In Riett’s mind, the encounter with a being called “God” lingered for a while. Especially his words were very shocking.

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‘So… he’s saying that this world is not inside a book?’

Should she believe this or not?

However, Riett gradually realized that the fact itself was not important. Whether it was inside a book or not, the sun rose and set every day, and there were annoying people just the same.

Just like now.

“Duchess Marren, how on earth did you manage to get them to give up ownership of Cork Island?”

“I heard that Count Helias was of no help at all.”

“What kind of help? I heard he quoted international law and only caused trouble. So, he probably received a reasonable punishment.”

Simple-minded people, in any case.

The gaze that used to look at her with caution could no longer be found. Now, everyone was praising with sparkling eyes.

‘But how long will this praise last?’

Riett had to understand this ecosystem and adapt perfectly to it.

Although this incident flattened the noses of the noble members who complained about her being a woman, the impurities that had sunk would gradually rise to the surface over time.

For now, they are being silenced by positive public opinion. But once this matter withers, they will raise their heads again.

However, thinking about it simplistically, it was easier. Just don’t give the impurities a chance to rise to the surface.

‘Don’t even let them make a peep.’

* * *

Since the incident with the Haren Empire, Riett had achieved many accomplishments in three years, whether small or big. It was like breaking seals, one after another.

Of course, as expected, that time was not smooth sailing. In between, countless obstacles from the impurities came her way.

At first, she tried her best not to engage in fights, but Riett changed her mind.

If she stayed still, she would be seen as a pushover.

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After changing her mindset, Riett decided not to tolerate their emotional and illogical attitudes. And sometimes, she fought fiercely and roughly.

The nobles couldn’t look down on Riett or treat her recklessly anymore due to her ruthless appearance.

Especially, the modifier for Riett, “young female member,” had become a forbidden term within the palace.

The members realized that the moment they mentioned that word, flames would burst from Riett’s eyes and engulf everything around her.

Moreover, the more they belittled her, the more they became a presence inferior to Riett, a young woman among the elderly male nobles.

Thanks to Riett, there was another person who reached their prime.

It was none other than the Emperor of the Truto Empire.

Starting with the downfall of Marquis Callian, he began to actively intervene in politics and supported Riett in various ways.

The Emperor saw Riett as a person who solved problems in unexpected ways whenever a crisis arose, and who presented unique ideas even for trivial concerns.

Among them, the invention of a tool called the “Hoe” was groundbreaking. Although its usage was similar to a pickaxe, it looked completely different. 

It had a peculiar appearance, but it was lightweight enough for women to use and had a wider surface area touching the soil than a pickaxe, making it more versatile.

Many people were enthusiastic about the Parvanium Hoe, that Riett had proposed. They were curious, too.

“Who created the hoe?”

“I heard it was a newly appointed noblewoman member of parliament.”

“No, I heard that His Majesty the Emperor personally designed it. That noblewoman member of parliament said so.”

That’s right.

Like their conversation, Riett attributed the success of popularizing the hoe to the Emperor.

“The Emperor personally invented it for us! Long live the Emperor!”

Thanks to that, support for the imperial family among the people skyrocketed.

Thanks to Riett, the Emperor successfully solidified his position. Everyone used the expression “The Emperor who carried the Duchess” to describe it, but the Emperor himself had a different perspective.

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“The Emperor with Duchess Marren on his back.”

The Emperor knew himself well, his limitations and abilities. That’s why he understood how valuable Riett’s presence was to him.

The combination of Riett and the Emperor was truly powerful. As their relationship grew stronger, the imperial power became stronger, and the arrogant attitude of the nobles gradually weakened.

“Anyway, it’s a powerful alliance.”

People would say such things behind the Emperor and Riett.

However, there was something most people didn’t know. Behind the powerful alliance of Riett and the Emperor, there was another person.

That person was Evan Kreutz.

Evan secretly had conversations with the Emperor and smoothed Riett’s path. His main role was to be at the center of the conservative faction, the opposing force to the Emperor and Riett, gathering information and manipulating the situation.

As the Emperor’s spy, Evan seamlessly played his role, blending into the conservative faction. He conveyed their intentions to the Emperor, who then passed them on to Riett. Evan handled his tasks quietly and perfectly.

At first, the conservative faction was wary of Evan’s close friendship with Riett, but Evan’s unique skills gradually dispelled their doubts. That’s why the Emperor had no choice but to trust Evan as much as Riett.

He was like a prophet, hidden among enemies, delivering accurate and timely information that anticipated the crises the Emperor would face.

