Riett slowly blinked her eyes.

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‘…A Spirit Mage?’

Everything that had happened so far flashed through her mind. The phenomenon felt like someone was helping her. The identity of the voice she had heard recently.

That day, Riett had asked the voice.

“You… Are you a ghost?”

⟨No, I…⟩

The existence that had been a puzzling question ultimately did not reveal itself.

⟨…I think it’s better to tell you when I can reveal my appearance.⟩

If this existence was a spirit…

Riett immediately shook her head. It was more important to deal with the identity of the power than to know what it was. 

“Whether I am a Spirit Mage or a sorcerer, that’s not important.”

Riett finally got back to the main point.

“You have to testify exactly what you just said in this room.”

As soon as they returned to the capital, the trial would be held based on this testimony. Then the Count would have no choice but to give up.

“And if you lie during the trial, remember that your daughter’s life will be in danger.”

Riett couldn’t help but feel like she was uttering lines from a villain.

‘But they were the ones who attacked me first, right?’

Riett’s lips curved into a sneer.

Count, just wait a little longer. She will make you regret ever touching her.

* * *

As soon as they left the basement, Lucas grabbed Riett.

“Riett. A Spirit Mage? What did he mean by that earlier?”

Riett thought Evan and Lucas would be surprised by what Gahaden had said. Knowing that Spirit Stones were Lucas’ biggest interest, it would be shocking to find out that there was a Spirit Mage nearby.

They might even feel betrayed by the fact that she had pretended not to know anything.

“Is it true?”

Lucas asked again, his voice serious.

When Riett turned around, she saw Evan and Lucas both looking at her.

Fortunately, Lucas’ expression was grave, but there was no sign of disappointment. He seemed genuinely curious.

Riett hesitated for a moment and then spoke.

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“…I don’t know either.”

She looked at Evan and Lucas one by one.

“But I’ve been considering the possibility that the presence that helped me might be a spirit.”

Riett revealed the story that she had kept to herself until now.

They listened attentively to her story.

After the conversation ended, Lucas spoke first.

“But we still don’t know the criteria for when that voice appears. It hasn’t revealed itself yet.”

“Yeah. If I think about it, it seems to appear when I’m in danger. It hasn’t revealed itself, but it has spoken to me recently.”

Evan, who had been quietly listening, asked.

“You met Perante recently. Did he say anything else?”

Riett’s eyes widened.

‘Come to think of it, Perante is a Spirit Mage, so if I have potential, he might have known in advance.’

Riett recalled her conversation with Perante, but it was just a casual conversation.

…No, that’s not true. At that time, a phenomenon occurred where the ground split and dirt flew as if there was an earthquake.

Perante had asked at that time.

“Duchess Marren, have you experienced such incidents before?”

Although she answered no, did Perante ask that question because he thought it was the power of a spirit? But it was too speculative to conclude based on just that one sentence.

As Riett pondered, she nodded.

“Perante didn’t say anything special.”

Evan nodded lightly.

“Riett, for now, it’s better to keep an eye on that power.”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

But unlike calm Evan, Lucas seemed to be getting more excited.

“Riett, if you really are a Spirit Mage, you might be able to use Spirit Stones, right?”

“It’s possible…!”

Feeling overwhelmed, Riett shouted. But Lucas had already concluded that the power was spirit magic.

“Honestly, it’s not even magic. There’s nothing but spirits that can generate that kind of power. It’s completely different from divine power.”

“Yeah, that’s true.”

“You said you heard a strange voice, right? Try calling it again.”

As if the spirit would come just because he called.

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“Lucas, stop with the nonsense.”

When Riett spoke in a stern voice, Lucas pursed his lips. Evan, as if wrapping up the situation, opened the door.

“Riett, you’ve been through a lot. Go back to your room and rest.”

Evan’s gentle attitude was hard to get used to, but Riett forced a smile.

“You two have suffered a lot because of me.”

Even in his uncomfortable condition, Evan managed to dodge the enemy’s attention well. Lucas, who may not have received proper successor education, became much stronger than when he was a student and defeated the assassins.

If it weren’t for them, Riett might have lost her life right here. Riett suddenly felt grateful to them.

* * *

Now that she had grasped the Count Terrator’s weakness, she could return to the palace once she cleared the charge of being a spy.


Since the Prince of the Haren Empire had accepted the meeting, there might be a chance to find a clue to clear the charge of being a spy when she meets him. It seems there’s no end to people wanting her dead.

Whooosh. At that moment, the wind tapped on the window. Riett looked surprised and glanced outside.

‘What is it, just the wind?’

