It had been several days since meeting Samuel, but Riett still hadn’t asked Evan why he had visited the back alley of Hemsworth. 

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Tap, tap. Riett unconsciously tapped the desk with her fingertips, and her aide, Bern, looked at her and spoke.

“Duchess Marren.”

“Hmm? What is it?”

Riett lowered her hand from the desk at Bern’s attention.

Riett had a habit of unconsciously tapping something with her fingertips when she felt anxious. Lately, she had been tapping the desk whenever she had a chance.

‘I’m sorry if I tap my hand again. Please let me know.’

In the end, Riett asked Bern to stop her from doing that habit. However, her request was in vain as Bern was already giving her his attention for the tenth time.

“If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be better for you to go first?”


“To Duke Kreutz.”

Riett stopped her movement at Bern’s piercing words.

“Are you concerned that Duke Kreutz is leaving for the temple this afternoon?”

“How did you know?”

“Since yesterday, you’ve asked several times about the time the envoy is leaving for the Aplen Temple.”

Bern said matter-of-factly.

‘Did I…?’

Riett couldn’t remember at all.

Moreover, she was well aware of the time when the envoy would depart for the Aplen Temple.

‘It was 2:30. It takes about 3 more minutes to have an audience with His Majesty, so they would depart precisely around 33 minutes past the hour.’

She even made unnecessary calculations. But repeatedly asking about it must have been an expression of her anxious subconsciousness.

Moreover, her restlessness had intensified due to Samuel’s story a few days ago.

‘I’m so worried.’

Why on earth did he go to Hemsworth’s back alley?

“Bern, sit here for a moment.”

Riett finally called Bern.


Although Bern had a mountain of work to do on his desk, he sat in front of Riett without any complaint. If he didn’t talk now, he knew she would continue to torment him with strange questions.

“Since you’ve seen it up close, do you know how things are between Evan and me?”

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Bern willingly nodded his head.

At first, he thought their relationship wasn’t good. But after becoming close to them, he realized it was a bit different. Despite having opposing political views, they didn’t let it affect their personal feelings.

Bern found their relationship, where they strictly separated work and emotions, peculiar and fascinating. Usually, when there were opposing political opinions, personal relationships would deteriorate. It was like the progressives wouldn’t even drink water with the conservatives.

When they were together, they talked more about personal matters than politics. They would discuss what the previous Duke Kreutz was up to these days or how the tomato gratin they had yesterday didn’t taste good, and Riett would say it’s probably because of Evan. 

Their conversations were trivial and lacked substance. Listening to them, one wouldn’t think they were the pillars responsible for the empire’s major affairs.

Personally, when he listens to their conversations, it feels like they are just childhood friends.

‘But that doesn’t mean they get along well.’ 

That’s the interesting part. Their conversations often end up in arguments. 

Now that he thinks about it, most of the arguments happened on days when Duchess Marren drew a line or when there was a meal with a noble gentleman. 

‘It’s more like an argument…’ 

More like a one-sided rage by Duchess Marren……?

Once they took their seats, Duke Kreutz would appear like a ghost and provoke Duchess Marren with non-stop bantering, and Duchess Marren would ruin the opportunity by saying, ‘Is that so…?’.

Then the next day, she would meet Duke Kreutz and sulk. 

‘Watching them, I used to think that Duke Kreutz had feelings for Duchess Marren.’ 

However, Bern soon dismissed that thought. 

If he admired him so much, why didn’t he confess and take Duchess Marren with him sooner? 

Anyway, even if it wasn’t because of matchmaking or meals, they had many petty arguments. The fortunate thing was that the anger from the fights dissipated quickly. 

Duchess Marren was simpler than he thought, so unless it was a complete enemy, she would quickly forget her anger toward others. 

That’s why it was harder to define. 

“You mean between the two of you?” 

If he had to say… 

‘Childhood friends with complicated affection?’ 

While Bern was contemplating whether to say that, Riett touched her forehead and spoke first. 

“Anyway, as Bern knows too, we practically grew up together since childhood.” 

“Yes, I know.” 

Bern felt relieved that an awkward question had passed. 

“Of course, we have never gone a month without seeing each other.” 

Oh, it doesn’t mean she misses that guy. Riett quickly added. 

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Frustrated, he grabbed Bern to vent, but she couldn’t express her true feelings easily. 

It seemed like Evan, the person involved, was listening, so Riett couldn’t easily reveal her true intentions.

 That’s how Bern listened or not, Riett talked energetically for about five minutes on her own. 

“So, what I mean is…” 

Finally, Riett got to the point. 

“We may have had a serious fight a few days ago, but he can’t just leave like that without saying goodbye.”

Bern, who had been quietly listening, thought to himself.

‘In other words, you’re upset.’ 

