I Hate Systems

Chapter 26

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"Eh...eeeeehhh" Prakash

"Kyaaaaaaaaa" Enbi Arin

Both Prakash and Enbi Arin were jolted awake as they were spun around by Li Qiu in the air.

Prakash felt his head spin due to these intense revolutions. Prakash immediately activated his 'Moving Nature' innate ability on Li Qiu's shirt and willed it to rotate in the direction opposite Li Qiu's.

"Eh?..." Li Qiu abruptly stood stiff like a statue when his shirt locked him up in place but due to the effects of inertia both Prakash and Enbi Arin tangentially flew to a couple of meters with Li Qiu as the centre and fell face first onto the ground.

"You! Damn! Excuse! For an uncle!" Enbi Arin shouted in irritation while she still clutched her dizzy head.

"Big bro, screw you" Prakash too cursed at Li Qiu for the first time.

Li Qiu currently had a bashful expression on his face as he said "Sorry, I got too excited over my victory"

"Victory against whom?" questioned a confused Enbi Arin.

"Congratulations, bro" Prakash immediately congratulated Li Qiu while he shoved the previous incident to the back of his head. A fall such as this wouldn't hurt his sturdy body after all.

Li Qiu gave a thumbs up to Prakash while flashing his signature billion-watt smile.

On noticing that Enbi Arin was getting more and more pissed as time went on, Li Qiu didn't delay as he disclosed to her about his entire fight with the pale golden egg and the formation of his Nascent Soul.

"Seriously Big bro, that's super cool. A Soul Commander's Nascent Soul should have given you a couple of benefits right" Exclaimed Prakash.

Li Qiu shook his head in denial "Except for the increase in the lifespan of my soul, I didn't gain any other benefits"

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On seeing the look of disappointment that crept onto Prakash's face, Enbi Arin immediately chimed in "Idiot, just fact that he doesn't need to form a Soul Egg when he reaches the Soul Commander stage is a huge boon. Don't underestimate its value. Just like my miniature soul, he may not be able to gain any uses from his Nascent Soul at present but it will give him a significant boost in the future."

"True" Prakash replied as he cheered up.

"Oh yeah, little bro" Li Qiu called out to Prakash.

"What is it" Prakash inquired in confusion.

"When you have reached 100% purity in your Aria, notify me. I'll burn off that blasted egg inside you

and gift you a super cute Soul Egg" Snickered Li Qiu.

"Hehe" Prakash beamed in happiness.

"I'm almost done purifying my Aria. Just give me an hour" Replied Prakash.

"Take your time. I have to fill up my Aria in the meantime anyway" Said Li Qiu.

"Damn, Why is it taking so long for me. I'm only at 70% of my Aria purity" Complained Enbi Arin.

"A difference in talents I guess" Li Qiu mocked Enbi Arin.


"Get lost" Enbi Arin snorted as she sat back in her lotus position to continue with the purification of her Aria.

Meanwhile, inside the queen's chamber of the ant nest, Myra was in her ant form as she slowly tried to move the Aria Intents in her Aria Circuit.

It was difficult at first, but slowly after a couple of hours had passed, Myra began to get the hang of moving the Aria Intents through her Aria Circuit. Unlike her pure Aria, those Aria Intents provided too much resistance against her will.

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Not giving up hope, Myra slowly focused on a single Aria Intent and willed it to move through her Aria Circuit towards her mandible.

Unlike the other external parts of her body, the traveling of Aria through her mandibles was relatively easier and simpler to execute since it had evolved further to allow the Aria to move around with ease.

Once it reached the tip of her mandible, Myra willed it to travel towards the exoskeleton on her head. The amount of resistance Myra currently faced was probably a dozen times to the initial resistance that the Aria Intent produced inside her Aria Circuit.

It took more than 10 minutes of constant enforcement by Myra's will before the Aria Intent traveled to her exoskeleton. It took another 10 minutes for Myra to move the Aria Intent to the exoskeleton on her abdomen.

Myra left that Aria Intent to settle there on her abdomen's exoskeleton on noticing that it didn't move according to either its own will or Intent.

Myra repeated the same process by bringing multiple Aria Intents to the exoskeleton on her abdomen.

It was during the time when Myra brought her 63rd Aria Intent towards her abdomen that something strange happened. This Aria Intent immediately collided with 10 other Aria Intents.

They tore into each other, clashed and collided repeatedly onto each other and finally became a single bigger Aria Intent as they devoured and assimilated their counterparts.

Like a chain reaction, the other scattered Aria Intents too started to collide onto each other. It looked as if they were trying to dominate over each other.

