Chapter 291: Epilogue (1)

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While Rihannan was in a near catatonic state from all they did, Igor finished washing up her body for her, wrapped her in a towel and lifted her straight up and carried her to the bed. Originally he wanted to just tease her a little bit as he helped wash her body, but ended up taking away nearly all of her last remaining energy she had in her body.

Rihannan was already fallen half-asleep as she was laid on the bed, and when Igor sat on the bed next to her, she used all her effort to lift her heavy eyelids. Igor laid down next to her body, and stroked her wet hair to the side.

“Go ahead and sleep.”

Rihannan nodded her head. As her mind started to become foggy and half-asleep, he whispered into Rihannan’s ear.

“However, after you give birth to the child, I won’t hold back anymore.”

As her eyelids heavily drooped downwards, Rihannan asked.

“Not hold back anymore? What do you mean?”

“Until now, I didn’t embrace you multiple times since I thought you may hate it.”

Igor smiled as he kissed his lips upon Rihannan’s silver eyelids as it was half-closed.

“So now, after you give birth, I’ll embrace you over and over again even if you complain that you’re tired.”

Rihannan let out a giggle, then moved close into his chest and embraced him tightly. Not long after, she fell asleep right away. Her small and delicate breathes quietly ech*ed around the room.

Igor kept staring at Rihannan’s face long after she fell asleep, stroking and gazing at her beauty. He now felt his mind finally starting to become relaxed, which had always been worried. He was afraid. That this unbelieveable miracle that had occured to him may end one day. And just like it happened in the past, she may leave far away to a place where his hand cannot reach…

However, now she will never leave by his side. She now has attachment for her life, and more than anything, loves him dearly. They will spend many years together with this child, crying, laughing and finally growing old together.

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Igor closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep. It was the first sweet slumber he had since he had returned to his new life by the miracle. He fell into a deep, sweet sleep while holding onto Rihannan tightly, not waking up even once in the middle from any worry or nightmares. The only thing that woke him up the next morning was Rihannan, together with the morning sunlight, shaking him and telling him to look at the morning scenary outside the window.

“… And Elheim had truly loved the human woman. But as he was the noble and pure god, he couldn’t continue staying on the ground. It is because if he stays in the world of humans for too long, he would lose his sacred godly power…”

The man who was reading the book aloud for their audience glanced at a particular direction from beyond his book. In that place was a little girl sitting down who had the similar color of hair as he did. While having a small yawn, she narrowed her eyes. He could easily see her eyes scolding him, as if asking why he stopped reading the book aloud. The man started to read the book again.

“In the end, Elheim had to leave the woman he loved behind and go back to the sky. However, he cried for the love he had left behind in the human world, and those tears became rain that fell onto the ground. At the same time, inside of that woman’s stomach was a child made by the unification of the two people. The child was birthed safely, and grew up healthy and strong. The child actually had an amazing power. It was the power to transform into a bird. In the human world, he would have the appearance of a plain normal bird, and when he goes up into the sky, he would turn into a blindingly beautiful and shining golden bird instead. And the bird’s name was Maiastra.”

The man turned over the page.

“Maiastra travelled back and forth between his mother and father, relaying the message of love that they wanted to tell each other. In the end, the two was able to reunite and be happy forevermore. And so, to this day, the great legend of Maiastra is passed down to generations. The legend was that if a human who had saved Maiastra from death raised the golden feather and make a wish, it would be granted for them no matter what the wish was.”

After reading all that, the man closed the book. He then smiled at the little girl as he spoke.

“Do you understand? If you have a wish, then you should search for Maiastra as well. The golden bird will definitely grant your wi…”

“Hmph, liar.”

The child scoffed. She didn’t believe it even a little bit.

“That’s just a story in the legends. There’s no way there could be an actual golden bird that grants wishes.”

“No, really, there is. I think I saw it back when I was young as well!”

“Well that’s because you must have made a mistake in what you saw, uncle.”

“Think about your own name. Do you think your name was given to you for no reason?”

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“Why does the origin of my name have to do with the proof of the existence of this legendary bird?”


