What is the cause of the abnormal proliferation of demonic beasts? When I answered “someone” without hesitation to such a standard riddle in this world, Amelia’s mouth twisted in amusement.

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“Hooo, you said it without hesitation. What is your basis for that?”

That was, of course, because I know there was a Demon King in this world…but I can’t say that. I will speak my reasoning using only the knowledge I have gained in this world, while subtracting the truth.

“If I put it very simply, it’s a process of elimination. If it is ‘something,’ it could certainly be a magical tool left behind by an ancient super civilization. They made a magical tool that could multiply demonic beasts for use in warfare, but because the part that controlled the demonic beasts was flawed, the beasts multiplied abnormally, and the civilization was swallowed up by it and the magical tool was destroyed, but for some reason the multiplying part restarted …….”

“Uwa, What’s that! That sounds very plausible!”

“Mm. That’s an inference I might be willing to accept just by listening to you, but why does it disappear by process of elimination?”

Tia and Amelia seemed to be fascinated by the story with sparkling eyes, but unfortunately, I gave them a small shrug.

“Because this assumes that there is a ‘mysterious ancient civilization”. If there is such a civilization, and if that civilization created a magical tool that multiplies demonic beasts, it would be difficult to satisfy both of these conditions. Or is it just that I don’t know about it, and the existence of an ancient civilization has actually been confirmed somewhere?”

“…… No, I’m afraid I’ve never heard of it either. I can’t deny the possibility that the upper class is keeping such information secret, since I am after all a low-ranking aristocrat.”

“There is no such thing. Because if such a thing were really confirmed, they would probably be more desperate to invade the Black Forest and start securing magical tools.”

“That’s right. If it’s such an amazing thing, the army will move just by the ‘possibility of its existence’. In fact, the demonic beasts have already attacked us.”

Tia pursed her lips in a bored expression at my answer, while Amelia looked slightly disappointed. Although I also love romance, it’s precisely because romance doesn’t necessarily have to be grounded in reality that it can be considered romantic.

“Hmmm, so in your opinion, Ed-kun, it’s less likely to be ‘something’ and more likely to be ‘someone’ as a result?”

“Yes, I think it is much more likely to be a mutation of a demonic beast or something like that than something made by human hands. For example, …. yeah, like slime.”

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Amelia tilted her head curiously at the name of the demonic beast I gave her.

 A slime was a demonic beast with a round core surrounded by a mucus-like body. They were omnivores with low intelligence and could eat anything, so if they fell from a tree on your head when you were not paying attention, they would be a threat. However, it does not intend to attack living creatures and mostly eats things like grass on the ground, so they generally go unnoticed.

“You see, slime multiplies on its own, right? The point is that it can completely self-replicate, but what if the slime evolves abnormally and its ability to self-replicate is enhanced? The body of the slime is that nucleus, so what if, for example, the nucleus enters the goblin’s body, creating a goblin that multiplies indefinitely? Or if it extends to other demonic beasts, …… a slime that eats up everything it can find in the world and grows inexhaustibly with its nourishment. What if it’s attacking us in search of new food ……?”

“That’s …… terrifying. But is such a thing really possible?”

“I think the possibility is not zero. Even for us humans, a man’s seed enters a woman’s womb and becomes a baby that grows up like this, so if there is enough nutrition and information, it is more likely to continuously create a complete body from meat pieces than having some mysterious magical tool.”

“Hmm. …….”

At my words, Amelia folded her arms and began to ponder. I’m actually a little surprised at how plausible it sounded for a story I just made up at random. What if the Demon King who should probably be there is a slime man like me? …. Anyway, I’m going to defeat him.

“Ed, you have a very vivid imagination. All I can think of is a demonic beast growing out of the ground.”

“Ground huh… well, the truth might be that simple, you know.”

“Haha, perhaps.”

Tia said this as she poked at her pasta with her fork, and Amelia and I couldn’t help but smile. We were relaxed just enough to enjoy the meal, and we continued talking and laughing about different topics.


Every day we fought the monsters that came in, and when it was over, we enjoyed drinking good wine and fooling around with our friends, and sometimes Amelia invited us to have dinner with her. ….These days, though dangerous, were also fulfilling. Time passed quickly without finding a good solution,…., but the world was not so kind as to allow such stagnation forever.

