“Okay.” The assistant responded feeling more and more weird, “Boss, why would you want to check that expert, don’t you hate him?”

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Li Quyin rarely hates a person so much. That expert is considered to be the person Li Quyin hates most in recent years.

When Li Quyin heard this question, his stomach hurt again.

“Question less, do more.”

The assistant had to continue: “The evidence collection of Mr. Miao’s case is almost finished. The person who went to investigate has sorted out the things that were about nearly three years old. It was okay to sort out the older cases than that, but he said it is more difficult and time-consuming. And also there may be no evidence for many things.”

“Send it to me after he sorts it out all.”


“Then it’s about the rumors on Weibo… boss before you suddenly said on Weibo that you have someone you like…”

Since Li Quyin publicly admitted on the Internet that he likes someone, the entire network has exploded. Everyone is guessing who Li Quyin likes.

Some people speculated that it is a female artist that Li Quyin has worked with before and others speculated that it is an artist under Li Quyin’s own company.

Regardless of the speculation, someone enumerated a lot of indirect and direct evidence to testify.

Those evidences were justified and well-founded and Li Quyin himself was amazed. If he hadn’t clearly known that the person he liked was Xia Xixi, he would have doubted whether he liked those people.

Among them, there was no shortage of people who came out while taking advantage of the heat, such as Yi Gupan. She has not given up until now. She has been working hard to make things up, but no one believes it at all.

There were a lot of lively activities on the Internet, but since that last time he told that he liked someone, Shen Bailou had been silent and did not give any further response or explanation.

If no one stops, things will naturally get worse.

Many fans of Shen Bailou were heartbroken and threatened to not be his fan anymore. Many of them took the opportunity to defame Shen Bailou. But most of the fans were extremely curious.

They were curious about who could actually make their male god tempted.

Shen Bailou’s way of scolding artists who tried to approach him is not new and it is not surprising.

Such a person is actually moved? How can this make people not curious?

“Let this go first.” Li Quyin didn’t bother to take care of it.

When he thinks of this, he thinks of Xia Xixi, and then he has a splitting headache.

“The last thing is about the upcoming release of the film. You’ll have to participate in the promotion…”

Li Quyin listened casually, but Xia Xixi was all in his head.

On the other side, after getting off the car, Xia Xixi refused the driver’s escort and entered the club alone.

Probably because they knew something was wrong, many people had rushed into the club today. The originally empty club suddenly became crowded.

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When he came in again, there were already thirty or forty people sitting in the club. All of them were a group of gray-haired elders. It looked spectacular and it made this club look more like a leisure club for the elderly.

“Why are you all here?” Xia Xixi glanced at those people. He walked to his table and put down his things.

“Isn’t it because we heard you idiot were in trouble.” An old man with a bold and loud voice came over, “How is everything going, did you find it?”

When other people heard this, they also looked over.

They also came because they had heard that something happened to Xia Xixi.

“There is a clue.” Xia Xixi took a deep breath.

“That’s good. We were worried that if you kid really was in big trouble, what will we do?” The old man raised his hand and slapped Xia Xixi on the shoulder.

The old man was called Jiao Yi. He was originally in the army and he was upright. His power to pat people was just right, and Xia Xixi couldn’t help but put on a bitter face.

He did this every time, but Xia Xixi couldn’t get used to it.

“By the way, I heard that you kid also made a boyfriend?” Jiao Yi looked disapproving.

“I have to go to the police station. I’ll talk about it later when I come back.” Xia Xixi ran away as soon as he heard him mention it.

“Come back.” Jiao Yi grabbed Xia Xixi and pulled the person back. “Do you really like him?”

It’s not that Jiao Yi has never seen this kind of thing, but he doesn’t agree with it. After all, this is not an easy road.

Xia Xixi can also be considered as growing up in front of Jiao Yi. Xia Xixi is very smart but his cleverness is only used while appraising cultural relics. But he is nowhere near as good as some people in terms of dealing with people. So Jiao Yi always has a kind of illusion that Xia Xixi will be easily deceived.

