Riett spoke calmly.

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“Oh, of course, Evan also went with me.”

At her words, the murmurs of the nobles subsided.

Looking at her father for a moment, Riett knew that her statement had affected him, as his complexion turned pale and then blue.

Riett silently apologized to her father for not informing him in advance.

‘Father, I’m sorry.’

“Hmm… Miss Riett, tell us why Marquis Callian called you to his villa.”

The Emperor, who had been quietly observing the situation, intervened. Riett nodded her head towards the Emperor and spoke.

“He wanted to propose to me.”

The second bomb dropped.

As the nobles looked at Marquis Callian with astonishment and criticism, he became flustered and waved his hand in the air.

“N-No, it’s not like that…!”

The corners of the Emperor’s mouth twitched slightly upon seeing his reaction.

However, the Emperor quickly concealed his expression and sternly addressed Riett.

“Even knowing that why did you willingly go to the villa?”

“I couldn’t refuse. He threatened me, saying he would demand compensation from my father.”

Riett’s answer was a mixture of lies and truths.

She deliberately went there to find forged documents, but it was not a complete lie that she was threatened by him.

“While I was the one invited, the reason Evan also went with me was because I was worried about what the Marquis would do to me.”

“That’s a misunderstanding! I called her not to propose, but to give advice and prepare her for the noble council interview…!”

Marquis Callian hastily defended himself, but no one believed him. It was clear that everyone knew about his dirty dealings with women.

Moreover, aside from being a powerful figure, the Marquis had many enemies. It was natural for everyone to be interested in his weaknesses.

But they were still in the preliminary round. This was just an appetizer, like the smoked salmon they had just eaten.

Trying to appear calm, Riett, who had been observing the visibly pale Marquis, spoke again.

“But there is another important fact.”

“What is it?”

As the Emperor asked, Riett took out a few documents she had prepared and unfolded them before showing them to the Emperor.


“Transaction records…?”

As the Emperor slowly read the top of the document, Riett nodded.

“These are the documents I found while exploring the Marquis’ house that day.”

The Marquis’ eyebrows sharply furrowed.

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Riett confessed a truth that she hadn’t mentioned before.

“I had another purpose for accepting the Marquis’ invitation. I was looking for something that could refute his claim of causing harm to my father. And I found these documents.”

The Marquis’ expression was so contorted that it was evident to everyone, not just to Riett. It wasn’t just the Marquis, but the entire nobility was stunned by the impudence of a young nobleman.

However, the Emperor raised his hand and quieted them down.

When the murmurs of the people subsided, the Emperor asked Riett.

“So, what does this trade record show?” 

Everyone looked at Riett with curious eyes, focusing intently.

“It’s a material used in the tableware factory, but it should never be used in the tableware.”

At those words, Marquis Callian looked at Riett with a ‘no way’ expression. 

‘Surely not.’

Riett flashed the knife in front of her,

“This is…….”

She aimed the knife at the marquis. 


The Emperor furrowed his eyebrows and asked, 

“Lead…? You mean the lead primarily used in weapons?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

The Emperor’s expression grew more serious. However, it seemed that some of the nobles were unfamiliar with lead, judging by their expressions.

One of them couldn’t contain his curiosity and raised his hand. 

“What’s the problem with lead being used in tableware? After all, it’s just another metal, isn’t it?”

Evan, who was standing next to him, replied on Riett’s behalf, 

“If one is in contact with lead for a prolonged period, symptoms of poisoning appear. It’s highly detrimental to health. That’s why it should never be used in tableware.”

“Is that true?” 

“Recently, a similar case was uncovered in the Kingdom of Meriato, causing quite a stir. Those who used tableware containing lead exhibited neurological abnormalities.”

The noble who asked the question was astonished. 

“Why would anyone do such a thing…!”

“By mixing lead, they can save on the cost of silver,” 

Evan explained neatly, and Riett nodded with a satisfied expression. It was as he said.

Lead was much cheaper than other metals, but its risk was significantly higher for everyday items. It was especially dangerous when used in items like tableware that come into direct contact with the mouth.

The nobles who discovered the truth were outraged. However, the climax had not yet arrived.

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“Some may think there’s no problem because no citizens are showing symptoms of lead poisoning yet, but this is not the only aspect that should be addressed as a serious crime.” 

There would now be an additional offense from which there would be no escape.

 It is the accusation of threatening the safety of His Majesty the Emperor.”

“That is, it threatens the safety of Your Majesty.”

The crime of endangering the Emperor’s safety, even indirectly, was unquestionably deliberate.

‘At the very least, exile.’

Riett calmly added an explanation.

 “All the silverware used in the imperial palace is sourced from Marquis Callian’s territory. That includes what is on this table.”

Both the nobles and the Emperor glanced down at the silverware in front of them.

“The reason silverware is used in the imperial palace is to guard against potential poisoning. And of course, lead-laced utensils would never do the job.”

Riett glared at the marquis with an accusing gaze.

The marquis, who had been at a loss for words, suddenly stood up from his seat. 

“It’s all lies!”

He then lashed out at Riett. 

“Are you accusing me of putting lead in my tableware by bringing in fake trade records?”

