ears of the Moon

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In contrast to the palace’s rough looking exterior, the interior looked just like the heart of the nation.
There were no art pieces or extravagant furnishing to be seen, but the interior was so well-decorated with the finest materials, anybody would be able to recognize its value.
Compared to Bauer’s Royal Castle and Holy Cathedral, the palace felt completely different.

After arriving at the Imperial Palace, we were seated in the waiting room in preparation for an audience with the Empress.
Since it was impossible for the Empress to have an audience with all fifty members of the exchange student group, only the representatives were going to be in attendance.
Those representatives were Yuu-sama, Misha, Claire-sama and myself.
While we were waiting, we got changed into formal wear and double-checked our souvenirs.

“Now then, we’re about to meet with the rumored Empress soon, but I wonder how it’ll turn out?”

Yuu-sama spoke as she sank herself into the soft sofa.
Her hair has grown longer and with Misha’s help, she has also started applying makeup. You could hardly even tell that she used to be male.
Her gestures were graceful and the way she tilted her head was very elegant.
Before, Yuu-sama would come off as androgynous, but after being turned back into a woman, her original beauty was allowed to bloom again.

“Yuu-sama, I told you multiple times that we are not here for fun. You came here to act as a representative for Bauer, after all.”

The nun standing next to Yuu-sama spoke, giving the latter a stern reminder.
Of course, that person was Misha.
She also looked like she had completely gotten used to being a nun.
With her natural sincerity, she was the kind of sister who remained unashamed no matter where she went.

“A representative, huh? I thought I was here to be a human sacrifice though?”
“Please don’t speak so carelessly. This is all considered to be a part of formal diplomacy. If anything were to happen to you, Bauer would immediately return to war with the Empire.”
“I know that, but Misha, are you only concerned about politics? Are you not worried about me at all?”
“Please be mindful of the time and place before you speak, Yuu-sama.”
“You’re so cold.”

Seeing how curt Misha was being, Yuu-sama gave her a shrug.
If you two want to flirt, you should just take it outside.

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“Anyway, it’s been a while since we’ve seen you two. The last time we met was about half a year ago, right? How are Mei and Alea doing?”
“All of us are doing fine, thank you. You were of great help to us back then as well.”

Claire-sama spoke while bowing her head.

“No, I’m sorry we couldn’t be of more help to you. How’s the curse?”
“We still haven’t found a solution to that yet. We’re trying everything that we can, though.”

Upon hearing my response, Yuu-sama furrowed her eyebrows.

Half a year ago, Claire-sama and I had asked Yuu-sama for permission to use the Tears of the Moon.
We were trying to break the curse in Mei and Alea’s blood.
Originally, the Tears of the Moon was one of the Spirit Church’s most well-kept secrets, so it was unthinkable for an ordinary citizen to be granted permission to be able to use it. However, Yuu-sama and the Church were indebted to us.
Upon hearing our request, the upper echelons of the Church were incredibly reluctant at first, but with Yuu-sama’s help and the Pope’s endorsement, we were eventually granted permission.

In any case, although we were allowed to use the Tears of the Moon, it didn’t work on Mei and Alea’s curse.
The Tears of the Moon was a magical tool that had the ability to cure any negative status effects, but its strength was directly proportional to how much moonlight it absorbs.
Before we tried using it on Mei and Alea, the last time it was used was six months prior for Yuu-sama’s case, so perhaps if we had waited a little longer than that, it would’ve been able to break their curse.
But as it was right now, there was no way to cure their curse just yet.

“I wonder what exactly that curse is. Six months of moonlight is usually enough to be able to cure a majority of them.”
“I am not sure. However, we will definitely find a way to break it. We cannot leave them to just bear with it.”

With a gloomy look on her face, Claire-sama expressed her determination.
Of course, I felt the same way.

“Misha has done a lot of research as well. She’s been looking through all sorts of old books that have been preserved by the Church.”
“Is that so? I am incredibly grateful, Misha.”
“It was nothing. I’m sorry I couldn’t have been of more help.”
“We managed to get permission to research the history behind the Tears of the Moon as well, so I’ll let you know if anything of interest comes up.”
“Please do.”

Claire-sama and I bowed our heads to them at the same time.

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“Anyway…… this is quite the change, isn’t it? Seeing Claire and Rei this close together, and you even adopted two daughters together as well. Even though it feels like we were schoolmates at the academy just yesterday.”

