I Dare You To Run Away Again

Chapter 235(end)

IDYTRAA - Chapter 235 (END)

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Chapter 235 The more you spoil your lover, the gutsier he becomes


The people at their table had mixed feelings during this feast.


Huang Kai was possibly the only one of them who could eat with peace of mind. He ate whatever Pan Ge served him, and when Pan Ge drank, Huang Kai poured the wine then smiled at him, and Pan Ge smoothed his hair.


Xiaji was enjoying the show. He paused eating in the middle of the meal, then picked and chose and ate a little more while watching Lin Mu and Chen Ze.


One played with a scalpel, the other with a dagger, arguing back and forth. Lin Mu slapped the table and wanted to fight him, but Chen Ze gazed at him with a smile, not taking offense or becoming upset. A plate of wild goose wings was served. Lin Mu dissected it with a swipe of the knife when it was placed in front of him. He had the look of a murderer in his eyes. Chen Ze seemed unconcerned and even ate the dismembered pieces. Take a sip of wine and a bite of meat. Oh, how lovely.


Pan Lei and Tian Yuan started toasting. First, to the elders, with Papa Pan at their side to assist with introductions.


"Here is General Staff Director Zhang, this is the Artillery Commander, and that is..."


Everyone, regardless of position, enjoyed a glass of wine with the newlyweds. They would have been intoxicated by now if it had been baijiu. Fortunately, they were prepared, and they drank plain water with each toast.


The young couple will have a wonderful life from now on. We got to see Leizi grow up. He's careless, but not outrageous. Your uncles will be there for you if you need them.


Thank you, Uncle. This "Thank you" was repeated many times. Pan Lei was really suffering from cirrhosis*. He downed glass after glass of cold water. They finally married, the two of them became official, and their days were harmonious. It was the start of a new chapter, and the days of companionship had arrived.

{T/N: *Just a joke. Remember the author saying his liver hurts bcoz of TY?}


"Drink less water; you’ll get a stomachache."


Pan Lei continued to drink on Tian Yuan's behalf. When someone toasted again, Pan Lei drank two glasses at once. He didn’t let Tian Yuan drink too much, even if it was water.


"I think I hear a noise in my tummy. I can hear the water sloshing about whenever I move."


"There are still a few tables left. We'll go eat after the toasts. I requested that my mum save the food for us."


"It's my mother-in-law who is wonderful."


The newlyweds were the most exhausted at this wedding ceremony. Papa Pan stopped following the couple once they arrived at the table where Huang Kai and the others were seated. The youngsters would undoubtedly have their own way of drinking and celebrating.


Pan Lei sat at the table and didn't leave. He took up his chopsticks and began preparing food for Tian Yuan.


"Quickly pad your stomach. I'm dying of hunger. Eat up. The meatballs and chicken are both delicious. What's up with this odd chicken? It looks dismembered."


Tian Yuan was not polite and joined the table. He sat, ate, and then glanced at the chicken. The meat and bones had been separated, with the bones remaining intact on the plate.


"Lin Mu, you dissected it, didn’t you. The knife work is exquisite. It's okay to practice autopsy at the morgue. You are deserving of a position in the surgical department. You have my admiration."


"It'll only be corpses that are dissected with the scalpel in Lin Mu's hand, right?" Huang Kai choked out. "Too scary."


"Why do I feel that your alcohol tolerance has improved, Leizi? Your face isn't flushed and you're not dizzy after drinking with all of these people. If this had been previously, you would have been wasted and swaying, hugging and kissing your husband nonstop. Something must be in the bottle. Buddy, you’re married, and we brothers can't disrespect you."

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Zhang Hui stood up, grabbed up the extra glasses, and handed them two bottles of wine.


"The first cup, may you live a long and happy life together."


Cunning. Zhang Hui prepared the glasses and wine for them, knowing they were duping others. What could they possibly do other than drink it?


After drinking the toast, Lin Mu stood up.


"Everything good comes in pairs. Come drink the jiāo bēi jiǔ[1], you two."


The glasses were filled, so they had no choice but to cross their arms and exchange the glasses of wine.


"May the heavens bless you[2]; let's drink."


Pan Ge also served them wine.


Pan Lei looked at him with disbelief.


"I'm your own little brother."


"It doesn't matter how close your relationship is at the wine table. Drink."


"Just you wait. There will come a time when you will marry. When that time comes, we'll work together to get you drunk."


Looking at the situation, Second Brother and Huang Kai’s wedding was also approaching, which meant it was time for their revenge. The couple was small-minded, and they would remember this conflict and being compelled to drink. 

"May, may, may the four joys visit you[3]. Drink."


Tian Yuan did not drink the toast and put the wine glass away this time. After all, Huang Kai was also a Pan family member, therefore they were all related. Tian Yuan would play tricks this time.


"Which four joys? Surely not sì xǐ wán zi[4]. I won't drink this wine unless you explain."


