On their way back to the village, Riett handed the spirit stone compass to the captain of the guards. 

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‘If the needle of the compass moves, it means a natural disaster is about to occur. Take shelter or be prepared.’

The captain of the guards, amazed by this strange item, accepted the compass. 

Although they didn’t find the spirit stone, Riett and Evan completed their task by leaving the compass for the safety of the villagers. 

The next day, they set off on the road again.

Riett absentmindedly gazed at the passing scenery outside the carriage. It felt like déjà vu, similar to when she first arrived in Parman and lost herself in observing the outside world.

“How are you feeling?” 

Evan’s voice brought Riett back to reality. He was looking at her intently. 

Riett scratched her cheek. 

“Distracted, I guess.”

So much had happened since she arrived here. She had almost been buried in a landslide, encountered assassins, and come close to the spirit stone. 

If she had been alone, it would have been impossible to overcome all of these challenges. 

Meeting Evan, Lucas, and Mishan here made it all possible. 

She was also grateful to Natasha, who had followed her all the way here without question, and to her hired help.

Without their presence, it would have been difficult to live decently in this harsh place.

‘And I’ve learned so many secrets, even ones I didn’t know in the capital.’

The fact that Perante had been a real spy, that Count Terrator had already planned to kill her, and that she could use the power of the spirits. 

The most shocking fact, of course…

Riett glanced briefly at Evan. 

‘That Evan likes me, even more than I imagined.’

It was beyond her imagination.

Her gaze then fell on Evan’s hand. 

When she had been buried under the rubble of the collapsed house, he had frantically dug through the dirt, resulting in Evan’s fingertips and wrist being a mess. 

Although everything had healed now, if Evan had wanted to protect only himself at that time, he would never have done such a thing.

She briefly doubted Evan’s feelings, but considering how he had rushed from the Aplen Temple to here… It seemed he had ignored even the Emperor’s orders.

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When they returned, would the Emperor punish Evan?

Suddenly, Riett became worried that Evan had acted too recklessly without thinking about the consequences.

“Evan, won’t you… be punished when we go back?” 

Riett asked, her eyes fixed on the outside.

Evan’s black eyes turned towards her. 


“At the Aplen Temple, you disobeyed the Emperor’s order and came to Parman on your own.”

“Oh… that thing?” 

Evan seemed completely unconcerned.

Although Riett herself often said everything she wanted to say to the Emperor and sometimes refused even the absurd requests, the Emperor was still the ruler of the country. 

Even if she found his orders ridiculous, she couldn’t just ignore them like that.

“You know the Emperor won’t say anything to me. After all, I’ve been a loyal spy all this time, and it’s just a small matter like this.”

Evan responded indifferently. It was truly an arrogant attitude. 

Riett couldn’t help but admire it anew. This attitude applies to everyone, even when facing His Majesty the Emperor. 

Seeing someone being so dignified, she understand now. Eventually, he even reached the absurd thought that it might be better to be fair.

“More importantly, Riett.”


Riett looked at Evan, who had a smile on his face.

“Did you worry about me?”

“Wor…worry? What are you talking about!” 

Riett exhaled, feeling bewildered. In the past, she would have said, “Me? Absolutely not!” but this time, she couldn’t produce such a reaction. 

She had no reason to deny it anymore, knowing that Evan…liked her.

But even so, the words didn’t come out smoothly. It was like an automated reflex that had been ingrained in her for decades.

Riett felt uncomfortable with Evan’s pretty smile and hastily changed the subject. 

“Rather than that, why did you choose to be a spy? Did the Emperor promise you something extraordinary?”

Being a spy was by no means an easy task. One had to blend in seamlessly among enemies and if any suspicions arose, the anxiety would be unbearable. 

If discovered, it could be extremely dangerous. 

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Evan, in particular, had a close relationship with Count Terrator, the leader of the conservative faction. If he had been exposed, the Count would have sought revenge by any means necessary.

So Riett speculated that Evan must have received an incredible promise from the Emperor.


As she waited for his answer, Evan silently stared at her.

Then, he turned his head, rested his arm on the window sill, and propped his chin on his hand.

“No, not really.”

“Don’t lie. You’re telling me you took on such a dangerous task without getting anything in return…?”

Riett narrowed her eyes unconsciously.

Evan wasn’t an ignorant child; he surely knew how risky his job was. However, he claimed to have done it without any compensation.

But Evan summed it up simply with one statement. 

“I didn’t need anything.”

Riett couldn’t say anything for a moment.

‘…Come to think of it.’

As she pondered, she realized that as a duke, a member of the nobility, and with an enormous estate overflowing with wealth, Evan already had everything. He didn’t need anything more.

But then, another question arose in her mind. 

“So……. Why the hell are you doing this spy thing?”

Doing such a risky job without anything to gain. There was no reason for Evan to accept it.

At that moment, Evan stared intently at Riett.

“Why do you think?”

…Because she doesn’t know, that’s why she asked.

Riett blinked with a completely puzzled expression.

