Despite waking up early, Riett remained in bed without getting up. 

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Natasha, who had knocked on the door several times, couldn’t help but feel sorry, but there was nothing she could do.

“After meeting Riett, there hasn’t been a single moment when I didn’t like her.”

Recalling Evan’s confession from last night, Riett tightly closed her eyes.

‘A deceiver.’

To deceive her so easily.

Evan had been her rival for a long time. Such Evan had been secretly in love with her all this time and now wouldn’t hide his feelings.

After rejecting Evan’s confession in their childhood, she thought he had changed.

‘No, I hope that’s not the case.’

Because she didn’t want their relationship to change. She had already concluded that such a lingering relationship belonged not to her but to the female protagonist.

But now, she finally realized it.

When she delved into her memories, Evan’s attitude had been peculiar. Even when she acted so unpleasantly, in crucial moments, he would appear with a “ta-da” and offer his help.

It was still the same now. Evan had to have had a romantic first encounter with the female protagonist, but he came all the way here upon hearing that she was exiled.

Suddenly, she recalled the words of the divine being she saw in her dream.

“The world you fell into is not just a world inside a book but a completely separate world.”

“Because of you, who accidentally crossed over from another world, the flow of the world you are currently in will continue to change.”

At that time, she thought it was an absurd story, but just like the words of the divine being, the current situation completely deviated from the original storyline.

‘Then, will Evan also be freed from exiting in her life?’

That had been the fundamental reason why Riett had disliked Evan all this time.

In the original story, Riett played around with Evan’s ambiguous attitude and ended up pitifully abandoned when the female protagonist appeared.

Possessing the character of Riett, she had always been on guard against Evan, afraid that she might end up in such a situation.

‘But what if that’s not the case…?’

If that’s not the case, there would be no reason to dislike Evan.

Riett’s mind was in complete chaos. It felt like watching a movie with a twist where the person she had believed to be her lifelong enemy turned out to be her savior.

‘The problem is that I’m the protagonist.’

She just can’t figure out what kind of attitude to show Evan. Riett got up from the bed and approached the window, gazing outside.

‘The weather is cloudy today.’

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Just like her mood.

As she absentmindedly stared outside, she caught a glimpse of a black nape. The instigator threw her into confusion. Evan was conversing with the knights. Occasionally, he smiled, seeming to be in a good mood.

Riett could distinguish between his ritualistic smile and his genuine smile. About 80% of the smiles Evan made were ritualistic, but when he genuinely smiled, his ritualistic smile and his eyes were different. Usually, his eyes would slightly narrow, but when he genuinely smiled, the corners of his eyes would soften.

It was a subtle difference, but she could tell.

‘No, wait.’

Why does she know even these things?

Riett deliberately ignored her perplexed feelings and leaned her arm against the window, resting her chin on her hand, and gazing at Evan.

‘… How much does Evan like me?’

The range of emotions one can feel when liking someone varies greatly depending on the intensity. It can range from a fleeting love like a passing shower to a love that one is willing to sacrifice their lives for.

In any case, if Evan had liked her since childhood, it wouldn’t be a light love like a passing shower. However, what she was curious about was whether he liked her to the extent of never crossing the line even if the female protagonist actively pursued him.

Apologizing for doubting Evan’s confession, was an important issue for Riett. 

‘Even if it deviates from the original story, people don’t change easily.’

The problem was that she couldn’t directly ask Evan how much he loved her. It was a role she couldn’t fulfill. 

And if Evan truly loved her ardently to the point where he wouldn’t be swayed even by the female protagonist’s active pursuit, what should she do next?

Lost in thought, Riett suddenly locked eyes with Evan outside the window.


He responded with a smile in his eyes. Riett’s face turned red in an instant.

‘Did he think I was secretly watching him?’

She was just looking outside, and he appeared!

Riett tried her best to ignore her embarrassment and hurriedly got dressed, taking clothes out of the closet. She tied her hair up in a ponytail since it was bothersome.

When she opened the door, she came face to face with Natasha, who was about to enter her room.

“You’re finally awake! I thought something was wrong because you wouldn’t wake up, so I was considering going in to check.”

“No, nothing’s wrong.

“Well, that’s a relief. Come downstairs quickly and have a meal.”

As she descended to the first floor, she met Evan entering the house.

“Did you sleep well, Riett?”

Evan asked affectionately.


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Come to think of it, Evan had always spoken affectionately.

“Did you sleep well, Riett? Your eyes look puffy like a pufferfish, so I guess not.”

That’s the way it is.

Riett waited for what teasing words Evan would say next.

“Why are you like that, Riett?”

“You… Is that all?”

In response to Riett’s perplexing question, Evan looked at her quietly.

“What do you mean?”

