I Hate Systems

Chapter 8

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It took a few minutes for all three of them to calm down.

Once Enbi Arin calmed down from her turbulent emotions she noticed that Prakash was still hugging her which pissed her a little and she kicked him away with a "humph" and turned her head sideways due to which she failed to notice a blush which crept onto his face and a tinge of regret present in his eyes.

In the meantime, Li Qiu was still wiping his tears and kneading his nonexistent beard acting like an old man who had just watched his grandkids acting cute with each other.

After that Li Qiu repeated everything about his innate abilities to Prakash who in turn clarified his doubts about the materialization innate ability.

"Hey big bro, can you use your essence sense on me and tell me what else you see".

Nodding his head Li Qiu used his essence sense and was greeted with a world of black again and 3 different Aria circuits.

The Aria lines of Prakash were twice as thick as his which gave quite a major shock to Li Qiu. He further got an even greater shock when he saw 9 coilings done by the pale golden egg's tentacles around a white soul flame.

Both Enbi Arin and Prakash became anxious when they saw Li Qiu's serious expression.

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When they inquired about it, Li Qiu began recounting his experiences with the parasite which called itself as 'Android A072', his experiments with the marble and the true identity of the internet, the existence of the pale golden egg, its tentacles and the number of coils made by the tentacle on the soul flame.

"Does that mean we may become marionettes for whatever entity that's putting the guise of the internet?" exclaimed Prakash in fear.

"Actually that's just our everyday internet we use that got upgraded into what we see when whichever the sever which formed the internet became a container of Ari. And by my experiments and observation, it seems that the internet server's Aria quality exceeds '1'".

"Wait, when did you become so observative and clever?" questioned Enbi Arin in an odd tone.

"That's what you're worried about?" exclaimed both Li Qiu and Prakash simultaneously.

"Ahem, let me clarify about that" Li Qiu cleared his throat and began with his little narrative

"Actually, just a day before this entire doomsday scenario I was quite a renowned person in the translation industry known for my exceptional observational and communicational skills and the slick manner in which I handled those international dignitaries" and put up a proud look on his face which disgusted Enbi Arin a little.

"But it seems that the situation in which I gained my innate ability made my emotions and thought process a bit unstable, though it seems that my emotions would probably become stable within a week and my thoughts are already starting to gain clarity as we speak now".

'thud' 'thud' 'thud' 'thud'

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"What was that" exclaimed Li Qiu even though he had a vague guess as to what caused those sounds.

"Quick, follow me and break a few of those curtain rods". Surprising Li Qiu both Enbi Arin and Prakash immediately sprang up from their spots and ran towards the trial rooms and started to break the rods on which the curtains were usually slid onto from their sockets.

"Leave those metal ones, they are just decorative pieces which are hollow inside, take the wooden ones, they are made from teak wood and are quite sturdy" shouted Li Qiu with a sense of urgency.

Enbi Arin and Prakash both hurried up and equipped themselves with a wooden rod and kept another two on the floor beside them just in case they needed it.

They saw a few clothing stands shake and fall down a couple dozen metres ahead of them followed by loud sounds which were like the sounds produced when a bird unruffled its wings.

There were a little over 5 metres of open space between the trio and the nearest clothing stand.

The trio watched with bated breath as they saw each clothing stand fall down in their direction and when it was the turn of the final clothing stand, they saw 4 huge hen that were over a metre tall rushing at them which terrified the trio a bit but not much because at the end of the day they were just bigger poultry which were followed by a regular sized rooster.

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"Enbi Arin , keep an eye on that rooster, the both of us will take care of the hens. Prakash take the two in the left". Li Qiu said hastily before he swung his rod with all his might at the incoming hen's head.


Its head burst apart into a mixture of blood and brain matter, not batting an eye to the Gore in from of him Li Qiu spun his body a little and used the momentum to lunge a vertical slash on the other hen bringing its life too to an end.

In the meantime, Prakash took care of a hen in a single hit and was about to lunge a thrust at the other hen when Enbi Arin slammed into him exclaiming "watch out" and rolled with him a couple of metres away.

"What happened" Prakash asked anxiously but before Enbi Arin could answer him "shit, that rooster can shoot sword beams, I'll distract it and in the meantime, the both of you kill the remaining hen".

Saying thus Li Qiu threw his wooden rod at the rooster which barely dodged it and picked up the other wooden rod lying on the ground and started to run towards the stands.

The rooster furious at the wretched creatures it already despised flapped its wings to run a few feet and flew to a height of three metres when its wings started to glow grey holding a certain amount of

Aria in them after which the energy emerged out in the form of a sword beam from each wing that travelled towards the running Li Qiu in an 'X' formation.

Though the beams were powerful and lethal but they lacked in terms of speed ( they only traveled at the speed of 4 metres/second) due to which when Li Qiu could dodge them by rolling sideways.

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On seeing its sword beams miss their target, the rooster though on the verge of depleting its Aria started charging another volley when a wooden rod flew through the air hitting squarely on the rooster's wings.


The rooster was wailing in pain on the floor and was unable to even move due to its injury. "Bull's-eye" shouted Enbi Arin triumphantly.

"Phew, that scared me" Li Qiu walked over patting his still thumping heart.

"Let's kill the damn poultry" he said and lifted his wooden rod preparing for a mighty swing.

"Wait, wait, wait, don't kill it, I have some uses for it" Enbi Arin shouted in a hurry which confused both Prakash and Li Qiu.

"What are you gonna do with it, barbeque it alive?" Prakash watched with curiosity in his eyes.

"Just shut up and stand a couple of metres away from me" said Enbi Arin to which they both nodded and moved away while she bent over the rooster in a gentle and calm manner, brought her hands slowly over the rooster's head, clutched its neck and kept mumbling something to the rooster at which the rooster first shook its head sideways vigorously but later drooped its head down accepting its miserable fate and sent a grey coloured seed towards Enbi Arin which she instantly absorbed into her body after which she snapped the rooster's neck.

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