The villagers joined forces and quickly finished the repairs on the hut. Being a rural village, they had a close-knit community and a sense of solidarity, so they helped each other as if it were their work. 

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Additionally, without even being asked, Evan stepped forward and offered to supply additional provisions to the refugees. Thanks to that, their recovery was fast.

The once chaotic village had been somewhat organized, but there was one concern. 

After the discovery of the magic scroll in the mansion, several days passed without anything happening. Could it have been someone’s prank?

Lucas, who wasn’t particularly knowledgeable about magic, suggested that it might not be a magic scroll. If that were the case, it would be a relief, but an uneasy feeling didn’t easily fade away.

While Riett was idly sipping tea on the living room couch, Evan approached her.

“Riett, a letter has arrived from His Majesty and Prince of the Haren Empire.”

It was the first time she’d heard from them since she’d arrived. They had been too busy with everything happening here to think about sending letters. Similarly, the emperor must have been occupied as well.

‘Now that I’m gone.’

Riett received the letter sent by the Emperor and unfolded it. The letter was filled with text, and her crimson eyes slowly read through the words.

[I received the letter you sent. Given Perante’s recent attitude, I thought it was strange… His passive approach to finding the Spirit Stone has changed significantly.]

Riett bit her tongue inwardly. With everything else on her plate, she couldn’t afford to be indifferent to the Truto Empire.

[For now, I’ll pretend not to notice his actions and observe him more closely. If I gather evidence regarding his relationship with the Haren Empire, it will clear your name as well.]

After finishing the main content, the letter continued with a greeting, and at the end, it read, “Hang in there a little longer.” 

Knowing that the Emperor hadn’t forgotten about her, Riett felt relieved.

With a throbbing heart, Riett deliberately hurriedly unfolded the next letter.

It was a letter from the Crown Prince.

Neat handwriting caught her eye. The contents of the letter were short.

[I was surprised to receive a letter from you, Your Grace.]

…It was indeed surprising. They had never had any interaction before, and suddenly he received a letter one day.

Moreover, she had simply asked if they could meet, and she was surprised to receive a reply.

[I have a debt to repay to Your Grace, so I will meet you. Please write back with the desired location and time.]

It was as Evan had said.

The ‘debt’ mentioned by the Crown Prince referred to the supplies made from Parvanium. He seemed to be aware that it was Riett’s idea and not the Emperor’s.

Riett promptly wrote a reply, expressing her hope to meet in Parman as soon as possible.

Then she called Natasha.

“Yes, my lady?”

“Today, could you go to the village in my place and deliver this letter?”

“Of course. I was planning to go buy groceries.”

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Natasha received the letter from Riett.

“And, hold on a moment.”

Riett pulled something out of her pocket and placed it together with the letter in Natasha’s hand. It was a silver coin.

“Take this with you too.”

“Oh… I don’t need it.”

“Take it. You’ve been working hard here.”

Although she could have sent the letter herself, Riett wanted to treat the hardworking employees and reward them by going out together.

In the end, Natasha accepted the silver coin and put it in her pocket. It was worth about 5 shillings, enough for them to enjoy a good meal and still have some left over.

As Natasha left with the other employees, the mansion became quiet. Lucas had gone out for a walk, leaving only Evan and Riett behind.

‘…Alone again.’

The realization that they were the only ones in the mansion made the atmosphere feel awkward.

Before the silence could fully settle, Riett quickly spoke up.

“How’s your hand, Evan?”

Checking Evan’s hand condition every morning had become part of her routine out of guilt.

“The fingers have healed almost completely, but the wrist still needs more time.”

“I see…”

But she quickly ran out of things to say.


Evan’s voice calling her name made Riett raise her head.

“In addition to the letter from His Majesty and the Crown Prince, I received another letter today.”

“What kind of letter?”

“It’s a report about the Count Terrator’s actions.”

Riett’s eyes widened.

“What does it say?”