Seeing her like that, Evan leaned back, his back against the chair, and gave a gentle smile.

“I guess I’ll keep that a secret.”

Riett frowned at Evan’s ambiguous words. He was leaving her curious once again, taking a step back. But she knew that when Evan withdrew like that, he wouldn’t say another word.

Riett thought hard.

‘Why did Evan choose to be a spy?’

Matter, honor, status—there’s nothing to gain. There’s no particular sense of mission for the empire or unwavering loyalty to His Majesty either. 

Faced with a difficult problem, Riett shifted her focus. 

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‘Could it have been for someone else…?’ 

The person who would benefit the most if Evan played the role of a spy. 

Probably His Majesty the Emperor…and…


Riett seriously pondered. 

If Evan liked her, could it be like getting caught in the crosshairs of an ax soldier? Or perhaps it was an excessive sense of self… 

However, no matter how she thought about it, there seemed to be no other reason for Evan to play the role of a spy. Of course, asking Evan would be the most certain way to find out… 

‘But it would be embarrassing if the answer is no.’ 

Riett imagined an awkward situation and quietly set aside her speculations. 

As she turned her thoughts outward and looked outside, the carriage she was riding had already crossed a stone arch-shaped bridge. 

At the end of the bridge, the imperial flag was fluttering. It meant they had reached the capital. 

Riett clenched her fist tightly. 

‘Hoo, now it begins.’ 

It was time to punish those who had wronged her.

* * *

Upon arriving in the capital, Riett spent the night at the Marren’s mansion, and the next morning, she headed straight to the palace. 

Stepping foot into the palace, Riett took a deep breath. 

‘Ah, this air…’ 

It had been a while. However, if there was something that disrupted this joyous reunion, it was the gaze that stuck to her almost suffocatingly. 

It wasn’t just fleeting glances. Some people blatantly stared at her. Whispers could be heard here and there, accompanying the gaze. 

“The exiled Duchess Marren has returned.” 

“They say it wasn’t Duchess Marren who revealed the location of the Spirit Stone to the Haren Empire…” 

“It was rumored that the real spy for Haren Empire was Perante. Is it true?” 

Riett smiled inwardly as she listened to the conversations. It seemed like Prince Callis of the Haren Empire had done his mission quite well. 

“I heard the Haren Empire hasn’t made an official announcement yet. It’s still unknown.” 

While rumors circulated that Perante was the true spy for the Haren Empire, Haren Empire itself had not expressed any opinion yet. But this was only on the surface. 

In reality, Emperor wanted to discuss this matter continuously with the Haren Empire’s Emperor. 

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However, Riett judged that it would be better if others didn’t know about this fact. The more the situation was driven into a corner, the better. 

Once the truth was revealed, the rumors would fade away, and people’s interest would disappear. 

While nothing was clear yet, Riett planned to announce Count Terrator’s misdeeds, revealing the truth behind the spy incident while the people’s interest was still high. 

Ignoring the gazes directed at her, Riett made her way to the Emperor’s office. The guards, who recognized her face, opened the door for her. 

As she entered, the Emperor, who seemed slightly haggard, greeted Riett. It had been a long time. 

“Oh… Duchess Marren.”

She suffered so much coming from a foreign land, but she couldn’t understand why His Majesty was acting like this. 

“It was so difficult without you.”

Without even asking about her well-being, the Emperor approached and embraced Riett. 

It was such a tight embrace that it was hard to breathe. But for some reason, it felt like the Emperor was clinging to his emotions, so she let it be for a moment. 

Soon, the Emperor collapsed in Riett’s arms. Then, she could see his vulnerable face more clearly, and tears were even welling up in his eyes. 

‘…Why are you like this, really.’ 

Has he gone senile? There’s a big crisis ahead, so it shouldn’t be like this… 

While worrying about that, the Emperor took Riett’s hand and led her to the sofa. 

“You’ve been through a lot, Duchess Marren. I worried so much about you suffering in that cold Parman.”

The Emperor looked at Riett with admiration. However, Riett’s heart felt somewhat indifferent. 

“Considering that, you were very sparing with your contacts.”

The Emperor had no way of sending a letter first to inquire about her well-being. It was only when she sent a letter that she barely received a reply. 

That fact was somewhat disappointing. 

“Actually… I also suffered greatly because you and Duke Kreutz were absent. It was as if I lost my right arm and left arm.”

“Yes, that’s true. But Duke Kreutz meticulously hid the fact that he is Your Majesty’s left arm from me.”

Although she didn’t particularly have any complaints, seeing the Emperor now made her feel disgusted. How did he collude with Evan for such a long time and deceive her so cunningly? 

“Well, Duke Kreutz insisted on doing it that way, so I couldn’t help it.”

“Yes… I suppose that’s true.”

Riett gave a vague answer. Although she harbored some resentment for a moment, it wasn’t important right now. 

“What happened with Count Terrator while Duke Kreutz and I were absent?”

As the Emperor let out a deep sigh, his chest rose and fell noticeably. 

“That’s the thing…”

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