Chapter 287: Have Each Other 

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As Rihannan’s thought process reached that point, her face felt like hot fire as it blushed heavily. Only then Rihannan realize that she herself was desperately wanting him in her embrace as well. She didn’t want to just have dinner with him and chat with him for a while like before, she wanted to press her hot skin together with his and feel his temperature directly. She wanted to be embraced so tightly that she couldn’t breathe, all the while mixing her tongue along with his. And she wanted… To fill up her hole completely right now.

Rihannan held her cheeks with both her hands and lowered her head. She was embarrassed and shy thinking that he may notice that she was thinking of things like this. On top of that, she’s currently in a state where she’s pregnant. After informing him of her pregnant state, she never even once embraced him at night. That meant that Igor never got to see properly just how much of her body had changed. He may even be disappointed once he realizes just how much different her belly size is. Maybe even think that her womanly charms are now lower than before.


Seeing Rihannan wrestle with her mind with a thousand different confusing thoughts, Igor made an inscrutable smile.

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“If that’s the case, then there’s nothing I can do then. I cannot force you to do what you don’t want to do after all.”

Hearing him say that, Rihannan finally let out a sigh of relief. She thought that he would leave the bathroom right away after saying that.

“Instead, I will wash your body for you then.”

But hearing his sudden reply, Rihannan couldn’t do anything but have her mouth agape and stare at him in shock. Igor fiddled with Rihannan’s silver hair wet with the bathwater as he spoke.

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“I’m sure that you are so tired right now that you don’t even have the energy to wash yourself.”

“No, that’s not the case, I have plenty of energy enough to wash…”

“Well, you looked like you were going to slam your nose down onto the dish in front of you just a moment ago though.”

He was already rolling up his sleeve. He then grabbed the towel for bathing use and started to rub Rihannan’s body.

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More than being embarrassed, Rihannan was more shocked by the fact that the king was kneeling on one leg and was washing her body like some common servant. Even though he did claim a hard to believe statement that it’s normal for a married husband and wife to bathe together, but she was definitely sure that for a husband to do this for his wife was something that would never happen.

“They said that once you get pregnant you gain weight, so why are you lighter than before?”

While carefully wiping down her slender thin arm which looked as if it would snap in half, as usual, he spoke with pity in his voice. Seeing his deep frown on his brows, Rihannan hurriedly remarked.

“That’s because you’ve never seen my belly properly, my dear. Now, my belly is quite large so I ended up not being able to wear any dresses anymore. It’s already this big, so I’m sure that I would probably be rolling around instead of walking by the time I reach the final month.”

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Igor’s gaze went slowly downwards, past her chest which was submerged under the water and even lower, down to a specific part of her body. Rihannan rolled herself up like a pill bug and was about to cover her body up with her arms again when Igor grabbed her arm.

“… Would it be all right if I can touch your stomach just once?”

It was an earnest plea. He waited for Rihannan’s answer in anxious anticipation, thinking she may reject him. Thinking about it, he was never able to properly feel the existence of the child inside of her belly in this life, contrary to his previous one. If Rihannan actually did leave Arundel by getting on the boat, Igor would have ended up living his entire life without being able to experience anything related to her child at all.

And would probably miss the child until his death as well.

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