Chapter 83 Trade your son for my baby

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In a panic, the assailant grabbed Tian Yuan and wrapped the detonator around his neck. If he was shot, he would immediately murder the doctor. He didn't want to hurt others, but he had to exact his vengeance. He kept his gaze fixed on the elevator, waiting for someone to emerge.


Pan Lei walked out of the elevator as soon as the door opened and saw Tian Yuan being threatened. His rage erupted all at once like a volcano.


"Let him go. Let him go at once!"


Pan Lei yelled, pointing at the assailant's nose. He was terrified when he saw his beloved being threatened, the detonator swaying around his neck.


"What about that b***h?! Give up that woman for the sake of everyone else's safety. Everyone in this hospital is deserving of death! They were unconcerned about my wife. They should be buried with my wife!"


He flicked the lighter and moved his hand towards the detonator as he said this. Pan Lei took a forward step.


"I'll blow your head off if you even touch a single hair on his head. Keep your lighter away from him. Get away from him. Did you hear what I said? Keep your distance! Otherwise, I will refuse any request."


Pan Lei started yelling, and his voice sounded like muffled thunder. Tian Yuan felt relieved to see Pan Lei. He would not be harmed if he were present.


So he even had the time to think; it's no surprise his parents named him Pan Lei[1]. His voice was so loud.


"Don’t you just want that woman? I asked them to look for her. I swear I'll bring her to you. I don't care if you rip her apart in front of me. But the person you're holding is mine. You want to use my beloved to threaten me? It's not going to happen. Let him go quickly."


The assailant shrank back when he heard Pan Lei roar. He was a textbook example of someone who bullied the weak but was terrified of the strong. The most terrifying aspect was not that the assailant would kill someone, but that it would be an unintentional death.


The assailant trembled and moved the lighter and detonator away when Pan Lei pointed at his nose and yelled.


"I want her to pay for her actions with her life. If she doesn't come, I'll bury everyone here with my wife!"


"I'll bring that woman to you, but first you have to let go of this person. I won't agree to anything if you threaten me with him."

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Tian Yuan was caught in a bind. What would happen to the twenty or thirty people who remained behind?


"Pan Lei, let them go first."


"Shut up! Don't talk. I’ll handle this. It’s none of your business!"


Tian Yuan was yelled at by Pan Lei. Why was he acting heroic at such a critical juncture? Had he watched too many movies? Did he regard himself as a saint, allowing others to be rescued first? Did he intend to make a sacrifice of himself? Did he know that the hero in the Anti-Japanese War [2]movie ended up dead? Pan Lei didn't care about anyone else but Tian Yuan. He could relax once Tian’er escaped unscathed.


Just look at him trying to be a hero. There were a lot of heroes in their family. There was no need for one more. He just needed to be safe.


Tian Yuan remained silent. He didn't need to say anything else at this point. He was still a hostage. What qualifications did he have to negotiate?


"Come on now, let him go. We can talk about anything you want. Right now, you must release him to me quickly!"


The assailant lacked the courage to look Pan Lei in the eyes. Pan Lei's eyes were filled with rage, and he had a violent and stubborn expression. He winced and moved his hand away slowly.


Pan Lei let out a sigh of relief. Tian Yuan, thankfully, was unharmed. He could finally relax.


Tian Yuan stepped forward and approached him. Pan Lei extended his hand to hug him. Who knew Tian Yuan would take two or three steps before the assailant repented and rushed to grab Tian Yuan's neck, igniting the lighter? The lighter and the detonator were only ten centimeters apart, right next to Tian Yuan's shoulder. Pan Lei's heart nearly jumped out of his chest. His body had already begun to move before he could even think about rushing up in his mind.


"Don't move, don't come over!"


The assailant yelled, his voice cracking. No matter how you looked at it, it seemed he was already crazy.


Pan Lei came to an abrupt halt just a few steps away from the assailant. He saw the lighter approaching Tian’er and didn't dare to take a step closer. With Tian Yuan's life on the line, he couldn't take any chances. He couldn't bear the thought of losing his baby. Tian Yuan was almost there, just seven inches away, but he seemed so far away. Pan Lei clenched his fists, enraged. He would undoubtedly thrash this assailant and break all of his bones once he caught him.


"I'm not going to let anyone go until I see that woman. Why hasn't she shown up after all this time? I want to see that woman, I want to see her!"

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Pan Lei gnashed his teeth. This sonofab***h. Since childhood, he had never received such threats. He'd completed more than a thousand missions. When was the last time he was threatened? Was he intending to be cruel and threaten him? Threaten him with his beloved? Laozi’s not a vegetarian!


Pan Lei took out his phone and called his team waiting downstairs.


"Bring along his immediate family! No matter who it is, bring them up. Where's that woman? Tie her up! You're unable to persuade her? Simply tie her up. Don't bother trying to persuade her."


"Did you hear it? My people will tie her up and bring her over as soon as possible. You'd better let him go now."


The assailant's eyes were red from fear as he swallowed his saliva.


"Not until I see her!"


Pan Lei made a creaking sound with his fist. He was doing his best to endure it and couldn't afford to be careless. Tian Yuan remained in the assailant’s grasp.


"You're not letting him go? You're ruthless."


