Chapter 233: Your Fault

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“Your Majesty!” In the heat of the moment, Mrs. Cessley’s urgent voice ech*ed loudly. She ran frantically without care neither from her looks or appearance. She hurried towards Igor and Basil.

The two men slowly raised their heads.

Igor raised his brows. “Mrs. Cessley, what is the pro—”

“Please have a look at this!”

Mrs. struggled to breathe, swiftly fumbling a crumpled letter and handing it to Igor. He looked at it, brows slowly tightening. 

“…What is this?”

“Please… please read it quickly, Your Majesty! This was sent by Princess Helena.” 

Igor focused his gaze to the white crumpled letter and unfolded it, quickly reading the contents.

To my love Rhia,

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My older brother is hatching a plan to murder you and I belive this was set in motion as means to take revenge against Baron Dimitri. He’s learned everything he could about you from what I know and plans to use it malevolently. 

I’m sorry… I realized too late…

He’ll try to have you leave the palace however much he can to… to kill you. 

Please be careful.

I hope I wasn’t late.

Your friend, 


Igor gripped the letter tightly. The white crumpled letter turned into a bundle of ball. Lowly, he said, “You mean… Crichton’s Crown Prince plans to murder Rihannan?”

Mrs. Cessley nodded. “It should be. Princess Helena’s words stands accurate as we speak. Don’t you think so? They have a close relationship similar to best friends. After reading this letter… I’m worried Her Majesty might be placed in danger if she’s sent to the seasonal palace.”

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“But there’s no other way to ensure Rihannan’s safe—”

Igor suddenly realized the identity of the man that worried him dearly so. 

It was going all too easily. Everything was flowing perfectly as if the whole world was on his side. Even capturing Leticia itself was easy. She had walked into the palace herself, and her suspicious behaviour was quickly caught by the henchmen that he had already set beforehand.

The Arc’s stone was placed in a location that was way too easy to be found, and it was even found within a single day. Therefore Igor ended up sending Rihannan to the royal villa the very next day. But what if this was all someone’s plan?

If even the fact that Leticia was sent to the inside of the palace itself was a red herring? All a plan to make Rihannan go out of the palace…

“Your Highness!”

Another person ran towards them. It was the person that was interrogating Count Clobis in the prison. He knelt to one knee in front of Igor.

“Count Clobis has confessed the identity of the mercenary. He said it was Chrichton’s high ranking noble.”

“Crichton noble…” Igor’s voice shook. “Yes. Danil Durik. He is part of the Count Lurik’s family and is personal adviser of the crown prince of Chrichton. It seems that they had recently started working together and plan something for their benefit together.”

All three people standing there were in a deep shock. Basil and Madam Sessly’s gaze both turned towards Igor at the same time.

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Before Basil could even finish speaking, Igor hurriedly started dashing. Basil quickly spoke to Madam Sessly before quickly catching up behind Igor.

“Please do not worry, madam. We promise to bring back the queen safely.”

Madam Sessly nodded several times. Her firm and strong eyes were now suddenly wet with tears welling up. Madam Sessly clasped her hands together hard and wished for all three people to be safe and sound when they come back.

Igor felt his head become completely white and empty as he ran mindlessly. His heart raced at a fast speed in his chest. He had been careless. The people that who brought harm towards Rihannan was the queen mother, Count Clobis and her family. And therefore he thought it should be fine as long as he ties them all up before they could do anything.

However, as the future changed, an unexpected factor came in. Igor had forcibly brought Rihannan to Arundel to marry her, and if he had stayed true to his usual demeaner, her cousin would have stayed quiet and didn’t do anything about it, but this time he himself had made the decision to go up against the crown prince himself. It was because he knew that the crown prince was willing to use Rihannan as a sacrifice to create war between Arundel and Chrichton whenever he wished. And as well as that the crown prince would use Rihannan’s death as a warning to Dimitris not to go against the crown prince. Showing just how far he was willing to go in order to stop him.

And therefore, in the end, everything was just…

“You had brought all of this to yourself.”

He remembered what his mother had said to him in the past. It was her answer to his question of asking her why she had done these things to Rihannan.

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“You had pushed everyone to the edge to the point where the situation had turned out like this. Haven’t you ever thought how cornered rats bite back? I didn’t want to do this either. You know how much I loved that child! In the end, it was your fault that Rihannan had died.”

Igor bit down hard enough on his lips enough to draw blood. If somehow she is to die because of him again… 

He couldn’t even bring himself to continue that thought. He wanted to believe that god isn’t someone that was that violent.

Igor and Basil immediately brought the royal guard with them and rode on their horses at full speed. Just as they were about to reach the path leading to the forest, they found the carriage that Rihannan took to leave to royal villa up ahead.

There didn’t seem any evidence of a battle having taken place around the carriage. There wasn’t even a single fallen soldier’s body. Looking ahead of the carriage, large tree trunks were put to the side. Perhaps they weren’t able to proceed due to the wooden logs. If that was the only problem, then it would have been completely fine.

Igor let out a sigh of relief and afterwards he guided the horse close to the tree nearby the carriage to get off.

“-your majesty!” The commander immediately ran towards Igor as soon as he noticed him.

“Where is the queen?”

As Igor asked the question as soon as he jumped off the horse, the commander couldn’t bring himself to make any kind of response to his question. After making an awkward expression looking as if he couldn’t think of any way to respond without getting into trouble, the commander quickly knelt down on this knees and bowed down deeply onto the ground.

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