Chapter 259: Meeting Leticia

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As she had predicted some part of this would happen already, Rihannan wasn’t that surprised by the news. After she went over the thoughts for a moment, she spoke.

“I wish to meet Leticia myself.”

“That’s not possible.”

His expression quickly changed to one that was terrifying. Perhaps due to what he saw happen to Rihannan when she had met with the queen mother, he came to the conclusion that he won’t let Rihannan see Leticia no matter the circ*mstance.

“I have something that I wish to say to Leticia directly.”

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“Do you know what that woman has done to you to your very last moments?”

He spoke as he gritted his teeth.

“She gave you the poison that delivers the most painful death out of anything else. To make sure that you would give up on your life as soon as possible.”

The memory of the excruciating pain she had gone through after drinking the poison went through Rihannan’s mind and made her completely pale immediately. She had alreadya*sumed somewhat after looking at the poison that Danil had given to him, but she had now confirmed it for real again. Leticia truly had hated every fibre of her being to the very last moment of her breath.

“But I still need to meet her.”

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“This time, I won’t be doing things like fainting. My body has been healed, and more than anything, Leticia can never dare to hurt me in this state.” Rihannan let out a faint smile. It was a smile directed at him that he has not seen for a long time. “I’ve never once asked for a favour from you, have I? I wish you would grant me this one favour, thinking it as my first and last one.”


Inside the dungeon jail was exactly as Rihannan had remembered. Dark, humid and cold. A place where people thrown away by the world are put in.

In that place, Rihannan shivered for a moment as she remembered her past, but soon regained her composure. There will no longer be herself that is consumed by the nightmares of her past. What she had experienced here had by definition never happened after all.

Leticia was curled up, sitting down at a corner of a dark room. She had her face buried in her knees when she heard sounds from outside, and quickly turned her head towards it from surprise. As soon as she recognised it was Rihannan’s face, her red eyes alighted with ember.

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“…You!” Leticia immediately ran and clung onto the iron bars. She pushed her hand between the bars and flailed it, trying to reach her. “It’s you, right? You’re the one who made me like this, right!? You’re the one…”

The red hair that everyone once praised for its immaculate beauty was now in a messy clump, and her mesmerizing face was crumpled up like a devil. Rihannan stared down at Leticia in that state. She thought that once she sees Leticia she would be in fear like last time or get angry at her instead, but contrary to hera*sumption, she didn’t feel any emotions towards Leticia at all. She simply thought it was ironic that the position between them had completely switched between her life now and the past.

“Look at me now. This is all your fault…”

“It isn’t my fault, Leticia. What you’ve done made you deserve all this.”

Hearing Rihannan’s quiet retort, Leticia’s eyes strained with bloodshot veins.

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“Shut up! If you had not thrown me out in the first place…”

“In the past, I had already once accepted you for who you are. Although you probably don’t remember.”

“Accepted me? What do you mean, accepted me? On the very first day I went to that house, you kicked me out!”

“No. At first, I definitely accepted you and took you in. Of course, it wasn’t truly what I wanted, but since you are my sister, I thought I should be nicer to you.”

“What kind of crazy talk are you saying right now!?”

“Leticia, six years ago you had killed me in this cell. After drinking the poison that you’ve given me.”

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