He couldn’t understand why it took five minutes to say that. 

“Then isn’t it better for you to go first?” 

In the end, Bern repeated his initial suggestion. 

“…Me first?” 

Riett seemed to hesitate for a moment but soon waved her hand.

“I can’t tell Bern the details, but Evan did something seriously wrong to me. But I don’t think it’s my place to go first.” 

“Then go and slap him. How can he do that and leave without even apologizing?” 

Bern proposed a somewhat extreme suggestion to end the conversation, but Riett’s eyes sparkled. “Bern.” 


“You’re a genius.”

Yeah, that’s it.

Riett sprang up. She wasn’t going to Evan to tell him to have a good trip.

“Don’t provoke Count Terrator.”

How dare he say such words to her. Riett found the answer and pursed her lips, grabbing the doorknob. And with a thud, as she opened the door,


There stood Evan, right in front of her. Literally in her face.

Startled, Riett took a step back in surprise.


“Where were you going?”

As Evan entered the room, he casually asked. Riett replied in a gruff voice.

“I was going to your office.”

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‘If you were to come, you should have come earlier.’

She’s been worrying since yesterday, for nothing. She was afraid he’d leave for the Aplen Temple without saying goodbye.

Evan seemed slightly surprised by Riett’s answer.


“Would I lie? Sit here.”

Riett plopped down on the sofa and gestured to the opposite seat.

“You’re leaving for the Aplen Temple tomorrow.”

“You knew that.”

Evan gave her a surprised look. The sincerity in that look made Riett’s eyes widen.

“Why would I not know it?”

“You shouldn’t be interested in me.”

“Are you going to have another job on your birthday? I’m sure I’m sorry… … .”

Riett hastily made an excuse. 

In an instant, the conversation flowed too casually, almost forgetting what happened between Evan and her.

‘Even if I let go of my differences with Count Terrator…’

She couldn’t just overlook the incident in Hemsworth’s back alley where he went.

It was something that could be used against Evan, and they needed to talk about it in private.

“Bern. How about taking a break and having a drink with the staff?”

“Yes, understood.”

Bern, who was quick-witted, led the staff and quickly vacated the seat.

They didn’t have much time left before the envoy left for the temple, so they had to hurry. Now that they were alone, Riett straightforwardly asked Evan.

“Did you go to the back alley of Hemsworth?”

“…Who told you?”

Evan’s expression hardened. She asked because she thought that Samuel might have misjudged, but it seemed that wasn’t the case.

“That’s not important. Why did you go to such a place?”

“You don’t need to know, Riett.”

“Then keep it to yourself. What’s the point if someone sees?”

Although she had intended to meet Evan with a forceful demeanor, that feeling had evaporated long ago.

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The disapproving looks would be directed at Evan, not her, so why did she feel so constrained? Especially today, Evan seemed unusually tired, which stirred up such emotions.

Riett drank the water in front of her in one gulp.

Knock, knock—a sound came from outside.

“Duke Kreutz, you should start preparing to depart.”

It was Evan’s aide.

“Is it already time to go?”

Riett looked at the clock. 

It seemed like only a few words had been exchanged, but when did time pass like this? The clock was already pointing at two o’clock, and Evan had to leave in thirty minutes.

“I’m going. I only came to see your face for a short while anyway.” 

Evan got up from his seat. Fortunately, he erased his tired expression and had his usual mischievous smile.

“Don’t worry about me, Riett. Take care of yourself.”

“Who said I’m worried about you!” 

Riett shouted in frustration. But Evan didn’t pay any attention and handed Riett the strands of her disheveled hair.

“You know a month will pass quickly, right? Even if you miss me, try to bear with it.”

As the urging voice from outside, “Duke Kreutz” was heard once again, Evan had to go and he moved his steps.

Seeing Evan’s back standing at the door, Riett was engulfed in a strange feeling. 

Now Evan would go to the Aplen Temple to receive blessings where he would meet the protagonist, Marys. He would fall in love with the beautiful saint while receiving her blessings.

‘Well, this could be the last time I bother Evan.’

Why did she think that her relationship with Evan would last forever? 

When the thought that the most familiar and long-lasting relationship would change came to her, the redness in Riett’s eyes darkened even more. 

It felt like a mixture of refreshing and regretful feelings.

‘…What? Refreshing and regretful?’

Riett was surprised by her thoughts, which came naturally. 

No, is this something to regret about? It’s not like she can never see him again. 

It would be a blessing to get rid of that leech, Evan, who teases and bothers her.

Riett brushed away her melancholic feelings and made an effort to smile at Evan. 

“Take care, Evan.”

“I’ll be back, Riett.” 

Similarly, Evan tried to smile, but Riett didn’t notice the concern in his dark eyes.

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