Ch5 - Hello, Junior Brother Feibai

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The driver took Fei Bai around the rockery and bonsai in the yard. Then he handed him over to a middle-aged woman who was waiting at the door on the first floor.

The middle-aged woman told Feibai that her surname was Zhang and that she was Feifei’s live-in nanny. And right now, she would take him to learn more about Feifei’s situation first. 

While passing through the corridor, Fei Bai saw a string of stick figures. They were hanging on the wall and they did not match the interior decoration. The styles of these paintings were very consistent. It feels like the painter was trying to make people unable to see what was actually painted.

Tsk tsk, rich people’s taste is really arbitrary.



Auntie Zhang noticed Fei Bai’s gaze and said with a smile, “These are all painted by Fei Fei.”

Fei Bai immediately changed his tone of admiration, “Well, I can see that she is a very creative child.” 

To show his sincerity, he also pointed to one of the pictures with a slightly visible shape and said, “This hair dryer is very vivid. Although there is no plug, the positions of the buttons are quite special.”


Aunt Zhang hesitated and said, ” This is Feifei’s paint of Peppa Pig.”

Feibai blinked, then silently put his hand down.

I can only blame Peppa Pig for looking so much like a hair dryer.


Aunt Zhang led him into a place similar to a study and then took a stack of materials from the bookshelf and gave it to him.

Fei Bai put down his schoolbag and went over to read it. It was some internationally accepted behavioral scales, as well as the record of the process of Lou Feifei’s intervention. The content was very professional, and some of the terms were expressed in English.

“If only it had been sent to me earlier.” He muttered, took out his phone, and began to look up a professional vocabulary.


Aunt Zhang heard the words and said, “Last night, Feifei had a tantrum. Mr. Luo stayed with her until very late, and I saw that it was past midnight when he ended the call with you. Mr. Luo was probably afraid of disturbing your rest that’s why he didn’t send you the information in advance.” 

After she said this, Fei Bai remembered the efficient thing he said when he asked Luo Yusen for a voice call last night.

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The senior brother is quite understanding.

“Auntie, can I borrow a pen and paper?” Fei Bai asked.

Auntie Zhang opened the drawer and gave it to him. Seeing that he started to take notes, she couldn’t help but say, “Actually, this trial lecture is to see if Feifei can get along with you. Don’t be too nervous because…” 

She was about to say, “..because she can’t get along with anyone in general” she thought that she couldn’t discourage Fei Bai now. Hence, she swallowed it back and said, “Because Mr. Luo has a team that specializes in designing treatment plans for Feifei, you don’t have to worry about this in the future, as long as you accompany Feifei well.”

Fei Bai raised his head and smiled at her, “It’s my habit to make some preparations for everything.”

His smiling face simultaneously appeared on the computer in front of Luo Yusen on the second floor. On the screen, accompanied by the phrase “Be prepared for everything, this is my habit” in the Bluetooth speaker.

Luo Yusen looked at the boy on the screen and remembered the cookie with the phone number he had given him yesterday afternoon. 

Children are really good at preparing.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Mflyjl yglfois rewwjglhfv Oeb Mflofl’r yftjnlbgji mtjgjmafglralmr jcv ilrafv j ofk qgfmjealbcr obg tlwrfio. Lf gfjv la aklmf ogbw yfulcclcu ab fcv, offilcu atja tf tjv wfwbglhfv la jii, jcv atfc rjlv ab Ceca Itjcu, “P’w gfjvs. Tbe mjc ajxf wf cbk ab rff Mflofl.”


Oeb Mflofl kjr lc atf agjlclcu gbbw cfza vbbg. Ktf ilaaif ulgi ibbxr ibnfis jcv tjr ylu yfjealoei fsfr. Lbkfnfg, tfg fsfr jgf yijcx jcv kjgs. Vtf bynlberis mbkfgfv j ilaaif ktfc rtf rjk Mflyjl.

“Mr. Luo is not coming over? Fei Fei is afraid of meeting strangers. In this case, it is best to be accompanied by a parent.” Fei Bai asked Aunt Zhang. 

Auntie Zhang shook her head, “Mr. Luo uses Feifei’s real reaction as the basis for selecting tutors. He doesn’t want to be a distraction during the trial lecture.”

Feibai saw her reservations, so he carefully looked at the indoor environment. Sure enough, he found a surveillance camera installed on the ceiling.

He understood that Luo Yusen should be watching himself from a distance.

So he nodded obediently and sincerely said, “I know. I will try my best.” 

Luo Yusen laughed softly upstairs. The child is quite intelligent.

Fei Bai slowly approached Luo Feifei, stopped about half a meter away from her, and squatted down to keep an eye level with her, “Hello, I’m Fei Bai.”

Luo Feifei didn’t respond.

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Fei Bai slowed down and repeated this sentence. 

Luo Feifei stared at him for a while, then turned her back to him, and began to pull the cushion wrapped on the wall.

Fei Bai waited patiently. Finally, Luo Feifei turned his head and looked at him again.

He noticed that the corner of Luo Feifei’s mouth twitched. He quickly said, “Great, tell me what your name is?”

Luo Feifei’s mouth uttered vague syllables. 

Aunt Zhang on the side was stunned but quickly took back her surprised expression.

