“Can I ask where you went?”

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“Well. That’s… … .”

I felt that Rona hesitated to say something.

“I was looking for a way to heal My Lord’s eyes.”


He laughed.

“Oh sorry. There’s no cure. The emperor made every effort to repair his broken nephew, but I’m still like this.”

Rona’s sigh sounded heavy.

“I didn’t want to say anything because I was afraid you would think that way.”

“So, did you find a way?”

“Well… just half.”

He was curious about the ‘half’ that Rona had found. 

However, Eleon is already being stung by the bitterness of giving up.

“What’s the cure?”

“It’s an herb. They say it’s a precious herb.”

“It’s a medicine.”

He had tasted everything that a human being would not be able to drink. 

Just thinking about that time made Eleon feel nauseous.

Originally, Eleon didn’t eat or drink anything that was given to him. 

Because the attempts to take his life had no end. 

Rumors circulated among the barbarians that if Eleon Clevent collapsed, they could have won the war. 

He had to drink what others gave him without resentment in order to heal his eyes. 

It was much more difficult and difficult for Eleon. 

It was useless to drink them, since there was no improvement. 

Eleon’s heart sank as he vividly recalls his frustrations at the time.

“You can ask the butler, there must be a document that summarizes the medicines used for treatment. If I haven’t tried it, I’ll drink it.”

If Rona is giving it to me, can I say refuse it no matter how much I don’t want it? 

Eleon’s desire to get his sight back grows stronger when he learns that Rona has been struggling to find a cure for him.

“Don’t expect too much. I’ll drink whatever you bring.”

“Sir Eleon.”

She put her finger on the back of his hand. Her hand gently climbed over his arm and rested on his shoulder, gently pulling him towards her, hugging him and patting him on the back. 

Eleon was astonished as if he had been struck by lightning.

Obviously, she approached with a sign so he wouldn’t be surprised. 

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Still, his heart was pounding so hard. 

It was a light hug that could be interpreted as a greeting. 

Eleon knows it all too well that this gentle hug is just a humane gesture of comfort and encouragement. 

But even with that light touch, he felt like his whole body was clamoring.

“You will surely regain your sight. I’ll make sure it happens.”

The sound of muttering dizzyingly echoed in his ears. 

For a moment, Eleon felt the urge to hug her

.‘… … no.’

He still didn’t want to reveal his feelings to her. 

He didn’t know that showing his inner self to someone who was uninterested and ignorant would be enough to break his heart.

‘I don’t have the confidence to let her go.’

After hugging her at least once, what happens next? I’ll probably want more.

Eleon had to put all his strength into lowering his hand that was moving towards her again. 

He turned his head and Rona pulled away from him.

“Let’s go to the dressing store. You’d better hurry up.”

Rona shook her head.

“I’m really fine. I’m receiving a higher salary on a better condition than other places. That is enough.”

Eleon was disappointed. 

I felt like an idiot as I pondered every word she had said, wondered if she liked me or not. 

And whether I had a chance to win her heart. 

Conditions and salaries. 

Rona doesn’t want to be by my side. Realizing that it was just an employment relationship, he was caught up in the dreadful feeling that it would remain the same.

‘But if there’s anything I can do for you, I’d like to do anything.’

I remembered the feel of the rough and cheap coat that had been drenched in the rain that was heavily draped over her small body. 

“It’s about my dignity. What would people think if you were dressed like that?”

“They won’t be interested in me.”

“People will point finger if a servant of the Grand Duke is running around in shabby clothes, wondering if they are underpaid.”

“Oh, that’s possible. I’m sorry, My Lord.”

Eleon’s heart ached hearing Rona’s disappointed voice. 

But he was on the verge of winning. He will buy her a bunch of her new clothes.

“Go and get ready.”

“Yes. Sir Eleon.”


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As the door closed, Eleon rubbed his flushed face violently. 

Every action and word has a meaning. 

Rona patted him like a child and greeted him politely, which would mean nothing.

“No doubts I like it.”

Eleon stayed there for a while, pondering what he had just done. 

* * * * *

‘Le Ballein’, a dressing shop located on Luton Street. 

It was the most popular dressing shop in the Capital.

The reason I had to go there was because the owner of the store greeted Eleon. 

And second, because the butler said, ‘The Ladies who were in the park only wore Le Ballein clothes’. 

“Welcome, Your Highness. Thank you for coming back.”

And the third reason was that the owner-shop treated Eleon like a normal guest, even when she saw the rumored, ill-fated blind Grand Duke. 

From her attitude, she didn’t seem to gossip that the blind beast of the Empire had come to buy clothes.

“Yes. I wish I can get some clothes tailored for this lady”

“How many? I don’t need that many clothes. Just one suit. The coat you tore yesterday… … .”

“Are you kidding me? It’s not even a single suit for each season of spring, summer, autumn, and winter.”

