Chapter 4: White-Eyed Wolf

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==White-Eyed Wolf - mostly used to describe a person who is not grateful; similar meaning to "ingrate"==


Under his coaxing words, Xiao Zihua finally agreed to continue filming. Jian Qiaoxin was exhausted after filming the scene. The reason was simple: the prince was very difficult to serve and scolded the director every day. The key was that his family is still the largest investor, the director did not dare to say anything, what else these small characters like himself could say anything.

In the afternoon, he was extremely exhausted, and the prince still yelled of wanting to drink mung beans.

Jian Qiaoxin had no choice but to get out of the filming site to take a taxi to buy mung beans. He also had no assistant; therefore, he had to go in person. Sitting in the taxi, Jian Qiaoxin calculated the time, remembering that the food in the refrigerator was gone, it was time to buy some groceries.

He took out his cell phone from his pocket; he hesitated a bit before he dialed Qiu Jian's phone number, and the phone was picked up soon after the first ring.

There was still noise on the other line, Qiu Jian's voice came in a low voice: "Hello, Xiao Xin?"

Jian Qiaoxin confirmed with an "uhm" then said: "It's me, A Qiu, have you had lunch?"

Qiu Jian's voice was gentle: "I've already had lunch at the company, Xiao Xin, you are working very hard at the filming site, you have to eat more and take care of yourself, otherwise I will feel sad. Is everything okay at the site today, is there anyone who bullied you?"

Such kind concern made Jian Qiaoxin feel touched. He remembered Xiao Zihua's incident in the morning, and his eyes were red.

Jian Qiaoxin took a deep breath: "I'm okay, just that we have a not-so-good temper prince, other than that, everyone else treats me very well."

Qiu Jian paused: "Xiao Zihua is quite arrogant, rich people tend to have such bad characters. They all always look down on other people, you don't need to care about that kind of young master, just ignore him!"

Jian Qiaoxin's fingers scratched a button on his shirt, and slowly nodded: "I know."

Both of them did not have much free time, and they had to hang up after saying a few words to each other. Fortunately, Jian Qiaoxin was used to this kind of life.

The taxi driver parked the car in the bustling commercial street, where there was a big department store, which was very convenient for grocery shopping.

Jian Qiaoxin paid the fare before got out of the car and went into the department store to buy things. He bought a bag of mung beans and some vegetables, which he would like to take home to cook when the filming was finished.

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There was still time when he came out of the department store. Jian Qiaoxin was a little reluctant. He did not eat anything during lunch time. At this time, there was still enough time to go to the restaurant upstairs to have a meal.

Maybe---I can be a bit extravagant.

He took the elevator to go up to the fifth floor, there were many restaurants here. Jian Qiaoxin decided to take a look around, but he stopped on his track when he got out of the elevator. The people here were rushing, and no one was carrying two bags of groceries like him. Yes, all of them were dressed luxuriously and glamorously.

He sighed. There would be free lunch at the filming site. If he were to eat a meal here, he would have to consume one or two hundred [1]. Not to mention, he did not think he would get the role for Director Wang's series. If the company decided to freeze all of his activities, he would have no money...

After much thinking, Jian Qiaoxin decided to return to the elevator.

There was a steak restaurant on the left side of the elevator. The restaurant used isolated transparent glass to create an atmosphere. Two people were sitting by the window. Qiu Jian was wearing a suit and leather shoes. He was smiling and talking to a youth sitting opposite from him. He poured wine to the youth while talking, like a gentleman.

The youth sitting opposite him was very beautiful, with exquisite features, wearing a mix of European and American style, and he looked like from a well-off family.

For a moment, Jian Qiaoxin thought they were a couple.

He felt a tug at his heart, and the slight pain was infinitely magnified, and his hands showed little blue veins because of the strong grip.

The elevator came, and the crowd rushed in, pushing Jian Qiaoxin, who was standing at the door, to go inside.

Someone pressed the first floor, and he followed the crowd. He didn't react until he got into the taxi. The driver still asked for the address several times before he told the driver the address to the filming site..

