Chapter 235: Her Fear Come to Life

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Basil didn’t ask why Igor decided to choose that location. In this moment, Igor didn’t have a single hint of confusion or chaos in his face that was there just a moment ago. He had a horrifically cold and calm expression instead. Whenever he made a decision with that kind of expression, he never made any errors in his judgement.

Basil turned towards the soldiers and gave order.

“We’re moving to the Black Forest in Calsis right away. Make sure to search every household in that area!”


When she opened her eyes again, the only thing she could see was a dark room around her. She could feel wet humidity around her. And this faint smell of mold that’s in the air… The moment Rihannan realized that, she quickly raised her body up.

It was dark all around her. Even though there was a window, not even a tiny bit of light was coming in. She was barely able to only discern the shapes of objects around her. The room was completely empty, and the only thing there was a disheveled bed that she was lying on. The ground didn’t even have any proper coverings, just damp hay all over.

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Rihannan once saw the same scenery around her in the past. Not in this current life, but in the previous one. The scenery of the jail that she was thrown in like a thrown away piece of garbage was just like this.


It became harder to breathe. Feeling an immense amount of fear push her down, Rihannan grabbed her chest with her hand.

This is definitely just a dream. That’s what she thought. That’s right, she was just having the nightmare again that she didn’t have for quite some time. There was no way that she’d be back here unless it was a dream again after all. However, for some reason, every sensation to her felt very real. The damp air around her as well as the rough texture of the blanket. More than anything, the coldness of the air around her enveloping her.

Rihannan slapped her two cheeks with her hands. She was doing this out of hurry to wake up from this dream. Her cheeks became red and painful. Tears welled up in her eyes automatically. Even so, it didn’t seem like she would be waking up from this dream at all.

Only then Rihannan realized that this may actually be reality. If it really is real life and not a dream, then what does this all mean? Did she perhaps return to the location that she was last in before she returned back to life from her previous death?

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Rihannan’s chin shook feintly. Numerous thoughts became a jumbled mess in her mind. Her mind, which had already escaped beyond any semblance of normality, slowly began to change the scenery that was around her.

She could see giant iron jail bars that blocked her from ever escaping. She could also see soldiers staring at her, deeply spiting her for selling out her own country. The moment Rihannan noticed an unknown stain of red on the floor, Rihannan slowly stepped backwards. Despair completely swallowed her up in a single moment. She may actually be locked up here for her entire life. As if the fact that she had gone back to her age of twelve and relieved her life again was all just a dream.

That’s right, returning to life. And to think that a bird that granted her wish rewinded the time backwards. That doesn’t sound right in any way at all. It was actually more realistic that it was all just a dream in the end.

As her mind reached that thought, her body started to shake uncontrollably. Rihannan put herself in the corner of the bed and balled up her body.

Then what is going to happen now? Would she be taken out of the cell soon to be executed, or would Leticia come to her with poison in her hand and tell her to drink it? Both outcomes were terrifying and she didn’t want either of them. But since she is locked up like this, there didn’t seem like there was any other way.

I’m sure that the person that’s trying to kill me will be you this time as well…

Rihannan swallowed back her tears as she buried her head in her knees. She felt that she may have gone insane in the end. After losing her baby, becoming falsely accused as well as getting betrayed by her own husband, she ended up losing all semblance of sense in her mind and started to create a whole fantasy world in her mind…

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As she soaked her knees with her sorrowful tears, Rihannan remembered one fact.


Rihannan put her hand on her stomach. Though it wasn’t huge yet, her belly was still swollen. It was definitely a different shape than how her belly turned to after having the miscarriage back then. Her baby was definitely still inside of her.


Rihannan let out a big sigh. She started to finally calm down, and the mess of thoughts in her mind started to sort itself out one by one. This was not a dream. If all of that was a dream, then she wouldn’t have a child inside of her right now after all.

‘Then where is this place?’

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Rihannan finally snapped out of her delusion and came back to reality. There was no such thing as iron jail bars in front of her. It simply looked like a simple run down small hut located in a remote place.

Her memories of what happened before she lost conciousness slowly started to come back to her. After ordering the children to distract the soldiers, she left to go down into the lake to meet Dimitri. Inside the field of tall reeds was a man who was standing with his back towards her. Just like the children said, it was a man who had quite a large muscular body. His silver hair that flowed out of his hood that he was wearing was also glittering feintly in the light.


Hearing Rihannan’s call, he slowly turned around. It was a face very familiar to her. However, he was not Dimitris.


Suddenly, a door opened with the sound of a creak when her thoughts were reaching upto that point. A man stepped into the room. The small candle holder in his hand lit up the darkness inside. 

Looking directly at the man’s face lit up by the light from the candle, Rihannan gritted her teeth. “Duke Danil Lyurik.”

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