The northernmost part of the Imperial territory, Parman, was much colder than expected. Even though Riett was wearing a thick fur coat that she rarely used in the capital, the biting wind found its way through the fabric. 

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No matter how tightly she wrapped herself, the coat made from animal sacrifices couldn’t provide much warmth.

‘What a waste.’

Riett thought about creating synthetic fibers like polyester in this world someday as she looked at the mansion she had just arrived at. The mansion she would be staying in now felt eerie as if ghosts could pop out at any moment.

Still, it was a mansion previously used by the nobleman who had been exiled here in the past. That meant it was relatively better equipped, and thanks to the Emperor’s persuasion, Riett was able to stay here.

“Although it hasn’t been maintained well and it’s been a while, it’s still the best among the neighboring mansions.”

His Majesty. Isn’t his definition of a while a bit different…?

The nobleman who had recently been exiled here was Leopold I, the father of the current Emperor. It had been about seven years since his abdication, so it was concluded that this mansion had been vacant for more than seven years.

Riett was grateful for the Emperor’s consideration in allowing her to stay in a place used by the nobles, but looking at the exterior of the mansion, that feeling had vanished without her realizing it.

The rusty, ungreased iron gate creaked open, and the inside of the mansion was no different. Cobwebs clung to every corner, and the floor, covered in accumulated dust, had turned gray.

Seeing the floating dust covering her nose and mouth, Riett was comforted by Natasha, who came over beside her.

“Lady, don’t worry. We’ll clean it thoroughly so you won’t feel uncomfortable.”

“How can a few maids clean this huge mansion?”

Riett carefully surveyed the house. The interior was even larger and dirtier than she had imagined.

“But we have to do it. This is the space where you will stay.”

Riett had known Natasha since she was very young, and she was a diligent and kind-hearted maid. As someone who had been in charge of housework for a long time, she was a veteran who could handle anything.

So Riett trusted her and assigned her any task, but the situation was different now.

Since only a few of Marren’s employees were brought here, there wasn’t enough staff to manage this large mansion. Turning this mansion into a livable space with Natasha and a few maids would take a long time.

“Let’s do it together.”

Natasha protested against Riett’s proposal.

“What are you saying, Lady? That’s absurd!”

Although she was tempted to step back in the face of Natasha’s sincere objection, Riett stood firm this time.

“No, let’s do it together.”

There was another reason why she agreed to participate in the cleaning.

Simply put, there was nothing else to do here.

A workaholic like Riett, who was used to having something to do all the time, suddenly found herself in a forced break. However, she couldn’t just sit still and enjoy a coffee or rest after a long time.

“I get restless if I just sit still.”

Reluctantly, Natasha agreed.

And she asked, 

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“Shall we start cleaning right away?” 

But Riett held out her hand.

The hygiene condition of this mansion was less concerning to her than the cold air within the mansion.

“First, let’s get some firewood and buy something to eat for dinner.”

Riett thought that she should make the house warm, whether it was dirty or not. The chill in the air was enough to chill her heart alone.

* * *

Riett came to a rural village in Parman with Natasha and two male servants. 

The mansion was located quite far from the village, and it took nearly an hour by carriage to reach there. The village seemed small, but fortunately, it appeared to have everything they needed.

“Natasha, would you take the servants and buy groceries? I’ll find a place to buy firewood.”

“Is it okay for you to go alone?”

“Don’t worry about me.”

“But… this isn’t the capital.”

Riett smiled at Natasha’s concern.

“Natasha, have you forgotten my sword skills? As if that wasn’t bad enough, I won’t let anyone attack me. I’ll just claim self-defense if anything happens.”

Riett’s smile, which had been playful, turned somewhat fierce. Natasha realized that Riett wasn’t just joking and didn’t insist any further.

“Understood. When should we meet again?”

“Let’s meet here in an hour.”

Riett parted ways with Natasha and her companions and walked along the path to find a place to buy firewood. However, she couldn’t spot any shops or buildings, and she started to worry about where she could purchase firewood.

‘In situations like this, I should ask the locals.’

Riett looked around for someone she could ask. But for some reason, every person she made eye contact with hurriedly walked away. 

At first, she thought it was just her imagination, attributing it to her mood. However, each time she tried to approach them, they hurriedly quickened their pace and left their spot, making it clear that it wasn’t just a misunderstanding. 

One time, she even pursued more actively, but a man ended up screaming and running away.

‘No, it’s not just my imagination that he’s running away while shouting.’

It seemed like they were wary of her as an outsider, and it was quite extreme. 

Riett crossed her arms and grumbled to herself when a bright red face popped out from behind a nearby tree.

The child looked like a cautious squirrel.


Riett clapped her hands toward the child she had just met.

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“Hey, come here.”

The child’s eyes sparkled at the sight of a stranger. However, there was hesitation in approaching her.