“Usually, you would tease me when you’re making fun of me.”

Evan laughed.

“Oh, was that what you meant?”

“That’s what I meant…?”

“Is it because it’s your preference, Riett?”


“If it’s your preference, I can match it.”

What’s this? Is he thinking she enjoys being teased…?

Before she could say anything, Evan took Riett’s hand and led her to the dining room.

“Shall we have a meal first before anything else? Before Riett’s stomach starts making loud noises again.”

Evan chuckled and reminded her of what happened last night. Riett realized that he was teasing her about her stomach growling without her noticing.

‘This guy…!’

It seemed like saying it was all just a joke with Evan was unnecessary.

As they entered the dining room, Lucas, who was already there, greeted them.

“Hello, Riett. You woke up late today.”

“Uh… I had trouble sleeping last night.”

Riett mumbled and grabbed her utensils as she sat down.

“Last night? What happened?”


Lucas burst into laughter at Riett’s awkward response.

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“Riett really can’t lie.”

Instead of Riett, who was taken aback, Evan spoke.

“Let’s eat.”

Fortunately, Lucas quickly dropped his curiosity, saying, “Tell me later.”

Mealtime passed quietly.

Evan wasn’t particularly talkative during meals, and Lucas seemed lost in thought, not saying much.

After finishing the meal, tea was served. Riett sipped her tea and asked Lucas with a curious expression.

“You said you wanted to learn more about the Spirit Stones. Any progress?”

“Hmm… That’s…”

Lucas pondered for a moment, rubbing his chin.

“It’s ambiguous.”


“The Spirit Stone compass suddenly moves at times.”

Riett, who was listening, calmly replied.

“It’s broken.”

“What? How much does it cost? It’s worth a whole mansion!”

“Even if there are no spirits, let alone Spirit Stones, in this area, it sometimes moves. It’s a malfunction.”

Lucas couldn’t easily accept the truth.

“Oh, no, that could be possible! The Spirit Stone may be sealed somewhere nearby, and sometimes its power is amplified…”

Riett replied coldly.

“Just buy a new one.”

It seemed like he had plenty of money.

Riett remembered Lucas’ luxurious lunchbox from their noble school days. It wasn’t just the lunchbox, but also his clothes.

Leaving behind the sulking Lucas, Riett turned her gaze to Evan this time. Evan was leisurely bringing a teacup to his lips.

Seeing his graceful lips, memories of yesterday suddenly flooded Riett’s mind.

“Instead of words of thanks, I wish you could give me a reward…”

“This is a kiss.”

It was a combination of a warm breath and a gentle touch that she had never experienced in her lifetime.

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‘This is driving me crazy.’

The unfamiliar sensation and the heart-fluttering atmosphere once again made her head spin. If she were alone, she might have slapped herself to come to her senses.

“Riett, are you okay?”


Thanks to Lucas, Riett barely managed to escape from the memories of yesterday. Riett opened her mouth, clearing her mind of absurd thoughts.

“Evan, are you going to the town today to deliver the letter to the Haren Empire’s Crown Prince? And do you plan to check if Count Terrator has returned to the Assassin’s Guild?”

Riett remembered her situation that she had momentarily forgotten.

By now, would Count Terrator think he had won? The impeachment didn’t go through, but he had been driven out to the frontier.

‘Perhaps it’s for the best. If he thinks he’s won, he might give up on the assassination.’

Still, she couldn’t let her guard down just yet.

“The Assassin’s Guild?”

Lucas, who had been listening quietly, asked in surprise. Now that she thought about it, he had mentioned something about a prince from another country. Why hadn’t she thought to ask him about it?

“Lucas, do you know about the Assassin’s Guild as well?”

“Of course. I grew up in the back alleys of Hemsworth. But why suddenly the Assassin’s Guild…?”

Riett briefly explained the situation, how she had been involved in such matters and the fact that someone had tried to kill her.

Lucas, who had been listening silently, widened his eyes.

“The name of the Assassin’s Guild is Charten?”

Evan answered instead of her.

“Yes. I haven’t personally been to the guild, but they mentioned Charten. It seems that you won’t hear any more information no matter where you go.”

“If it’s Charten, it can’t be helped. It’s a secretive guild that’s deeply hidden.”

A shadow fell over Lucas’ eyes.

“But if that person, Count Terrator, really went to Charten, it could be troublesome.”

“Is Charten that dangerous?”

“Charten is a top-tier Assassin’s Guild. The contract fees are unimaginably expensive, but the chances of a failed assassination are equally low.”

Riett’s expression hardened.

‘Count Terrator…’

She had reached a point of utter disillusionment with Count Terrator, who was going to such great lengths to obstruct tax reform.

She needed to find the real spy as soon as possible and find a way to eliminate Count Terrator.

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