The elevator chimed, and the deputy team leader emerged hugging a two-year-old child in his arms with a pacifier in his mouth. He was red from crying, and when he saw his father, he extended his small hands towards him asking to be held.


Pan Lei was holding the child. He didn't carry the child like a normal person, but rather like a luggage roll, with the child under his arm. The child was distressed, croaking and crying and kicking his arms and legs.


"You, what do you want with my son? Let him go!"


When the assailant saw his son being treated in this manner, he became agitated and yelled at Pan Lei.


"Let him go? All right, your son is your baby. But you see, the hostage in your hands is also my baby, and I can't bear the thought of hurting even a single strand of his hair. You fucked with my baby and threatened me? Do you think Laozi is a vegetarian? There's nothing else to say. We'll make a one-for-one trade. You let go of my baby, and I will let go of your son. Otherwise..."


Pan Lei smashed the window glass with his fist. The glass shattered and fell to the ground at the base of the building. Half of the window's glass shattered, creating a large hole. Pan Lei reached out and grabbed the clothes on the child's back, carrying the child out the window like a package. The child would undoubtedly fall from the fourth floor if he let go.

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"I will return your son if you let him go. If you continue to hesitate, I will let go and let him fall to his death."


Pan Lei clenched his teeth.


"Let’s see who can be the cruelest."


The assailant had never imagined something like this would happen to him. He didn't dare to hesitate any longer and let go of Tian Yuan's hand, pushing him forward a little.


Tian Yuan took advantage of the opportunity to run. Pan Lei reached out his hand and grabbed him. Pan Lei's heart finally calmed down.


"Now bring in my son and hand him over to me!"


The assailant's gaze was fixed on Pan Lei's hands. The child would undoubtedly fall if he let go. This was a lunatic. He had no idea Pan Lei would do such a thing. Using his son to threaten him? There was no doubt about who was the most cruel. Who would dare to fight him again if he was cruel enough to attack an innocent child?


Pan Lei drew his hand back and placed the child in Tian Yuan's arms.


"Take the child down."


The assailant wanted to rush over, but he was terrified of Pan Lei, so he became enraged.


"You don't mean what you say. You give the baby back to me."


"Don't you want revenge? Do you want to kill in front of your two-year-old son? Do you want him to have nightmares the rest of his life? No matter how this ends, he should have a childhood free of nightmares. Your mother is downstairs. I'll let him take the baby to your mother."


Tian Yuan held the bawling child. He was concerned that Pan Lei would try to handle the detonator. That was a set of explosives. Pan Lei wouldn't be involved with them, would he? In addition, the assailant was a victim. His family would not be broken if it weren't for Dr. Li. In the end, they were the ones who owed him.


He was in a dilemma. On the one hand, he hoped that Pan Lei would subdue the assailant, but on the other hand, he hoped that the assailant could escape. He could go to a faraway place, as shown on TV, and wait for the situation to be resolved in order to get a fair trial.


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Tian Yuan reached out and grabbed Pan Lei's sleeve. Tian Yuan shook his head as Pan Lei looked at him. Pan Lei's eyes immediately softened. How could he not yet comprehend Tian Yuan's thoughts? He relented.


"Hurry up and go. I won't be relieved until you leave."


Pan Lei was aware of Tian Yuan's generosity. He was a man who fought death every day in order to save the dying. He had treated many patients and possessed the innate compassion of a healer for others. In this case, the attacker was also the victim. But, no matter how much he was wronged, he should not have threatened them with so many people's lives. The most important thing was that he should not have threatened him with Tian Yuan. That was his biggest blunder. He would adhere to protocol and would not kill the assailant on the spot, but he would definitely apprehend him. His crime was not insignificant.


Tian Yuan was dawdling. He had to listen to Pan Lei's words, but he was curious about how this situation would unfold.


The assailant was probably thinking about Pan Lei's words and remained silent as they moved towards the elevator. He couldn't bear the thought of exposing the child to anything bloody. He did not insist on holding the child again. Pan Lei noticed Tian Yuan's slow movements and glared at him, his eyes pointing to the elevator. Needless to say, Tian Yuan went straight to the elevator. This fire-breathing dragon was truly furious. He didn’t want to suffer.


Who knew the elevator would burst open at that precise moment?


Dr. Li was held by the deputy team leader. He grabbed her arm and pushed her out, ignoring her struggles.


Doctor Li remained haughty, yelling, “Let me go, why did you bring me here? I am not a criminal, and I intend to sue you!”


The deputy team leader shoved Dr. Li toward Pan Lei, who grabbed her. Dr. Li's arrogance was immediately reduced when she saw Pan Lei. He'd taught her a lesson today, and she didn't dare to cause trouble again when she saw him.


"Take Tian Yuan and the child down. Make sure they are five hundred meters away."


Pan Lei didn't turn around to look behind him. He was confident that his men would always follow his orders. But he had forgotten about Tian Yuan, who was compassionate and concerned about the other hostages.   


[1] Lei = thunder. In internet slang, it means terrifying.

[2] This is the second time the author has mentioned war with Japan. For those who are unaware, China and Japan have a bloody history. I don’t think it's an exaggeration to say they hate each other.




I was laughing while translating this. Pan Lei’s conduct is so OTT

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