“This is a very expensive place, how can I buy clothes in a place like this? The clothes I wear now are enough.”

“Don’t forget that clothes provided by the Grand Duke must be returned when you quit your job.”

Eleon laughed alone. 

Rona came to the dressing shop in her maid uniform because she had no other proper clothes to wear.

“Then, lady. Would you like to follow me this way?”

It was said to be the most popular store in the empire, and the owner’s business skills were great. 

Emily, the owner of Le Ballein, guided them to a private room.


As soon as Rona set foot there, she was amazed.

“What did you see that made that sound?”

Eleon got genuinely curious. 

Before his eyes went wrong, it was common for young ladies to see him pass by and faint. 

Although he lost his sight, he probably didn’t lose his looks, but Rona never looked at him and complimented him. 

I was so curious about what she saw and admired so much.

“Well, first of all, it’s a large circular room, with a hole in the top of the ceiling.”

“I’ve never seen anything like this. I think I’ll look like an angel if I wear new clothes here.”

Bernard helped out a bit.

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“And pretty fabrics are decorated along the wall.”

Eleon pictured the scene inwardly. 

He could vividly picture a dark-haired girl with red hair and blue eyes staring with her eyes gleaming.

“Grand Duke. I brought some fabric with me.”

Emily really knew what was important. Knowing that Eleon’s opinion would have the biggest impact on sales, she sat him on a large sofa. 

She, then, placed on his lap samples fabric cuts. 

Eleon touched them one by one with his hands. 

Fluffy, thin, and soft fabrics seemed cool to wear in summer. 

The thicker fabric was perfect for making autumn outings. 

No matter what I touched as I went through each one, they were much better fabrics than what Rona was wearing yesterday.

“I guess I’ll have to order a coat for the winter. Is there any fabric for winter?”

“It’s spring now, so it’s in the warehouse. Instead, I have a few finished clothes, please check them out.”

Emily diligently returned with her arms full of coats. 

Eleon touched them carefully, one by one. 

Things like the collar of a coat, draped lace on the sleeves, or buttons with a nice double button at the waist.

“Good. Can you match it to Rona’s size?”

“Yes, if you purchase everything, I can fit them to her size.”

“Then I will buy all these coats.”

Emily’s voice lit up.

“Thank you.”

In the meantime, Rona was changing clothes in the next room.

She came back feeling awkward.

“Go up here, miss.”

“Like this?”

The lace on the dress shimmered in the sunlight, falling from the round skylight. 

Rona was surprised when she looked at herself in the mirror.

“I know the secret of this room. It seems like you will buy everything you try on here.”

Looking at Rona with her innocent eyes twinkling, Emily laughed out loud.

“What are you worried about? The Grand Duke has already bought more than twenty sets.”

“Yes? I beg your pardon? Excuse me, My Lord. I don’t need so many clothes.” 

Eleon pretended not to hear, concentrating all his attention on choosing spring and fall clothes. 

He was very busy, even choosing summer clothes.

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“Take them and put them on again, starting with spring clothes.”

Emily faithfully followed the Grand Duke’s instructions. 

It was then.

“Look who is this? There are times when I see blind people in places like this.”

As soon as he heard that voice, Eleon’s eyes became cold. 

There was only one person in the Empire who could say this to Eleon Clevent, the second in the line of succession to the Imperial throne.


Eleon also does not address him with honorifics, ‘His Majesty the Crown Prince’.

“What is going on in a place like this? I didn’t know you were roaming outside the mansion.”

“Your knowledge is so short, there are a lot of things you don’t know.”

“What do you mean?”

Sabiel was furious. 

Rona was standing in her underwear in the changing room, and unknowingly she crossed her arms to cover her body when she heard the unfamiliar voice. 

She was frightened, but Emily smiled like it was ok.

Then opened the curtains and went out to the private room.

“My greetings to the Crown Prince.”

“I wondered where you went and you were serving other guests.”

“There was a customer who came first, so I was in the middle of a consultation.”

“A blind beast choosing clothes? HaHa. It’s one of the funniest jokes I’ve ever heard.”

Sabiel approached Eleon, who sat motionlessly.

“Don’t make any trouble while wandering around, and go back to the mansion.”

“Why don’t you pay attention to the trouble caused by your rude words and actions.”

Then Sabiel’s escort came forward.

“How dare you disrespect the Crown Prince.”

Eleon turned his head toward the source of the sound. 

The gray eyes were out of focus, but the life in those eyes was so clear that the knight swallowed his saliva without realizing it.

“By the way, who did you bring? Do you have any hidden women?”

Sabiel’s eyes scanned the curtains of the changing room.

“I’ll take a look instead of the Grand Duke who can’t even see. Maybe the girl is aiming for your property.”

It was when Sabiel had just touched the curtains when suddenly…. 


Eleon grabbed his hand precisely.


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