And that was still true.

Upon hearing the story Evan had just conveyed, the Emperor asked.

“Is that true?”

Evan nodded slightly.

“The conservative faction members behind the scenes are plotting against Duchess Marren.”

The Emperor clenched his fists.

“I thought this day would come eventually, but…”

While Riett’s bold actions had not provoked any direct opposition, there were constant murmurs in the background.

Riett implemented policies that generally benefited the common people to strengthen national power. This was because she saw the social pyramid of the Truto Empire as on the verge of collapsing from the bottom.

The Emperor agreed with Riett’s thinking. The nobles had exploited the commoners and committed numerous injustices, and the Emperor knew it, but until now, he lacked the strength and courage to confront them.

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Therefore, to rectify the wrongs as soon as possible, the Emperor began to create many laws and institutions based on the support of the progressive faction of nobles led by Riett.

However, as feared, there was strong resistance from the conservative faction of nobles.

Evan spoke to the Emperor, touching his forehead.

“It seems that Count Terrator is leading the opposition. The tax reform must have been a catalyst.”

Especially Count Terrator, who was the right-hand man of Marquis Callian, emerged as the central figure of the conservative faction, fiercely resisting the Emperor’s policies.

“It seems that the tax issue has been a long-standing problem for the nobles, but it has also been how they have prospered for a long time. They are bound to react sensitively.”

The nobles’ tax problem was the biggest reason why the Truto Empire had been unstable.

The nobles of the Truto Empire lend land to the commoners and collect taxes along with the grain they receive as payment. 

Although the tax rate is determined by the constitution of the Truto Empire, the nobles have been able to collect exorbitant taxes by evading the law. Naturally, the pockets of the commoners were emptied to the point of having holes.

Furthermore, the nobles deceived the royal family by understating the amount of taxes they collected. 

As a result, they paid much less than they were originally supposed to. Accumulating wealth through such illicit means, the nobles were naturally furious about tax reform.

Seizing this opportunity, the quick-witted Count Terrator incited the nobles to oppose the tax reform. However, trying to bring down Riett based on this situation was unthinkable. 

The Emperor asked with a grave expression, 

“How is Count Terrator preparing to undermine Duchess Marren?”

“It seems they are planning to accuse her of being a spy.” 

“A spy?” 

One of the Emperor’s eyebrows sharply raised. Evan understood the Emperor’s reaction. When he heard the absurd rumor that Riett might be a spy according to Count Terrator, he had the same expression as the Emperor now.

“It seemed like they were trying to catch the loose ends of the recent grain import case from the Haren Empire.” 

“Grain import…” 

The Emperor remembered the recent discussions in the council. 

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In a situation where there was a shortage of food due to drought, the Haren Empire had raised the price of grain threefold, and Riett argued that they should import grain even at an expensive price given the circumstances. And Evan vehemently opposed it, saying that if they imported grain at that price, they would have to continue paying a high price in the future as well. 

“I am aware of that. If I hadn’t followed Duchess Marren’s words at that time, many citizens would have suffered.” 

The Emperor also knew that Evan’s opposition at the council that day was a showmanship to deceive the conservative faction.

Although the votes in the council were in favor of Evan’s opposition to grain import, Riett emphasized the seriousness of the situation and requested another session on the same topic. 

In the end, the vote was reversed, and they decided to import only the minimum amount of grain for securing a basic food supply. 

“Even though they may not view Duchess Marren favorably due to tax reform, can they believe in spreading the absurd accusation of being a spy based solely on a grain import case?” 

“Moreover, there was an incident when the princess of the Haren Empire visited.” 

This time, the Emperor frowned. 

“…What does the Haren Empire princess have to do with Duchess Marren?” 

“When the princess visited, Duchess Marren escorted her to the palace, and the nobles who saw them together spread rumors that they had a secretive meeting.” 

The Emperor experienced the feeling of being dumbfounded for the first time. He didn’t even let out a hollow laugh at the absurdity of it all.

“As you have felt, Your Majesty, the truth is not important to them in the first place.” 


“They just need an excuse to bring down Duchess Marren.” 

Even as Evan spoke, he regarded them as more useless and filthy creatures than the dust floating in the air. They were losers who had no intention of rising through their power, only seeking to bring others down. 

However, he had to maintain his composure outwardly. 

“Currently, they are gathering petitions demanding the impeachment of Duchess Riett.” 

“…Haah. What do you plan to do?” 

As Evan set down the now cold cup of tea, his sunken black pupils were revealed.

“For now, I plan to cooperate with them a little more.”


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