"The first joy is you guys getting married, the second joy is Pan Lei's promotion. The third joy is you completing the advanced course and becoming an attending physician in thoracic surgery, and the fourth joy, er..."


He couldn't figure it out at all. It might have been acceptable to wish them a baby soon if they were an ordinary man and woman couple, but they weren't.


"I can't think of anything. Drink, drink."


Pan Lei booed and poured Huang Kai a glass. Pan Ge took it up and finished the drink all at once. His tolerance for liquor was far greater than Huang Kai's.


"Leizi, it's customary to make trouble in the bridal chamber. We talked about it. Tonight, we'll all go to your house to make trouble in your bridal chamber. Since you've been living together before marriage, things like apple-biting are trivial and really dull. You drank too much yesterday. Didn't you say you'd remove Tian Yuan's clothes with your mouth? We're not going to screw around. We will spare you as long as you strip Tian Yuan naked in front of us. How’s that?"


Pan Ge truly did not suffer any losses. He drank Huang Kai's glass of wine and retaliated swiftly.


"Fine, I’ll take it off. Who is afraid of whom? You must all clear the place as soon as we strip naked. On the wedding night, every minute is worth an ounce of gold. Also, where are the promised plane tickets? We're traveling to Canada to get married and will leave the day after tomorrow."

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"I will keep my promise if you dare to strip naked."




Tian Yuan stomped on Pan Lei. Did he want to put on a live erotic show in front of all of these folks on their wedding night? Did he want any face? Did he?


The boys gave a wicked smile. Humph! Humph! Tonight is going to be fun. They'd seen the two of them lock lips before, but nothing more intimate. Let us feast our eyes tonight.


"You really promised him? Second Brother is only interested in watching a good show and playing tricks on us."


Tian Yuan had no face to embarrass himself with Pan Lei. He had a thin face and lacked the guts.


"I lied to them; I have reserved a hotel room for tonight. We're going to spend our wedding night at a hotel. We can play as wild as we like. Nobody will care if the bed falls apart from rocking."


Pan Lei whispered into Tian Yuan’s ear. He was aware of this evil bunch’s bad intentions and had prepared for it.


Tian Yuan kicked him in the shin.


"F*ck off and go cool off somewhere cold. There is never a time when you don't play hooligan with your lecher disease."


"Hey, don't be like this, my darling. I'm just worried that they'll see you. You are all mine from head to toe. Wouldn't I lose out if they saw you? Please come with me, please come with me. Our luggage is nicely packed, and our parents will accompany us. The plane tickets are for the day after tomorrow. We'll stay in a hotel for a day and two nights before flying to Canada to obtain the marriage certificate. This is something we agreed on a long time ago."


Pan Lei pursued him, coaxing him the entire time, but Tian Yuan disregarded him. Bed falling apart from rocking? No, thanks. He didn’t want to die in bed.


The evil bunch rocked with laughter. Look at Tian Yuan's power! Pan Lei can be made to obey with just one kick.


Huang Kai would never dare to kick Pan Ge.


Lin Mu would undoubtedly dare to kick Chen Ze.


Xiaji didn’t need to kick. His mouth was enough to poison people to death. He must have grown up eating arsenic.


This couple's lives were not only beautiful, but also loud. They laughed, argued, attempted to outdo each other, adored, and spoiled each other. These vibrant days are known as life.


It was painful to socialize and say goodbye to the guests. They would have both long crashed if it hadn't been for the water. They dispatched one batch of guests after another until late at night. The rogues stood by the side, their arms thrown across the couple's shoulders, refusing to leave.


"Come on, we brothers will see you to your bridal chamber."


They had made up their minds to watch Pan Lei take Tian Yuan's clothing off with his mouth today, so they refused to leave no matter what.


"I've drank so much that my tummy is bursting. I need to pee. You all have to wait for me. Tian'er, don't you find it difficult to hold it in? Didn't you just tell me you needed to use the restroom?"


Pan Lei dragged Tian Yuan to the restroom before he could react.


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"I don't want to use the restroom."


"You're a moron. If we don't flee immediately, we'll have to let them see it."


Pan Lei scouted the enemy's position. He opened the door and raced out, taking Tian Yuan directly to the back door, when he noticed no one was around. They'd be at an intersection where they could flag down a taxi and speed away if they ran down that alley.


"Damn, those two couldn't have gotten away, could they?"


Something didn't feel right to Pan Ge. They were all expecting a good spectacle, but what if the two of them got away? They yelled and dashed to the restroom. There was, indeed, no one there. When they asked the waiter, they were told that the pair had fled out the back door.


When they caught up, they saw the couple getting into a taxi.


"They bolted! Leizi is quite crafty, and Tian Yuan has grown bad after becoming involved with him!"


The gang found it ridiculous and exasperating. Since we can't watch the good show, let's go back to our respective houses.


