As Part 2 began, a sweet sound of string instruments filled the grand hall, quickly followed by a rich melody. Riett moved smoothly along with Evan’s movements. 

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The flow was good right from the start. Thanks to Evan’s words, much of the tension had dissipated. 

It wasn’t completely gone, but there was no problem in visualizing the memorized steps one after another in her mind. She felt lighter in her heart than ever before.

“You’re doing well.” 

Evan’s soft voice whispered in her ear.

Although he had cheekily said that being unilaterally in the first place was boring, this time Riett had to admit it. If she were to be selected as the person of the year at the dance party, Evan played a significant role in it. 

As the dance began and time passed, she gained the leisure to look around. She had the illusion that many people’s gazes were fixed on her and Evan.

Afraid that she might become nervous again, Riett refocused on the dance, moving her body. Their hands joined with Evan swayed gently in the air, and their footsteps fit together as if they were one.

This synchronization wasn’t solely due to days of dance practice. It was because they had been together through thick and thin, understanding each other better than anyone else, even in the smallest gestures or expressions.

“30 seconds left.” 

Lost in thought, Riett nodded in response to Evan’s reminder. Finishing was important no matter what. She recalled the clean success of the last turn in practice and prepared to lift her feet.


Something flashed from the chandelier.


Riett instinctively pulled Evan towards her and lowered her body.


After a moment, Riett cautiously raised her head. Evan looked puzzled.

“Why, Riett?”

Evan’s confused expression had an impact. Riett hurriedly looked up at the chandelier.

It was perfectly fine, without any issues. The people around them, including other participants who were dancing together, were also the same.

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Riett finally realized what she had done. She had stopped dancing in the middle of the performance, and not only that, it was accompanied by an exaggerated action. It seemed like she was the only one who saw the flashing spark.


Heat rose to her face.

Evan quickly stood up and reached out his hand to Riett. Normally, she would have refused, saying she could stand up on her own, but this time was an exception. This moment was embarrassing and frustrating, and she had no strength left in her body.

When Riett held his hand, Evan gave her strength and helped her up. Since the participants of Part 3 were coming in, they needed to quickly make way.

Riett followed Evan dazedly, moving her feet as he led. He brought her to a chair in a corner of the hall.

“Sit here.”

Riett plopped down on the chair, leaning her body against the backrest. She had practiced so hard, but the opportunity slipped away unexpectedly.

“Why did you do that earlier?” 

Evan asked, sitting next to her.

Riett glanced at the chandelier, shining brightly as if nothing had happened, as if to ask when she had done something like that.

“Earlier, there was a spark that flew from the chandelier just above. I was startled, thinking it might even explode.”

She added while looking at Evan, 

“I’m sorry. Because of my unnecessary exaggeration, it affected you too…”

The faces of the people who were bewildered by her sudden collapse in the center of the stage are still vivid in her memory. That’s why she can understand why Evan got angry…

“Why are you laughing?” 

Contrary to Riett’s thoughts, Evan had a restrained expression as if holding back laughter. Although no sound of laughter came out, his slightly curved eyes revealed his emotions.

“Just because I’m feeling good.”

Evan didn’t hide his emotions. Riett was not able to sympathize at all, as it was rather strange for him to feel good when she wasn’t feeling well.

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“You feel good…?”

“When I was young, I remembered the times when Riett saved me.”

As if reminiscing about those times, Evan’s eyes were filled with joy.

There were a few times like that. Young Evan seemed weak like a sick chick, so Riett would often grumble and get annoyed but would always rush to help Evan.

The current Evan was not as weak and vulnerable as before, but there was a strange affection…

Riett roughly summed up her thoughts and lowered her body. Then she reached out and threw away the uncomfortable and painful shoes. Her swollen feet were visible. The skin behind her heels was slightly cracked. Now that she visually confirmed her condition, the pain seemed to creep up.

“Does it hurt?”

Evan asked while examining her feet.

