Fortunately, Evan had gathered everyone at the right moment. 

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Although people had gathered in one place in response to Evan’s words, they seemed puzzled by the fact that they were being gathered instead of finding an escape route. 

However, perhaps realizing that there was no way to leave here, they gathered obediently without any resistance. 

‘Well then, shall we begin?’ 

Riett focused on her imagination. As Riett moved her hand, with a loud whooshing sound, a huge fragment falling from the ceiling stopped in mid-air. 

Riett added more imagination as if pushing back the collapsing ceiling. Did she finally manifest her ability properly? The fragments no longer fell. 

However, Riett soon realized that there was a problem. Although she managed to prevent the ceiling from collapsing, it was not enough to solve everything. 

‘Moreover, it’s incredibly exhausting…!’

It felt as if she was personally holding up those heavy fragments. Sweat dripped down her forehead. What should she do? 

⟨Master, it seems that we won’t be able to endure like this for long.⟩

Even Mishan, who had been watching, seemed to think so. 

It felt like her legs were trembling too. 

⟨Wouldn’t it be better to change our approach and form a protective barrier?⟩

Perhaps that would be better. The building would continue to crumble, and there was no certainty that it could withstand more fragments.

On the other hand, with a protective barrier, even if the building collapsed further, they wouldn’t die. Once they protected the people with the barrier, they just had to hold on a little longer until the rescue team arrived. 

Of course, that was based on the assumption that she could create a solid barrier. Still, after successfully blocking the building fragments, she gained some confidence. 

‘Just a protective barrier.’

As Riett’s self-hypnosis heightened her confidence, Mishan warned anxiously. 

⟨While removing the force supporting the collapsing ceiling, you have to quickly create the barrier.⟩

Difficult conditions were suddenly added. She had to create the barrier perfectly without even having the chance to gradually attempt to make it for the first time. 

Riett opened her mouth with a nostalgic gaze. 

“Mishan… If I were to die here, the contract would end, right?” 

It wasn’t about her soul being taken away because there was still a long time left in the contract. 

⟨What are you talking about now, Master?⟩

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“Well… I might die here.” 

⟨No, you can do it! I trust my eyes!⟩ 

Not that he trusted her, but he trusted his own eyes. 

Riett felt a little hurt by Mishan’s words that spoiled her sentiment. Still, despite saying that, she had no intention of dying, so Riett focused once again. 

She had to go out and take revenge on Count Terrator. 

Riett stopped the force holding back the collapsing building. With a thumping sound, the ceiling began to collapse. 

‘Now’s the time…!’

And swiftly, while imagining the creation of a protective barrier, Riett took a stance to amplify the power of the spirits and swung her hand. 

“Get down!” 

Riett shouted, tightly closed her eyes, and quickly lowered her body. The people, too, screamed and crouched on the ground. 

Crash! Soon, the ceiling completely collapsed, making a tremendous noise. However, as there was no impact on her body, Riett slowly opened her eyes. 

When she opened her eyes, a transparent dome-shaped barrier surrounded the area where Riett was, protecting Riett and the others from the debris that had fallen. 

“It worked…” 

Relieved by the fact that she succeeded, Riett collapsed on the ground. 

“Riett, are you okay?” 

The first person to approach her was Evan. His Majesty the Emperor and the mister also came closer and examined Riett. 

Riett extended her hand to the people who were worried about her. 

“I’m fine. I was just startled.” 

Then she looked around. 

“Is anyone injured?” 

“I don’t think so.” 

Evan’s answer finally allowed Riett to breathe a sigh of relief. However, thanks to the debris that had fallen, the surroundings were pitch black. 

“The problem is how to get out of here…” 

“Don’t worry too much. Since the building has collapsed to this extent, it must have been visible from the outside, so the rescue team will come soon.” 

Riett couldn’t completely relax even with the Emperor’s words. After all, Count Terrator might be fleeing somewhere. 

Riett clenched her fist and repeatedly raised and lowered her tired arms as she used spirit magic. Although she felt completely drained earlier, now she felt surprisingly fine. It was as if her energy quickly replenished. 

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She felt like she could use spirit magic again in succession, even though she had used a lot of power just now. 

‘Yes. Let’s consider it a practice for when I have to face Perante later.’

While maintaining the barrier, Riett planned to remove the fragments covering the top. She closed her eyes and tried to concentrate, but Evan noticed that she was about to do something and spoke up. 

“Riett, stop.” 


“You’re trying to use spirit magic again.” 

There was concern in Evan’s eyes. 

“You’ve already pushed yourself too far. You had a hell of a hard time just lifting me standing.”

Pushed herself…? He must be referring to the moment when she barely managed to lift him. 

Riett felt a little irritated by the word “barely.” 

“Back then… I had only recently started using the power of the spirits. But now, it’s different! You saw me blocking the collapsing ceiling earlier.” 

“I saw it, and that’s why I’m worried. If you faint again…” 

Evan was genuinely worried. It was rare to see Evan, who always smiled easily, wearing such a serious expression. 

However, Riett wished Evan would trust her a little more. 

“Evan, even though I sometimes act recklessly… ” 

“Not sometimes, but often.” 

Evan pointed out firmly, even in this situation.