Myra was astonished by this phenomenon. Curious about the possibilities, Myra further brought more Aria Intents to the exoskeleton on her abdomen.

Myra only had the guts and courage to do this due to the presence of one person, Li Qiu. It was because, in the worst case scenario, she could request Li Qiu to burn off these Aria Intents with the help of his Spirit Flame.

Every time Myra brought an Aria Intent to the exoskeleton on her abdomen, it would immediately join the battle with the other Aria Intents.

Time passed slowly. After a couple of hours had passed, Myra had moved over all of the Aria Intents in her body to the exoskeleton on her abdomen where they fought.

They fought, devoured, grew, evolved, and mutated to form stronger Aria Intents.

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Finally, at the end of their battle, there was only a single Aria Intent that was left on the exoskeleton on her abdomen.

This Aria Intent was approximately 10 centimetres in height and 4 centimetres in width that looked like a tattoo that was stuck on the surface of Myra's Abdomen.

This tattoo shaped Aria Intent had the head of a spider, scythes of a Mantis, body of a Centipede, eyes of a Mosquito and the wings of a Butterfly attached to its head.

At the exact moment when this new type of Aria Intent was created, Myra felt a surge of information rapidly gush into her head.

This information was about the skill Myra had successfully created called 'Skeletal Gu'.

This skill converges all the Aria Intents in her body over the exoskeleton, making them fight and devour each other to finally create a stronger Aria Intent called as the 'Gu intent'.

The advantage of this 'Gu Intent' was that it creates a certain type of aura around its wielder an activation based on its characteristics.

This aura can make an intended target to be influenced by it depending on the target's Willpower and mental resistance.

Myra noted that the aura unleashed by her 'Gu Intent' will have the characteristic of 'Avarice'.

Anyone influenced by her Gu Intent's aura will experience unsatiable greed and depending on her wishes, she could even direct the direction of effect or the object to which the target will feel the emotion of insatiable greed.

"Thank you Prakash" Myra mentally noted to herself to later inform Prakash about her initial success.

"Now, onto the real problem. How am I supposed to transmit this skill to my fellow brethren, I can't inform them about such complicated stuff through just my pheromones. And my antennae..... antennae...…antennae"

Myra paused her thought process at the word 'antennae' because she was reminded about a certain incident she had encountered the day before that would have made her blush if she were currently in her humanoid form. But sadly she was in her ant form.

This incident was one in which Prakash made the spider webs attached to his body coil into two threads and gently tapped onto her antennae.

Myra snapped out from her reverie as she immediately thought up a suitable method and individual to experiment out with.

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Myra raced towards the brood chamber to try out the experiment with Ella. She had chosen Ella because, among her entire colony, Ella had the most intelligence excluding her.

Myra noticed that Ella was currently resting in the brood chamber after having taken care for the needs of the 12 eggs that their late queen had laid since they were about to hatch soon enough.

Ella immediately greeted Myra as she saw Myra run towards her with excitement in her eyes.

"Ella, come and stand before me" Myra communicated with the help of her pheromones while being aided by their mental link to transmit the necessary emotions thereby establishing a sort of a basic communication method.

Ella did as she was told and stood a couple of feet before Myra.

Ella had grown considerably bigger as compared to the previous day but she was still short of Myra by about 10 centimeters in her ant form.

Myra inched closer towards Ella as she concentrated on her own antennae. Ella just stood in silence to comply with her Queen's wishes.

After a couple of seconds had passed, Myra's antennae took on a brown coloured glow. Not providing any explanation to Ella's astonishment, Myra gently topped her antennae onto Ella's antennae.

At the next moment, Ella gasped to find a bunch of memories, explanations, thoughts and Aria pathways gush into her head.

These memories slowly condensed into a single seed which Ella ascertained to be a skill seed.

Ella understood based on her new memories that the moment she could harness the skill seed, she would be able to automatically use the 'Skeletal Gu' skill to form a Gu Intent on her body. And when she had gained sufficient comprehension over the skill, then at that time, the skill seed would automatically dissolve into her body making the skill her own.

"Success" Myra exclaimed in joy at the success of her experiment which netted her with another skill called 'Skill Transfer'.

Just like the name implies, the skill 'Skill Transfer' is a skill that can transmit all the necessary details required to form the skill in the form of a skill seed.

"Too bad" Myra shook her head, a bit that disappointed that the skill could only work in one direction i.e. from her to others, and the skill was limited only to her brethren to whom she shared a mental connection with.

"Practice well" Myra said to Ella as she ran over to the other ants to pass over the skill seed of the 'Skeletal Gu' skill.

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