Yuu-sama giggled at us.
Claire-sama’s cheeks turned red.

“I think I am the one who is the most surprised, though? Ever since I met Rei, it feels like I keep being taken on wild rides by an unruly horse.”
“You didn’t like it?”

Upon being teased by Yuu-sama, Claire-sama struggled to find a response.

“Good for you, Rei. It seems like your feelings have been rewarded.”
“Yes! Every day feels like paradise!”

In response to my display of love for her, Claire-sama stepped on my foot.
It hurt.
But in this industry, we would consider that a reward.

“…… Hah…… We both have our fair share of struggles, don’t we, Misha?”
“…… You’re right, Claire-sama.”

Claire-sama and Misha seemed to understand each other well.
That’s strange.
Even though Yuu-sama and I just wanted to express our love towards them.

“Let’s go back to what we were talking about before. How much do you two know about the Empress?”
“I only know the bare minimum…….”
“I know that despite being a tyrant, she’s very rational, talented at handling political activities and is extremely charismatic.”
“Right. That’s roughly what I know about her as well. However, it seems that everybody who has ever met and spoken with her directly agrees that she is incredibly charming.”

Speaking of which, that was exactly what the man who guided us here mentioned before.

“Personally, I suspect that there’s some sort of magic at work here.”

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“So the truth behind the Empress’ overwhelming charisma is…… because of her magic?”

Claire-sama frowned.

“Basically, you’re trying to say that there’s a possibility the Empire is being ruled by the Empress’ ability to brainwash people?”
“You can’t deny it, can you? She was only seven years old when she usurped the throne. No matter how precocious she was, it is nearly unthinkable that somebody of that age could even gain the support of so many people.”
“Eh, hold on for a second. If that’s the case, then aren’t we in trouble?”

I noticed something ridiculous.

“If your theory is correct, then we’re in a tough spot. If we were to get brainwashed today during our audience with her, that basically means that our entire student exchange group is going to get hijacked.”

It seemed that Claire-sama came to the same realization.

The four of us that were about to have an audience with the empress were arguably the most essential people of this student exchange group.
Of course, we had the help of other government workers and the rest of the students, but it would not be an exaggeration to say that the four of us were the brains of the whole operation.
If we were to get brainwashed, that meant Bauer would instantly be defeated diplomatically.
There was no mention of the Empress holding such a power in RevoLily, but when I thought about it, I couldn’t exactly refute Yuu-sama’s concerns either.

“You’re right. That’s why we brought this with us. Misha.”

Misha casually brought out her right hand.
A small ring sat on her palm.

“What is this…..?”
“Tears of the Moon.”

When she heard Yuu-sama’s words, Claire-sama was visibly surprised.

“But…… the one we used on Mei and Alea was much bigger than this……”
“That was just a decoy. The real thing is this little ring.”

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In other words, the big tool that we tried to use on them before was a fake.

“Don’t tell me…… the reason those two were not cured was because……”
“That’s not it, Claire-sama. The Church did not deceive us.”

I tried to soothe Claire-sama, who had a skeptical look in her eyes.

“It seems that you noticed it already, Rei.”
“Yeah. When we were busy messing around with the fake, you were putting the ring on their fingers.”
“I want to ask how you know what the true form of the Tears of the Moon is, but I’m assuming it’s better if I don’t?”
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t.”
“I understand.”

Yuu-sama gave me a wry smile.
It seemed that she really wanted to know, but couldn’t ask.

“Well, anyway. As long as we have this, at least one of us will be able to make it out without being brainwashed. In terms of strategic potential, I think Rei is the strongest, so she should be the one wearing this.”
“Is it okay for you to trust me this much?”
“I know very well what kind of person you are, so it’ll be fine. Although, I did tell the Kingdom and the upper echelons of the Church that I was going to be the one wearing it.”

Yuu-sama said with a wink.

“Misha, are you not going to stop her?”
“Given our positions, that’s what I should be doing. However, I think Yuu-sama is absolutely correct this time. When it comes to pure fighting strength, I think Claire-sama is the strongest, but Claire-sama would not be able to release anybody from the mind control since she cannot use water magic. In the end, I think you are the most competent.”

Misha spoke with a sigh.

Immediately afterwards, there was a knock at the door.

“Thank you for waiting, representatives of the Bauer Kingdom. Dorothea-sama would now like to see you.”

Looks like it was time.
Yuu-sama stood up.

“Now then, let’s meet with the rumored Empress, shall we?”

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