“It would be easier if I could resolve it by making you my lover.” 

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That’s not it. It was more difficult. 

Rona wouldn’t love me the way I wanted to, even if I had one night with her. 

Is it complicated to let a person into a corner of your heart? 

Eleon would sometimes feel choked when he thought of her, even when she was by his side. 

He gently covered her with a blanket. As if satisfied, Rona held the blanket and fell into a deep sleep. 

“Why are you so lovely even sleeping?” 

I didn’t want to send Rona back to her room, even though I knew that she would rattle on when morning came. 

“Good night, Rona.” 

Eleon closed his eyes. 

Even if he opened or closed his eyes, it was okay because she was by his side now. 

* * * * *

Among the most dignified buildings in the Imperial Palace, the first was the Sun Palace, the emperor’s residence, and the second was the Crystal Palace, used by the Crown Prince. 

The Sun Palace was decorated with gold in white marble, creating an exquisite contrast between moderation and splendor. 

On the other hand, the Crystal Palace wasn’t because it was built with crystal, but rather because the entire building was built with expensive glass and looked like a lump of crystal. 

Even a palm-sized piece of glass would be equal to a servant’s weekly wages. 

But the Crystal Palace had a large glass frame that was taller than a person’s height and completely encased the outside, so I couldn’t imagine how luxurious it would be to live in.

Late at night, a brightly lit candle flickered through the opaque double glass of the Crystal Palace. 

It looked like a torch burning alone in the middle of the darkness.

 Inside the classical building, Sabiel was sipping a glass of wine. 

He had already emptied a few bottles of strong alcohol and was seriously intoxicated.

“How about Karina?”

The lieutenant shook his head and answered.

“She has arrived safely at the Count’s house.”

“Well done.”

Then he asked again.

“What about those who saw Elysia?”

“Yes. I’ve brought them from the dungeon.”

A blindfolded elderly couple was brought in.

“Please save me. Please save me.”

“Be quiet.”

The lieutenant roughly made them knelt before Sabiel.

“Release them.”

The lieutenant removed the cloth that covered their eyes. 

They suddenly saw a light, and after being dazzled for a moment, they saw Sabiel sitting in front of them, and they bowed their heads in astonishment.

“The Crown Prince.”

“The Crown Prince.”

“Raise your head.”

They were a couple of forest rangers in Kinev Forest, which borders Lake Laurel.

“Have you seen this woman?”

Sabiel smiled, while the lieutenant held out a finely painted portrait in front of them. 

Her blonde hair was flowing as shiny as honey, and her eyes were purple like amethyst. 

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Her white, beautiful face was like an angel who came down from heaven. 

It was a completely different drawing from the picture on the flyer.

“’s her”

“I found her near the shore of the Lake Laurel. At first, I thought she was dead.”

“Where did she go?”

The forest ranger’s wife answered.

“It was about half a year ago. She stayed in a hut for a few days, she asked me to take her to the city, so I dropped her off at the lord’s castle when we went to the Krueger Estate.”

“What about after that?”

“I..I haven’t seen her again.”

“If you lied, you should know you’ll be punished.”

The lieutenant shouted. Then they begged and cried again.

“I’m not lying.”

“Are you going to lie to the Crown Prince?”

“Alright, take them back.”

Sabiel muttered as the old couple was dragged away.

“As I expected, you didn’t die.”

“What should we do about them.”

“We can’t let them live”

Sabiel said with a cold face.

They found her near the lake.

“I will follow your orders.”

As soon as the lieutenant disappeared from the room, Sabiel smiled.

“If you’re still alive, I will definitely find you. Elysia.”

His eyes glowed like a maniac.

* * * * * 

Eleon had no way of knowing how much time had passed. 

I just couldn’t sleep. 

I didn’t know it was because of the butler’s harsh words.

‘Whoa. I’ve stayed up all night.’

He listened to Rona’s breathing all night. It was time for the sunrise.

“Ummm. Sir Eleon?”

Rona called him in a sleepy tone of voice.

“I was reading a book yesterday, so why am I sleeping here?”

Eleon was speechless. Rona fell asleep while reading a book so many times.

And Bernard always asked him, ‘Are you doing this again?’

“That, that… … .”

As Eleon stuttered uncontrollably, Rona said in a soft voice.

“Did you hate letting me go?”

Then she signaled to me that her little hand of hers was going to touch me.

Her fingertips tapped on my shoulder, gradually moving towards the center of my chest, unbuttoned my shirt.

Eleon was nervous, without realizing it, and moved his neck.

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“My Lord is a very easy person.”

Me easy? I have a hard time with you.

“How can you be so obvious?”

“It’s obvious?”


She laughed.

“You like me.”

“… … do you know that?”

“How can I not know? I told you that it’s obvious.”

Soon, a warm hand gently swept my hair. He felt his back shiver just by her touch.

“What do you want from me?”

She asked him.

“I… … I want to keep you by my side for a long time.”

… … until death. 

I swallowed the last words, fearing that it would be a burden on Rona. 