"Kaizi[5], now is a good time to review the family rules."


Pan Ge led the dunce away.


"Let's return to the kitchen. I had them make you treats. Bring them home and eat them for late-night snacking."


Zhang Hui left with Xiaji as well.


"Amidst the flowers under the moonlight[6]; fine time and beautiful scenery[7]; my dear, let's do something."


Lin Mu consented to Chen Ze's suggestion with a nod.


"Go to the morgue with me and dispose of the corpse."


They, too, left.


In the taxi, Pan Lei carried Tian Yuan over, sat him on his lap, and kissed him. He was perfectly content.


"You're mine now, baby. We've gotten married. We will travel to Canada the day after tomorrow to obtain our marriage certificate. We'll be legally married at that point. My job is likewise solid, and I can drive home every day to cook for you, coax you to sleep, go for a stroll with you and Jindou'er, and drop you and pick you up from work. I will never again let you be wronged."


"Yes, I've been looking forward to holding the certificate and firmly disciplining you for quite some time. If you anger me again, I'll make you kneel in the corner."


"Honey, tonight is our wedding night, don't talk about this scary stuff. I'll kiss you. The kiss after legalizing is the most unforgettable."


Tian Yuan grinned, encircled Pan Lei's shoulders, and kissed him. His heart felt soothed once they married. Pan Lei's employment was no longer hazardous. This simple life was so pleasant. Happiness and sweetness awaited them.


"Let's head towards our sexual happiness."


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Pan Lei emphasized the words "sexual happiness." He was talking about the hotel, where he planned to torment Tian Yuan over and over again, doing this and that so that he could love him a lot.


"Yes, there will be happiness in the days ahead. Let's make our way to happiness."


Happiness, whether sexual or otherwise, was a blessing.


It is a blessing to have you. Among so many people, I love you. I will only be faithful to you for the rest of my life and spend it with you. I swear by all the gods, I'll adore you until the seas dry up, the stones soften, and everything fades. I want to live with you until we grow old like our grandparents. Then, regardless of who departs first, the other partner will bury him and then wait for the beloved departed to come and take away the one who was left behind. The younger generation will bury us together, and our tombstone will read: Here lie Mr. & Mrs. Tian (Maiden name: Pan).


Then we'll cross the Naihe Bridge, drink Meng Po's soup, and reincarnate together. I'll see you in the next life.


I know you love me, and you also know I can give you anything, so let's live a sweet life like this. Obtain the marriage certificate and raise Jindou'er. You will go to the army to train your men, while I will practice as a doctor, and then we will return home together, eat together, and sleep together. By the way, I'd like you to sing "green flowers in the army" to me every night to coax me to sleep. I'll wake up to your good morning kiss, kiss you good-bye at the door, and wait for you to pick me up in the evening.


Those are the days I am looking forward to. Let's move towards a happier place. We've already started. We're making progress.


Let’s keep loving like this.


Love until the next life.


I love you, you know.


And I know you love me too.


Be happy. Allow happiness to find you. Be joyful no matter who you are. Love him, cherish him, even though he is rude and unreasonable, crafty, and many people point out his flaws. "I love him," you can say. "You got a problem?"


Lover. The more you spoil him, the gutsier he becomes.


Don't believe me? Try spending the rest of your life with me and see how I spoil you to the point of lawlessness.


(The End)


[1] Formal exchange of cups of wine between bride and groom as traditional wedding ceremony.

[2] sān xīng bào xǐ is actually part of a common blessing sān xīng bào xǐ, wǔ fú lín mén. The first half signifies that the three major stars will bring you good fortune, while the second half means that the five blessings will descend upon this house (namely: longevity, wealth, health, virtue, and a natural death).

[3] sì xǐ lín mén: (May the) four joys come to your home. These four joys are: Swallows building nests, Magpies coming to the door, Spiders falling from ceilings, and Spring in dead wood. All four of these things are deemed lucky. The reason and explanation can be found here.

[4] Braised pork balls in gravy. It is made up of four meatballs that represent the four great joys: life, fortune, longevity, and happiness. To honor its auspicious symbolism, it is frequently served as the final course in banquets such as weddings and birthday parties.

[5] Huang Kai's nickname, identical to Leizi's. Interestingly, kǎi zi=good-looking guy; rich(slang).

[6] yuè xià huā qián. Romantic surroundings.

[7] liáng chén měi jǐng. Means "everything lovely."



That concludes the main story Don't go anywhere because we have 33 extras. Extras will be released at a slower pace, and because their lengths vary, I may combine some of them. 


I'm looking for a new project, so share your suggestions. Max. 100 chapters, plus or minus a few (IDYTRAA taught me a valuable lesson). I'm considering translating a BG story next. Would you like that?



See you next month! I'd love to see you review the story on NU, comment, and/or send kofi my way while you wait for the extras~

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