“Sorry, Evan!”

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Riett bowed her head as if confessing her guilt. Apart from Evan being annoying and detestable, she had done something wrong.

“What are you sorry for?”

“I… I forced myself on you.”

Evan let out a fake cough.

“What are you talking about?”

“I… I kissed you against your will, so it’s assault.”

Evan seemed to be looking at her with an expression of annoyance, probably because of his mood.

“I don’t see it that way.”


In a moment of relief,

“It wasn’t assault, it was a kiss.”

Evan corrected, lifting the corner of his mouth.

‘A kiss?!’

Riett widened her eyes at the thunderous sound and looked at Evan. In Riett’s perspective, “Evan” and “kiss” were words that simply did not go together. They were words that should never be side by side…!

“And it was your first kiss too.”

Evan emphasized, enunciating each word with force.

Riett was in a state of confusion, but she couldn’t stay quiet.


“You say it’s not?”

One of Evan’s eyebrows rose sharply.

“…Riett, was it not your first kiss?”

“No, what I meant was that it wasn’t a kiss!”

Oh, was that what she meant? With a single excuse, Evan’s expression softened as he leaned back on the couch.

“I kissed your lips, how is that not a kiss?”

“I… I was just trying to convey an apologetic gesture.”

Evan crossed his arms and stared at Riett intently.

“You take my first kiss, and now you’re acting like this?”

His gaze felt like a reprimand, but this time Riett couldn’t back down.

“I can apologize for my actions, but I can’t agree that it was a… kiss.”

“Then what was it if it wasn’t a kiss?”

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Riett remained silent for a moment. She needed time to define that act.

And soon, she placed both hands neatly on her knees, making sure not to provoke Evan too much, and spoke.

“An accident.”

Evan let out a hollow laugh.

“Accident is not a word to use in this situation.”

“But I was drunk! So…”

Their conversation continued for a while.

Kiss or accident.

It was a very important issue with different meanings for both of them, and this issue remained unresolved and would be debated for years to come.

* * *

After finishing her debutante ball, the day finally came for Riett’s first attendance at the council.

Riett stepped off the carriage with a pounding heart. The place she got off was the grand entrance of the palace.

The gatekeeper, noticing Riett, approached her.

“What brings you here?”

“I’m here for the council.”

When Riett presented her identification, the gatekeeper asked.

“Are you Duchess Marren?”

Duchess Marren.

Even after a month, the title still felt unfamiliar.

But now that her parents had gone south to manage their estate, she, who remained in the capital, had to fulfill her responsibilities as the head of the Marren family.

Riett nodded, and the gatekeeper guided her inside.

“Please enter.”

Riett stepped into the palace.

Although she lived in the capital and had seen the palace many times, this was her first time entering. She was still in the process of preparing, but soon she would have her own private office in the imperial palace, and she would also hire an aide. 

Riett looked around with excited eyes as she walked.

The place Riett arrived at was the council room on the first floor of the main palace. The closed-door indicated that there was another meeting taking place inside.

Faint conversations from the council room could be heard from time to time.

“Does the Haren Empire also know that Parvanium is mined on Cork Island?”

“I suppose they know why it turned out like this. They will never give up their sovereignty.”

“My head hurts. So… what do you think?”

“Since we conceded the maritime rights to Haren last time, I think it’s only right for us to concede this time.”

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“Wasn’t that worthless sea?!”

The voice of the Emperor resounded.

And the intense argument between the two continued for a while.

“I don’t want to hear it! Leave!”

With Emperor’s loud voice, the conversation came to an end.

Soon the door opened, and a man with a square mustache walked out. The man had an annoyed expression.

Following him, the Emperor revealed himself. He paused when he saw Riett waiting outside.

“It’s you… Riett, no, now you are Duchess Marren.”

“Your Majesty, how have you been?”

Although he was an Emperor, he would have usually greeted Riett kindly like an old man, but the deep wrinkles on his forehead remained unfurrowed.

The Emperor turned his head and asked his aide.

“What time is it now?”

“It’s 2:30. There are 30 minutes left until the Noble Council begins.”

“Then we have time until the next council. Duchess Marren, let’s have a chat.”


As the aide said, there was enough time until the council. Riett followed the Emperor into the council room without any concerns.

“Did you happen to overhear the conversation inside?”

Riett pondered whether to answer honestly, remembering the Emperor’s angry voice.

Eavesdropping was not a good thing, but there must be a reason for him to ask.

In the end, Riett answered honestly.

“I… overheard.”

Contrary to his worries, the Emperor seemed unfazed.

“Then we can talk quickly.”

When the Emperor gestured to his aide, the aide promptly opened the map on the table.

“Recently, the Truto Empire has been in a territorial dispute with the Haren Empire.”

Referring to this very island.

The Emperor pointed to the middle of the sea between the Truto Empire and the Haren Empire. There was an island right in the center of the two countries.

“It’s a rocky island where the land is so barren that you can’t even cultivate it, but recently its value has been recognized.”

“What value does the island have?”