Dimitris stared at the lovely creature in front of him, who looked very close in outer appearance as his little sister yet on the inside house a little devil, and shed tears down his face. Back when Rihannan was at her age, she would believe every little thing that he would say, yet this child seem to never believe in anything, as if she had spent all of her life finding out that she had been lied to the whole time. On top of that, she would use language almost fitting for an adult, aruging about every little thing with clear logic.

“You really are…”

Just the same as your father, is what Dimitris was about to say when the doors to the room opened. The child’s eyes lit up brightly right away.


The child ran immediately to the beautiful woman who was entering the room. As she embraced her hips, the child could smell her unique wonderful fragrance she exudes.


The mother then smiled warmly as she stroked her daughter’s cheek. She lowered her head to give kisses to both of the daughter’s pudgy little cheeks.

“Looks like uncle was reading a book to you. Was it fun?”

“Yes! It was very very fun and interesting. I didn’t even notice all the time that had passed, mother.”

Hearing that, Dimitris’s mouth was agape in shock. The girl who had just yawned in front of him and showed no sign of interest at all just a moment ago was now making that claim without any guilt.

She was a girl who had lightning quick judgment and critical thinking of situations. She knew that her mother was wishing that she would build up a good relationship with her relatives from this part of the world, so she put up an act that she does enjoy the company of Dimitris greatly.

Rihannan smiled brightly.

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“The stories that Dimitris used to tell me in the past was very fun and interesting. Of course, most of them were just exaggerations and bluffs.”


Dimitris clutched his chest as if he felt he was struck deep within his bones. Mai giggled loudly and agreed wholeheartedily with her mother. Rihannan looked at her child and spoke in a friendly tone.

“Mary said she will be going into the woods to pick some strawberrys to put in a pie. If you want to go together, you should leave now to catch up to her.”

Maia’s purple eyes shined right away.

“Yes! Mother!”

Maia left the room ecstatically. Even after she left the room, thunderous noises was heard as she raced down the hall. Dimitris shook his head side to side.

“I didn’t think it would be this hard to win over the heart of that little tomboy princess.”

“Well it’s all because of this beard of yours.”

Rihannan scolded as she pulled on Dimitris’s beard. Since he haven’t cut any of his beard for several years now, it wasn’t even an exaggeration to say that his whole face was covered in beard.

“I told you. Maia only likes people that is just like her father. Someone very clean and proper. She definitely doesn’t like people who look like beasts like you.”

Dimitris scratched his cheek with his finger. Seeing his pupils shake with doubt, Rihannan laughed.

“If you just cut your beard, you could probably be in the top 4 ranking of people she likes. Really. I’ll guarantee it.”

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“What? Why would I be 4th, and not 3rd? Isn’t it you, that guy and me afterwards as 3rd?”

“Bzzt. You have rival going against you. Someone named Kaka…”

“Kaka? And who’s that? Is it someone that’s going to marry Maia?”

“She’s just 7 years old, why would you be worry about her getting married? Goodness.”

Rihannan sighed as she folded her arms.

“Kaka is the dog that Maia is raising. The dog is huge and wonderful. I had to stop her from wanting to bring her here as well.”

“Then you’re saying I’m beaten by a dog in terms of being liked by her?”

“Oh Dimitris. Please stop being so attached to my daughter and just get married as well, then you can have a daughter too.”

Rihannan slapped his shoulder lightly.

“Maia said to me, uncle grew more wrinkles on his face. And wondered if your family line would end with you.”

The Marquis was horribly worried, as his son was nearly reaching 30 years old yet still had no intention to marry at all. Seeing as how he dotes on Maia, it looked like he still had desires to have a child of his own, and even though there were women lined up wanting to get close to him, Dimitris still wandered around the sea.

“It will end when the time comes anyways. In anycase, is me being 4th really confirmed?”

He stroked his beard as he asked, and Rihannan smiled brightly as she pulled on his arm.

“Of course. Now’s not the time to be like this, let’s cut your beard right now. I’ll do it myself!”

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