Riett stood in front of the courthouse for the second time in her life. 

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The first time was to clear the mister, the great Duke Kreutz, of murdering his wife. The clear difference this time was her own body, which had significantly grown over time. And while she was a witness back then, now she was the organizer of this trial. 

Lost in her thoughts for a moment, Riett turned around as she felt a tap on her shoulder from behind.

Looming behind her was Evan, who flaunted an appearance that was hard to bear these days. 


“You were staring blankly at the building.”

Riett smirked at Evan’s words.

“Oh, it reminded me of old times.”

“My father’s trial?”


Nodding, Riett’s gaze fell to Evan’s hand.

‘If this guy hadn’t stopped Haart charging at me with a knife, I would’ve been gone a long time ago.’

That day, Evan took the blade that was flying toward her instead. The scar on Evan’s palm from that incident had faded, but if you looked closely, there was still a faint trace.

“Gahaden’s testimony shouldn’t be a problem. He seems completely detached, perhaps because he believes his life is already over. And as for his daughter’s life, we managed to persuade him to protect her within our ranks, which worked well.”

“Oh? Um… yeah, thanks.”

Lost in thoughts about Evan’s scar, Riett snapped out of it and replied.

“Were you nervous?”

At Evan’s question, Riett immediately shook her head.

“No, not at all.”

Everything was perfectly prepared. The witness who would prove the assassination request from Count Terrator, as well as the letter from the Emperor of the Haren Empire, stating that she was not a spy.

There would be no variables in this trial.

With a firm conviction, Riett stepped into the courthouse.

* * *

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Inside the courthouse, it was bustling with people. 

The majority of the seats were occupied by noble members. Their serious expressions stemmed from the understanding that their future would be determined by the outcome of this trial.

However, they seemed curious.

“For what crime did Duchess Marren hold a trial against Count Terrator? I mean, for what offense?”

“We will know soon. There’s no information available yet. Even Count Terrator himself remains silent…”

Riett carefully concealed what misdeeds Count Terrator had committed, and Count Terrator did the same. It was better not to reveal anything they knew.

“More importantly… is Duchess Marren a spy or not?”

“Spirit Mage Perante said she is a true spy.”

“That’s what we don’t know. There are rumors that Perante was with the Haren Empire’s investigation team. Some have seen him but there was no evidence.”

Riett listened to their conversation and smiled inwardly.

Soon all their curiosity would be resolved.

Once again, Riett scanned the attendees. 

Among the numerous people, the most noticeable person was undoubtedly Emperor himself.

She couldn’t help but have her gaze drawn to the Emperor, who occupied a prominent position, accompanied by his knights. 

It was extremely rare for the Emperor to personally attend a trial, historically speaking. The Emperor’s expression was also solemn.

‘And also…’

Riett’s eyes stopped at one place. There sat the former Duke Kreutz. 


How did he come all the way here? She purposely didn’t inform him about the trial.

She felt it every time. The mister always showed great interest in her, even though he was far away.

‘But… where did Evan go?’

Although she briefly parted with Evan earlier at the entrance to go check on Gahaden, he still hadn’t entered the courthouse. The trial would start soon.

As Riett worried, the door behind her opened, revealing Evan’s figure. Riett’s expression brightened momentarily, but Evan’s expression seemed dark somewhere.

‘Why…? Did something happen to Gahaden?’

As soon as Evan took his seat, Riett approached him and spoke.

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“Evan, why are you so late?”

Evan furrowed his brows slightly.

“I saw a suspicious person on the way while checking on Gahaden.”

“A suspicious person…?”

“It was someone carrying a large bag. Somehow, it caught my attention.”

While considering a large bag as suspicious might be vague, Evan probably felt something strange.

As Riett’s expression grew serious in response, Evan spoke.

“I’ll keep an eye on it while the trial is ongoing, so you can focus on the trial.”


Terrator, who appeared discomfortingly late, took his place as the defendant. His expression seemed somewhat sensitive. 

Riett quickly went to her position.

Immediately after, the judge walked in and took his seat, and the trial began.

“We begin the trial for the accused, Count Terrator, on the charge of assassination.”

When Count Terrator’s crime was revealed, murmurs filled the air.

“Assassination? Count Terrator against Duchess Marren?”

“We knew he didn’t like her, but to go this far…”

However, the conservative noble supporters of Count Terrator raised sharp voices.

“Nothing has been proven yet. Don’t jump to conclusions!”

