, you can buy it and wait for it to appreciate."


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Tian Yuan couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry. He'd never heard of purchasing a wedding ring, waiting for its worth to rise, and then selling it when the price was high enough. Who would be willing to sell their wedding ring?


"Don't stay up late; you can write your thesis tomorrow. Return early today so you can rest early as well."


Tian Yuan promised and then hung up the phone. He was feeling lazy today anyway. He fed Jindou’er, and turned on the TV, thinking about watching a movie, but he wasn’t in the mood, so he changed into his pajamas and went to bed.


Perhaps it was too early, or he wasn't tired. He tossed and turned for a time but couldn't fall asleep. He took out his phone and began to play "green flowers in the army," which Pan Lei had sung to him in a loop.


Pan Lei said a line after he completed singing, "Let's get married, darling. Just nod, okay."


Tian Yuan smiled as he looked at the large brown bear. Okay. Let's get married. I’ll marry you.


Tian Yuan fell asleep gradually.


Night fell, and it was a strangely calm night. The insects had ceased chirping, the tree leaves had stopped moving, and the stockaded village was dark and lifeless.


Pan Lei was hiding on the outskirts of the stockade, and a small receiver in front of him displayed the scene. They had set up cameras within a ten-mile radius to capture the situation from all angles.


"Be alert, loaded, and prepared to battle."


Concealed breathing, secret location, poised for action, just waiting for the enemy.


Pan Lei's eyes glowed with eagerness. He was pumped to fight. Who wasn’t hot-blooded? They were the only ones who could truly go to the battlefield in the modern era of peace. They went all out against the adversary, battling with real daggers and guns to demonstrate the might of modern soldiers.


Let the robbers witness the special forces’ bravery and skill.


Pan Lei glanced at his watch. It was twelve o'clock, so they should be coming soon.


As expected, a figure swayed before the camera ten miles distant at 12:10, and Pan Lei linked the walkie-talkie.


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"The tortoise has entered the urn. Wait patiently."


Their cameras were stationed around the ten-mile perimeter, covering every corner. People appeared to be arriving on all routes.


Pan Lei frowned, staring at the swarming paths.


"There are a lot of people, more than expected. There are at least 200 people, and they are all armed. Their weapons are not very advanced. Some of them look like the same rifles that were used seven years ago. Some people are carrying machetes and rods in their hands. Blast team, they’re approaching your location. Pay attention to concealment."


The blasting team roger-ed.


Pan Lei kept staring at the monitor. Something's not right. Why did some vehicles follow these people? The cars came to a halt ten miles away, but the passengers did not get out. Pan Lei couldn't see the situation in the cars clearly because of the distance.


"Note that they seem to have backup forces. Wait for them all to walk in and start the blasts. Pay attention to those in the cars as well. I'll deal with them if they assist. Proceed as planned."


Who was in those vehicles? Could they be bosses of these criminal gangs coming over to supervise the sweep? That was even better. They could be uprooted and wiped out on Chinese soil. They came but wouldn't be able to leave.


Don’t you worry. Wait till your underlings are eliminated.


The blasting team reported half an hour later.


"Leader Pan, the enemy has passed in front of us. Should we launch the assault now?"


"Wait for my command."


There were relatively few of them. He had to let the enemy enter the pocket and advance deeper if he wished to cut off their rearguard. The vanguard and rearguard would be separated in this manner. If they assaulted the foe from three directions at the same time, the enemy would be caught off guard by a surprise attack.


"Leader Pan, Leader Pan, the enemy's vanguard has reached our sniper team’s range."


"When I see their vanguard, obey my order and open fire together."


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Come a little closer, come a little closer. Laozi will annihilate you here.


Pan Lei disabled the safety and loaded the ammunition. He used a German-made GR9C machine gun capable of firing 800 shots per minute. He actually favored the M4 used by Navy SEALs, but if you truly wanted to mow down the enemy, this gun was more fun.


They should arrive in five minutes, according to the deployment.


Pan Lei aimed the scope in front of him.


Five minutes later, a man with a gun approached first, followed by two other squads. Around 30 individuals gradually gathered.




Pan Lei gave the order, and the three sides shot simultaneously.


The bombs buried along the paths detonated together as soon as the blasting team pulled the fuse. The rearguard had been cut off, and the abrupt explosions had scared them out of their wits. They had already been blown to the sky before they could react.


The sniper team resembled ghosts of the darkness. They hid well, and the dark night, dense trees, and weeds provided excellent cover. A sniper with far-infrared sight is the most lethal assassin. A headshot before changing angles, with no bullets wasted. Every time the snipers pulled the trigger, a robber was slain.


It was impossible to predict which direction the next bullet would be fired from because they were scattered in numerous dark corners. The snipers cleverly blew off the heads of the robbers in succession without allowing them to pinpoint their exact location.


Pan Lei fired the shot. When the trigger was pressed, the machine gun spewed out bullets in spurts at 800 rounds per minute. Pan Lei shot across the entire area in a sweeping motion, killing the thirty or so people in the blink of an eye.


Pan Lei tossed the machine gun aside, grabbed the Type 95 sniper rifle, and leapt from his hiding spot.


"Laozi will take your lives on this land!"


Go, go, go. Kill them all here, and don’t let a single one of them escape.


All of the troops who had been lurking in the darkness surged out. When they arrived on the actual battlefield, they realized the value of their earlier training. They attacked and shot while looking for cover, never wasting a bullet. With each gunshot, they ensured that the enemy would never be able to stand again.


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Everyone moved at incredible speeds. One surprise attack rendered the majority of the 200+ people defenseless. In addition to this ferocious onslaught, these criminals fled when they discovered an ambush.


No one was allowed to flee as the blasting team caught up and entered the fray from behind.


Be well-organized and quick to act.


"Is it stimulating? Is a true battle energizing?"


Pan Lei fired a shot and charged forward, questioning all of his men.


"It's so f*cking cool, Team Leader! It's a hundred times more fun than CS."


"With all these headshots, I feel like the king of guns."


"Report on the situation of the individual teams and any casualties."


"Reporting to Team Leader, all safe. All soldiers are safe and sound."


"That's good! Go after them until the bitter end. I want to wipe them out."


Pan Lei inadvertently glanced into the woods and noticed a white something moving. He put on his night vision goggles to investigate.


"F*ck! Is the fourth team dead? How did a little ba$tard run out! Deputy instructor, follow that child with me, and the rest of you will destroy the surviving robbers."


Pan Lei discreetly exited the fray, as did the deputy instructor. The two dashed towards the woods.


He wanted to give the little brat a good thrashing when he caught him. Troublemaker.




I adore how TY interacts with Jindou'er! I knew he'd spoil the 'son' more than PL, who was actually the one hunting for a 'child.'

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