“From today onwards, Riett Marren is appointed as the student council president of Truto Public Noble School.”

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Riett looked down at the students with a victorious smile. Is this how it feels to become an emperor? 

Of course, it wasn’t as absolute as being an emperor, but she did gain considerable power within the school.

And the first targets to wield that power were already determined.

‘Henry Lerris, Pierre Carte.’

Although there was a separate culprit who threw her book into the fountain, they too had to face the consequences.


“He dropped out of school?”

The person who used to hang out with Henry nodded.


“I heard their family was facing difficulties… I don’t know the details either.”

Riett raised an eyebrow as she listened quietly.

‘So, Pierre and Henry… Even though their rankings were quite high, they must have given up because it seemed impossible to reach third place…?’

Around the second year, the final rankings started to take shape, and there were quite a few kids who left the school around that time.

‘That’s one thing, but their families are facing difficulties?’

She heard both of their families were quite wealthy.

In this world, commerce had greatly developed, and trade between nations was quite active. While there were traditionalist nobles who considered money-making activities beneath them, the majority of wealth was acquired through commercial activities unless their territories were exceptionally fertile. The perception of commerce as lowly is now considered a thing of the past.

Therefore, even the nobles actively engaged in business, including the families of Henry and Pierre.

But for both of their families to face difficulties at the same time…

‘Is it karma?’

Justice must still be alive.

Thank you! Riett expressed her gratitude to the heavens that had delivered the retribution on her behalf.

* * *

Time flowed peacefully like gentle waves.

Yellow leaves fell, white snow descended, fresh sprouts emerged, and after avoiding the scorching sun for some time, graduation was just around the corner.

“Not much time left until graduation.”

Samuel looked at Riett with a sad expression. As he said, graduation was approaching quickly.

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Riett, who had been leaning over the desk, raised her head and looked at the bright sunlight. That warm feeling reminded her of someone.

“Out of the blue, but it’s still shocking to think that Lucas dropped out.”

As Samuel murmured, Riett recalled her faded memories.

A year had passed since Lucas disappeared. But as humans were creatures of adaptation, both others and Riett herself soon accepted Lucas’ vacant spot.

‘But sometimes, memories suddenly come back.’

Riett erased her thoughts and looked at Samuel.

“By the way, you’re the one who benefited the most after Lucas disappeared.”

Riett pointed her finger at Samuel, surprising him.


“Yeah. After Lucas vanished, you firmly secured third place.”

Is this what they call a stroke of luck? With Lucas and Henry, who were right in front of Samuel, withdrawing from school, Samuel became the third place. It was an unexpected stroke of luck for Samuel.

“W-Well, that’s true,” 

Samuel scratched his head with a perplexed expression. Riett chuckled.

“Well, it’s a fortunate turn of events.”

Once upon a time, Samuel had some regrets when there were no changes in the rankings, but now an opportunity has come. If he graduates like this, Samuel will surpass his older brother and inherit the family.

“It’s all thanks to you, Riett.”


She wasn’t sure what he meant by thanks to her, but Riett nodded without thinking too deeply.

“Come to think of it, the one who deserves congratulations more than me is Riett.”

Samuel applauded and looked at Riett.

“You’ve secured the top spot in graduation.”

Ah, that’s right. That’s why Riett has been feeling so good lately. She had achieved a perfect score in all the final exams and secured first place.

Evan had also achieved a perfect score, but being the student council president played a decisive role in Riett’s favor.

‘I wonder if Evan regrets it now.’

The year before, Evan had helped her become the student council president. Although he congratulated her at the time, he might have regretted it when he saw the reversed rankings.

‘But it’s too late to regret it now, Evan.’

Riett couldn’t help but hum a tune, knowing that she had surpassed Evan.

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“Riett, are you here?”

At that moment, when someone called her name, Riett turned her head. It was one of the teachers, looking around.

“I’m here.”

“Oh, there you are.”

The teacher approached.

“Go to the principal’s office now. The principal wants to see you.”

The principal…?

‘Why would the principal suddenly want to see me?’

Riett felt puzzled by the unexpected call and stood up from her seat.

* * *

Knock, knock.

“This is Riett Marren.”

A voice came from inside.

“Come in.”

When Riett opened the door, she saw the principal sitting in his office, illuminated by the bright autumn sunlight.

“Hello, Principal.”

“Miss Marren. I called you in for a brief conversation.”

The principal gestured for Riett to sit on the sofa in one corner of the office.

Riett felt a bit awkward in this situation. It was because, upon reflection, she realized that a mature adult was using polite speech with her.

Sensing Riett’s expression of confusion, the principal followed up with an explanation.

“You’re soon going to become a respectable adult, so it’s appropriate to elevate the way we speak.”

Ah. Riett suddenly became aware of her age.

