Riett remembered that the current emperor was 63 years old. 

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If that’s the case, it meant that the Truto Empire was 63 years old now. That’s why the streets of the capital felt both familiar and strange at the same time—it was because they belonged to the past. 

It seemed like Perante also realized that it was the past, as his eyebrows furrowed. 

Anyway, Riett extended her hand towards Perante.

“Well then, let’s part ways here. We’re not on such good terms that we should stick together and solve problems.”

Just as they were about to move their feet, a loud noise erupted from a building right in front of them. When they turned their heads, they saw a scruffy-looking boy rolling on the ground. Seeing an open trash can nearby, it seemed like the boy had tripped and fallen into it.

Surprised, Riett tried to approach the boy, but Perante reached out his hand to stop her.

“It’s better not to intervene. We don’t know what’s going on.”


While Riett hesitated, a middle-aged man with a stern expression appeared in front of the boy. He picked up a few coins and spoke loudly.

“I won’t give you any more than this! If you’re going to demand an unreasonable price, get lost!”

“But…! Even the amount you just gave me is only half of what my father used to sell it for!”

“That leaf has no strength, and the stem is covered in wounds. It’s only natural!”

“That can’t be true! I carefully selected and brought it here…!”

The boy’s pleas seemed to not affect the middle-aged man. Deep vertical wrinkles threatened his forehead.

“If you keep talking back, I won’t buy from you next time. Remember that.”

In response to the middle-aged man’s threat, the boy widened his eyes. Soon, the boy’s eyelids drooped weakly toward the ground.

The middle-aged man muttered, “Hmph, a young brat who only cares about money,” and went into the shop, slamming the door shut.


After a moment of silence, the boy slowly picked up a few coins that had fallen around him. They were the loose change the middle-aged man had thrown at him earlier. Thinking that he had picked up all the coins, the boy stood up.


Riett noticed that there was still one coin left under the fallen trash can. She cautiously approached, bent down, and picked up the coin from under the trash can. She lightly tapped the boy’s shoulder.


The boy, who was about to leave, turned around in surprise.

“I think you missed this.”

Riett extended her hand with the coin in her palm, and the boy blinked before taking the coin with a grateful smile.

“T-Thank you.”

The boy’s cheeks turned red. It seemed like he was very embarrassed and aware that someone had witnessed the situation.

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Lowering his head, the boy hurriedly walked away. It wasn’t a pleasant sight to see a child of around fourteen fighting with an adult.

With a sympathetic heart, Riett watched the boy’s receding figure, but then she made a remarkable discovery.


The boy was limping on his left leg as he walked. Riett recalled the words of the Spirit Stone.

⟨Go through that door and find a boy living with an old woman. That boy will be the start of finding the answer.⟩

She needed to confirm if that boy was the one the Spirit Stone had mentioned. It seemed like Perante had the same thought as he tried to approach the boy.

‘When did he say not to help?!’

As Riett glared at Perante, the boy suddenly stumbled and fell to the ground.


The boy looked embarrassed as he stared at his foot.

Riett hurriedly approached the boy and knelt beside him, resting one knee on the ground.

“What happened?”


Realizing that the person who spoke earlier was the woman who gave him the coin, the boy seemed flustered.

“Well, um…”

“Are you hurt?”

The boy closed his eyes, seeming very ashamed of the situation.

“I think I twisted my foot when I fell earlier.”

Oh no. Not only was his left foot uncomfortable, but now he also twisted his right foot.

Wearing a worried expression, Riett asked, 

“Where do you live?”

“It’s a bit far. Over there…”

The boy pointed towards a distant cluster of houses.

‘He walked from there to here?’

With one leg in discomfort, it must have been difficult for him to ride a horse… And he didn’t seem well-off enough to take a carriage.

“Can you make it home?”

When Riett asked, the boy nodded his head.

“I can make it.”

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There was determination in the boy’s eyes, but his words sounded more like a promise than a certainty.

Seeing this, Riett felt uneasy.

If she had money at hand, she would have tried to rent a carriage or get a horse, but she had no money, not even a single coin. She couldn’t use spirit magic either in her current state.

Lost in thought, Riett slowly spoke up.

“I’ll accompany you and make sure you get home safely.”

“What?! No way!”

The boy urgently extended both hands and vehemently refused.

However, Riett knew that the boy couldn’t make it home alone.

“Don’t worry. That guy over there will help too.”

Riett pointed towards Perante as she spoke.

In the end, if she wanted to confirm whether this boy was the one mentioned by the Spirit Stone, she had to follow him.

As expected, when faced with the responsibility being passed on to him, Perante smiled kindly, just like the day they first met.

“Yes, we’ll take you home, so it would be nice if you won’t refuse.”

Perante was adept at deceiving people.

