Riett wanted to talk to her father right away, but he hadn’t come back until late in the evening. Even if she tried asking her mother, she would just repeatedly tell her, with red eyes, to talk to her father directly like a parrot.

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‘Yesterday, it couldn’t be helped, but today for sure!’

With that determination, Riett crossed the schoolyard. 

As soon as she arrived at the classroom, she was called by the principal. Putting down her belongings, Riett moved to the principal’s office and realized that someone was already there.


“Hello, Riett.”

The person who greeted her first was Evan. Riett looked at Evan with displeasure in her eyes.

“Are you also called by the principal?”

Evan nodded lightly. Then, he raised the corners of his mouth and said,

“Riett too?”


Riett said, pushing Evan aside, and knocked on the door. When she heard the sound of “Come in” from inside, Riett opened the door.


The principal greeted the two of them with a smile. After the previous conversation, Riett felt that the deep wrinkles around the principal’s eyes seemed a bit softer.

“I’m glad to see both of you often.”

“I’m also glad to see the principal often.”

It was nice to get to know people like this. Especially if they were adults from whom she could learn something, like the principal.

“By the way, although it’s a different topic, you two have a good relationship with each other, like a gentleman and a lady.”

For a moment, Riett frowned. Compliments were nice, but she wanted to avoid getting involved with that guy. However, before Riett could object, she heard a more dreadful remark.

“I heard that the two families have a close relationship. Are you perhaps promised to each other in the future?”

“No! Not at all!”

As Riett strongly denied it, the principal was taken aback and leaned back. Evan, who was standing next to him, smiled and looked at Riett.

“Why are you denying it so strongly, Riett?”

“Because it’s not true!”

“Such a strong denial can make people misunderstand even more. Are you hoping for that?”

With a teasing remark, Riett turned her body forcefully and glared at Evan, grabbing the collar of his shirt.

“Don’t make me laugh, you brat!”

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While Riett stood defiantly, Evan spoke to the principal.

“As you can see, although we haven’t promised each other in the future, we have deep emotions.”

“Oh, I see.”

The principal thought it was a rather strange relationship and brought up the main topic.

“The reason I called the two of you here is because of the recommendation letters from the council.”

Riett was extremely happy to receive a recommendation letter, but even that had been temporarily forgotten due to her father’s situation. Her father was in crisis, and she didn’t know how it would affect her. It was difficult to be excited when she thought about the tangled family affairs.

It was the same even now.

“I briefly explained it when I called each of you last time, but I think there is a need to talk about it in more detail.”

Unlike earlier, Evan glanced at the subdued atmosphere around Riett. However, the principal seemed to have not noticed Riett’s change and continued speaking.

“As you all know, the principled way to become a noble member of the Truto Empire is to receive recommendations from existing members.” 

Riett nodded in agreement. As he had mentioned, once a year the existing noble members choose candidates. If that was similar to public recruitment, then the school principal’s recommendation felt more like a special selection. 

“However, with this recommendation letter from the school principal, you will be granted qualification as a candidate separate from the recommendations of the members.” 


“However, having received this recommendation letter does not guarantee that you will automatically become a member. You must obtain a majority of approval votes from the existing members.” 

A majority of approval votes. Considering his father’s precarious situation in the political landscape, Riett was at a clear disadvantage. Suppressing her anxious thoughts, Riett asked, 

“…What are the criteria for receiving approval votes?” 

“The criteria are not strictly defined, but in some form or another, you will have to meet with the noble members face to face. They will test you at that time. It’s like a kind of interview.” 

Riett closed her eyes tightly. It meant that she would have a face-to-face encounter with Marquis Callian as well. At the moment, she would undoubtedly receive unfavorable evaluations due to her father’s situation. 

And it wouldn’t be limited to that. People with strong political influence would also be cautious around her, not wanting to offend him. 

‘Even the current Emperor has a hard time with him.’

She tried not to think negatively, but she couldn’t stop the sigh that escaped her. 

The opportunity she had longed for had come, but why did it have to come with such serious adversity? 

“Um… Principal.” 

“Yes, Riett?” 

“If I fail the interview, does that mean the opportunity is lost?” 

The principal’s eyes showed concern at Riett’s cautious question. 

“Yes… Even if you receive the school principal’s recommendation, there has never been a case where a candidate is given another chance after failing once.” 

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It was the answer she had anticipated, but it made her throat feel scratchy. 

“When will the interviews take place…?” 

“Soon, I suppose? They usually take place before the school graduation ceremony.” 

If she were to undergo the interview without resolving the family issues, she would be rejected. Her mind grew restless. 

“Is there any way to postpone or delay the recommendation?” 

“I’m not sure why you’re asking such a question… but it’s difficult.” 

