Chapter 252: It Was the Queen Mother

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After that day, a bloodbath occured in Arundell. Igor first arrested all those that were related to why Rihannan died. He executed Count Clovis who had the right to succession and hung his head on the castle wall outside, and Duke Allesin as well as Leticia had their bodies cut up into pieces before being thrown to wild animals for feed.

As the king went mad, killing his own mother and the successor to the throne without going through a proper trial, the nobles that have political power began to rise up heavily against him. However, their anger quickly subsided.

This was because Chrichton’s wrath reached Arundel after hearing the truth that it was the queen mother who had actuallya*sassinated many of the royal family members of Chrichton. After hearing about how Rihannan had died, the Crown Prince Dimitrs was also definitely not going to let this pass.

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In the dead of night one day, the fogged up shores of Arundell were suddenly filled with Chrichton naval battleships, which prompted the beginning of the war. For a long time, there was nothing but people murdering each other. Murder would beget revenge, which would in turn incite another revenge and so on.

The reason why the slaughtering came to a stop after nearly a year was because the Toulouse Empire started to show their ambition while Chrichton and Arundell were in a war with each other. Realizing that they’re in danger of both becoming conquered by the Toulouse Empire at this rate, they decided to stop the war.

The side that gave reason for the war was Arundell. For this reason, Chrichton would be able to keep its dignity as the winner if it had gained something from invading Arundel. However, the nation of Chrichton didn’t gain anything of note in the end, only getting kicked out back to their homeland after completely losing many battles.

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After the war was all over, Igor was heralded as the king who had protected Arundell by defeating the invading army of Chrichton. The population was too busy celebrating him as a king, while Igor was standing above mountains of bodies and blood that he had built up.

Ironically, Igor was able to figure out how to beat Chrichton’s army as well as their weaknesses through this war. Therefore when he had waged war against Chrichton again 6 years later, he was able to achieve complete victory over them without needing to shed much blood from either side.

Flashback End. 

“So it was… The queen mother.”

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A sobbing voice rang out. Igor stood still as he watched Rihannan’s face, who was standing right in front of him. She was not on the floor dead like she was in the past, but was now standing alive in front of him, crying.

After returning to life in a new timeline, once he realized that Rihannan didn’t commit any kind of vengeance towards those that led to her own death and calmly left the nation, he felt a wave of fear suddenly come over him. How would she react if she were to know that up until then he had killed and murdered numerous people without any remorse like a psychopath?

She would definitely be afraid of him or despise him completely. He would be proving to her that he was no different than the queen mother who had led to her death after all.

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Therefore even though Igor had told her everything that had happened in the past, he simply couldn’t bring himself to talk about the fact that he had brutally murdered the queen mother, Count Clovis as well as her family as well. She was already in plenty of shock without needing to hear that.

“And she… Put me in…”

Tears ran down Rihannan’s cheeks. Igor slowly stretched out his hand. Just as he was about to wipe away the tear on Rihannan’s cheek as she couldn’t use her hands at the moment, the doors to the room suddenly opened.

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