In the restaurant on the fifth floor of the department store.

Qiu Jian asked the waiter to serve the food after looking through the menu. Wen Yuan, who was sitting in front of him, frowned his beautiful brows and said hesitantly: "Did I order too much, it's quite expensive here?"

"No." Qiu Jian said with a smile: "As long as you enjoy the meal, I don't mind spending a bit more."

Wen Yuan curved up his lips into a smile. He tapped his fingers on the table and hesitatingly said: "You... are you also treating Jian Qiaoxin this good?"

Qiu Jian was taken aback, how could it be possible.

He and Jian Qiaoxin were usually frugal, because Jian Qiaoxin had always wanted to buy a house in A City, so his boyfriend tried to not spend so much. Usually he wanted to be romantic and would like to go to high-end restaurants with Jian Qiaoxin; but Xiao Xin did not appreciate it, and thought it was too expensive.

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Qiu Jian was a little depressed: "Xiao Xin likes to eat street vendor food, he doesn't know how to appreciate these."

Wen Yuan said softly: "Xiao Xin is really down-to-earth, Brother Jian, in fact, I'm also the same, as long as I have dinner with you, anywhere is fine with me!"

A smile appeared on Qiu Jian's face: "A Yuan, you are still as sensible and cute as before.".

Wen Yuan walked over and gave him a hug: "Brother Jian, I know you must be under a lot of pressure, you already have a boyfriend, you may not need me..."

Qiu Jian hugged him, and he was even more moved, thinking of his boyfriend Jian Qiaoxin, who would not let him touch him but he was too stubborn. His boyfriend would rather die to abide by his own principle.

Qiu Jian said: "A Yuan, even if I have a boyfriend, I will always be your good brother. As for Jian Qiaoxin, it's okay, let's not talk about him."

Wen Yuan pursed his lips, a little unhappy, but since Qiu Jian said that, he couldn't say much. After all, Qiu Jian still had feelings for Jian Qiaoxin, and he shouldn't be too hasty.

After coming out of the department store, Qiu Jian drove the boy back to school. The two stayed in the car for a while, then they kissed each other before they separated.

Wen Yuan was in a good mood due to today's date. He received a call after returning to the dormitory. The caller ID Yan Gan was written on the screen of the phone.


When the incoming call animation on the screen kept flickering, Wen Yuan's mood suddenly got ruined; he frowned and answered: "Hello?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was magnetic: "Yuan Yuan?"

"What's wrong? Do you need something?"

Yan Gan was very quiet, which caused his voice to be extraordinarily clear: "Are you not at school?"

Wen Yuan said in a loud voice: "How did you know that, you came to look for me? Didn't I tell you, when I don't want to see you, you are not allowed to come without permission! You promised me!"

Yan Gan frowned: "I will not go back on my promise."

Wen Yuan walked around the room twice without feeling any guilty conscience: "Then how do you know that I went out, don't tell me that you are a psychic."

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Yan Gan said quietly: "The department store you went to is under the Yan Group."


Wen Yuan finally lost his arrogance, and he muttered: "I just had a meal with my friend."

Yan Gan didn't say a word. This man was the most frightening when he was silent. He was like a beast that could not be tamed, which was daunting.

Wen Yuan took out his triumph card: "When Grandpa passed away, he asked you to take good care of me. You were the one who said that you would be nice to me. You used to have people following me every day and treating me like I'm on a parole. I have finally been able to go out for a meal with my friend, you're still being suspicious, you..."

Yan Gan tapped the table with his fingertips, the man's eyes were deep, and finally he said, "I believe you, for now."

Wen Yuan was obviously impatient after knowing the reason the man was calling to question him. Wen Yuan gave some excuse to hang up the phone, he breathed out a sigh of relief.

He lay on the bed and quickly called Qiu Jian, twisting the situation in his favor as he badmouthed Yan Gan: "I went out to eat and swiped the card to spend a little money; he then immediately called me. Did he think I am with him for money? It's really insulting."

