Now, Evan has become a swindler who seems to embrace a hundred mischievous creatures with gentle sociability. He excels in swordsmanship, strategy, and politics—there is nothing he cannot do. However, if you were to place the young Evan side by side with him, no one would ever think they are the same person.

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“Although it was frustrating, back then he wouldn’t even confront anyone and was so kind.”

Riett longed for the innocent Evan and reminisced about their first encounter.

* * *

Two families gathered in a sunlit and cozy parlor. It was the Marren Ducal Family, to which Riett belonged, and the Kreutz Ducal Family, to which Evan belonged. The two families had come together to introduce their young children to each other, and Riett and Evan exchanged glances.



“What are you looking at?”

As silence filled the room, it was young Riett who spoke first. The adults couldn’t hide their surprise at her rough words coming from a seven-year-old girl.

The most taken aback was the Duchess of Marren, Riett’s mother.

“Oh, Riett! What kind of language is that!”

“He keeps staring at me!”

“Call him by his name which is Evan!”

Despite the objections from Duchess Marren, Riett continued to gaze fiercely at young Evan. The duchess quickly apologized to Evan.

“Our Riett isn’t usually like this… I’m sorry, Evan.”

Unable to easily respond to the rough presence he had just encountered, Evan’s father, Duke Kreutz, intervened.

“Haha, it’s alright. It’s better than having a quiet child.”

Duke Kreutz smiled amiably and sternly addressed Evan.

“Evan, when you see a friend, you should greet them. Riett is upset because you’re not saying anything and just staring.”

“But, but…”

Evan stammered, lowering his head. Then he glanced up at Riett.

It seemed that his reddish eyes, as strong as his personality, made him feel even more uneasy.

However, he knew that if he couldn’t say another word here, he would receive a reprimand from his father later.

Determined, Evan opened his mouth.

“…Uh, hi, Riett.”


Riett sighed loudly even at the courageous greeting.

“It’s frustrating! This weakling will abandon me like a discarded toy in the future…”

Riett spoke and looked around.

She realized that the adults were once again looking at her with astonished expressions.

“Oh, right.”

She kept forgetting that she was in the body of a young child, and the current Evan was a seven-year-old boy.

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But she was still angry.

The fact that this wimpy, avoidant guy, who couldn’t even make eye contact, would eventually play with her and discard her like a toy.

While reading a book, it was the first time she had empathized with the emotions of a rival character.

She had been reading, constantly thinking, ‘This is insane! Riett is so pitiful!’.

However, the adults who didn’t know the situation would find her behavior very strange.

“Well, um… It’s not like that. The world we’re going to live in is tough, and I got worried about Evan without even realizing it…”

As Riett scratched her head and tried to explain, thankfully Duke Kreutz burst into laughter.

“Ahahaha! You’re doing a great job raising your daughter, my friend. It’s impressive to see such a brave young child!”

Hmm. Uncle, I liked that praise.

Riett silently raised both thumbs in her mind.

“Evan, did you hear what Riett said? When you talk to people, you should speak with more confidence and raise your voice.”

When Duke Kreutz advised once again, Evan looked at Riett with pitifully trembling eyebrows. It was as if he was saying, ‘If you want me to talk to you, please give me a chance.’

“In the future, please take care of me…”

Finally, Riett revealed her true intentions and growled. Evan’s pupils flickered in response to Riett’s hostility.

However, the adults who didn’t know the situation would find my behavior very strange.

“…Hooahh! I just can’t do it! Your face is too scary!”

“What, you little brat?!”

Riett couldn’t control herself and grabbed Evan by the collar. Lady Marren, the wife of Duke Marren, barely managed to pull Riett away.

Riett trembled and backed off, hiding behind Duke Kreutz. 

“You… You’re like a hunting dog.”

“What, you’re calling me a hunting dog? Want me to bite you once?”

When Riett became agitated again, Duke Marren, her father, finally intervened and picked her up.

“I’m sorry. Riett may act confident usually, but she’s never been like this…”

Duke Kreutz responded to his friend’s apology with a gentle expression.

“It was quite entertaining. I wish my Evan was at least half as lively as Riett.”

Seeing Riett’s unexpectedly enthusiastic response to the scolding, Duke Kreutz approached her and spoke.

“Riett, come visit our mansion often.”


“I heard you enjoy reading books. Our mansion has a lot of books.”

Riett hesitated. She didn’t want to cross paths with Evan again, but the idea of having access to many books was quite intriguing. Besides, she had almost finished reading all the books in her own house.

Contemplating the options, Riett nodded, clinging to Duke Marren’s shoulder.

“Okay! And since I like pudding, please have it ready.”

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Lady Marren scolded Riett for her audacious demand. However, Duke Kreutz’s eyes displayed a soft smile.

“That’s the spirit. But you must come to play without fail.”