Now that she thought the mysterious presence that spoke to her might be a spirit, she started to pay more attention.

“You said you heard a strange voice, right? Try calling it again.”

Suddenly, Lucas’ words from earlier in the day came to mind.

‘…Should I give it a try?’

At that time, she had dismissed his absurd remark, but now it seemed somewhat intriguing.

⟨I am here with you.⟩

It had spoken as if it was always by her side, so even at this late hour, it might be able to respond.

Riett opened the window, just as she would when performing a ritual to call forth a spirit. The wind came rushing in, blowing into the room.

‘Ah, it’s cold.’

Hurry up.

Riett murmured, recalling the clear voice she had heard from the pile of dirt.

“If you are around me, reveal yourself.”

This is a bit… like some sort of magic. It’s an unintentional invocation of that ghost, isn’t it?

‘Come to think of it, aren’t ghosts and spirits quite similar?’

Oh no, she shouldn’t entertain such negative thoughts.

Riett cleared her mind and closed her eyes tightly.


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However, when she didn’t hear any sounds around her, Riett slowly opened her eyes. There was no change in the scenery of the room.

‘…As I thought, nothing appeared.’

Though she was alone, she felt disappointed. She had shouted sincerely. Ah, it was just because of Lucas’ words.

“I guess I should get some sleep.”

Giving up, Riett closed the window and walked towards the bed.


“I finally get to meet you.”

A strange man was sitting on her bed, kneeling with his knees folded…?

What is this?

Riett quickly picked up the dagger she had placed on the table and aimed it at the man.

“Who are you?”

“P-Please calm down. Didn’t you call me?”

She called? She has never called a man like him…

“If you are around me, reveal yourself.”

Could it be that this man is the spirit?

“Yes, I am the spirit.”

The clear voice that echoed in the bedroom was the same voice she had heard earlier. The voice was androgynous, making it impossible to determine the gender. So he was a man. Riett looked at the spirit in front of her with surprised eyes.

“Gender is meaningless to me. I am genderless, to be precise.”

“But your current appearance…”

“I thought you might prefer a handsome appearance…”

The spirit blushed shyly.

Indeed, the being before her had an exceptional appearance. The shimmering blue hair reminded her of the blue sky, and the blue eyes seemed to contain the sea. The external appearance was somewhat uncomfortable in some way.

“If you don’t like this appearance, I can also take on a female form.”

In an instant, the spirit transformed its appearance. Suddenly, a stunningly beautiful woman appeared before her eyes. This transformation was much more impactful.

The woman’s appearance was not only beautiful but also sensual.

“It seems like this appearance is more to your liking.”

The spirit approached and gently caressed Riett’s face. The man’s appearance was familiar, as she had seen Evan and Lucas several times, but this stunningly beautiful woman was something entirely new.

Riett pushed the seductive spirit away as if resisting its allure.

“It doesn’t feel good for the heart. Change back into a male form.”


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The spirit transformed back into a male form.

“If you don’t like this face, should I change it?”

“No, the face doesn’t matter.”

“If you ever need it, just let me know.”

No, the face doesn’t matter right now.

Riett scrutinized the spirit before her. The presence that had been lingering around her turned out to be this mature man, and that made her feel somewhat uncomfortable.

“If my presence made you uncomfortable, I apologize, but please understand that I, as a genderless being, think differently from humans.”

Riett realized once again that the spirit could read all her thoughts.

“For now, stop reading my thoughts.”

A look of confusion appeared on the spirit’s face.

“I’ll… try my best. It’s just… I naturally hear them…”

His helpless expression didn’t seem like he was lying.

“But did I really summon you?”

To think that it could be so easy to summon him…

“Yes, I have always been by your side.”

“I see… You were the one who saved me in dangerous situations, too.”

The spirit nodded with a gentle expression.

“I offered assistance, but you saved yourself from the crisis.”

Riett felt touched. The stern tone of voice had reminded her of a robot, but it unexpectedly stirred human emotions.

“Why did you help me?”

“There are countless people in this world, but those with righteous and honest souls like yours are extremely rare.”

…She’s not that good of a person. Just today, She used the daughter as a hostage to threaten an assassin. Riett’s conscience was pricked by the spirit’s words.

“Don’t think in terms of human standards. We see and experience far more diverse things.”

It was a vague statement, but it left her speechless.

‘Well, if you say so…’

The spirit smiled mischievously.

“Is there anything else you’re curious about?”

“For now…”

The spirit nodded and took out a piece of parchment paper from his pocket.

“Then let’s proceed with the contract.”

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