Chapter 255: Stay By Her Side

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“Go through all the proper procedures in dealing with the aftermath. There is no need to go out and attack them just because they won’t admit their fault.”

“Of course.”

“Make sure Count Clovis and Leticia’s trial and penalty proceed swiftly as well. There is no need to delay it any further.”


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“And for a time, I shall directly take care of Rihannan myself.”

Mrs. Cessly’s eyes widened with surprise after hearing Igor’s words. “Take care of her? Are you saying your majesty will nurse the queen yourself?”

“Not only nursing her back to health, but staying by her side and taking care of her every need. So Basil, you have to take care of everything in my stead for a while. Push back any important business as much as you can unless it’s an emergency.”

Basil also looked at Igor with a bit of a surprised expression before bowing his head. “Yes, understood.”

“But your majesty…” Mrs. Cessly looked at Igor with some concern on her face. “I understand your worries, but at this rate I am afraid that you may damage your own health as well, your majesty. If it is perhaps because you do not like me that you are…”

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“I am definitely not doing this because I have any hatred towards you, madam.”

Igor made a bitter smile on his face. “There was a time in the past when Rihannan was in more pain and suffering than she ever did in her whole life, and I was not by her side to take care of her. If things take an unfortunate turn… Then a problem may occur accordingly, if you understand what I mean.”

Even though the doctor only said that there won’t be any serious problems as long as she takes a good long rest, Rihannan never had any day where she felt absolutely relaxed and comfortable after learning of her pregnancy in the past. The memory of her losing her child in the previous life kept coming back into his head. It kept him anxious more and more, due to the fact that everything that had happened in the previous life was happening again in a similar fashion.

He didn’t have any power in him to stop all probability of Rihannan potentially losing her child again in this lifetime due to the stress. However, this time he knew that he would be able to stay by her side. If the unfortunate event were to happen, he will be by her side to share the grievance instead of making her suffer the sadness and pain alone.

Mrs. Cessly deeply bowed towards Igor. “Yes, your majesty. I shall follow your wishes.”

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After sending the two out, Igor went to the room where Rihannan was. He looked at her sleeping face as she layed on the bed. It looked to him as if she would keep sinking deeper into the bed until she completely disappeared. Her pale white face as well as flowing silver hair all over the bed even helped in that illusion.

Igor spent a long time staying by Rihannan’s side that day. Time went deep into the night, and the moonlight drenched the dark room with light for the two.

As Igor watched Rihannan staying still in bed with nearly no movement and the smallest of breaths, he wished for a moment that this quiet and calm moment would last forever. If Rihannan were to lose her child again, then their relationship together would just completely fall apart. Even though Igor wished he could just be shameless and keep her to himself even if she did lose her child, he still didn’t have any reason or right to keep her.

Even if the child was safely delivered, Igor couldn’t figure out if there was any difference that could be made from this current position of relationship. Rihannan wished to leave the country together with the child after learning about the fact that Igor was returned to life along with her, and she had even fainted from shock after hearing about all the truth that happened in the past. Even if Rihannan were to recover her health, would her heart be healed as well?

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In that moment, a small moan escaped from her lips. She slowly opened her eyes, as Igor hurriedly moved over to the bed and leaned.

“Rihannan, are you coming to your senses?”

Half-awoken eyes turned to be directed towards him. After staring at his face vacantly for a moment, a sudden shock and horror washed over Rihannan’s face.


Rihannan tried to get up and escaped from him, in a half delirious state.

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