“I’ll give you something delicious.”

Of course, there was nothing delicious at the moment. But she couldn’t go back to the mansion empty-handed, so she had to ask for the help of this squirrel-like child.

At the mention of something delicious, the child walked towards her eagerly. The child looked at Riett with bright eyes, as if asking where the delicious thing was.

Riett quickly explained, 

“There isn’t anything right now, but if you show me the way, I’ll buy something delicious for you.”

The child’s expression momentarily turned disappointed at the condition.

‘That’s why you have to know the conditions clearly before making a decision, little one.’

The world wasn’t so easygoing.

Look at her now. After being mistreated by those bad people, she had to flee to this faraway place.

“…Where did you come from?” 

The child’s small voice reached Riett’s ears as she sighed inwardly.

“From the capital.”

“The villagers don’t like outsiders.”

Yeah, it seemed like that, considering the man who shouted and ran away earlier.

“Lately, unfamiliar people have come and turned the village upside down.”

“Oh? Who were those people?” 

Riett asked while having some expectations.

“I’m not sure who it was, but they were wearing a cloak with a red circle drawn on it.”

As expected, it was an exploration unit from the Haren Empire.

The red circle the child saw was probably the sun. The sun was a symbol of the Haren Empire.

Since the Haren Empire was a prosperous land, they always had a grateful heart toward the sun. Therefore, they depicted the sun in their carriages, armor, and anything they considered their own.

‘Those rude people.’

If they come to someone else’s land, they should observe gracefully and leave.

“I thought it was fire when I saw it from afar.”

“That’s not fire, it’s the sun.”

Riett corrected the child, thinking that the picture on the cloak of the Haren Empire’s exploration unit was of the sun.

“No, it’s your hair color….”

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The child looked at Riett’s hair with a curious expression.

‘Is that so?’

Well, in the past, whenever someone described her, they would mention her hair color first.

“Is it Riett, that woman with curly and bright red hair?”

“Yeah, even from a distance, it’s easy to spot.”

It went like that.

In recent years, as the name “Riett Marren” became famous, no one mentioned her hair color anymore.

“Red is so pretty.”

Riett felt a little embarrassed by the child’s innocent admiration. The child, who had sparkling eyes, seemed to be in her world already.

“Recently, I saw someone with hair the color of light green. It was such a beautiful hair color, like the color of water under a tree…! Seeing your hair color made me suddenly think of it. I also want to have a pretty hair color.”

The child blinked their eyes as if recalling that hair color.

‘Light green hair?’

It’s not a common color.

Riett had seen someone with that hair color recently. But she quickly shook their head. That person wouldn’t have come here.

“Ah, it’s cold. Let’s go quickly! I’ll buy you something delicious.”

Riett, feeling chilly standing still, spoke to the child. The child nodded and followed eagerly. Riett walked slowly to match the child’s short steps.

“Why did those outsiders who reportedly disturbed the village come here? Did they come to find something?”

“Yes… That’s what my mom seemed to say.”

“Then, maybe… Did those outsiders find what they were looking for?”

The child lowered her head while looking ahead.

“I don’t know.”

I see… She just asked in case.

Thanks to the child who guided her like a navigator, Riett quickly arrived at the area where the shops were gathered. They also spotted Natasha buying groceries in the distance.

‘If that’s the case, I should have gone with Natasha earlier instead of going separately.’

Regretting her decision, Riett bowed to the child.

“What do you want to eat?”

“That one.”

The child pointed to a place with hanging meat. The shop was filled with dried meat tied to strings on display.

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‘They must enjoy jerky since it’s a cold region.’

Riett filled a large bag with jerky and handed it to the child.

“Take it home and share it with your family.”

“This much…?”

The child looked at the generous amount of jerky in the paper bag and asked.

“Yeah. Your sister has some money.”

Riett smiled and gently ruffled the child’s hair.

‘Oh, right. I should ask about a place to buy firewood.’

She almost sent the child without asking.

Just as Riett was about to speak to the child again, the child’s attention was drawn to another direction.

“Wow… Beautiful blond hair.”

The child murmured in admiration.

‘This child… really appreciates beautiful hair colors.’

Still, blond hair is quite common, Riett thought as she turned her head. 

At the end of the child’s gaze stood a man with truly beautiful platinum blond hair.

But that color caught her attention immediately.

What is this familiarity?

‘No, wait a minute.’

With a sense of possibility, Riett quickly approached the man with platinum blond hair.

The man’s profile was vaguely visible.

“Hey, you could give it for 10 pennies. That’s a reasonable price…”

The man was engaged in a playful argument with a merchant. Without hesitation, Riett grabbed the man’s shoulder.


As a hand suddenly touched his shoulder, the man frowned and turned around.

And his eyes widened.



Why is he here?

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