“According to the report, Count Terrator hasn’t visited Hemsworth’s back alleys ever since you went into exile.”

Hearing the desired answer, Riett felt relieved.

According to Lucas, an assassin guild called Charten would not take on a contract unless the client personally went to them due to trust issues. 

Therefore, the fact that Count Terrator didn’t personally pursue them meant he believed he had won over Riett and abandoned the assassination plan.

However, Riett decided not to let her guard down and continue to stay armed for the time being. It wouldn’t hurt to be cautious. 

She still had the dagger Evan had given her as a gift, which she had strapped to her waist even now in the mansion.

As Riett drew her dagger and inspected it, Lucas entered the room. His actions were usual, but there was something sharp about his expression.

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Riett was about to ask what was wrong when Lucas placed a finger to his lips, signaling her to be quiet.

She nodded in response to Lucas’ serious demeanor, even though she didn’t know what was happening.

Lucas approached Riett and Evan quietly, whispering to them.

“Somebody was tailing me. It seemed like they followed me to the house. I couldn’t shake them off, so I had no choice but to come inside.”

Evan quickly glanced out the window and spoke up.

“How many were there?”

“I’m not exactly sure, but there were at least three of them.”

Riett tightly gripped the dagger in her hand, and Lucas also drew the sword he had at his waist.

Evan also tried to draw the sword from his waist, but Riett stopped him. 

“Do you want your wrist to be finished?”


“Inept swordsmanship can be fatal.”

With Riett’s ruthless expression, Evan decided against drawing his sword. 

“Instead, Evan, go out through the back door and inform the knights about this situation.”

Although she didn’t feel inclined to send Evan out alone, someone had to do it. 

She and Lucas couldn’t move if they were being attacked. They didn’t know how many people were outside, so it would be risky to go out without careful consideration. 

Evan nodded and cautiously peeked outside through the curtains. From what he could see, no one was visible near the annex, so it seemed possible for one person to sneak out. 

Evan placed his hand on the doorknob and looked at Riett. 

‘I’ll go.’

Riett nodded slightly, and Evan turned the doorknob. Clank, clank. After turning the doorknob again, Evan turned back with a determined expression. 

“It won’t open.”

Damn it. Riett and Lucas assumed a combat stance and surveyed the surroundings. Suddenly, with a bright light, unfamiliar people appeared in the living room, as if they had teleported. 

The revealed individuals wore deep robes, exuding a dark aura. They looked like troublemakers, no matter how you looked at them. 

‘…Three, four, five.’ 

There were a total of five intruders in the mansion. 

“Who are you?”

Riett seemed to have a rough idea of their identity but asked just to be sure. As expected, they remained silent. 

‘Naturally, they won’t tell me.’ 

Well, it would be strange if they willingly introduced themselves.

Then, a person with long white facial hair under the hood of the robe approached Riett, holding a staff in his hand. 

‘Is he a mage…?’ 

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As if to confirm something, the white-bearded man swung his staff. A massive fireball flew through the air, targeting Riett. 



Evan and Lucas urgently ran towards Riett, shouting.

Riett quickly evaded their concerns. 

‘So, the assassins have come to kill me.’ 

The white-bearded assassin seemed bewildered. Perhaps he underestimated her because she was a woman. 

Riett swiftly moved her head. 

‘I can’t just avoid it like this.’ 

However, rushing in recklessly would increase the chances of defeat. She had never fought a mage before, and the odds were stacked against her. She needed to find another way. 

While keenly observing the assassins, Riett noticed that the one standing right next to her seemed particularly unsettled after a failed attack. 

Although their face was deeply concealed under the hood, their anxious movements were evident. 

‘There seems to be no other option right now.’ 

Riett formulated a plan within a short period. She had to act before the white-bearded assassin made another move. 

Riett glanced around her. She needed something to draw attention. 

Conveniently, there was a vase on the nearby side table. Riett grabbed the vase and threw it towards the window.