Mishan and this guy too, do they always have to ruin the atmosphere at crucial moments to relieve their frustrations? 

Riett complained inwardly and spoke up. 

“Yes… Although I’ve often acted recklessly in the past, it’s different now. I feel confident that I can do it. If we don’t get out quickly, Count Terrator might escape somewhere…” 

Evan didn’t say anything. After sighing, he ran his hand through his hair. 

“Alright, I understand. Just be careful not to get hurt.” 

Eventually, Evan stepped back, and Riett replied with a light smile.

“Of course.” 

With that, Riett refocused her attention. As she drew upon the power of the spirits, light began to seep into the dark space with a thud. 

Looking up, Riett saw that the fragments covering the barrier were slowly shifting away. Imagining herself moving the fragments one by one, Riett worked diligently to clear away the debris. The people who had been huddled down also started to regain their energy and stir. 

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Soon, a clear sky became visible. 

When Riett had completely removed the fragments, she dissipated the barrier, and one by one, people stood up from their positions. The ones who realized that they had escaped the crisis unharmed erupted into cheers. 

“We’re alive!” 

“I don’t know what happened, but by following what Duchess Marren instructed, we survived!” 

Hearing the cheers of the people, Riett looked around. Only the spot where people stood amidst the collapsed building remained intact. 

“Riett, well done.” 

Evan’s gentle voice sounded like a reward. Excited, Riett couldn’t contain her joy and hugged Evan tightly. 

“Evan, I did it!” 

However, unlike her excited voice, Evan didn’t react at all. 

No… Did he freeze? It felt like she was hugging a mannequin, and she had no idea who she was hugging.


Feeling embarrassed for a moment, Riett tried to step back, but Evan held onto her tightly, not allowing her to move away. 


“I’m sorry for not believing you earlier.” 

Evan whispered in her ear. Riett’s face flushed instantly. If it had been the usual situation, she would have pushed him away immediately. 

Did she go overboard? She didn’t have the strength to do that. No, she wanted to believe that she didn’t have the strength. If it wasn’t because she lacked strength, then she had to come up with an excuse to deny her pounding heart. 

“Ahem, Evan… What are you doing in a public place like this?” 

“Ahem. Why, is there something wrong with showing the young ones a good scene?” 

When the voices of the mister and His Majesty the Emperor came from behind, Riett, surprised, quickly pushed Evan away. 

Evan moved away obediently. 

“You both have quite the talent for ruining the atmosphere.” 

With Evan’s shameless words, Riett’s face burned even more. Riett realized that she didn’t have time to act like this. 

“We have to go and capture Count Terrator…!” 

He might have already escaped far away. It had been quite some time since the Count left the courtroom.

‘No matter where he’s fled, if we pursue him as quickly as possible, we might be able to catch him.’

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Riett pulled out any words she could find nearby. 

“Your Majesty, please issue a warrant for the arrest of Count Terrator when you return to the palace. Evan, you find that suspicious person you saw earlier. The one carrying a large bag who was acting suspiciously.” 

That person probably planted the explosives. Although he might have already escaped, he couldn’t have fled the capital yet. So, capturing him wasn’t impossible. 

Riett tightened the reins and used her spirit magic to run as fast as possible. As the horse’s galloping became lighter, they swiftly advanced. Riett’s destination was Count Terrator’s mansion. 

If he planned to escape outside the empire, he probably wouldn’t forget to take the money with him. Even if he had planned the explosion, he wouldn’t have expected to escape unscathed from the collapsing building, so he might move more leisurely than anticipated. 

Riett, who ran like the wind, quickly arrived at the front of the Count’s mansion. Fortunately, there were no gatekeepers guarding the main entrance, so they could enter the mansion without any obstacles. 

“Mishan, do you think the Count is here?” 

Riett asked Mishan quietly. Mishan had a keen sense of detecting things, especially finding people.

⟨Yes, I can smell the oily scent of Count Terrator nearby.⟩

An oily scent. It was a fitting description, imagining his hefty belly. Not only in appearance, but he was also a carnivore who focused solely on meat during dinner. 

⟨Shall we go to that small building on the right?⟩

Following Mishan’s suggestion, Riett moved towards the small building made of red bricks with an iron gate. At the slightly open iron gate, there was an unlocked padlock, as if someone had just entered through the door. 

Riett peeked inside through the crack in the door. There she saw a familiar silhouette stuffing gold coins into a bag. 

‘Found him faster than expected.’

Riett kicked Count Terrator’s buttocks, who was unaware of her presence, with a thud. He lost his balance and fell onto the box of gold coins in front of him. 

Startled, he regained his senses and stood up. 

“Who dares… Heek! It’s you…!” 

“So you were planning to escape after all.” 

Riett gestured towards the pile of luggage next to her. 

“Don’t get in my way and get lost!” 

At that moment, Count Terrator jumped up from his seat and swung his fists angrily. His bulky body was quite threatening. 

Dealing with someone like Count Terrator didn’t require using spirit magic. 

Riett easily evaded his attacks and grabbed his wrist. The surprised Count Terrator’s gaze turned towards Riett. And then… 


Count Terrator’s face met Riett’s fist, and he fell back in slow motion. 

It was a single blow.

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