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After the battle, it’s the usual bar. But even as the mugs lined up in front of us, there were none of the usual smiling faces there. The seat of the person who should be the first to speak was left empty.

“………… tsk! Arrgh! This is irresistible. I live for this one drink!”

“Jonathan, you ……!

One of the mercenaries picked up the mug that was placed in front of him roughly and said the words. Another mercenary looked at the man …. Jonathan as if to condemn him, but Jonathan slammed the mug down on the table.

“Shut up! Somebody …. has to say this, or it ain’t gonna start! Even I… for something like this.”

“…… My bad.”

“Che, That bastard, Gastor, such a clumsy warrior….”

The faces of everyone in the room were uniformly gloomy, and no one touched the steamy dishes.

I knew it. Everyone, including myself, was prepared for that. If you fight in a place called the “Death Line,” it’s not uncommon to die, and that’s why appropriate rewards are paid.

For money. For honor. To protect someone. Or simply to continue to seek the thrill of the fight. For a variety of reasons we fought … and the guy who had just had a little bad luck pulled out. That’s just the daily routine that has come our way.

“…… Can’t stay down forever. Let’s just have fun on our own. Otherwise, even Gastor will miss us.”

“Ed ……. Alright, let’s make some noise and give that fool Gastor a grand send off!”

“Oi, Nee-chan! Bring me a large barrel of booze! We’re having a Gastor mourning match today!”

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“You guys, don’t kill people on your own!”

Gastor returned to our table after finishing his business. He plopped down in the open seat, took a gulp of cold ale, and opened his mouth.

“Arrgh! This is irresistible. I live for this one drink!”

“Heheheh, that’s what Gastor should be like!”

“Of course! I won’t change until I die!”

Gastor laughed openly at his companion’s words, but it was by no means the same as usual. On his right shoulder, something that should have been there was completely gone.

“Though, I ain’t got a death wish, you know. You saved me there, Ed. Thanks.’p

“Don’t worry about it. I mean, if only I’d come in a little earlier――”

“Don’t you say that! I was supposed to die, but I only lost an arm! We avoided the worst, ain’t that a big deal? I don’t really feel like holding a grudge even though I have things to be grateful for. Well, if you’re offering to treat me to drinks as an apology…”

“I’ll pass.”

“So quick! At Least think about it!”

“So, Gastor. Are you going to leave after all?”

Another fellow spoke to Gastor, as me and Gastor were having our customary exchange. It was a confirmation of what Gastor had said when he came out of the treatment room.

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“Yeah, I don’ think I can fight at the “Death Line” with my arm being like this. I’ll go back to the countryside and work as a guard in the village. Even with one arm, I can smack some goblins.”

“I could have regenerated your arm if I hadn’t spent all the rewards from this place on booze and women. ……”

“You idiot! We don’t know when we’re going to die, there’s no way we’re going to save any money! It’s okay, I have lived a short, fat life here!”

There was no regret on Gastor’s face when he smiled like that. Well, he doesn’t seem to have any remorse, so I guess that’s the way of life for Gastor.

“Haaa, I don’t have a choice, I’ll buy you a drink today at least.”

“EH, you don’t mind, Ed!? Oi Nee-chan, bring me all the booze in the shop!”

“Are you an idiot!? I’m only buying you one drink!”

“What the hell, it’s my last day here, so don’t be petty!”

“You may be leaving, but I’ll continue to live here! Hey, cancel that order from earlier! Even if you bring it, I’m not paying any money!”

“If Ed’s buying, then so be it. I’ll buy you a drink too. …. Give me three roasted beans!”

“Then me too. Two meat skewers… no, give me one!”

“You guys are being too harsh on me! Damn, Oi Ed, you want a drink? Then Nee-chan, give me the most expensive drink in the store! I don’t care what it tastes like, just the most expensive one!”

“You better order some good tasting booze there, …….”

I laughed as hard as I could at Gastor, who made a stupid order. Even if it’s not death, goodbye was still goodbye. After sharing a laugh at Gastor’s expense as he made a face after taking a sip of the strong liquor, we said our goodbyes and returned to ourdaily routine, which had become a bit quieter. And so, we continued to fight day after day for various reasons, whether it was for money, honor, protecting someone, or simply seeking the thrill of battle.

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