Riett retorted with a puffy expression, 


However, regardless of Riett’s answer, Evan knelt on one knee and placed Riett’s foot on his thigh.

“Hey, what if someone sees us!”

Recently, when the two of them practiced dancing together, Evan would often help relieve Riett’s tight leg muscles, but it wasn’t the case now.

This was a public place, and they were afraid that someone passing by might see it. They had to avoid any unnecessary misunderstandings.

Riett pushed Evan’s shoulder away, but when his magical touch reached her calf, her strength disappeared.


Startled by the unintentional sound that came out, Riett quickly covered her mouth.

Evan was excessively good at massages. It was unbelievable. If Evan lived in South Korea, he would have easily made a living as a masseur, no, he would have lived quite comfortably.

His large hands delicately pressed and released the sore muscles, and wherever his experienced touch went, the tense muscles seemed to be miraculously relaxing.

Riett sat back in the chair with an “I don’t know” feeling.

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“Don’t worry because no one can see.”

Evan said, shifting his gaze downwards.

As Evan said, the chance of people witnessing this embarrassing sight was low. The well-placed pillars blocked the view from the most crowded seats, and it was much darker than other areas.

When the muscle pain had faded away, Evan finished the massage gently and sat down next to her. Somehow, it felt like Riett’s toes were curling up. It was a different sensation from when Evan first massaged her feet. 

Now, it was a bit… embarrassing, perhaps. Normally, she didn’t feel it because she was among men, but today, she knew she was different.

The quiet and elegant movements, the gesture of covering mouths while laughing, the way of handling well-maintained hair and flowing dresses—these were things that were difficult for Riett. 

Furthermore, today her feet looked particularly unsightly. Unlike the other young ladies who received proper care, her feet, trapped in stiff leather shoes all day for sword training and riding lessons, were expectedly worn out.

Her hands were the same. Unlike the smooth and polished hands of the refined young ladies, her palms had patches of calluses here and there. While they enjoyed elegant hobbies, she had been close to swords and bows since she was young. So, calluses naturally followed her like badges.

She had never disliked or found this appearance strange before, but today Riett felt an odd sense of alienation. 

As Riett glanced at Evan with a slightly sullen face, her attention was drawn to the upper part of the sparkling chandelier. 


Her eyes widened at the more intense flash compared to before. Without a second thought, Riett leaped forward, pushing away the couple who were beneath the chandelier.


With a loud noise, the chandelier crashed to the floor and shattered fragments flew in all directions.

Riett stood up from her position and asked the displaced couple, 

“Are you okay?”

“Thanks to you…”

The couple, barely tearing their gaze away from the broken chandelier, stammered their words of gratitude.


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As he called her name, Evan, with a pale face, suddenly appeared. He examined Riett’s body and asked, 

“Are you hurt?”

“No, I’m fine.”

Finally, Evan let out a deep sigh and brushed his hand through his hair. People gathered around as the commotion unfolded. Among the crowd were Lucas and Samuel.

“Riett, are you okay?”

“Heh… Riett!”

Riett nodded vaguely in response to their inquiries. As she had already told Evan, she wasn’t hurt at all.


“Why did it suddenly fall like that…?”

Riett raised her hand to her waist, looked up at the ceiling, and saw that the wires connected to the chandelier were sparking and emitting flames.

‘Come to think of it, there’s a strange smell too.’

It was very faint, but there seemed to be a burning smell in the air.

Suspicious of the situation, Riett leaned her head out of the window to observe the outside. However, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

‘But what is this burning smell…?’

Riett, thinking it might be her imagination, nudged Evan next to her.

“Evan, I smell something burning outside.”

Evan sniffed the air and nodded. In the end, Riett made up her mind to go outside with Evan and assess the situation.

Once outside, the smell of burning became stronger. Riett wrinkled her nose as she pinpointed the source of the smell.

When she looked up, she saw flames shooting up from the rooftop.

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