A Short Story of Evan.

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Since receiving the Emperor’s decree, Evan had consistently portrayed himself as a conservative faction member. Although the fact that he became an enemy of Riett was unsettling, he knew that there was much to gain from it, so he readily accepted the Emperor’s proposal without hesitation.

Of course, the path was not without its challenges. 

As his father had been a representative of the progressive faction, Evan faced considerable suspicion when he chose to become a member of the conservative faction. However, the sharp gaze of the conservative faction nobles gradually softened. 

They needed someone who could rival Riett within their faction, and Evan was the only person capable of standing against her.

Necessity clouds one’s judgment.

Evan naturally blended in with them, gaining access to a wealth of information. Especially as he grew closer to Count Terrator, a key figure in their circles, he was able to hear even more secretive and dangerous stories.

These were pieces of information that could become valuable cards, dangerous, and deeply influential if obtained.

[Truly absurd, Your Majesty!]

Count Terrator roughly threw his gloves onto the table.

[Tax reform! The Empire has reached this point without knowing whether it’s all thanks to the nobles… It’s utterly absurd and despicable!]

Evan thought that the enraged count resembled an agitated bull.

[There’s no need to be so angry. Although His Majesty is pushing for tax reform with the help of Duchess Marren, rushing things will only lead to mistakes.]

Evan filled a teacup and offered it to him.

[Please, have some. It will help calm you.]

The expensive aroma of Eastern tea filled the count’s face, visibly relaxing his expression.

[It smells good.]

Seeing that, Evan sneered coldly. However, he quickly wiped the expression away and sat across from the count.

[Tax reform will not be easy, Count Terrator, and we need you to lead the way.]

[Indeed, it was wise of me to come and talk to the count. I couldn’t find common ground with others.]

The count was inherently biased. He thoroughly categorized the people around him, treating them accordingly. Perhaps Evan, according to the count’s standards, belonged to a higher rank, which is why he received favorable treatment.

‘Completely useless, though.’

Suppressing his disgust, Evan calmly spoke.

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[But I do have some concerns. Lately, public support for His Majesty and Duchess Marren has been rising…]

As Evan trailed off, the count hesitated as if considering something to say. However, he eventually spoke lightly.

[In fact… I have a secret plan in mind.]

Caught in his words, the count trusted Evan quite a bit and enjoyed exchanging opinions with him. Evan thought that the count must have another plan, especially since he wanted to impeach Riett but lacked decisive evidence, leading to a dead end.

Intentionally widening his eyes slightly, Evan asked.

[A secret plan, you say?]

[Duchess Marren will not only focus on tax reform at present but will also become a lingering menace that will haunt us in the future. Wouldn’t it be better to eliminate that sprout while still young?]

Evan’s face darkened in an instant.

Never once had his expression faltered during their conversations, but this time it was impossible to hide. What he wanted to discuss was undoubtedly a dangerous matter.

[The Duchess may still be too young to know, but with enough money, one can do many things.]

Count Terrator, who was imagining a dangerous plan, failed to notice Evan’s suspicious expression. He simply narrowed his eyes threateningly.

[Well then, Count. Our pockets must be protected.]

The count rose from his seat.

[I have another meeting to attend.]

Evan stood up to see him off. Standing by the door, he whispered.

[Oh, and it goes without saying, but what we just discussed is strictly confidential.]

Evan had to make an effort to keep his expression from crumbling.

[Of course.]

Left alone, Evan clasped his hands and rested his chin on them, deep in thought. After pondering for a while, he called for his aide, who happened to enter the room.


[Yes, Duke.]

[Prepare the carriage immediately.]


The aide glanced at the night sky, seeking reassurance. Evan responded firmly.

[Yes, right away.]

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* * *

The reason Evan came out at this late hour was that the back alleys were open at this time. When the lights dimmed elsewhere, the lights here grew brighter.

Although it was late evening when Evan got off the carriage, the lights in the back alley had just begun to illuminate one by one.

When Evan heard the discussion about Count Terrator’s involvement in dangerous affairs, he immediately thought of this place. It was suitable for plotting something risky.

‘I’ve never been to the back alleys of Hemsworth before.’

Evan surveyed his surroundings. The men all had rough appearances, and the women wore heavy makeup.

Ordinary nobles had no reason to come here. Even if they did, they would hide their identities and come secretly.

Looking around, on the streets, people were often seen wearing robes that concealed their faces and even their hair.

Evan realized that his attire was far too modest. However, he didn’t have time to properly prepare for this place.

As soon as he heard the count’s story, his only thought was that he needed to find out immediately what he was planning against Riett.

Evan quickened his pace and started asking about Count Terrator.

[Ralph Terrator… I’m not quite sure.]