“There’s a rare metal called Parvanium that’s mined deep underground. It’s lighter and stronger than any other metal, making it suitable for weapons.”

“The Haren Empire recently learned about that as well.”

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“I see.”

In simple terms, the dispute over Cork Island was not just a matter of rare metal. Taking control of Cork Island would provide an advantage in any future war with the Haren Empire.

“The person I spoke with earlier was Count Helias, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Truto Empire.”

Riett recalled the person who had left the council room with an irritated expression.

‘So, he was the Minister of Foreign Affairs. I only knew his name, it’s the first time I’ve seen his face.’

“He is a troublesome person.”

The Emperor openly criticized the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

“In the past, there was a time when the Haren Empire didn’t have any valuable maritime resources, and we ended up conceding worthless waters. Now, they are talking as if we should concede again, which doesn’t sound right at all.”

Riett’s expression grew serious.

“If it is such a valuable metal, we cannot allow the island to be taken by the Haren Empire. It would become a far more formidable weapon for them than we imagine.”

The dispute over Cork Island was not just a simple battle for precious metal. Taking control of Cork Island would provide an advantage in a future war with the Haren Empire that might occur.

“I see it.”

The Emperor’s stern expression softened, and he nodded.

“And you… Duchess Marren, I think you know another reason that worries me.”

There was another concern that came to mind as soon as Riett heard the conversation.

Losing weapons meant a weakened national power. Moreover, if the precious weapon material ended up in the hands of a neighboring country with whom relations were not friendly, it would only increase the anxiety of the imperial citizens.

Riett didn’t hesitate and answered promptly.

“The imperial power will be weakened.”

If Parvanium is taken away and the worried Truto citizens need someone to blame, it will surely be directed toward the Emperor who failed to resolve this dispute properly.

The Emperor wiped his forehead with a tired expression.

“You’re right. Both countries will suffer from the war. We, as well as Haren, don’t want it. Even if we try to avoid war, if we fail to resolve this issue properly, the nobles and the citizens will criticize me.”

The saying “one mountain beyond another” was fitting for this situation. Just when they thought they had triumphed by overthrowing the corrupt Marquis Callian, they faced a new crisis from a foreign country. 

The weight of the crown seemed to burden the Emperor’s shoulders beneath the shadow of his worries.

“In just two weeks, the delegation from the Haren Empire will visit. If we fail to resolve the issues properly by then, it could escalate to the worst-case scenario.”

“Such as… a war?”

At that moment, someone knocked on the door from outside.

Knock, knock.

“Your Majesty, the members of the assembly have arrived.”

“Allow them to enter.”

Soon, one by one, the members entered and took their seats. Evan, now a member himself, sat opposite Riett, just as before.

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Due to obligations in his territory, Duke Kreutz couldn’t attend the assembly today.

Once everyone was seated, the assembly promptly commenced.

The first agenda with the new members was the ongoing dispute over the ownership of Cork Island, which happened to be the Emperor’s greatest concern. Despite various discussions among the members, no one could offer a convincing solution.

In the end, the assembly concluded rather weakly, like a flat soda lacking fizz.

As Riett was deep in thought, contemplating the issue and preparing to leave the council room, she caught sight of Evan’s back. Amidst unfamiliar faces, seeing Evan didn’t bring her the joy it once did.

As Riett cautiously approached, Evan smiled and struck up a conversation with another person. It was ‘Count Terrator,’ the right-hand man of Marquis Callian.

Riett narrowed her eyes.

‘What’s going on?’

Evan should dislike Count Terrator, considering what happened to Marquis Callian. Why would he approach him so amiably?

Count Terrator emerged as a new pillar of the conservative faction after the Marquis Callian was humiliated.

Riett observed Evan engaging in a friendly conversation with Count Terrator before he became alone again. Only then did she approach him.


“Hello, Riett.”

Riett glared at him, crossing her arms in an unamused manner.

“You’re not doing well. Greeting Count Terrator with a smile… What’s going on?”

“Just a moment.”

Instead of responding, Evan hesitated, glanced around, and then led them to a quieter spot. Riett naturally followed.

After they arrived at a secluded place with no one around, Evan spoke again.

“Riett, I’m going against my father’s political intentions.”

Riett was taken aback.

Why did she automatically assume Evan would follow the same progressive path as his father? But it could also be possible otherwise. Her feelings were inexplicably mixed, but she knew she had to respect Evan’s opinion. There is no definitive answer in politics.

“Well, if that’s your decision.”

“Don’t be disappointed, Riett.”

Riett’s eyebrows raised. Although her emotions had settled, she didn’t want to concede so easily to Evan, who seemed to have a knack for guessing her thoughts.

“Why would I be disappointed?”

“Or maybe I should say, fortunately.”


“I’m leaving first.”

Riett shot Evan a stern look as he calmly smiled and then left. Watching Riett’s retreating figure, Evan murmured.

“I want to be on the same side, but…”

Even if he becomes an enemy, being the one who gathers information, will be much more helpful to Riett.

So please understand, Riett.

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