Chapter 11: Yan Gan is Your Brother

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Because he himself knew that he did not mean it. If Jian Qiaoxin were Yan Gan, he would have to wonder if the starlet like himself was deliberately approaching him.

This situation was really embarrassing.

The moving employee in front turned his head and asked, "Hello, is it the one in front?"

Jian Qiaoxin regained his consciousness, looked at the fence courtyard not far away, and nodded: "Yes, thank you for your hard work."

The moving brothers smiled and said: "Nowadays, few people will go back to live in the rural village. You are a maverick, what made you decide to live here? The transportation here is not convenient."

"I want to come back and have a look." Jian Qiaoxin found a casual reason.

He could not say that he had nowhere to go. A City is a big city. The first month rent and the deposit would cost him more than 10,000, he indeed could gather enough money.

It was just that he did not have the time, and he could not find a good place, so he had to come back here first.

The moving brothers smiled and saw that he didn't want to talk, so they didn't ask further.

When the group of people passed by the big locust tree, Jian Qiaoxin glanced at Yan Gan, thinking about the incident from yesterday, it was naturally impossible for Yan Gan to come forward and talk to him.

The two people were silently staggered, there was no exchange.

"Is this here?"

The little brothers of the moving company put the luggages in the yard, then gave Jian Qiaoxin the total amount. After transferring the money, they kindly reminded him: "Your house hasn't been inhabited for too long. It's better not to stay here today."

Jian Qiaoxin looked around and nodded.

After sending the people away, he first dragged everything to the main room. No one had come back for several years. There was a musty smell in the room, but other things were covered with white cloth, and there was not much dust.

"Father, Daddy, I'm back..."

Two black-and-white photos hung in the front of the altar. They were photos of two men. The man on the left had a gentle face and a pair of smiling apricot eyes, which looked very similar to Jian Qiaoxin's eyes.

The man on the left was more serious, and he was upright. He was wearing a police uniform and was quite handsome.

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Jian Qiaoxin slowly walked over to rub the corner of the frame. His father died when he was very young, he only had some vague memories of his father before he died.

But one thing he was sure of: his father and daddy love each other very much.

Daddy always said: "Your father is a great hero."

"Hero?" Jian Qiaoxin was young at that time, and he didn't quite understand: "Then why didn't father come home? I haven't seen him for a long time. He even said to take me to ride a horse."

At this time, Daddy always showed a sad expression. He would put his arms around Jian Qiaoxin's young body and said softly: "Because your father went to a far away place, he went to heaven, he went to protect the people in heaven."

Jian Qiaoxin hated heroes.

When he was young, the teachers in his class would ask everyone who they hated the most. Many children would say they hated bad guys, bad people..

Only Jian Qiaoxin said: "I hate heroes."

At that time, the whole class was silent, no one could imagine that the usual good boy could say such a thing.

Jian Qiaoxin stood in front of the offering table, rubbing his father's photo, and put his father's photo on the side: "Father, Daddy really loves you."

He hated heroes the most, because the hero protected everyone else's home, not his home.

It may be because his father's death hit Daddy quite hard. After that year, Tonghua's health was not so good. He worked hard for more than ten years and finally sent Jian Qiaoxin to university.

Jian Qiaoxin had always wanted to study hard to make money, he wanted to make a lot of money to treat his daddy's illness. As a result, Tonghua left before he graduated from university.

When Jian Qiaoxin arrived at the hospital that night, his Daddy had already left with no regret. Even when he was dying, Tonghua left with his father's picture in hand.

He was smiling, there was no pain, only happiness, he could finally go to heaven to be reunited with him.

Jian Qiaoxin didn't cry when he was preparing for the funeral. He knew that his father was happy, after so many years of suffering. He knew that since he was still not an adult, his Daddy was holding on until he grew up.

On the day his father left this world, Tonghua's soul had already followed him.

In fact, Jian Qiaoxin and Tonghua were like being carved from the same mold. Now he had grown up to be this handsome, which meant Tonghua's charm was even more impressive back in the day. Even if his husband passed away and left him to care for a son, there was still a line of suitors after him; but Tonghua did not accept anyone.

He had only one husband in his life, and he was loyal.

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Jian Qiaoxin was also being influenced by his Daddy, and his loyalty to his partner was being carved deep in his bones, and no one could shake it.

"Daddy, you and father must live a good life over there."

Jian Qiaoxin stepped back a few steps and said goodbye to the tablets. After calming down for a while, he went to the main room to pack his luggages. It was true that he couldn't sleep at home today, he hadn't packed everything, and he could not move his legs around too much.

There was a knock on the door outside, and he stood up: "Please come in."

"Brother Xiao Xin!" The little boy showed his head: "Grandpa heard that you are back, and he said that you can come to our house to sleep tonight."

Jian Qiaoxin came over to open the door for him: "Grandpa asked you to come?"

The little boy was wearing some shabby clothes that were stained with mud, he must have come back from playing in the dirt: "Yes, grandpa is very happy!"