Feibai saw some training props on the ground not far away. He went over and picked a small ball, made a dashing dribble posture, and then used very little strength to roll the ball to Luo Feifei’s feet “Feifei, take it.”

Luo Feifei ignored him.

Fei Bai didn’t give up and rolled a few more times, but Luo Feifei was like a little wooden man and did not react. 

When he was about to roll the ball and continue trying, Aunt Zhang received a call. After a few words, she put down the phone and said to Fei Bai, “That’s all for today.”

No way, it is too soon.


Fei Bai looked at his watch, and only half an hour had passed since he came in.

As expected, I can only enter the Second Ring mansion once in my life, and it only took 30 minutes. 

Now I can only hope that Luo Yusen will be kind enough to allow him to take pictures.

Wait, he still doesn’t know if he can see Luo Yusen. What if Auntie Zhang directly packed him and sent him away?

Aunt Zhang called a few people to take care of Feifei and motioned Feibai to follow her as she went out.

When she left the room, she showed a happy expression, “We finally found a new tutor. Don’t know you that I am dying of anxiety these couple of days?” 

“New tutor?” Feibai looked confused.

“It’s you,” Aunt Zhang patted Fei Bai’s shoulder, “Feifei likes you a lot.”

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“Like me?” Fei Bai was even more confused, “If this is called liking, what is it like to hate?”

Aunt Zhang recalled the interviewers’ experience in recent weeks and said, “Fei Fei bit the last one who came to the interview on his hand and neck and it was bleeding. The next one had an injury on his hand and neck, and he was stomped when lying on the ground to build blocks for Fei Fei, and … 


Fei Bai felt a chill in his hands and neck. If compared with these people, Luo Feifei really likes him.

Auntie Zhang looked at him with a smile, “Mr. Xiaofei, maybe our Feifei likes the kind of looks you have. Before you, the tutor was a girl, she was good-looking and a bit like you. Unfortunately, she resigned because of pregnancy.”

Fei Bai touched his face, “Thank you, Auntie.” 

Aunt Zhang led him to the second floor, and Fei Bai saw the man sitting by the window at a glance.

The man closed the computer, stood up, and turned to him, “Hello, Junior Brother Feibai.”

Feibai stood still as if he had been struck by a bolt of lightning. How could he be the male vixen?

“You.. why are you here?” he stammered. 

Aunt Zhang was very puzzled. She looked at Luo Yusen and Fei Bai, “Mr. Xiaofei, do you know Mr. Luo?”

‘I know him very well,’ Fei Bai said in his heart. But I won’t tell you that Mr. Luo had put a green hat on me and gave me a fatal blow yesterday.


Luo Yusen looked at Fei Bai and smirk, “I know him.”

Then he raised his hand to Aunt Zhang, “Take care of Feifei first, and I will talk to him.” 

Aunt Zhang nodded, followed by the sound of her footsteps going down the stairs, getting farther and farther. Now, only Fei Bai and Luo Yusen were left on the second floor.

Fei Bai was silent for a while and then suddenly thought of something. He asked stiffly, “You.. you have a nine-year-old child?”

Luo Yusen heard this and knew that he had misunderstood, “Feifei is my sister.”

Oh, younger sister. 

The problem is that it’s not right for the third party to let her boyfriend’s original partner be her sister’s tutor. He’s even planning to give him so much money.

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No, no, he must have made a mistake.

Fei Bai racked his brains for a long time to think about what happened yesterday and today. Finally, he concluded that Luo Yusen either didn’t know that he was Xu Geyang’s ex-boyfriend at all, or he had a big blind eye.

He looked at Luo Yusen and felt that the other party seemed to have a high IQ. 

In other words, this person rejected him yesterday because he was not yet stained by the mud.

Tsk, what a white lotus.

I don’t know how Xu Geyang got him.

Thinking of Xu Geyang, the small flame in Feibai’s heart was ignited again, and his fighting spirit suddenly rose. If Xu Geyang can take Luo Yusen, why can’t he? 

He couldn’t just quietly withdraw from the anti-green sniper battle. He wants to be mad at Xu Geyang.

Fei Bai cleared his throat, “Yesterday…”

“I can pretend that what happened yesterday never happened.” Luo Yusen said.

Fei Bai was anxious, “How can it be regarded as if it never happened?” 

Luo Yusen glanced at him unexpectedly and then commented, “Well, I think this matter can be discussed later. I want to finalize with you the specific matters of being Feifei’s tutor first.”

He sat down and put the two copies of the contracts on the table, “The two on the left are from the previous tutors. Because you are still studying, I adjusted the contract according to the flexible working system, and the two on the right are for you. You can compare it, and if there is no problem, sign on the first page.”


Fei Bai flipped through it and found that the salary was higher than what Professor Chen told him. He quickly signed it for fear that Luo Yusen would regret it.

After signing the contract, Luo Yusen worked out the schedule for Luo Feifei’s classes with him. It was so detailed that even Fei Bai, an outsider, exclaimed that he was really competent as a brother. 

At noon, Aunt Zhang went upstairs to remind Luo Yusen to eat.

Luo Yusen said casually that he knew, then put down the pen in his hand and said to Fei Bai, “We can continue to discuss yesterday’s events at the dining table.”



t/n: Well, fair enough Peppa pig kinda looks like a hair blower LMAO

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