Then she laughed out loud.



“That’s not what you want from me.”


I felt that she was unbuttoning the buttons of my shirt. 

“You want me to be your lover, right?” 

The words that came out of her mouth had a different meaning. 

“Are you expecting something like this?” 

“No. I’m not… … .” 

Isn’t it really? Have I ever wished for a moment like this? 

Eleon felt a cold sweat. 


Rona wrapped her arms around my neck. 

I felt a slender body hugging me clearly. 

It felt different when she accidentally fell on me. 

Since Rona started first, Eleon carefully embraced her. 

The sweet and refreshing cherry blossom scent came up. 

Eleon hugged her like a hungry man, buried his face in her hair, and inhaled its scent to the fullest of his greed. 



“I don’t have the slightest thought of doing what you want.”

“Are you sure?”


Eleon let out a long sigh.

“… … Can I kiss you?”

I still haven’t been able to confess properly. Can I steal your lips first? 

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Even at this moment, Eleon is disappointed with himself because he couldn’t give up his military habit. 

“Even if it’s once, it’s good.”

For now, it was sincere.

“Sir Eleon.”

Instead of answering, Rona put her lips on my cheek.

Unable to bear it any longer, Eleon laid her down on the bed. His hand was trembling, trying to find her lips. 

I fumbled over the face I touched at Cafe Cardinal and found the place I wanted to press down with my lips. 

His kiss with Rona was so sweet that he resented himself for saying, ‘Just one time,’ as soon as he touched her lips.

“Ahh. Eleon, I like you too.”

At that moment, Eleon woke up.

“… … It was just a dream.”

He was overcome with a sense of shame. 

* * * * * 

Rona wiggled her body in her sleep.

I slept well and woke up.

It wasn’t for the unfamiliar feel of the body pillow.

It was warm, firm, and moderately soft.


Rona’s eyes widened in surprise.

What she has been hugging so far is the body of the Grand Duke.

‘ did I end up with Eleon… … .’

I only remembered that I fell asleep while reading a book yesterday.

‘No, why didn’t I go back to my room?’

I can’t believe I’m sleeping this deep in someone’s bed. I was afraid someone would see me.

Rona tried to sneak out of bed. However, just as she had slept hugging him tightly, Eleon’s arms were wrapped around her waist. 

Rona tried to get rid of Eleon’s arm.

“Are you going to let me go now?”

A slightly hoarse voice came from the top of her head. 

She instantly froze.

“My…My Lord.”

She was so startled that her body trembled. 

He couldn’t withdraw his legs because Rona’s thigh prevented him from moving.

Eleon yawned and rubbed his eyes. He patted her back like he was saying it was okay.

“ did you sleep?”

First of all, Eleon was fine, so Rona greeted him as usual.

“I couldn’t sleep.”


“You have a bad sleeping habit.”

“Ah, ha ha ha ha.”

She quickly got up from his bed. But Eleon didn’t let her go.

“My Lord?”

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“I have a question.”

When she turned her body a little to the side, Eleon’s face was so close to her.

“What are you curious about?”

“What’s the color of your face now?”


“Are your cheeks red or something?”

She blinked, not understanding his intentions, and a large hand gently touched her cheek.

His long, calloused fingers, carefully touched her face. As if he wanted to feel the color of her cheeks.

‘You’re curious about everything.’

This is all because Eleon wanted to make fun of her. 

Rona complained, puffing her cheeks, dissatisfied.

“It’s the color of chocolate.”


“I told you that I’m dark-skinned. You’ll say something if I say my cheeks are red. I am very ashamed right now. I will leave quickly.”

Rona was trying to retrieve her legs back that she had put over his.


Rona felt something she hadn’t been aware of. 

Rona’s eyes automatically turned to her lower body, which was hidden by the blanket.

“Uh. Well, wait.”

Eleon suddenly took a deep breath. 

Rona paused as if he was looking at her, Eleon grabbed the blanket and held it in a defensive manner.

“Ha, ha, ha, ha.”

Rona smiled awkwardly and carefully walked away from him. 

One of the maid’s important principles was not to invade the privacy of her master. 

But she couldn’t keep it, and she took her master’s undergarment… … . Rona sighed. 

After a moment of awkward silence, Rona said, complaining. 

“Why didn’t you wake me up.”

If so, there would be no such embarrassing situation.

“I tried to, but you didn’t wake up.”

“Ah yes?”

It was something that could happen. 

Even if the job was easy, it was a job where you had to move a lot. 

I’ve been an office worker in my previous life, but now I’m in a field job. 

The licenses that I earned with blood, sweat, and tears. The memories of the second test flashed through Rona’s mind once again. 

She looked at the watch and luckily, it was still dawn. 

Seeing the silence in the Grand Duke’s residence, it seemed like everyone was on the verge of waking up.

“Then I’ll go to my room… … .”

Rona was surprised when she tried to get out of bed, avoiding Eleon. 

Her pajamas had come untied due to her rough sleeping habits, ran down off her shoulders, exposing them. 



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