I Dare You To Run Away Again

Chapter extra 15

Extra 15 About learning to drive

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Tian Yuan's greatest desire was to obtain his driver's license. Consider this. They still had two cars parked in their garage. Pan Lei's Toyota Prado and his GAC Honda. He felt very itchy in his heart every time he saw the automobiles. Others washed their cars, and he did as well; but, whereas others washed their cars because they went out and drove around, splashing mud stains on the car, he washed the car because it had been parked for too long and was full of dust. Think about it. He'd had his GAC Honda for more than three years, but the odometer reading was less than 100 kilometers, indicating that it hadn't even completed the break-in period.


Pan Lei strictly forbade him from learning to drive on his own and from attending a driving school. What he dreaded the most was that those driving instructors would be foul-mouthed and irritable while teaching him to drive. He couldn't face the thought of his precious baby being chastised by others.


Pan Lei was rarely at home, and when he was, his focus was on being intimate and spending time with his husband, so teaching Tian Yuan to drive was pushed out of sight. Tian Yuan's attempts to learn to drive had constantly run aground.


He couldn't help but envy people who drove themselves to work. Lin Mu drove to work in a really stylish manner. With a drift, the car would come to a halt, the door would open, and Lin Mu would climb out, eliciting squeals of "Dr. Lin is so handsome!" from numerous nurses every time.


He wanted it as well!


Enough already. He had to try it himself today.


Pan Lei's Prado had an automatic gearbox, which meant that if you pressed the accelerator, the car would drive away. It's a lot easier without the clutch. To quote Lin Mu, "anyone with hands can drive it."


Tian Yuan boldly took the car keys, turned on the ignition to start the car, took a deep breath, gripped the steering wheel, shifted gears, and stepped on the pedal, regardless of whether Pan Lei was home or not.


Yes! It’s moving, it’s moving!


Tian Yuan kept his inner excitement in check and stepped on the throttle carefully. He drove around the community area downstairs at the speed of a turtle crawling and braked smoothly.


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Tian Yuan jumped out of the car and cheered! Oh yeah, oh yeah, I can also drive!


I’m driving to work tomorrow!


Tian Yuan was so daring that he truly drove himself to work the next day.


Every morning, the hospital held a meeting to discuss the patients' treatment plans, and so on. Today, everyone was waiting for their director, but it had been an hour and their director had still not arrived. The work has to be handled by the deputy director.


Could something have happened to the director? The deputy director went in search of Dr. Lin. Lin Mu oversaw the oncology department.


"He hasn’t come to work yet?"


Lin Mu was totally baffled. Has Pan Lei returned? Had he harassed Tian Yuan again till late at night? He called Pan Lei's number, who was busy training his soldiers.


"I'm not at home. Is he ill? Lin Mu, hurry up and go to my house to check on him."


Pan Lei was anxious, so he hurriedly called home, but no one answered. Lin Mu was also a little panicked. Did something really happen?


He didn't even bother taking off his white coat before running downstairs.


Lin Mu spotted a car pulling up to the hospital's entrance. It crept in slowly, like a snail, making people anxious to death. Lin Mu narrowed his eyes to get a better look. Isn't that Pan Lei's Toyota Prado? He took another look at it. Damn! Tian Yuan was behind the wheel.


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Tian Yuan didn’t have a driver's license. This was driving without a license! Even if there's a bureau chief in their family, they should not deliberately break the rules. Did he want to squat in prison?


"Lin Mu, hurry up and help me find a parking spot."


Lin Mu had no choice but to find him a parking spot first. There was a spacious parking place in the middle, between a little QQ on the left and a Beijing Hyundai on the right. Tian Yuan only had to turn the steering wheel to the left leaving enough room, then turn the steering wheel to slide in, then pull on the handbrake, and he'd be done.


Tian Yuan moved, retreated, advanced, and retreated again. He'd been going back and forth for ten minutes and hadn't even gotten the front of the car in.


Lin Mu helped him by directing him.


"Turn the wheel to the left and press the accelerator. Stop, reverse, and steer."


Lin Mu began to sweat, but Tian Yuan's car still did not enter.


The longer he couldn't get in, the more anxious he became, and the more anxious he became, the more panicked he became.


"Don't panic, don't panic, a little less throttle, left, to the left."


The more Lin Mu told Tian Yuan not to panic, the more he panicked. He pressed on the gas hard, and the automobile shot out like an arrow, right towards the flower bed. Lin Mu was terrified when he heard a bang and nearly lost his soul. Please, God, let him be okay.


He dashed over and saw that the bumper was broken, which was trivial. The airbag had popped, which was also minor. He pulled Tian Yuan out in a shambles. Tian Yuan escaped unscathed.

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"Oh no! The car."


"It's nothing as long as you're okay. You scared me to death. Are you alright?"


Tian Yuan walked around the car several times in distress. Lin Mu noticed that he was moving about freely, which indicated that he was fine. At this point, Pan Lei called.


"Lin Mu, have you seen my husband? What's going on?"


"It's nothing; he drove himself to work and had a little accident."


"Accident? Is it serious? Is he alright? Is he bleeding? F*ck! I'll be there right away!"


Lin Mu heard a chair fall to the floor over the phone as Pan Lei dashed out the door.


"He hasn’t even broken any skin. Driving without a license, seriously?! You’d better control him. He can barely drive and dares to go on the road. Thankfully, he’s fine. It’ll be too late if something happens. Don't worry, he is feeling sorry about the car right now."


Pan Lei was genuinely angry this time.


"Hand over the phone to him."


Tian Yuan received the phone and was going to say, Pan Lei, I crashed the car.

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"Tian Yuan, let me warn you; the next time you dare to secretly touch a car without my consent or company, just wait for me. Do you believe me when I say I'll set fire to both cars in front of you?"


Tian Yuan was well aware that he had made a mistake. He really should not be driving without a license, especially alone.


"I won't do it again."


"If you dare to do something like this again, I’ll break your legs. I’d rather handicap you than watch you leave me in a tragic accident."




Pan Lei sighed heavily after a seconds pause.


"How can I live if you leave before me, baby? Please don't do such things."


"Absolutely not, I’ll never touch a car in my life."




What's the use of purchasing Tian'er a car and then not teaching him to drive or allowing him to attend a driving school, Pan Lei? That's not cool.

I just translated the parts on driving and parking word for word. I don't know how to drive, so please let me know if there are any faults in the translation.

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