When Riett arrived at the Emperor’s office, there was already an important guest present, as someone had mentioned.

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A person with beautiful, long green hair sitting on the sofa caught her attention. At first glance, it seemed like a woman, but its broad shoulders and height indicated that it was a man.

Riett sensed that this guest she was about to meet was not an ordinary person.

“Ah, you’ve arrived just in time.”

The Emperor greeted Riett with a smile. The man, who was referred to as a guest, stood up with the Emperor and extended his greetings to Riett.

“Greetings, Duke Perante. This is the person I mentioned, Riett Marren.”


Caught up in the familiarity of the name, Riett momentarily diverted his gaze to Perante without realizing that she should return the greeting.

Long green hair and light blue eyes. This beautiful man was none other than the Spirit Master Perante!

‘He looks like an elf!’

Apart from not having pointed ears, Perante’s appearance closely resembled the well-known depiction of an elf. It wouldn’t be surprising if he could manipulate spirits with such looks.

With his appearance, demeanor, and even his clothing resembling a hippie style often found in fantasy novels, he was the perfect Spirit Master.

“Ahem, Duchess Marren.”

“Ah, I apologize.”

After the Emperor hinted at her, Riett realized that it was impolite to stare blankly at him.

Perante was an important talent of the Empire. The fact that the Emperor, who was a noble, addressed him as “Duke” was evidence enough.

Riett honestly explained herself.

“You’re such a stunning beauty that I couldn’t help it.”

“Haha, thank you. It feels good to hear such words from a beauty.”

Fortunately, Perante smiled warmly.

Observing his demeanor, Riett felt a sense of confusion.

‘The old man used to act like that. But recently, they say that Perante’s attitude has changed strangely since he became famous.’

The nuance was negative.

For now, based on her judgment, her first impression of Perante was not bad.

“Let’s sit and have a conversation for now.”

The Emperor led them to the sofa in the office.

On the table, there were cups filled with tea emitting a unique fragrance. The color had a strong orange hue.

“It’s tea made from tropical fruits grown in the Sorentia Kingdom.”

As Riett stared at the mysterious tea, Perante explained.

“You must have brought it yourself, Duke Perante?”

“Yes. I used to enjoy traveling here and there, but lately, I’ve been traveling to more places because of the Spirit Stones.”

Ah, the Spirit Stones. Riett had temporarily forgotten about them.

Finding the Spirit Stones was an important issue for the Empire, but she had been too busy dealing with tax reforms and surrounding impurities.

“And that’s why I called Duchess Marren here to handle this matter.”

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“This matter? The Spirit Stones?”

“Originally, the former Duke Kreutz was in charge of finding the Spirit Stones, but since he left, the successor I appointed hasn’t been quite satisfactory.”

Riett understood the Emperor’s words, but still, dissatisfaction flickered in her eyes.

‘Your Majesty, you’re being too much. You expect me to take care of this too? I’m already overwhelmed with the tax reforms.’

On top of that, there were many more things to worry about due to the mockery of being a spy.

Like this, busy to death, and now he’s telling her to find the Spirit Stone herself? Unknowingly, Riett stared at the Emperor with intensity in her eyes.

“I know you’re busy, but I don’t think there’s anyone else who can handle this properly but you.”


Riett replied curtly, expressing her dissatisfaction.

‘This is why everything has to be done in moderation.’ 

Anyway, the most difficult and troublesome thing is that she’s always called upon to solve it.

“For years, no country has been able to find the Spirit Stone. Where is it hiding so well? If we were to find it, Perante would gain tremendous power.”

The Emperor sighed with disappointment, stroking his chin. 

Perante chuckled and corrected him, 

“It’s not that I would gain tremendous power, but the Truto Empire would gain tremendous power.”

“Well, isn’t that the same story? After all, you belong to the Truto Empire.”

Well, they say a person’s mindset is different before and after going to the bathroom. Maybe because she feel uncomfortable now, she had a slightly cynical thought. 

Even though Perante seems like a good person now, no one can be certain if he will change after obtaining immense power. 

‘The thing I know the least is the human heart.’

However, there was no need to disturb this harmonious atmosphere, so Riett kept her mouth shut.

“That’s why I have high hopes for Duchess Marren. His Majesty the Emperor has been singing his praises to you.”

Perante spoke with a beautiful smile. Riett knew that it was the sound of praise from the Emperor.

‘He was just trying to get me to work.’ 

If she had to do it anyway, she wanted to get straight to the point.

“What should I do, Your Majesty?”

“This time, we finally have a rough idea of the Spirit Stone’s location.”

Riett put down her teacup with a thud. Has he finally found a clue to the Spirit Stone they had been searching for so long?

“Where is it?”

“It’s said to be in the northern region of Parman, in the snowy wilderness.”

Parman was located within the Truto Empire, but it was quite far away. The area was known for its perpetual cold weather and constant gloom.

“But surely, you don’t expect me to go there personally, do you?”

The Emperor chuckled. 

“Don’t give me that frightening look, Duchess Marren.”

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“Please don’t look at me with such a scary expression.” 

Riett replied, her dissatisfaction showing.

“You’re the only one.” 

The Emperor trailed off. Riett abruptly stood up. 

“You know perfectly well what situation I’m in!”

“Calm down, Duchess Marren.”

Riett was about to say something more, but she noticed Perante’s light blue eyes looking at her. She sighed, fanning herself and cooling her flushed cheek.

“I apologize for being impolite to Your Majesty. I also apologize to Duke Perante.” 

Riett said, lightly bowing her head and taking her seat.

“No need to apologize. I understand why you couldn’t refuse my request to accompany me. It’s all right.” 

Perante kindly reassured her.

‘…It’s been a while since I’ve seen such a kind person.’

