On a peaceful weekend, Riett tapped the desk with her chin and knocked on it with one hand. It was a habit that surfaced when she felt anxious or restless. The sudden appearance of an unexpected event made her heart race.

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‘Why do they choose the ‘Person of the Year’? Such a thing.’

To Riett, it was a golden opportunity for herself and a chance for other children as well. If it were a horseback riding or swordsmanship competition, she would have been confident. But of all things, it had to be dancing! She had no idea where to find a suitable partner.

Lost in thought, Riett suddenly jumped up from her seat. As expected, the answer lay with the old man. He was her Solomon in her heart!

As soon as she opened her eyes, she considered going to Duke Kreutz’s mansion, but she hesitated because of Evan. She didn’t want Evan to know that she was struggling with this issue, as he would mock her again.

However, in the current situation, there was no other choice. Riett’s footsteps were already heading toward Duke Kreutz’s mansion.


As soon as she arrived at Kreutz’s mansion, Riett whispered to the butler who greeted her.

“Has Evan gone out today by any chance?”

“No, he is at home. Shall I call him…?”


Riett quickly waved her hand.

“Is he with Duke Kreutz by any chance…?”


Of course. The old man and Evan weren’t close enough to spend weekends together.

Riett cautiously made her way to the Duke’s study, trying not to run into Evan.

“Hello, mister.”

“Oh, Riett.”

Duke Kreutz took off his glasses and greeted Riett. His gaze softened.

He rarely wore glasses, so it seemed like he had been looking at something attentively.

Riett approached the desk and glanced at the open book. The shelves were filled with small writing, some of which were not in Imperial script.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a book about spirit stones.”

When the word “spirit” was mentioned, Riett felt a pang in her heart. It was because she hadn’t read the book about spirits that Duke Kreutz gave her last time.

Trying to conceal her confusion, Riett asked casually, as she usually would.

“What about the spirit stones?”

“Lately, conflicts between countries have intensified over Spirit Stones. Everyone is going crazy to gather information, including the Truto Empire.”

“Are Spirit Stones that amazing?”

She had heard about the only spirit mage in the Empire, but this was the first time she had heard about Spirit Stones.

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“It’s not yet certain, but it’s said that the power possessed by Spirit Stones is immense.”

“I see… Can anyone use them even if they’re not a Spirit mage?”

“No, only Spirit mages can use them. That’s why the Emperor is determined to find them. We have one affiliated Spirit Mage in our Empire.”

I see.

If the power of a spirit stone is combined with the ability of a person called the Spirit Mage, an incredible force will be unleashed, and the Empire desires that power.

“But wasn’t that Spirit Mage a very free-spirited person?”

“Normally, anyone’s heart is bound to be moved if the conditions are met,” 

Duke Kreutz replied, closing the book. Riett blinked her eyes and asked, 

“So, did you get any hints about the spirit stone?”

He shook his head. 

“Research on it has only recently begun among scholars, so it is still an unknown territory.”

There are many fascinating things in this world: spirits, spirit stones, divine power, magic…

‘Oh, right! Magic!’

Riett remembered her magic, which she had forgotten.

“Mister! I think I can use that magic.”

Duke Kreutz smiled skeptically; it seemed like he didn’t believe her.

“Mister, did you hear about me catching the bear?”

Duke Kreutz knew everything that happened at school. Riett thought he probably didn’t hear it directly from Evam, who probably wouldn’t talk about it much, but rather heard about it from someone at school.

“I heard it many times. I could feel how thrilling it was,” 

Duke Kreutz said, wiping his chest. Remembering that moment made him feel dizzy.

“But the result was good.”

Although he seemed reluctant to hear about it, Riett didn’t think so.

She had never detailed what happened that day in front of anyone. It seemed unnecessary and, to put it simply, it was quite a long story.

But with the Duke, she felt like showing off her heroic tale as if she had gone back to her childhood. She also had to talk about magic.

“That day, something very special happened.”

Riett opened her mouth while reminiscing about that day.

“The tip of the last remaining arrow came off, and I almost died for real. The bear’s fangs were just inches away from my face.”

As the story progressed, Duke Kreutz’s complexion turned pale, as if he had been heavily burdened. However, Riett, engrossed in her story, didn’t notice.

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“But then, a tremendous wind suddenly blew. Strange, right? I had been wandering through the forest for hours, and it was completely silent without a trace of wind.”


“Yes, a strong gust. The bear momentarily closed its eyes due to the sudden gust of wind, and that’s when I pierced it with an arrow.”

