After exchanging greetings, Mishan disappeared from the room. Since he had mentioned that he would reappear if called, he was probably staying nearby, just hiding his presence.

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Riett felt relieved as if she had gained strength through an unexpected contract with a spirit. 

Now that she had captured an assassin as a witness to unveil the whereabouts of Count Terrator, she could return to the capital city as long as she cleared the accusation of being a spy for the Haren Empire.

The key to that accusation would be held by Perante and the Crown Prince of the Haren Empire. 

Riett regretted not asking Mishan about Perante after he disappeared. What was the name of Perante’s spirit? It was a strong name, unlike Mishan’s ephemeral feeling.

Ah… Avlam… What was it again?

‘Right, it was Avlam!’

She finally remembered.

She didn’t know how many spirits existed in this world, but perhaps Mishan knew Avlam and Perante. Knowing even a little could be helpful.

If she successfully negotiated with the Crown Prince of the Haren Empire, her life in exile would come to an end.

Riett fell asleep, hoping to receive a letter from the Crown Prince in a day or two.

* * *

The sound of someone knocking on the door woke Riett up. Rubbing her eyes, she got up and shouted in a groggy voice, 

“Who is it?”

“It’s me, Riett.” 

It was Evan’s voice. 

Why would he be knocking on the door so early in the morning? Riett quickly got up, thinking that maybe an assassin had come.

When she opened the door, she saw Evan leaning against the door with his arms folded. 

“What’s this…? So early in the morning.”

“Take a look at the clock. Is it too early?”

Riett looked towards the clock on the wall. It was twelve noon.

‘…I overslept.’

While trying to keep a dazed expression, Riett heard Evan’s voice.

“I tried not to wake you up, but a letter arrived from the Crown Prince.”


In Evan’s raised hand, there was a white envelope. It was undoubtedly the same type of envelope the Crown Prince had sent last time.

Even though she had fallen asleep hoping for a quick response from the Crown Prince, she didn’t expect it to come so soon.

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Excitedly, Riett asked, 

“Have you read it?”

“Not yet.”

Evan opened the envelope and handed the letter to her. Riett quickly unfolded it.

As she read the letter, her eyes grew wider. 

“What does it say?”

The content of the letter was short but impactful.

“Let’s meet at the Parman Village square this afternoon at one o’clock.”

Evan furrowed his brow.

He probably thought that if he had known the content of the letter, he would have read it before waking Riett.

But there was no time for regrets. It was already noon, and if they were going to the village square, they had to prepare and leave right away to arrive within an hour.

As Riett grew anxious, she tried to pull her pajamas off to change clothes, but a large hand grabbed her wrist as if to stop her.

“Wait a minute…!”

Finally, Riett realized that Evan hadn’t left his position yet.

‘Oh no…’

Riett awkwardly chuckled. 

“I was just in a hurry.”

“I’ll go downstairs and wait for you to get ready. Come down when you’re prepared.”

“Got it.”

Evan eagerly lowered his head and quickly descended the stairs with his long legs. 

Riett looked down from above and saw his disappearing figure. She felt embarrassed that she had made a mistake.

‘No… This is not the time for that.’

Riett hurriedly tied up her messy hair and changed her clothes. Then she went into the bathroom and washed her face with cold water. 

There was no time to wait for hot water. As the cold water touched her skin, her cheeks tingled.

‘Why did the prince schedule everything so tightly?’

Riett wondered. He should have sent the letter at least a day earlier.

After getting ready, Riett grumbled and went downstairs to the first floor. 

Lucas was fiddling with the spirit stone compass on the living room table. When he heard Riett’s footsteps, he looked up.

“Riett, where are you going?”

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“I’m going out briefly with Evan!”

Riett didn’t have time to explain in detail, so she gave a vague answer. She heard Lucas saying something about being alone with Evan, but she didn’t have time to respond.

As she opened the door, she saw Evan holding the reins of two horses. Riett approached him with a frown.

“Evan, can you control the horses with that wrist?”

Evan’s hand was almost healed, but it was still tightly bandaged.

“I took off the splint this morning. I’m fine as long as I’m moving.”


Evan extended one of the reins.

“Besides, there’s no time to call for a carriage and ride there now, right?”

Riett reluctantly took the reins and mounted the horse. It was a perfect day to freeze to death while riding a horse with the cold wind blowing.

Riett blamed the Haren Empire’s prince once again for his tight schedule as she pulled the horse’s reins.

* * *

As soon as they arrived at the village square, Riett took out her pocket watch to check the time.

‘Exactly one o’clock.’

She felt a sense of accomplishment for arriving on time. 

Riett looked around to find Callis, the prince of the Kingdom of Haren. Soon, she noticed a suspicious person sitting on a bench in the square, wearing a hooded robe.

Evan seemed to have the same thought and asked, 

“Should we approach?”


Riett and Evan approached the person in the robe, trying to be as quiet as possible. As they got closer, the person raised their head, and the hood slid back to reveal a familiar face.

“Your Highness!”

“It’s been a while, Duchess Marren.”

