I Hate Systems

Chapter 10

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<Li Qiu>

<Might: 27/94 (17/84) ( world average: 17 )>

<Toughness: 24/63 (22/61) ( world average: 14 )>

<Agility: 14/20 (12/18) ( world average: 15 )>

<Reaction: 7/9 (6/8) ( world average: 10 )>

<Aria Quality: 1 ---> Awakened>

<Aria Quantity: 27/53 (12/38) ( world average: 30 )>


<Might: 20/56 (12/48) ( world average: 17 )>

<Toughness: 13/35 (8/30) ( world average: 14 )>

<Agility: 18/26 (16/24) ( world average: 15 )>

<Reaction: 12/20 (12/20) ( world average: 10 )>

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<Aria Quality: 1 ---> Awakened>

<Aria Quantity: 82/95 (67/80) ( world average: 30 )>

<Enbi Arin>

<Might: 82 (75) ( world average: 17 )>

<Toughness: 45 (40) ( world average: 14 )>

<Agility: 34 (30) ( world average: 15 )>

<Reaction: 33 (25) ( world average: 10 )>

<Aria Quality: 2 ---> Practitioner>

<Aria Quantity: 35/40 (11/16) ( world average: 30 )>

( Author's notes: The stats inside the '()' are their stats before they absorbed the Aria cores )

"Aren't your stats too insane" Both Li Qiu & Prakash couldn't help but wonder when they looked at her stats. Prakash who noticed something weird pinched Li Qiu's arms "Eiyouch...…."

"Big bro look at her Aria quality"

"Damn, how is this possible, ooi brat , how could you become a practitioner".

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Hearing the word 'Brat' Enbi Arin raged a bit and kicked both Li Qiu and Prakash onto the ground.

"Eiyouch..." "Ouch…. Why am I also being punished" Ignoring the pitiful wails of Prakash, Enbi Arin began her explanation.

"Breaking through every stage has different requirements, I only came to know about becoming a practitioner after I accidentally became one so listen carefully".

Both Li Qiu and Prakash sat upright and began to pay close attention to her next words" You have to convert all of your body's potential into actual stats"

"that's it? "Questioned Prakash

"Yep, that's it " replied Enbi Arin with a serious expression.

"And how do you achieve it" inquired Li Qiu with a serious face while his left eye twitched a little.

"I don't know " she replied even more seriously with an almost solemn face and solemn voice.

"And how in the devil's realm did you achieve it" Li Qiu finally raged.

"Did you forget the ability I gained from the ant queen?" laughed Enbi Arin

"That ability even works on your potential stats?" even Prakash couldn't accept such ridiculousness.

"It seemed to have worked fine for me" shrugged Enbi Arin while gloating at their misfortune.

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Both Li Qiu and Prakash despaired a bit after they came to know the requirement for an 'Aria advancement' but failed to find a solution.

After noticing the look of despair which crept up onto both their faces Enbi Arin thought of a method to cheer them up.

'Smack' Smack'

"Ouch...…" "Eiyouch" that was to give them both a small gentle love tap.

"Didn't I already say this before to you guys that you shouldn't give up on something without even trying to find a solution. Think! Think as much as you can! Think like your entire life depended on it! Never stop Thinking! The only reason that we humans could become the overlords of Planet Earth was our ability to think. If we humans encounter a problem, we think up a solution. If there are no solutions, we create a new solution or the next best thing. If we humans can't create a solution on our own, we observe from other species and learn their techniques to solve our problems. And if learning doesn't work then we WOULD PLUNDER THEIR SKILLS, TRAITS, ABILITIES and make them our own. We may not have realized this when we lived in the peaceful era but we humans have an instinct that is deeply ingrained in our very souls. THAT IS TO RULE. Rule other life forms, create new life forms to rule them. Observe, think and learn various pieces of knowledge to rule better, find different forms in which humans can rule and finally be able to rule the very laws of the world. So stop acting like inferior insects. Even though we praise cockroaches for their abundant vitality, adaptability and survival rate but at the end of the day 'HOW DO THEY LIVE?'. Even though they have lived longer than humans on this planet at the end of the day they are just bugs billions of which we humans killed every day for whatever reasons and where the survivability and extinction of their entire race depend on a single thought of us humans. Times may have changed due to the emergence of Ari enabling those bugs and other creatures grow bigger and become less fearful of humans but it won't be long before they are once again reminded about how scary we humans are. We have unlimited potential and are the future overlords of this universe. These Ari have just opened on an easier path for us to traverse". Finished Enbi Arin with a face flushed red from all the shouting but with crystal clear eyes that radiated endless dominance and confidence.