As she spoke, the hair on her head stood up, recalling the thrilling moment of that day.

“It’s a fascinating incident.”

“I think I unconsciously used magic. Otherwise, there’s no way such an unnatural wind would have blown.”

When Riett confidently mentioned it, Duke Kreutz stood up from his seat.

“Shall we confirm it now?”


“You said you wanted to find a way to protect yourself last time, so I bought a magic stone that can test your magical power.”

Duke Kreutz opened a drawer in the study and took out a small blue stone, smaller than a fist.

“Is this the magic stone?”

The Duke nodded.

“If you have magic within you when you hold this stone tightly, the power will collide with the stone’s magic and it will shatter. If the stone remains intact, it means you have no magic.”


Riett slowly received the stone emitting a blue light.

Her heart raced.

‘I’m finally finding my hidden power……!’

Riett tightly gripped the magic stone with a determined expression. Somehow, she had a restless feeling. It was a distinct sensation.

Having prepared herself mentally, Riett tightly held onto the stone.


Hm…? It should be about to break now.

There was no response at all. Riett released her grip on the stone for a moment and then tightly held it again.


As expected, the state of the stone remained unchanged.

“Mister, I think the stone is broken.”

Duke Kreutz let out a hollow cough. It seemed like he found the situation somewhat embarrassing.

“The magic stone doesn’t break.”

“That can’t be true!”

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“Unfortunately… it seems that day was just a coincidence.”

Disappointed, Riett handed the magic stone she had been holding to Duke Kreutz.

Riett’s expression turned gloomy.

‘I had my hopes up…’

To dispel Riett’s dejected mood, the Count changed the topic.

“Riett, I heard there will be a dance party soon.”

“Uh… yes!”

Riett’s head perked up. She suddenly remembered that was the reason she had come to the Duke’s mansion.

“Do you have anyone in mind as your dance partner?”

Like a crab tutor, the Duke immediately addressed the part that was worrying Riett.

“That’s why I came here in the first place.”

“Because you couldn’t find a partner?”

“Yes… Who did you dance with, mister?”

When Riett asked, Duke Kreutz reminisced about old memories.

“It was different every year, but most of the time I danced with my cousin.”

“Your cousin? Did she also attend the school?”

It was rare for a woman to attend a noble school.

“No, she didn’t. I asked her to be my partner because it was fine to have an outsider as a partner.”

Well, if they wanted to dance only among students, the male-female ratio wouldn’t match, so it would have been possible to have an outsider as a partner.

‘Should I also find an outsider then?’

At that moment, Duke Kreutz caught Riett’s eye. Ignorant of the fact that the perfect partner was right in front of her, just like under the lantern.


“…I’m sorry, Riett.”

Even though she didn’t ask, the Duke seemed to know what he wanted to say, as he showed his intention to refuse.

“Why! I’ve grown up now, and our heights match.”

“Your father wouldn’t approve. And above all else…”

“Above all else?”

“I don’t want to be disliked.”

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Upon hearing the ambiguous statement with an omitted subject, Riett tilted her head in confusion.

“Who would dislike you…?”

“Riett, even if I can’t be your partner, I can teach you how to dance.”

Riett’s gloomy mood vanished with those kind words.

She had been contemplating finding a new dance teacher, but the thought of the old teacher’s disgusted face made her hesitate.

With the Duke, she could ask him to teach her to dance without any reservations.

“Shall we dance now?”


Riett and Duke Kreutz stood in the spacious library, holding hands. Then, as the Duke flicked his wrist once, the sound of music flowed from a magical device on the table.

The thought of magic brought a sense of regret once again. If she could use magic, she could create such magical devices and live a much more enjoyable life…!

For a moment, Riett glanced at the magical device, but soon she hurriedly moved her body, following Duke Kreutz’s lead as his escort.


Right from the start, she stepped on the Duke’s foot.

“Oh, ow.”

“It’s alright.”

Fortunately, the Duke chuckled as if he didn’t mind.

However, the same mistake was repeated.


“Oh my.”




“…I’m sorry.”

Riett didn’t know what to do and kept apologizing, and although the Duke reassured her that he was fine each time, the sweat on his forehead was telling her that he wasn’t completely okay.

When the music ended, Riett felt drained, as if she had just fought a fierce battle with a bear.


At that moment, Evan’s voice came from behind.

When she turned around, she saw Evan leaning against the door with his arms crossed.

“You’re not trying to disable Father’s feet, are you?”

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