The glass vase that flew and collided with the window ledge made a loud noise as it shattered. At that moment, when everyone’s gaze was focused there, Riett swiftly jumped behind the assassin next to her. And she brought the dagger to the assassin’s throat.

The blade of the dagger gleamed fiercely in front of the assassin’s neck.

Riett pushed the robe of the captured assassin back. The woman, who appeared young than expected, widened her eyes in surprise.

“If you move even a little, I’ll slit this woman’s throat.”

As Riett exerted pressure with her hand, blood trickled down from the assassin woman’s neck where the blade touched.

The assassins, who sensed that it was not a simple threat but that Riett could actually harm the woman, hesitated to move recklessly.

The situation unfolded as Riett had planned.

Anticipating that their chances of winning would increase if they captured a hostage in an outnumbered situation, Riett had leaped towards the woman assassin who seemed the least agile and had a smaller build.

Having gained the upper hand, Riett gestured with her eyes to Evan and Lucas. Evan and Lucas nodded slightly as if they knew what they had to do.

Lucas was the first to act. He drew his sword and attacked the nearby assassin. The assassin tried to dodge, but Lucas’ strike was faster.

The assassin fell with a thud, making a sound.

‘Alright, two down.’

The remaining assassins began to stir.

However, the bearded assassin, who thought that having a hostage was not enough, moved his staff again.

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As the bearded assassin moved, other assassins also started attacking Evan and Lucas.

The assassins’ movements were swift and accurate, but Evan and Lucas had the upper hand. Evan evaded the attacks using objects around him, while Lucas actively counterattacked.

When the assassin Riett had as a hostage struggled, she knocked her out by bringing down the dagger she was holding onto the back of her head. The assassin fell weakly.

Thanks to this woman assassin, Lucas had subdued one person, so he had fulfilled his role.

‘Now, two left.’

It was perfect since each of them would handle one person, and it would be difficult for Evan to engage in combat.

As they momentarily pondered, the bearded assassin used magic.


Riett leaped and hid behind the bed, narrowly avoiding the incoming fireball.

Fortunately, the fire didn’t spread to the furniture, perhaps because it was magical. It was fortunate since it was a borrowed place, and a fire was absolutely forbidden.

‘No, is it already a mess?’

Lucas was swinging his sword without hesitation, leaving marks around him, and Evan was mainly defending with furniture, causing a commotion as the sword stuck into the sofa and tables.

‘For now, we’ll think about how to compensate His Majesty later. First, we need to deal with that sorcerer assassin.’

Riett rushed towards the bearded assassin with her dagger in hand. He seemed momentarily surprised but quickly swung his staff.

Then, Riett’s dagger bounced off in mid-air as she tried to stab the assassin. It seemed that an invisible shield had formed around the assassin.

“A mage can do more than you think.”

The bearded assassin smirked. And when he swung his staff again, Riett’s body was thrown back with a gust of wind.

Riett forcefully collided with the wall. Evan and Lucas, who were startled and about to approach, were stopped by Riett raising her hand. Though her lower back hurt quite a bit, she could still move.

If the three of them gathered together, the side that could use magic would have a significant advantage, so that was not an option.

The bearded assassin did not miss the opportunity and raised his staff again.

“Do you know why the client hired assassins along with a sorcerer?”

Riett regained her posture and aimed at the bearded assassin.

“Seems like Count Terrator’s money is overflowing.”

The corners of the concealed mouth beneath the robe lifted leisurely.

“Because I can do things that assassins swinging their swords cannot.”

The assassin attempted to use a different magic. Riett quickly stood up, focusing all her attention to anticipate the incoming magic.

“For example,”

Once again, a fireball flew toward her.

However, this time it wasn’t aimed at her. The destination of the fireball was the large spotlight directly above Riett.

“Being able to drop objects from a distance.”

With the bearded assassin’s final words, the spotlight plummeted toward Riett.

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