At first, Riett was also deceived by Perante’s innocent smile and didn’t think he was a bad person at all.


“It’s difficult for you to climb the mountain alone with that leg.”

When Riett interjected, the boy couldn’t refuse any further.

With a flushed face, the boy spoke in a small voice.

“…Thank you.”

* * *

Riett and Perante took turns supporting the boy. Currently, Perante was providing support while walking.

Walking side by side, Riett asked the boy for his name.

The boy hesitated for a moment before answering.

“My name is Kei.”

Kei. Riett thought it was an easy-to-remember name.

“What happened earlier?”

In response to Riett’s question, Kei’s face darkened. Realizing her mistake, Riett quickly added, 

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

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“No, it’s not that I don’t want to tell you… It’s just that the money I received earlier came to mind.”

Kei let out a small sigh.

“It’s just my grandmother and me living together, and our situation isn’t good. That’s why I have to work hard to earn money, even if it’s just me.”

Riett and Perante momentarily stopped in their tracks. Kei’s mention of his leg and living with his grandmother confirmed that he was indeed the boy mentioned by the Spirit Stone.

“Why are you doing that…?”

Seeing Riett and Perante’s peculiar reactions, Kei, who had unintentionally stopped as well, asked with a puzzled expression.

“Huh? Oh, it’s nothing. Please continue.”

Riett refocused on Kei’s words. It would be impolite to get distracted when someone was opening up their heart.

The three of them started walking slowly again, and Kei spoke up once more.

“My father used to gather herbs and supply them to a medicinal shop in the capital. I learned that work from a young age and continued it.”

Riett couldn’t hide her surprise.

“You gather herbs even with a leg like that?”

“Yes… It’s a bit uncomfortable, but I can climb the mountain. I don’t have the means to learn anything else…”

Riett had to correct her darkening expression.

Kei spoke with a gloomy expression.

“But after my father passed away and I started supplying the shop alone, the shop owner started to cheat me with the payment. Every time, they would find some excuse. They probably think it’s funny to take advantage of a kid…”

So that’s why the middle-aged man acted so arrogantly towards Kei.

‘Indeed… There are many bad people in this world.’

Kei’s footsteps seemed weaker than before.

“I’m worried. With the money I received today, we won’t have enough for my grandmother’s medicine, and we won’t even have enough to get by for a week…”

Riett had never worried about food and survival. It was the same in her previous life, and it’s the same now.

So she could only intellectually understand the feelings of having to worry about meals and not being able to buy medicine for a sick family member.

Riett glanced at Perante for a moment.

Perante also came from a commoner background and had mentioned living with his mother when he was young. Their circumstances were similar, so he probably understood Kei better than anyone else.

However, Perante’s expression seemed indifferent, making it difficult to predict what he was thinking.

“I’m sorry. It’s bad enough that I’ve become a burden to you, and now I’m even causing trouble…”

“No, it’s okay.”

Riett felt a twinge of guilt for some reason.

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In truth, both Riett and Perante didn’t approach Kei with pure intentions.

‘But why did the Spirit Stone tell us to meet Kei?’

Riett speculated whether the Spirit Stone had made a contract with Kei when it was still in its spirit form.

That would explain why Kei was mentioned as the beginning of finding the answer.

‘No, if Kei had made a contract with a spirit, he wouldn’t have to walk like this with such difficulty. He could have easily reached home using spirit magic and had more ways to earn money.’

The rise of spirit magic began about twenty years ago after the Spirit Stone became known. In this current era, sixty-three years later, spirit magic may not be as prominent, but it was still held in high regard, at least as much as wizards.

In other words, Kei was not currently a spirit mage.

Lost in various thoughts, Riett suddenly found themselves in front of a small cabin.

Looking around, Riett realized that the sun was setting. It felt like they had been walking for at least two hours.

Kei swiftly opened the door without hesitation.

“Grandmother, I’m home.”

The two-story cabin was shabby, but it had a cozy and comforting atmosphere.

Kei’s grandmother was sitting by the fireplace, tending to the fire.

“Hufgh, hufgh.”

The grandmother coughed softly and slowly turned her head towards Kei, sensing his presence.

“Oh, Kei, you’re here.”

“The guests are with me too.”


The grandmother’s gaze shifted uncertainly towards Riett and Perante.

“Yes. I tripped and sprained my foot, and these people helped me get home.”

“Ah, how grateful we are.”

Riett awkwardly smiled.

“Haha, not at all.”

Kei, back in his own home, didn’t wear the same dark expression as before.

Riett couldn’t tell if it was because he didn’t want to worry his grandmother or if he felt relieved being back home.

Kei poured water into the teapot and gestured towards Riett and Perante.

“Please come in and have a seat. You’ve been through so much, so let me offer you some tea.”

…When the host invites you in.

Riett and Perante didn’t refuse and entered the house.

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