As expected, the suspicious person with the hood was Prince Callis. He recognized Riett immediately and smiled.

“It’s good to see you again.”

Riett was genuinely happy to see Callis. He was a reliable ally who would help her. However, her happiness was short-lived as she realized that Callis was alone.

“Surely you didn’t come alone, did you?”

“I have my knights near the building. They’re probably watching me through the windows.”

Calmly responding, Callis looked puzzled by Evan’s presence beside her and asked, 

“This is…?”

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Recalling that Evan and the Crown Prince had never met before, Riett quickly introduced Evan, saying, “This is Duke Kreutz. He’s been helping me for a while.” 

Evan followed suit and greeted, 

“It’s an honor to meet you, Your Highness Callis.” 

“You’re the new Duke Kreutz. I think I’ve met the previous Duke Kreutz a few times.”

Fortunately, it seemed that the Crown Prince was familiar with Evan. 

He’s also quite a character…!

“We shouldn’t stay here like this. It would be better to move to a quieter place.”

Evan suggested. Callis nodded in agreement and said, 

“Let’s go to where my knights are.” 

Riett and Evan followed Callis as they walked. They arrived at a building not far from the square. 

Callis opened the door and said, 

“I asked for the residents’ permission for a moment.” 

Riett had noticed this during the previous incident on Cork Island, but Callis was indeed skilled at persuading people. Although the villagers had become more accepting of outsiders recently, it wouldn’t have been easy to borrow a residential building all of a sudden.

Inside, five sturdy men were seated. Callis had brought quite a few of them secretly as if they were being cautious about their identities. 

“These are the knights I mentioned.” 

Callis gestured, and the knights stood up and disappeared into another room. Once the knights were completely concealed, Callis began to speak. 

“First of all, I apologize for summoning you urgently. However, I had no choice but to go out secretly when my father was away for treatment, as I needed to take advantage of the opportunity.”

Riett knew that despite being the Crown Prince, Callis had a strained relationship with the Emperor of the Haren Empire. 

The Emperor and the Empress’s family did not get along, and Callis sided with the Empress, which caused a rift between him and the Emperor. 

With the current Emperor’s health deteriorating, it was probably a sensitive time for the succession of the throne.

Despite that, Callis, who had come from another country, was somewhat loyal. Thinking about it, Riett felt a little sorry for blaming the Crown Prince in the morning.

“It’s alright. I’m grateful that you came all the way here.”

Riett made a mental note to thank Evan later as well, as he had followed along despite being awakened late.

In response to Riett’s words, Callis smiled briefly and spoke, 

“After reading the letter and investigating the Truto Empire, it was rumored that Duchess Marren was a spy of the Haren Empire.”

“Because of that accusation, I had to seek refuge here. Did Your Highness not know of this?”

Callis cautiously nodded her head and said, 

“I had no idea.”

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“The reason I was falsely accused is due to the recent expedition team from the Haren Empire stationed here. They knew some information that only a very small number of people, including me, knew. So when they think that the information came from me, I was labeled as a spy.”

Understanding the situation, Callis frowned. 

“…It was my father who dispatched the expedition team. So, it’s likely that someone associated with the Truto Empire has a connection with the real spy.”

“I heard that the Emperor of the Haren Empire is not in good health, but it seems he still has some strength left.”

“That’s why he’s making a final desperate attempt. Regardless of the outcome, he wants to make my uncle the next Emperor, not me.”

Callis didn’t bring five bodyguards along for no reason. 

With such circumstances, there was no choice but to be cautious. The situation here seemed as complicated as the Truto Empire.

‘That’s just the way politics is…….’

But from Riett’s perspective, it was a good thing. It turned out to be exactly as predicted.

At that moment, Callis asked, 

“Who does Duchess Marren think the real spy is?”

“It’s our side’s spirit mage, Perante. We confirmed with the villagers here that Perante visited this place together with the Haren Empire’s expedition team.”

Upon hearing the mention of a spirit mage, Callis exclaimed, 

“Ah! Is that person with the emerald green hair, the handsome young man?”

“That’s right.”

“I see… I’ve seen him once in the palace. My father invited someone he had never seen before, and I witnessed him taking that person, who was not a state guest, into the Emperor’s exclusive reception room.”

The situation aligned perfectly. It seemed that Perante had indeed abandoned the Truto Empire and aligned with the Haren Empire.

The problem was… How to reveal this truth?

While contemplating, Riett asked Callis, 

“Your Highness, you said you would help me?”

“Of course.”

“No matter what it takes…?”

With a determined expression, Callis replied, 

“Yes. Aside from my indebtedness to Duchess Marren, I will say that it is to maintain a good relationship with the Truto Empire when I become the Emperor.”

Callis revealed his sincere intentions. 

In other words, he meant to assist Riett and establish the Truto Empire as his friendly faction.

It seemed that Callis intended to pursue a friendly political approach with the Truto Empire once he inherited the throne.

If he was this proactive, the conversation would be easier. Riett decided to share the method she had thought of in advance.

“Well, let’s do it this way.”

Callis and Evan leaned in to listen to Riett’s voice.

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