Though she didn’t like that Evan guy, being able to read books and having the old man like her wasn’t a bad deal at all.

* * *

Riett’s visit to Duke Kreutz’s mansion was the very next day.


As Riett got off the carriage and greeted cheerfully, the duke’s butler smiled and opened the door.

“Hello, Miss Riett.”

Riett asked, fidgeting, 

“Is the duke not here?”

“The duke has gone to the palace.”

Why did she think he would naturally be there? Riett regretted not making a prior appointment.

“Oh… Then should I come back another time?”

“No. The duke instructed me to guide any small guests to the study.”

Although there was a reason for Riett to meet the duke, her main purpose was to see the books. So she nodded.

“Well then, if you’ll excuse me.”

“Of course.”

Following the butler’s guidance, Riett walked through the garden. It felt different from Duke Marren’s estate.

The neatly arranged garden felt more artificial than natural, with intricate beauty.

Riett thought it revealed Duke Kreutz’s meticulous personality.

Lost in admiration, she found herself in the study before she knew it.

“The duke said you can browse freely and stay as long as you like.”

“Thank you.”

As the butler disappeared, Riett looked around. True to Duke Kreutz’s words, the bookshelves were filled to the brim with books.


Duke Kreutz was an old friend of Riett’s father, Duke Marren, and her father often praised him.

He was known to be a very intelligent person.

As if to prove that point, Duke Kreutz seemed to be someone who held books close. Otherwise, there was no way there could be this many books in a non-library.

“Where should I start?”

Riett also enjoyed reading books. She particularly enjoyed it when she was immersed in a novel.

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In this world, the opportunities for women were limited, so most noblewomen chose marriage once they became adults.

Perhaps the reason why the original Riett was so eager to marry Evan was that the most significant achievement a woman could have was a successful marriage.

‘But I don’t like that kind of thing.’

Riett had ambitious dreams.

To become a noblewoman!

In the Truto Empire, titles were generally passed down to males or sons-in-law, but there were exceptions.

One such exception was graduating from the Truto Public Noble School with excellent grades. That was the only way for a woman, even without a husband or male siblings, to inherit a title.

Because she had such a determined dream, Riett did not neglect acquiring knowledge.


As Riett was engrossed in a book, she felt someone’s gaze and raised her head, only to see black hair peeking behind the door.

“I can see you.”

Riett pointed out, and the owner of the black hair slightly revealed their face.

It was Evan, as expected.

In his transparent pupils, curiosity and fear were mixed.

“Oh, hi, Riett.”

“If you’re going to stutter, don’t talk to me!”

Startled by Riett’s warning, Evan hesitated for a moment but mustered up the courage to fully reveal himself from behind the door.

Then, after swallowing his saliva, he greeted her again.

“Hello, Riett.”


Riett replied and turned her gaze back to the book. But Evan nervously approached and sat next to Riett.

“Riett, the butler wants us to eat this together.”

Riett glanced at Evan. He held a beautifully colored pudding in both hands.


Riett hesitated for a moment.

She didn’t want to eat what he was offering, but the sweet scent of vanilla tickled her nose.

“…Just this once.”

“Huh? What?”

“What we eat together! Just this once!”

As Riett shouted, Evan lowered his gaze and nodded.


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Riett frowned at Evan.

She wondered how this timid guy grew up to become the empire’s top troublemaker.

“Riett… Do you… dislike me?”

Suddenly, at the unexpected question, Riett stared at Evan’s face for a moment.

They say a tree can be recognized from its leaves, and he had a handsome face like a doll.

And good-looking guys always relied on their appearance. That unfortunate victim was the original Riett.

“Yeah, completely.”

Evan’s eyebrows tilted downward in response.

“Why? We just met yesterday.”

“You can tell even when you first meet. There’s something called first impressions.”

Evan’s face became even more gloomy.

“I see… So you dislike me too, Riett.”


Was there someone else who disliked this guy? He was loved to an excessive degree by those around him.

Curious, Riett asked, 

“Who else dislikes you?”

She should go and give them some praise!

Unaware of Riett’s sinister thoughts, Evan hesitated.

Then, he rolled his eyes and opened his mouth.


“What? Duke Kreutz?”


“Why does he dislike his son?”

Riett’s face was filled with curiosity at the unexpected person.

To Riett, Duke Kreutz was a good person. Kind, caring, and wise.

But such a person dislikes his son?

Although Riett had seen him make sarcastic remarks to Evan yesterday, it was a reasonable thing to say to a timid son.

“We have to keep it a secret, Riett.”

“Yeah, I’m good at keeping secrets.”

She’s already doing a good job of hiding her true identity, so whatever.

Even with Riett’s half-hearted response, Evan seemed determined and opened his mouth.

“That’s because… my mother passed away because of me.”

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