As Riett gazed into his blue eyes, she felt her heart inexplicably relaxed. In her newfound calmness, she asked the Emperor,

“When do we depart?”

“Immediately next week…”

The Emperor’s words trailed off again.

Riett’s composed demeanor quickly faded, and her voice grew louder.

“Why so suddenly?”

“There’s a possibility that other countries might discover the approximate location of the Spirit Stone as well. I would have preferred to go this week, but Duke Kreutz is occupied with a visit to the temple.”

She had momentarily forgotten.

‘Oh, Evan is leaving for the Aplen Temple this week.’

Finally, the time had come for Evan to meet the female protagonist, Marys. Each year, the Aplen Temple invited a representative from various countries to bestow blessings. This time, at the Emperor’s recommendation, Evan was chosen to represent Truto.

‘Well, at least I don’t have to go this week. I should be grateful for that.’

She asked, still grumbling internally, 

“What should I do once I arrive?”

“Since you’re going with Perante, there won’t be anything special for you to do.”

Why send her if there’s nothing special to do there? Riett thought. 

Once again, she felt dissatisfied, but this time, she refrained from complaining. After all, Perante would be there, and she had to consider the Emperor’s favor as well.

“Perhaps I’m sending you to prevent any mistakes if I were to send someone else. Duchess Marren is the only one I can trust implicitly.”

The Emperor chuckled, not realizing Riett’s true feelings.

After a lengthy conversation, Riett ultimately agreed. The Emperor had noticed her reluctance, but he didn’t compromise when it came to the Spirit Stone. Despite the demanding request, Riett accepted it.

They discussed the travel arrangements and the people accompanying them, and Riett and Perante left the Emperor’s office together.

“You’ve been through a lot. Go back and rest, Perante. Duchess Marren too.”

Leaving behind the Emperor’s farewell, Riett and Perante walked side by side, leaving the main palace.

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Outside, it was quite dim. Before parting ways, Riett asked,

“Where are you going?”

“The Emperor granted me a room, so I’ll be staying there tonight.”

“I see. Do you know the way?”

The palace was vast, and it was easy to get lost if one wasn’t careful. Riett asked out of courtesy, thinking she could at least find her place to stay. But for some reason, Perante’s smiling face seemed somewhat dubious.

“…You know the way, right?”

Riett asked again, just to be sure.

“Of course.”

Thankfully, Perante nodded with a smile.

Feeling relieved, Riett was about to leave without hesitation, but she noticed something strange about the direction Perante was heading. It wasn’t towards the guest rooms in the palace but in the direction of an exit.

“Duke Perante!”

Riett hastily called out to Perante.

“Do you know where you’re going?”

“Aren’t I going to the guest quarters?”

Perante asked, his face bright.

‘This guy has no sense of direction.’

Riett sighed in frustration.

“Since it’s dark outside, allow me to accompany you.”

He, fortunately, didn’t refuse. It seems he realized something was wrong from Riett’s distressed gaze.

The path from the main palace to the side palace was unusually quiet today, without many people around.

Only the footsteps of Riett and Perante echoed quietly.

Riett was the first to break the silence.

“Duke Perante, what can a spirit mage do?”

Since it was a rare opportunity to meet a spirit mage, Riett asked the questions she had always been curious about.

“What can a spirit mage do?”

“Well, it’s not as grand as you might think. For example…”

Perante lightly waved his hand as if he had just clenched his fist. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew. When he flicked his hand again, the wind that had tousled Riett’s hair instantly stopped.

“Like this.”

Riett widened her eyes at the astonishing sight.

“And like this.”

Once again, Perante waved his hand, and this time, the ground a few steps away trembled as if there had been an earthquake.

“It’s amazing!”

Sincere admiration escaped from Riett’s mouth.

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“Oh, it’s not that impressive. It’s the ability of the Avlam who lends me power.”


“Avlam, the name of my spirit.”

Wow, fascinating. To call a spirit like a friend.

Riett blinked and imitated the hand gesture that Perante had made.

‘Like this, clenching your fist.’

As Riett awkwardly imitated Perante, the ground suddenly split, and dirt scattered in all directions.

“What’s happening now?”

Surprised, Riett looked at the cracked ground. However, in a short moment, the ground returned to its previous state, as if nothing had happened.

“Was there a mole…? Did you see anything, Duke Perante?”


Perante’s expression stiffened.

Although he had maintained a gentle impression until now, his face hardened, and his demeanor changed completely. His frozen expression even seemed somewhat chilling.

“Duke Perante?”

“Duchess Marren, have you experienced such incidents before?”

Such incidents? Did he mean the phenomenon of the ground splitting just now?

It was hard to believe that such incidents would happen frequently.


Only then did Perante’s stern expression gradually soften.

“Well… I suppose it was probably just a mole passing by.”

Riett felt that his momentary appearance was strange, but she decided to let it go. Even if it wasn’t Perante, there were plenty of people who could make her head complicated.

‘Let’s not dwell on it.’

Perhaps Perante had a somewhat eccentric side. He didn’t seem like a normal person, despite his gentle smile.

‘Lucas was the same, and even Evan used to raise people delicately with that kind of smile…’

Oh, right, Evan.

Riett remembered the fact that Evan will travel to the Aplen Temple, which she had forgotten.

‘He said it would take about a month.’

It was the first time she’ll not see Evan for such a long time.

But she didn’t want to wish him well or say anything.

‘To side with Count Terrator in front of me.’

Even now, it felt uncomfortable.

Maybe if Evan apologized before that, she would forgive him. But seeing Evan lately, it didn’t seem like things would unfold in that direction.

As Riett escorted Perante to the side palace and turned her steps back, she glanced towards Evan’s office through the back door. She could see a bright window where the lights were still on.

‘Whether you return safely or not, it doesn’t matter.’

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