But finding leads on him proved to be more difficult than he had thought.

Evan had to work tirelessly to suppress the restlessness in his heart. Just as he had told the count, anxiousness would be of no help.

And so, for several days, Evan wandered the Hemsworth’s back alley whenever evening fell.

[Ralph Terrator?]

After five days of inquiries, he finally found a trace in a guild building. However, the guild owner remained tight-lipped, as if demanding something.

When Evan presented a hefty pouch of coins, the man smiled and finally spoke up.

[The rest of the information can be heard if you visit the nearby Assassin’s Guild.]

* * *

[Your Majesty, Duke Kreutz has urgently requested a meeting.]

The emperor’s secretary approached with quick steps, delivering the message. The emperor, who was reading a letter sent from the Aplen Temple, raised his head. 

[Is it now?]

It was six in the morning. The emperor preferred to start his work in quiet times and often arrived early in the morning. 

Lately, there had been many troublesome matters and a lot of work to do. It was evident that there was a serious issue if someone came to the palace at a time when no one would normally visit. 

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[He must have been waiting for quite a while. Let him come in.] 

As soon as the secretary left, Evan entered. 

Evan, who usually maintained a neat appearance, looked disheveled today. His clothes were in disarray, and his hair was unkempt. Most of all, his eyes were swollen, as if he hadn’t slept for days. 

The emperor asked Evan softly, 

[Are you alright?]

[Compared to what I found out, yes.] 

Evan replied. In response to Evan’s grave words, the emperor quickly took his seat. 

[What in the world is happening that you came to see me this early in the morning?]

[Count Terrator is preparing to assassinate Duchess Marren.]

Evan revealed the information he had learned without delay. As expected, the emperor was taken aback. 

[W-what are you talking about?]

[Exactly as I said. If the impeachment does not pass, the count intends to eliminate Duchess Marren.]

It was an extremely extreme idea, but it must have been a desperate and urgent matter for the count. 

If the tax reform were to proceed, the count would also be investigated, and he knew that not only the illegally collected taxes but also all the bribes he had received would be confiscated. 

[So… What should we do?]

The emperor’s face turned pale as he urged Evan. Evan closed his eyes briefly, then anger surged again. 

He felt the urge to go to Count Terrator’s office immediately and strangle him. But especially at times like this, he must not forget his father’s warning. 

“The angrier you get, the more you must remain calm. Especially when it comes to Riett’s affairs.” 

Evan recollected his father’s words and slowly opened his mouth. 

[Riett’s impeachment must be carried out.]

[What? Not that…]

Leaving aside the fact that the emperor stood on Riett’s side, he did not want her to face a trial because of other nobles. This was a personal sentiment of cherishing Riett. 

[The impeachment must proceed, but we must ensure that Duchess Marren does not suffer any harm. While the impeachment is ongoing, we will find evidence that the count staged the assassination.]

[How do you propose we do that…?]

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[The count will undoubtedly visit the Assassin’s Guild he has been in contact with several more times. To request an assassination, he must meet them face to face, and since the contract hasn’t been finalized yet, he has no choice. And…]


The emperor leaned closer, listening intently. “

[We need to strike at that moment.]

[Indeed… If he is caught at the scene, he won’t be able to wiggle out of it.]

It was a risk he had to take, but for now, it was the most certain method.

[I’ll plant someone to follow him.]

[Understood. Do I have any other tasks to attend to?]

Evan gulped down the lukewarm tea in one go and set the cup down with a thud.

[Please send someone else to the temple in my place.]

The emperor’s eyes widened for a moment, then he quickly lowered his head.

[That won’t work. As you know, receiving the blessing is a superficial reason, and the main purpose is to request medical support.]

[I understand, but in the current situation, I cannot leave my post.]

[I’ll try to accommodate your request as much as possible, but going to the temple is also an unavoidable matter.]

Evan stared at the emperor without responding. The emperor swallowed his saliva with a gulp. 

Is this the pressure they talk about? He had firmly said no, but now, facing that gaze, his mouth moved involuntarily.

However, the emperor composed himself and proposed an alternative to calm Evan down.

[Instead, how about this? Until you arrive, I will ensure Duchess Marren is evacuated.]

[What do you mean?]

[I heard that the spirit mage Perante will be coming here soon. They discovered the location of the spirit stone. When he arrives, we can send Duchess Marren together under the pretense of an investigative expedition.]

[The location of the spirit stone?]

[Parman. It’s a quite remote place. You can feel relieved if it’s that far away, right?]


Evan didn’t feel inclined to send Riett to such a cold and distant place. 

However, it would be much safer to go to the northern region than to stay in the capital. The count wouldn’t go as far as sending assassins there.

Evan had to admit that this decision was the best option.

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