Qiu Jian also coaxed him: "Yan Gan really shouldn't use money to insult you. It will tarnish the relationship between you..."

"Yeah, if it weren't for Grandpa's will, I wouldn't pay attention to him at all." Wen Yuan started to twist the truth even more, and completely forgot whose money was spent on his food and clothing, and only treated these as he was entitled to them.

Qiu Jian sighed: "Yuan Yuan, it's all my fault. I was not able to be with you during the time your grandpa passed away."

Wen Yuan's heart felt warm, and in turn comforted: "Don't say that, I know you have your own difficulties, Jian Qiaoxin... don't know how to care for others, you have to be considerate of him because of your responsibility and duty, Brother Qiu, I know it's not easy for you either."

Qiu Jian didn't expect him to be so considerate. In fact, he didn't have a real relationship with Wen Yuan. He had never been in a relationship with him before, but the two families lived very close to each other. When he was in elementary school, he was in the same class as the boy and they were good classmates. However, his feelings at the time were no more than just friendship.

Occasionally they would have a class reunion, he was impressed by Wen Yuan's enthusiasm, and only then did he know that Wen Yuan had a crush on him.

He originally did not like Wen Yuan at first. However, he had been with Jian Qiaoxin for a few years, and had long lost his passion towards his boyfriend. There were now just duties and responsibilities between him and Jian Qiaoxin; he was missing the impulse of falling in love for some time.

Wen Yuan aroused the self-esteem and pride of men in him. Thinking of this, Qiu Jian said: "Don't worry Yuan Yuan, no one will bully you if you are with me!"

In the evening--A City--Jin Xiu District

When Qiu Jian came home, the house was still dark. This was what he was used to, because Jian Qiaoxin often worked late at night because of filming, and sometimes his boyfriend would stay over at the crew because of the early morning shooting. It was normal to return to an empty house.

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He pressed the switch of the light on, and when the warm yellow light turned on, the silhouette of someone curling up on the sofa and hugging the knees frightened him.

Qiu Jian was surprised: "Xiao Xin? Why didn't you turn on the light if you're back?"

Jian Qiaoxin's pale little face had an unusual blush, and the crew finally finished filming. He drank a little wine. He was not good at drinking, so he was a bit drunk now.

Jian Qiaoxin slowly raised his head: "Qiu Jian, where are you in the afternoon today?"

Qiu Jian smiled stiffly. He came over and tried to hold the person in his arms but was being slapped away. He was a little aggrieved: "What's the matter?"

"Central Mall." Jian Qiaoxin said the name expressionlessly.

Qiu Jian suddenly realized: "Oh, you mean that time, I was having a business deal with a customer, and the leader specially appointed me to sign a contract with that customer. Although he is young, he is a young master of a corporation."

Jian Qiaoxin didn't speak, but his eyebrows relaxed a little.

"I know you are tired and under great pressure in the entertainment industry. I want to work hard in the company to make good money, so I can give you a future." Qiu Jian moved gently and touched his lover's head: "Fool, you're overthinking again. How could I do something sorry to you?"

Jian Qiaoxin hesitated for a moment, and he slowly said: "Then you, why did you lie to me that you were at the company."

Qiu Jian laughed: "If I'm telling the truth, you must be worrying about it all day. You are already tired enough at the filming site. If you get bullied or scolded by the director, don't I feel bad about it?"

While talking, Qiu Jian wrapped Jian Qiaoxin's somewhat thin body into his arms: "Okay, it was my fault, I'll tell you everything next time, OK?"

Jian Qiaoxin relented, he nodded and said softly: "Okay."

In the end, he was easy to talk to, and his anger came and went quickly. Although he had doubts, he did not want to doubt his love too much. He was quite a conservative feudal person and believed in being together with one person for the rest of his life. He wanted to give Qiu Jian enough trust and a sense of security.

Although this idea cost him a painful price.1



[1] Currency exchange rate at the moment: 1 yuan = 16 cents (US currency). So most of the time, when they talk about money, the unit is yuan. So 100 yuan = $15 roughly. 

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