Riett bit her tongue inwardly. She had expected this reaction from the marquis as well.

“It is as you say, Marquis. We must also consider the possibility that the documents I presented are fake.”

As Riett calmly affirmed, everyone wore puzzled expressions.

“In that case, we can test the tableware directly here to find the answer.”

“What are you saying? How can we test it here…?”

Suddenly, Riett placed a small glass bottle on the table.

“This is a ‘poison’ containing arsenic. If it’s a silver-made utensil, it will change color when exposed to the poison.”

Riett approached the Emperor’s seat and sought permission.

“If it’s alright, may I borrow a spoon for a moment?”

“Very well, go ahead.”

With permission granted, Riett picked up the spoon in front of the Emperor.

Everyone at the dining table focused intently as if watching a magic show, on Riett’s peculiar actions.

“Now I will put this spoon into the glass bottle.”

“Wait a moment!”

Before the Marquis could stop her, Riett placed the Emperor’s spoon into the glass bottle.


And a few seconds later, she took out the spoon.

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“As you can see.”

The color of the spoon did change, but it was very subtle and difficult to notice without close observation under bright light.

“The discoloration is only this slight. Could it be because silver is mixed in?”

“It’s impossible! This, this poison is fake…!”

Thinking that it couldn’t end like this, the Marquis continued to deny it.

“Then why don’t you try it yourself? If the spoon is intact, then the poison is fake.”

When Riett handed the glass bottle containing the poison to the Marquis, he recoiled with a gasp.

Watching this silently, the Emperor muttered.

“There’s nothing more to observe.”

Then he shouted towards the outside.

“Look here!”

The guards hurriedly opened the door and entered.

“What’s the matter, Your Majesty?”

“Take the Marquis to prison.”

The guards’ gaze followed the Emperor’s chin. There, just a few hours ago, there had been a person who confidently roamed the palace.

The guards, taken aback by the sudden turn of events, asked.

“What are the charges…?”

“For now, let’s call it the crime of treason against the nobility.”

The guards’ faces twisted in anger, but soon they saluted the Emperor and apprehended Marquis Callian. The already dazed Marquis offered no resistance as he was dragged away.

The door closed, and silence filled the room.

With Marquis Callian gone, a strong sense of defeat spread across the faces of the conservative faction nobles. Their leader had been defeated by a young woman…!

Perhaps all the noble members present here were aware. They knew that Marquis Callian was not clean.

They just didn’t dare to confront him.

Furthermore, they never imagined that the Marquis would hide such a trick in his tableware factory, which was his source of income.

Until now, the only snipers targeting Marquis Callian were Duke Marren and Duke Kreutz. However, even Duke Marren, who could be considered the representative of the progressive, had been counterattacked, and the remaining progressive were in retreat.

But now, an unexpected figure appeared and brought down Marquis Callian. Finally, the fortress had crumbled.

“Riett Marren.”

The Emperor solemnly called out Riett’s name.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” 

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Riett replied, and a smile appeared on the Emperor’s face, dispelling the solemnity.

“Congratulations on becoming a nobleman.”

Riett blinked slowly, unable to fully grasp the reality of the declaration coming from the Emperor’s mouth, despite it being the long-awaited outcome.

“Is the interview omitted…?” 

“No need for an interview. You have accomplished a great feat, so consider it a reward.” 

The Emperor replied, scanning the surroundings with sharp eyes.

“Is there anyone who opposes this?”

Of course, there would be. The conservative faction’s nobles were taken aback, but it was the Emperor, including the progressive, who held the upper hand in this situation.

However, even in a situation where everyone agreed, Riett had a concern.

“Your Majesty, may I?”

“What is it, Riett?”

Riett glanced at Evan.

“Evan also contributed greatly to resolving this incident. I alone would not have been able to expose the Marquis’ scheme.”

Hmm. The Emperor fell into momentary silence, seeming to be considering something.

Riett had done a good job, everyone here would agree, but Evan had not.

If it were a case of a single person who had accomplished something significant, there would be no problem, but allowing two individuals to pass without an exceptional feat could raise issues of fairness later on.

Regardless of the deliberations, selecting noble members was a matter of great importance on a national scale.

The Emperor, who was pondering, asked, 

“Evan Kreutz, what is your opinion?”

“I will abide by Your Majesty’s decision.”

Riett found Evan quite intriguing.

Even though he spoke modestly, there was an air of confidence in his tone. No matter how much he tried to humble himself, he didn’t appear to be condescending at all.

He was still like that now.

His statement of abiding by the decision sounded like he was saying, “I’m confident that I’m going to be able to pass the vote anyway.”

“Well then, let us decide through a vote that takes into account the opinions of the members.”


The Emperor chose the vote, and Evan calmly accepted it.

Ballots were soon distributed. Everyone held pens, ready to write down their opinions, but the Emperor spoke again.

“While I have given you the choice, I hope you won’t make the mistake of overlooking talents like Evan.”

They all looked taken aback. Their expressions seemed to say, “Why bother voting if you’re going to do this?”

In contrast, Riett couldn’t help but let out a hidden laugh. The Emperor glanced at Riett, chuckled, and gestured with his hand.

“Now, let the voting begin.”

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