“Wow! I thought it was big when I saw it from outside, but it’s really spacious inside, isn’t it?”

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Upon arriving at the audition venue, Tia, who was visiting for the first time, exclaimed in awe. Contrary to the exterior, the interior wasn’t particularly decorated, but it was as large as a ballroom in a castle, with about one-third of the back area elevated as a stage.


In the venue, besides us, there was only the young lady from before. The young lady gave us a fleeting look, didn’t say anything, and we waited for a while. Soon other participants gathered, and when the judges arrived, the audition finally started.


“We will now commence the mid-term idol selection event in the Krein region of the Kingdom of Rigalaha. First up… group name “Iris”, please step forward.”


“Us!? Y-Yes!”


“Do you have a song preference?”


“Um, could we have ‘Memory of You’ by Stevia, please?”


In response to the judge’s question, one of them answered. Immediately, music began to play from a magical device placed at the side of the stage, and the trio, who had introduced themselves as Iris, began to sing.


“Huh, so this is how auditions are held. I wonder how they decide the order of calling?”


“I’m not sure. Whether it’s deliberate or random… Anyway, we just have to go when we’re called.”


We had no idea when we would be called. However, there were only five groups this time, so it wouldn’t take long. There were around 30 people in the first round… Well, technically there were 15 people this time.


While I was thinking about this, the first group’s performance ended. The five judges gave a scattered applause, and one of them in the center addressed the girls.


“Thank you. Now, next-“


“Excuse me! Will you…tell us if we passed or not?”


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“We will announce that after everyone has finished. Now, next… Noble Boys, please step forward.”




Next up was a trio of men. After them, another trio of women, and the fourth to be called was…


“Next up, ‘Eliza and Her Merry Servants’…please step forward.”


“Ohohohoho! Finally, our turn! Come, let’s go.”


“Yes, Ojou-sama.”


The young lady… I guess her name is Eliza… and her group went up on stage with a very fitting cackle. Then the music started… Hm?


“? I haven’t heard this before?”


As part of Jonii’s training, I’ve listened to almost all the famous songs. But a completely unfamiliar song started playing, and Rain tilted her head as Eliza pointed at her with a triumphant look.


“Of course you haven’t heard it! This is a song I had created just for me! You should feel honored to be able to enjoy my magnificent singing, making its debut here in the country! Now, let’s go!”


Along with her loud shout, the song begins. Eliza, dressed in a flouncing dress, moved with refined gestures and her clear high-pitched voice was quite beautiful.


And that method…


“Hey Eda. That’s…”


“Yep, it’s exactly what we were planning to do.”

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While Eliza was in a flouncy dress, the two on the side were dressed in something akin to a butler’s outfit, which was not normally worn by women. By always standing next to Eliza, they artificially created a ‘black’ background, emphasizing Eliza’s presence even more.


It’s a clear role division between the lead and supporting roles. It was the perfected form of the method that Tia and I had aimed for to make Rain stand out.


As the song ended, not only the judges but also the supposed rival participants gave applause. Of course, Tia, Rain, and I were included in that. Especially Rain, her eyes were sparkling and she clapped her hands vigorously.


“That was amazing! Um… Eliza-sama?”


“My name is Elizabeth! And you are…”


“I’m Rain! I’m 14 years old!”


“I see. So, you’re the lucky little girl who is being taught by Jonii-sama. What did you think of my performance?”


“It was the best! You were exactly like the idol I admire, so sparkling and dazzling!”


Elizabeth grimaced slightly in response to Rain’s straightforward expression of her admiration, which was in response to her slightly sarcastic comment.


“I-Is that so? Well, that’s… good, I guess. Hehe, I don’t know about your skills, but it seems you have a good eye for people.”


“I’m going to be a great idol just like you, Elizabeth-san! So please watch me from there!”


“Well, I don’t mind. There’s no limit to the number of people, so whether you fail or pass won’t change my success. In that case, I will enjoy watching your spectacle.”


“Yes! We will deliver a stage performance that we can be proud of, even with you as our audience!”


I don’t think she meant it that way, but there’s no need to probe further if Rain is eager. And this Eliza… this Miss Elizabeth doesn’t seem like a bad person despite her slightly sharp behavior… Rather, she seemed to genuinely have talent. It’s a mystery why she didn’t become an idol in the first round…

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“Finally, ‘Rainbow Tia’, please step forward.”


“Oh, they called us, Rain.”


“Yes! Well, I’ll be going then, Elizabeth-san!”


“Fufufu, I can finally showcase the fruits of our practice.”


We were called and we stepped up to the stage. It still feels strange to be standing here, having been the one looking from below or from the side… But first, let’s do what we need to do.


“The song is… the one you submitted beforehand, right? Well, let’s start!”


About three seconds after the judge’s words, music resounds throughout the venue. The rough tune doesn’t suit Rain at all… That’s why I pushed Rain to the side and I took the center.


“Eh, isn’t that kid the one singing!?”


A surprised voice came from below the stage. When I turned to the owner of the voice, I smiled broadly and took a long look at the judge… no, the audience’s faces.


“Hahaha, surprised? But you see, a rainbow changes color. Depending on the time, everyone’s the main character and the supporting character! First, listen to my burning song, from me, Eda Scarlet!”


I shouted loudly and continued to sing with all my heart, flying around not only on the stage, but even outside of it. My singing ability was average. Therefore, instead of using technique, I used my loud voice to overwhelm the audience, and with flashy movements and proximity, I forcefully captured the hearts of the surprised and confused audience!


“In a world that’s ending, a red hot rift in the sky! The black swirling, scorching storm! A furious exclamation in a distorted future! Now give us the last rites – Tia!”


“Leave it to me!”


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With a snap of her fingers, as I stepped back, Tia stepped forward. The moment she did, the tune changed dramatically, and the intense, hot atmosphere felt like a sunlit forest.


“Second verse, Lunaritia Evergreen! Here we go everyone!”


Along with her words, wind swirled around Tia and water swayed. She was using spirit magic to accompany her performance. While Tia sang, playing with the spirits, Rain joyfully played with the water maiden, and I chased after the fire lizard’s breath, getting my eyebrows singed. Of course, all of that was part of the performance.


“The wind blowing through, swaying my hair, my feet naturally spring up. Where should I walk? The one pulling my hand is a green traveler -“


The cheerful and bright tune gently loosened the hearts of the audience who were only overwhelmed before, and made them want to dance along. After Tia’s song ended… it was finally Rain’s turn.


“Let’s find a bright future – finally, Rain-chan!”


“Leave it to me! Rain Skyblue! I’ll sing!”


The tune changed again, becoming calm and peaceful. What happens when Rain, who can turn even a common lullaby into a divine song, sings a song written just for her… the answer is clear.


“Someday, someday, I dreamed. Walking with you, that path. Always, always, I felt it. With you, moving forward -“




At this point, neither Tia nor I did anything extra. We simply stood gently by Rain’s side so as not to get in her way, occasionally sharing a glance and a smile, holding hands and gently swaying, not according to any set choreography but moving as our hearts were moved by the song.


There were no flashy moves, no astonishing magic. Only the song, a song that shakes the soul, envelops everything in the world… And such a time comes to an end before we know it.


“Someday, someday, we’ll walk. The time when we meet. And then someday, again someday. I’ll say it over and over, ‘I am glad to meet you’ – Phew. Thank you very much!”


The song stopped and as Rain finished singing, Tia and I also bowed our heads on stage. And what rained down on us after a few seconds of silence was an applause like a thunderous roar, more than one could imagine from less than twenty people.

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