Both Li Qiu and Prakash felt as if they were struck by thunder and felt their blood boil with vigour and confidence which cleared up their muddled mind and emotions while also giving them a sense of direction.

Both of them stood up ramrod straight and immediately bowed their heads to Enbi Arin who in their minds was no longer a 13-year-old kid but a leader who they could count on and pledge their loyalty to.

Enbi Arin didn't say lines like "Wha-What are you doing, please stop that and lift up your heads" but just nodded at them in an imposing manner.

She knew what she must do because after losing the technology that humans relied on and prided themselves with, they were currently at their weakest moment. In order to survive, they must support each other and require a leader to lead them to the pinnacle.

Though she may be weak now, but Enbi Arin had the necessary qualification, innate abilities and also had two people she could rely on in times of need and to whom she could show her true nature. It was at this moment that Enbi Arin properly resolved herself.

What she didn't know was that Both Li Qiu and Prakash had also resolved themselves to obey, support and treat Enbi Arin as someone who had shared trials and tribulations with them, their leader and someone who would have their maximum trust and to whom they would never betray no matter the circumstances.

Both Li Qiu and Prakash had tacit understanding with each other to never show their resolve openly to Enbi Arin but their actions would always be in accordance with their resolve.

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Enbi Arin suddenly clapped her hands "Now that we are done with all that. Our next objective would be to hunt the other creatures to raise our attributes since there doesn't seem to be any limits to have much we can raise them. But I guess that as we move to a higher tier, the lower tiered creatures may not give us much stats as now or give nothing at all. We will slowly collect clues as to how we can convert our potential stats into actual ones".

Li Qiu nodded to show his understanding while Prakash took a step forward to give his opinion

"Actually based on everything the both of you had said, I have 2 hunches. The first are skills, we may try to gain the necessary skills from external sources or we can try to move our body, body muscles etc. with our innate abilities or Aria or both and try to see if we can obtain a skill. Actually I'm almost sure that any specific action that we take can become a skill if we can shape the path our Aria travels in our Aria circuit accordingly almost like a muscle memory".

"Hmmm, that's quite the plausible statement. We can try its validity by practicing and experimenting. If it's successful then we could create a skill to convert our body's potential into actual stats" commented Enbi Arin while simultaneously thinking up various methods in her head.

"I never knew you had that in you" exclaimed on astonished Li Qiu.

"I was originally an introvert who couldn't speak his mind in front of others and that disaster with Ari worsened it but I have to thank you guys especially you Arin for giving me that courage and confidence" said Prakash while flashing an innocently pure smile which made Li Qiu a bit sheepish and made Enbi Arin blush a little.

"A-anyway, continue with your explanation. What was the other hunch" stuttered Enbi Arin a little.

"The second was what I came to notice from big bro's encounters. That system which invaded you was called 'Android AO72' right" asked Prakash to Li Qiu.

"Yes" Li Qiu answered swiftly.

"It was then that I wondered about the system we used in our day to day lives. They ranged from cell phones to computers to TVs. But the two similarities that all these electronics have are:

1. They are all connected to each other or a common domain in the same way or the other.

2. They retrieve data, compile and analyze to come up with a better user interface, feedback, experience etc.

We can split 'Android A072' into three segments. 'Android' meaning the type of 'programming' or 'operating system' used or in this case 'laws' and 'racial traits'. 'A' the model type while '072' being its numbering or identity like a name. And there is quite a big chance that all electronic devices that successfully became 'containers' could have chosen a human host since we are the species most familiar with are less vigilant towards them. So what I want to conclude is that such hosts must have encountered a similar trouble with the potential stats and through their networking must have already figured out a solution" finished Prakash leaving both Li Qiu and Enbi Arin with a single thought.


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