Xia Xixi was stunned by the question, does he like Li Quyin?

He suddenly remembered the text message that Li Quyin had not responded to. It has been almost fifteen hours since last night until now, but Li Quyin still did not reply to him.

Li Quyin had never been like this before, and would reply to him within an hour at the latest.

Thinking of this, Xia Xixi felt inexplicably empty in his heart. He took a deep breath, but he couldn’t relieve the stuffy feeling in his chest.

Fortunately, Xia Xixi’s cell phone rang suddenly giving him a chance to leave, “I’ll receive a call.”

Jiao Yi wanted to say something more, but seeing that Xia Xixi’s phone kept ringing, he had to wave his hand to let Xia Xixi go first.

Xia Xixi went out with his mobile phone and came to the entrance of the venue.

The person calling him was You Hai, which surprised Xia Xixi. After all, Xia Xixi had just left his home.

“Club President Xia?” You Hai’s voice came.

“Yes.” Xia Xixi concentrated, not thinking about why Li Quyin didn’t reply to him.

“…It’s like this, I have something to tell you personally, can you come here again now?” You Hai hesitated.

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“Now?” Xia Xixi glanced at the time. He had only left You Hai’s house for less than an hour.


“Then I’ll come over now. I’m in the club right now. It will take some time.” Xia Xixi thought for a while, and beckoned to the old man Liao who was basking in the sun and drinking tea. “Can I take old Liao with me?”

You Hai was silent for a while, and then said: “Yes.”

You Hai’s tone was not very good. It seemed that he is getting older all at once.

Xia Xixi wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn’t say it.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Xixi walked towards his private car with Old Man Liao.

On the way, he talked to Old Man Liao about the matter just now.

Xia Xixi actually breathed a sigh of relief. You Hai took the initiative to stand up and treat everyone well.

Although things have reached this point and they might not be able to continue having their previous reputation, but at least it is not the worst ending.

It is better to correct a mistake than to continue making a mistake.

In the car, Old Man Liao also sighed. He really didn’t understand why You Hai did this, so he was silent all the way.

After dozens of minutes, they arrived at the community where You Hai’s family lives.

Before getting out of the car, Old Man Liao finally spoke. He asked, “If it is really him, what are you going to do after that?”

They are not familiar with You Hai, but they have met several times. They are also people from the same club…

Xia Xixi thought for a while and said truthfully: “I’ll hand him over to the police, but I will personally explain the situation and apologize on the victim’s side.”

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the vase was valued at tens of millions. If you were to be convicted in a criminal case, you would probably have to spend the rest of your life in prison.

Although Xia Xixi didn’t have much contact with You Hai, he still couldn’t bear to send an elderly man in his sixties or seventies to prison.

This is probably related to the fact that most of the people he came into contact with in his life were old people, like his grandfather, like old man Liao, like the group of people in the club who rushed back when they heard that he was in trouble.

When he arrived at the door of You Hai’s house, Xia Xixi stood there for a while. He calmed down and then raised his hand to knock on the door.

After a while, the door of the house opened. The person who came to open the door was still You Hai’s son.

He had changed his pajamas and put on casual clothes, “Why are you here again?”

“You Hai asked me to come here.” Xia Xixi explained.

“My dad? Why did he ask you to come over?” The man blocked the door, not ready to let them in.

“It’s about the club.”

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Xia Xixi wanted to enter the door, but the man blocked the door firmly. He said, “My dad just went out.”

”Went out?” Xia Xixi and Old Man Liao glanced at each other. They both saw surprise in each other’s eyes.

“He should have gone for a walk in a nearby park.”

Xia Xixi was surprised. Didn’t You Hai call him to come over, why did he go out himself?

“Then when will he come back?” Xia Xixi asked.

“I don’t know, maybe in an hour or two. If you have something to do, you might as well call and ask.” After that, the man closed the door directly.

Facing the closed door, Xia Xixi had to take out his mobile phone and call.

“What happened?” Old man Liao followed.