“That’s right. If Duchess Marren’s innocence is proven, we will inquire about Count Terrator’s innocence and hold another trial.”

As the disturbance grew, the overwhelmed judge quieted the attendees.

When the murmurs subsided, the judge looked at Riett.

“Plaintiff, come forward and make your statement.”

Following the judge’s order, Riett stood up and walked towards the center.

As she took her place and raised her head, countless pairs of eyes were fixed on her.

Riett calmly composed herself and began speaking.

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“Until recently, I was staying in Parman under the false accusation of being a spy for another country.”

As Riett’s words fell, Count Terrator raised his hand abruptly.

“What is it, defendant?”

“Objection. How can we believe any further words from the plaintiff when she has been lying from the beginning?”

The judge furrowed his brows.

“Which part of the plaintiff’s statement do you claim is a lie?”

“That would be the part where she claims to be falsely accused as a spy. Everyone here is aware of it. The plaintiff, out of fear of being exposed as a spy, fled to Parman.”

The Count let out a scornful laugh. 

“There have been rumors recently about someone else being a real spy, so it seems like she’s grasping at straws… But this is a sacred courthouse. You shouldn’t resort to lies based on rumors.”

Riett waited patiently until the Count finished speaking. She already knew he would react from the beginning, which was why she deliberately mentioned the accusation.

“While there may be some merit to the defendant’s statement, it is not directly relevant to this trial, so let the plaintiff conclude her statement…”

“No, Your Honor.”

Riett interrupted the judge, preventing him from passing over Count Terrator’s words. 

“As the defendant said, we shouldn’t tell lies in this sacred courthouse. So, for this trial to proceed with fairness, I want to prove that my words are the truth.”

Attendees murmured in surprise at Riett’s unexpected attitude. 

Riett exchanged glances with the Emperor. With a slight nod from the Emperor, Riett took a letter out of her pocket.

“What is this, plaintiff?”

“It is a letter personally sent by the Emperor of the Haren Empire. It contains testimony stating that Spirit Mage Perante revealed the location of the Spirit Stone.”

Count Terrator’s eyes widened. Riett looked at his widened eyes and spoke sharply.

“In other words, it was Spirit Mage Perante, not me, who leaked the location of the Spirit Stone. He was the true spy for the Haren Empire.”

Riett handed the letter to the judge. The letter had the imperial seal of the Haren Empire, so it wouldn’t be difficult to recognize its authenticity.

Riett turned her gaze to Count Terrator. He seemed speechless as if he didn’t expect this evidence to be presented.

‘This is just an appetizer.’

Riett said nonchalantly.

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“If it is proven that my words are not lies, may we proceed with the trial again?”

“Continue with your statement, plaintiff.”

The judge said, quickly regaining his composure as he carefully examined the letter from the Haren Empire.

“Avoiding the rumors and gazes, I went to Parman and spent my days pondering how to clear my name. Then, one day, five strangers entered my house.”

Riett stared at Count Terrator.

“All five of them were assassins. One of them was even a magician.”

“If that’s true, how can the plaintiff stand safely in this courtroom?”

The judge asked and Riett repeated the explanation she had given to the Emperor.

“The former Duke Kreutz, who had a friendly relationship with me, sent his knights to my mansion, expressing concern for my safety. Thanks to their timely arrival, I was able to save my life.”

The judge nodded and looked at Count Terrator.

“Defendant, do you have any rebuttal?”

“Of course.”

Count Terrator responded, nodding as expected.

“This is an outrageous claim. Hiring assassins? While it is true that we had differing political opinions and clashed, personally, I hold no grudges.”

It was utterly repulsive. Everyone present knew that there was tension between them.

Well, soon enough, the lies would be exposed anyway.

The Count pleaded with a sense of injustice.

“Instead… I suspect that the plaintiff, who has disliked me for a long time, is conspiring against me. To open a trial accusing me of such a horrendous act as hiring assassins without any evidence…”

Thinking that she would come forward without any evidence, his shallow and complacent thinking made Riett want to burst into laughter.

Riett raised her hand, and the judge turned his head.

“Yes, plaintiff?”

“I have a solid way to prove that the defendant indeed attempted to assassinate me.”

Upon Riett’s words, the Count’s eyes widened, and the attendees once again stirred in reaction.

With sharp eyes, Riett continued speaking.

“I request to present the witness, magician Gahaden, who attempted to assassinate me.”

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