The principal looked puzzled by Riett’s change in attitude from when she first heard the news of the recommendation. 

“Is there something bothering you, Riett?” 

The principal was someone who had little interest in politics. He wasn’t someone Riett could vent her frustrations to. 

“In any case, you should prepare yourself mentally in advance. If you pass the interview, you will start working in the Imperial Palace immediately after graduation.” 

Riett and Evan nodded in response and left the principal’s office. 

As soon as they stepped into the hallway, Riett let out a deep sigh. It was the situation she had longed for, but why did the heavens have to send such a trial? For the first time, she felt resentful towards the sky. 

That’s when Evan asked, 

“What’s wrong?” 


“The question you asked earlier, it wasn’t like you.” 

That line felt like a scene from a drama she had seen in her past life. 

‘Acting like this… it’s not like you!’ 

Then the protagonist who heard such a line would shout, 

‘What’s not like me?!’ 

The reality was indeed different from dramas. Riett didn’t even have the energy to respond like that. She was just curious. 

“What was unlike me?”

“Assuming it can’t be done before even trying.”

At Evan’s answer, Riett blinked her eyes slowly for a moment. 

It was exactly as Evan had said. It was the first time she had thought negatively and assumed the worst before even starting. Her original self used to ignite a baseless self-confidence that she could overcome anything, no matter what challenges she faced.


Indeed, she had solved everything that had come her way so far. Saving the falsely accused man, confronting Samuel, reclaiming the top spot, graduating as valedictorian—all of it.

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A spark gradually ignited in Riett’s eyes. Eventually, her sparkling red pupils turned towards Evan.

“It’s been a while since you’ve been helpful!”

Despite Riett’s improved momentum, Evan’s expression remained serious.

“Is something wrong?”


Riett stared intently at Evan.

“My house may collapse, and I might have to move to a remote territory. If things go worse there, I may end up getting married off like a commodity to another noble family.”


Evan’s expression hardened instantly. However, Riett continued without flinching.

“It’s the worst possible outcome I could experience.”


“So, I won’t let it happen like that.”

As always, turning crises into opportunities.

Riett returned home and waited in front of the front door for her father without even eating dinner. She had to meet him before the day was over.

Tak-tak. Finally, hearing the sound of hoofbeats, Riett, who was sitting huddled up, quickly stood up. The person getting off was indeed her father.


Duke Marren, who discovered his daughter standing in the darkness, asked in surprise.

“Father, let’s talk.”

* * *

Riett, along with Duke Marren and the Duchess, sat together in the drawing room. A heavy atmosphere filled the space between the three of them.

Riett broke the silence first.

“I heard it from Duke Kreutz.”

The Duke’s face dropped like a guilty man as if he knew what she was talking about.

“…I see.”

“But still, I want to hear the explanation directly from Father.”

Riett held her father’s hand. In his pale hand, as devoid of vitality as his lifeless face, there was almost no warmth.

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Finally, his heavy lips moved. He knew now that he couldn’t keep hiding the situation.

“As you know, I’ve been involved in politics for a long time.”


Riett nodded with a determined expression as the story began.

“I’ve worked hard with a sense of duty to uphold the long-standing honor of the Ducal family, which our ancestors achieved.”

“I know. Father, you’ve diligently fulfilled that duty more than anyone else.”

In truth, her father couldn’t be called a wise person like Duke Kreutz. 

While other nobles ventured into business and trade, her father focused solely on his political career. He strived not to boast about what he had but to protect it.

Her father wasn’t calculative or worldly, but instead, he was passionate and full of vitality. That’s why Riett liked her father.

“But there are rotten roots in this country. A man named Marquis Callian, the representative of the conservative faction.”

It was the information she heard from the gentleman. However, Riett listened quietly without interrupting.

“After a long investigation, I discovered his corruption.”

Duke Marren’s voice trembled slightly towards the end.

“But then, I made a mistake in the end. Duke Kreutz said we should examine the situation more carefully, but I ignored his warning… and fell into a trap.”

Finally, it was time for the part she was curious about. Riett asked cautiously.

“What price does Father have to bear in return?”

Duke Marren clenched his fist so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

“A compensation equivalent to the value of this mansion and the entire estate… they call it restitution.”

Riett’s eyes widened.

“You mean…”

“We have to pay compensation equal to the amount we sold this mansion and the estate for and move to the southern territory. That’s what Marquis Callian wants.”

A territory far away from the capital. In practical terms, it was nothing short of exile.

‘If that happens…’

Riett’s father, who had lived his whole life as a politician, would become a loser and have all his achievements invalidated in an instant.

And her dream of becoming a noble legislator…

‘…I guess I have to abandon it.’

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