Jian Qiaoxin smiled: "Okay, wait a moment, I need to unpack my stuffs first."

He actually didn't do much work because of his injured legs. It was not much for him to clean up because he cleaned up the place a little before he moved to stay in A City.

He just went back to his own courtyard to clean up the room.

The weather slowly turned overcast, and the little boy helping him clean came in: "Brother Xiao Xin, it's going to rain soon, let's head back."

"Huh? Okay." Jian Qiaoxin locked the courtyard door and followed the boy.

As expected, when he was about to arrive, it really started to rain. He ran a few steps quickly, but he still got a little bit wet and a little embarrassed.

The village chief Grandpa's house was a two-story building; outside the house, there was a pig farm and the free-range chickens cage.

After entering the door, Jian Qiaoxin heard the village chief Grandpa laugh. He sounded very healthy. He seemed to be amused by someone. The elderly liked to talk to people at this age.


Jian Qiaoxin entered the room curiously. As soon as he opened the curtain, he saw Yan Gan sitting on the sofa in the main room in a suit and leather shoes.

He paused for a moment, and it was like a mouse that saw a cat and wanted to turn around to run for its life.

The village chief Grandpa didn't give him a chance: "Xiao Xin is here, why are you in a daze, come in."

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Jian Qiaoxin had respected the elders most, bit the bullet and walked into the house, and said cleverly: "Grandpa."

"Good boy, you're staying at my house tonight. This old man has nothing else, but there are too many empty rooms, so don't be polite and make yourself at home." The grandfather was very energetic in his old age: "It's just that you suddenly came back after working hard in the city. Tell grandpa, are you being wronged?"

He did have some grievances over the years, but in front of Yan Gan, he really could not say it.

Jian Qiaoxin's face flushed immediately. Subconsciously, he glanced at Yan Gan, but saw Yan Gan sitting lazily on the side, with an elegant and correct appearance.

"Nothing, Grandpa. I just want to come back."

The old man was relieved, and he said: "This is Yan Gan, the grandson of my old comrade-in-arms. Back then, your grandfather, General Wen, and I were all following Commander Yan in every death-and-life battle. After Commander Yan has passed away, he still comes to the village to support us like usual, he is a good child."

Jian Qiaoxin was shocked when he heard it, and he understood why Yan Gan would come to a small village like theirs.

Grandpa continued: "According to seniority, you should call him Brother A Gan."

Jian Qiaoxin: "......"

He didn't want to call the man that, but the pressure in the Grandpa's kind eyes was so great that he hesitated for a while, but still said it with much difficulty: "Brother...Brother."

Yan Gan raised his eyelids to look at him and nodded: "Uh."

The old man was very happy today, and he was quite excited. It was raining heavily outside, and he kindly invited Yan Gan to stay here tonight.

Jian Qiaoxin felt that Yan Gan would definitely not agree. How could the pampered CEO sleep in their primitive setting?

As a result, Yan Gan said: "Okay."


Mr. Yan, what about your domineering and your making trouble for no reason, bring them all out, you're way more capable than being this obedient!

It was a pity that Jian Qiaoxin only dared to feel embarrassed in his heart. Borrowing his eighty courage, he did not dare to pick on Yan Gan's tiger whiskers.

Jian Qiaoxin was going to cook later.

He asked others: "What do you all want to eat?"

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Da Gua raised his hand: "Braised pork!"

"Okay." Jian Qiaoxin nodded to this request, it was not difficult anyway.

Xiao Gua babbled: "Eat, eat fish, fish..."

Jian Qiaoxin bent down to touch the chubby face of Xiao Gua: "Okay, I'll cook fish for Xiao Gua."

Grandpa Li had two grandchildren. The older one, Da Gua, was eight years old this year, and the younger was only three or four years old. Both of their parents were working in A City. They were sent to the countryside to stay with their grandpa during the summer vacation.

Jian Qiaoxin was about to head to the kitchen after asking everyone.

Yan Gan, who had been sitting lazy on the sofa, said: "Stop."

Jian Qiaoxin stopped on his tracks, he now finally showed his true form, Grandpa Li went to the second floor to rest, and this great devil was beginning to restore his usual nature!

Yan Gan lifted his eyelids and said slowly: "You haven't asked me, right?"


If I miss you, can you just let it go!

Jian Qiaoxin turned around with full of momentum, he took a deep breath and smiled and said: "Mr. Yan, what you want to eat tonight, I will make it."

Yan Gan was taken aback, raised his eyebrows meaningfully, curled his lips and smiled: "Whatever."


Damn you, you're okay with whatever yet you still want me to ask you, right?

Jian Qiaoxin's smile did not change, but his face was flushed with emotions: "Okay."

He turned around and rolled his eyes calmly before leaving.

Yan Gan's smile faded after Jian Qiaoxin went out, his fingertips tapped on the chair, and he narrowed his eyes dangerously, no one knew what he was thinking.4


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