After the debutante ball, she would be treated as an adult. Life’s second chapter. She had thought the time was moving slowly, but graduation was already approaching.

“The reason I called you here is because I want to recommend you as a noble counselor.”


Riett accidentally spewed a little bit of her black tea. 


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Even though she stumbled over her words like a fool, she couldn’t pay attention to that. It was a dream she had longed for so desperately. One of the biggest reasons she wanted to become a noblewoman was to become a member of the aristocracy. 

She had heard rumors that a few outstanding graduates from the school would receive recommendations, but now that it had become her reality, she was overwhelmed with emotion. 

“I have been admiring your progress throughout your school years.” 

“What aspects…?” 

While she appreciated the compliment, Riett didn’t fully understand. It was one of the few times she mixed formal language with the principal. 

The principal wasn’t often seen around the school and only appeared on formal occasions. Even after becoming the student council president, there were hardly any face-to-face interactions regarding school matters. 

“Actually, I’ve been watching you closely since you entered the school. As you know, the proportion of female students in the school is very low, and there hasn’t been a case of a female student aiming for the top until now.” 

Since she entered the school…! 

Riett had to calm her overflowing emotions. 

“At first, I thought it would be difficult. But you did splendidly in the first exam.” 

“Ah… Thank you.” 

Riett, who was not accustomed to receiving compliments face to face, awkwardly smiled. The principal smiled proudly. 

“The first exam was just the beginning. I didn’t expect a queen to be born in the student council election.” 

The student council election. Even though it had been a year since then, the moment she found the answer and felt exhilarated was vivid in her memory. 

“To be honest, I didn’t think anyone would be able to solve the problem I gave. It was a problem that only someone who paid close attention to their surroundings could solve.” 

Surprised by the unexpected words, Riett put her teacup down and asked. 

“But may I ask why you gave us such a problem?” 

“I believe someone with a broad perspective is suitable to lead the school. Those who only look straight ahead can only see the path in front of them.” 

“A broad perspective.” 

“To test exceptional insight and cunning, the Sunstone was very appropriate.” 

It was also the right time to change the Sunstone. The principal chuckled while saying that. He was truly a practical person. 

Riett now understood the intention behind the questions and secretly admired them. Then, she remembered another difficult rule she had faced. 

“Also, to obtain the Sunstone, you had to cooperate with others, didn’t you?”

“Indeed, when I tell you one thing, you understand two.” 

The principal looked at his reflection shimmering on the surface of the tea. 

“One cannot live in this world alone. The ability to discern who will stand by your side in a harsh world is a crucial skill.” 

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Riett couldn’t help but agree. How deeply she had been awakened by the principal’s teachings on betrayal and trust. 

“The student council election was a great test. Riett, you passed that test perfectly.” 

Warm wrinkles appeared on the principal’s smiling face. He took out a piece of paper from his embrace. 

“So, I’m writing this recommendation, and it’s only natural that Riett is the first person who comes to mind.” 

Her heart felt heavy as she was finally recognized for her achievements. Someone who acknowledged her like this! And to top it off, a recommendation for the position of a noblewoman…! 

“However, being recommended by me doesn’t guarantee that you will become a noblewoman. You have to graduate from the school without any issues and gain the approval of the current members of the council.” 

Graduating as the top student was already confirmed, so she only had to get through the remaining month safely to graduate. 

Gaining the approval of the current council members would be another challenge, but with her current confidence, she felt she could accomplish anything.

“Yes, I know.” 

Riett replied bravely. But suddenly, she had a question in her mind. 

“Are there other people who have received recommendations for noble positions besides me?” 

The principal nodded. 

“Evan Kreutz is one of them.” 

Again. She felt a stab in the back of her throat. 

“He was a student who evoked admiration in a different way than you, Riett. He was naturally born with qualities fit for leadership.” 

Riett couldn’t deny those words. It was something she hadn’t realized when she was young but had come to understand during her time at school. Evan knew how to make others fear him just enough and how to earn respect. Even watching from the sidelines, she thought he easily rose to the top. 

‘But I’ll still be the top graduate!’

While Riett was filled with a sense of victory, the principal spoke up. 

“The growth of the two of you has left a deep impression on me. I will continue to expect great things from both of you.” 

The principal gently patted Riett’s shoulder. 

“I will watch over you.” 

* * * 

It is said that there is light at the end of the tunnel. 

Finally, she achieved the desired outcome. The battles with Samuel, the abandoned books at the fountain, Lucas’ betrayal, each scene flashed through her mind like a lantern in the night. But she realized that they were all part of the process that led to this moment.

‘It’s finally over.’

Well done, Riett! Riett praised herself for her hard work. 

The evening was filled with joy.

Little did she know, she would hear her father’s cries through the door, signaling the crisis that had befallen her home.

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