Xia Xixi listened to the tone on the other end of the phone and shook his head at him, “No one answered.”

“Could you have made a mistake?” Old man Liao wondered. If You Hai had called them over, why would he go out suddenly?

Xia Xixi made another call to Youhai, but after no one answered, he looked back at the villa of Youhai’s family in front of him.

After thinking about it, he called again.

“Hello, 110? Police…”

Old man Liao was surprised when he heard this.

As soon as Xia Xixi hung up, Old Man Liao approached him, “What’s the matter?”

“Youhai’s concussion is not good. It is impossible to go out and wander around at this time. It was indeed You Hai who had called me before and asked me to come over.” Xia Xixi looked at the closed door in front of him. His brows frowned and his expression was a little ugly.

“Then he…”

“I’m just guessing that the vase might not have been changed by Youhai but his son. That’s why You Hai kept hiding it and didn’t want to say it.” Xia Xixi said.

Xia Xixi had felt strange before. If You Hai had changed the vase, why was he pushed down the stairs?

He once thought it might be due to the uneven distribution of the profit between the thief parties that included You Hai, but it hasn’t been long since the vase was lost. They should not have reached the point of dividing the profit.

And if there was really an uneven distribution of the profit, was it really necessary for You Hai to continue to help and hide it even when the other party wanted to kill him?

“Then now?” Old man Liao was startled, he looked at You Hai’s house.

“You Hai must be at home.” Xia Xixi also looked at You Hai’s house.

You Hai’s family lives in a villa area. The surrounding area is quite peaceful and there are no people on the way.

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The door of You Hai’s house was closed tightly, plus it was an iron door. With the two of them alone, there was no way to get in and find out.

“What should we do now?”


When Li Quyin received the phone call from the assistant, he also received an oversized mail.

“Boss, Miao Mingyi’s information has been sorted out. I have just forwarded it to you. Have you received it?” The assistant said on the other side of the phone.


“A recent photo of that expert was also found. It was taken when he had participated in an industrial event. I will email you a separate email.”

Li Quyin’s heart tensed. When he received information about the good things Miao Mingyi had done on his back in the past few years, he was not so nervous. At this moment, he couldn’t help sitting upright.

The sensation of stomach cramps came along.

“At that event, the expert went as a special chairman, he showed his face and left, but a reporter took a photo of him.”

“He looks quite young and really good-looking. I originally thought he would be at least 60 or 70 years old, but looking at the photos, he is estimated to be in his 20s…” The assistant sighed with emotion.

What the assistant was saying behind, Li Quyin was not listening anymore. He had the phrase ‘only in his twenties’ in his mind, even his age was right…

After hanging up the phone, Li Quyin took a deep breath and tried to calm his mood, and then opened the email.

Ignoring the oversized e-mail about Miao Mingyi, he found another e-mail with an attachment.

Li Quyin clicked the email lightly, but it didn’t open for the first time. When he clicked the second time, he realized that his fingers were a little unwilling.

The email opened, the picture loaded, and a few seconds later, a picture appeared.

Seeing the picture clearly, Li Quyin’s Adam’s apple slid uncontrollably, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

His stomach also started to hurt. It was an intangible pain, a pain that was caused because he was too nervous.

The photo was not of a single person, but a live photo taken during an event.

The event site was decorated in ancient style, with retro bead curtains on the walls and dark red carpets, making people dream about a thousand years ago.

There were many glass cabinets on the dark red carpet, and some antique cultural relics were placed in the cabinets. Many people nearby were observing, studying and discussing.

Behind the crowd, in the distance, on the edge of the wall, a young man in a white shirt was looking down at a tea bowl in front of him.

His eyebrows were smiling, but his temperament was cold. His personality did not match with the surrounding suits and whispered discussions.

In the photo, he looked abrupt and eye-catching, but he did not violate the harmony.

He was like the tea bowl lying quietly in the cabinet in front of him, low-key and quiet, accumulating the differences that belong to him, but so attracting attention.

He was no one else, but the person Li Quyin was familiar with, Xia Xixi.

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