It’s like in Japan

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The Order of the Academy might have decided to do a gender-reversal café, but of course there are other jobs, rather, their share is generally higher.

“Sein, is the written application for equipment from class 2B still not here?”
“… It should have been submitted yesterday”
“It hasn’t arrived. Please get it again”
“… I understand”
“Rod-niisan, we still have to approve the program for class 1A”
“I’ve approved it just now. Please deliver the certificate”
“Misha, class 3C’s――”

Like this, we’re in the middle of office work.
With Rod-sama on top and other members moving at his orders, the work is going relatively smoothly.
Like this, it’s undeniable he naturally possesses the character of a king.
As usual, I find it difficult to deal with him.

“Claire, the list of equipment in the first warehouse is lacking, please go there again and prepare the listing”
“I understand”
“It would be tough alone… Rei, can you go?”
“I am fine alone”
“Don’t say that. Please, both of you”

Saying this much, Rod-sama moved onto next instructions.

“It cannot be helped. At the very least, do not hinder me?”
“I will be helpful”

Having received the old list from Lambert-sama, I grabbed a notepad and a pen and together with Claire-sama headed for the first warehouse.
The first warehouse is a huge warehouse on the outskirts of the academy.
From spare desks to things with uncertain use, miscellaneous equipment is crammed there.
We received the key from the staff room and arrived in front of the first warehouse.

“Come to think of it, did you know, Claire-sama”
“What is it?”

While unlocking the padlock, Claire-sama asked in return.

“This warehouse… You know, it comes out?”
“… And you are teasing me again. There is no such thing as apparitions”
“No, it’s the truth. There was an intense cold wave that year, a schoolgirl who was locked in the storehouse froze to death and became a ghost――”
“I, I do not want to hear it! Hey, we are going!”

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Interrupting my words, Claire-sama started walking taking the lead.
The effect was outstanding.

“Even if he said to make a listing, there’s a considerable number of things…?”
“That is true…”

Claire-sama said she’d be okay by herself, but this is impossible for a single person.
Even for two people, it will surely take quite some time.

“But, we cannot not do it. I shall start checking from this side, you check from that side”
“Are you okay alone? That ghost――”
“Hurry up!”

I gave up on teasing Claire-sama decided to work seriously.
With us going from the front and back, we’re updating the list one by one.

“The number of desks has considerably decreased”
“Conversely, looks like there are too many blackout curtains”

While saying such stuff, I continued making the list.
The work actually took three hours.

“I wonder if that is all?”
“I think so”
“It took us unexpectedly long. The sun is already setting”

The light of the setting sun is streaming from the windows.

“Let’s go back”
“You are right”

And like that, we headed back to the entrance, but the door was locked for some reason.

“? It is strange. Certainly, we left the doors unlocked――”

This is that.
Isn’t this the usual event.

“!? Ah, it will not open!?”

It seems like a teacher or someone else, thinking it was left open, locked it.
In short, we’re locked up.
Originally, in this event the heroine would be locked up and spend nervous, heart throbbing time with a capture target, but it seems my partner became Claire-sama.

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“Hey… Anyone, is there anyone there!?”

Claire-sama pounded on the door and shouted.
However, there’s no response from the outside.

“Nobody will come here without a reason”
“Why are you so carefree… Like this, we will have to spend the night here?”
“Well, won’t somebody notice sooner or later? At least, if we don’t return to the dormitory by curfew, someone is bound to come looking for us”
“T, that might be so…”

Claire-sama fidgeted.

“Huh? Claire-sama, what’s wrong?”
“… Nothing is wrong in particular”
“Is that so? You seem somehow unsettled”
“It is your imagination! Someone! Is there someone!?”

Claire-sama kept pounding on the door.
There’s a magic to unlock doors, but it’s a wind attribute magic.
Claire-sama having fire attribute, and me earth and water attributes, we can’t use magic to unlock it.
Forcibly breaking it is not a choice either, we can’t destroy school facilities.

“Claire-sama, let’s give up and wait”
“I am saying I cannot do that!”
“Why… That…”

Claire-sama blushed and cast her eyes downwards but didn’t reply.

“By any chance, do you need to go flower picking?”
“That is right! Sorry for that!”

Ah, so that’s it.
Certainly, she can’t remain calm like that.

“Hmm. That’s a problem. You could take care of it in a place hidden from view――”
“There is no way I can do that!”
“Isn’t that right”

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Even I’d be considerably reluctant, there’s no way a genuine lady like Claire-sama could do it.

“Is it relatively urgent?”
“… It is urgent”

I see.

“Then, how about this?”

I went to the corner of the warehouse and placed my hands on the ground.
I invoked an earth attribute magic.
Then, in the blink of an eye a cube the height of an adult was completed.

“This is…?”
“It’s a simple toilet made with an earth attribute magic. Would you like to look inside?”

I opened the door and showed her the inside.
There’s one Western style toilet seat there.

“You did well, commoner!”
“Thank you”
“Well then…”

Claire-sama rushed into the toilet saying so.
She closed the door, and with a clank locked it.

Then, silence.

“Hey, sound!”
“Even if you tell me to”

In this world, there’s nothing so convenient as a melody to mask the sound of using a toilet.
I imagine it’s embarrassing doing your business being heard, but I want her to endure this much.

“Wouldn’t it be okay to flush it?”
“Ce, certainly that is right”

I prepared plenty of water for flushing with water attribute magic.
Before long, I heard the sound of water flowing.

“… Fuu… Uhyaa!?”

Immediately following a sigh of relief, a somehow hysterical voice resounded.

“? What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong, what are you saying! What is with this toilet! Wa, wawawarm water――!”

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“Ah, it’s a bidet”

Displaying the spirit of subservience, I added a bidet function with water attribute magic, it seems she was quite surprised by it.

“In this situation, isn’t paper precious. That’s why, wash yourself freely, and come out when you’re dry”
“I, I understand… uhyaa!?”

Certainly, it’s surprising if you aren’t used to it.
Can’t I turn it into profit as well.
Because both water and earth attribute magic are necessary, it wouldn’t be possible to mass-produce it much, but perhaps if it was aimed at nobility?
And so on, I started counting my chickens before they’ve hatched, finally Claire-sama came out of the simple toilet.

“Honestly… You added a strange feature, so…”
“But, it’s sanitary?”
“Perhaps it is so, however!”

Well, it must’ve been surprising.
Silence set for a while.

“Hey, do not be staying silent”
“Ah, I’m just thinking the embarrassed Claire-sama was cute”
“! This commoner! Who do you think I am――”
“The young lady of François house, who was about to wet herself before she was saved by a commoner?”

Ah, her eyes glazed.

“Fu… fufufu, very well. Let’s incinerate my dark past”

Claire-sama, with a laugh that didn’t reach her eyes, prepared a magical lance.

“Claire-sama, I apologize so please put it out. This is a warehouse. There are lots of flammable things here”
“Rather than letting you take a hold of my weakness, I shall turn it all into charcoal”
“Won’t it be hard to make the listing again?”
“I will have my house deliver fresh items. I can just entrust the listing to a supplier, right?”
“No way, Claire-sama. It was just a little maid joke”
“… You should die”

Claire-sama, who was on the brink of exploding, came to her senses when she heard Lene’s voice searching for us.
So it turns out like that when playing around with Claire-sama goes too far.
Let’s tone it down from now on.
… Just a little.

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