Chapter 8: Qiu Jian, Where Are You

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The romantic candlelight dinner set the stage for everything.

Qiu Jian thought that the atmosphere was in place. He also said a lot of heart-wrenching words tonight, planning a new future for him and Jian Qiaoxin, and even thinking about the name of their future child.

Red wine and candlelight, a beautiful face and a handsome face.

Everything was in the right time and in the right place.

But when Qiu Jian put his arms around Jian Qiaoxin's waist to unbutton his shirt, he was being stopped. Jian Qiaoxin's fingers pressed down on Qiu Jian's hand and kept him from moving.

Jian Qiaoxin looked away: "I'm tired."


A slap back to reality.

Qiu Jian's movements stopped, his hand still held onto the waist as he insisted: "Why?"

Jian Qiaoxin took a step backwards, and walked back to the table. He wiped his face: "Thank you for preparing so much. You have worked so hard. We should go to bed early."

Without further explanation, Jian Qiaoxin turned around and left.

The candlelight dinner in the living room was still glowing with warm yellow light, but Qiu Jian was left alone. He frowned as he looked at Jian Qiaoxin's back.

For a moment, an uncontrollable feeling of anxiety spread in his heart.1

It was the feeling of weakness and regret that he was about to lose something important, but he could not do anything about it.

The next day.

Jian Qiaoxin got up early and rushed to the crew to film.

Today shooting was an outdoor scene, and they wanted to film it on the mountain. Because this was a martial arts drama, he was sure that there would be many more outdoor shootings in the future.

The scene instructor was not far away, and the action instructor here also grabbed Jian Qiaoxin and Wen Yuan to talk endlessly about the scene.

"You two, you need to hang on a wire today. This is a scene of defeating the bandits. There will be a lot of action shots. It would be better for Mr. Wen to have a substitute, Xiao Xin, you have to do it all on your own."1

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Jian Qiaoxin nodded, indicating that he understood.

The action instructor pointed to a few markers on the scene and he continued: "When the bandits rush over, it is unavoidable that you have to sustain some injuries, so you might have to act like you get wounded and injured. After all, blindly overwhelming victory is not enough."

After finishing these precautions, the instructor left. Jian Qiaoxin was used to things like hanging on a wire, but Wen Yuan was not used to it.

This kind of coercion work looks like it was easy to do since the person will be flying around in the sky, but it is actually very afflicted. After a day, the legs are basically in a state of disuse, and dermabrasion and blood loss can basically become a common trivial matter.

Wen Yuan was crying and howling when he was hanging in the air: "It hurts, loosen up this wire!"

Most of the staff were surrounding the princess. Jian Qiaoxin was getting familiar with the other supporting actors next to him to know the group's steps and positions at the scene.

After a while, Wen Yuan finally stopped his whining. The crew was bustling around him for an hour and a half to get the wire working, and it was already noon. In order not to delay the progress, lunch time was postponed and the crew decided to film first.

People started to get into position, and the recording of the scene began.

""Wang Jiang Pavilion" Scene 20, act 1! Action!"

A group of bandits appeared at the narrow trail to rob the carriage, and the lady in the carriage was being taken out and was imprisoned to be the wife of the bandit leader.

Jian Qiaoxin stood on the tree, holding a sword in his hand, in a swordsman costume, looking chivalrous and courageous.

He said: "It's a coincidence that we have encountered such a scene as soon as we left for Jianghu."

Wen Yuan on the side stood on the other branch: "If we fall down, can the assistant catch me?"


Just get used to it.

Jian Qiaoxin drew out the sword in his hand, his eyes sharpened: "It's unlucky for them to have run into us today. Take good care of the aftermath, I will deal with them first."

The wire began to move in mid-air, Jian Qiaoxin came down from mid-air almost in one go. The clothes fluttered like an immortal. His figure did not shake at all, and his landing was steady. Without any hesitation, he turned over and swung his sword. All the steps were very solid.

The several bandits standing on the periphery were knocked down in wailing, without any backhand strength.

The eyes of the other people in the crew were bright and glittering. This scene was so beautiful that they could hardly pick out the flaws!

Wen Yuan on the tree should also jump down. As the wire moved, his expression and body were stiff. At first, as long as the camera did not focus on him, the post production team could add some filter later on; however, he started to panic in mid-air.

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"Waaah ah ah ah ah ah ah......"

He almost half-rolled to the ground, the carefully styling was messed up, and even the delicate makeup on that beautiful face got smeared.

Wen Yuan clutched his butt: "It hurts."

The assistants got together and rushed over: "Are you okay?"

The filming was forced to stop, and a voice came from the director's booth: "Cut! Stop!"

Everyone gathered around to see Wen Yuan's situation, Jian Qiaoxin put down the prop sword to help the group performers who fell on the ground: "Sorry brother, I just swung it with all my strength."

The supporting actors patted the dirt off his body: "Ey, it's nothing, I can stand your strength."

Another performer also grabbed Jian Qiaoxin's hand and stood up: "This little brother, you have great skills and your movements are beautiful. Have you practiced before?"

Jian Qiaoxin hesitated for a while, nodded: "I have learned a little."

"No wonder." The cast like to talk to Jian Qiaoxin. This young man was not arrogant or irritable, he was very humble, knew what to say, which made people feel pleasant to talk with him.

The other people seemed to comfort Wen Yuan, and the director found Jian Qiaoxin.

Director Wang lit a cigarette: "Xiao Xin, you have also seen what happened just now. It is estimated that we have to retake this scene, is it okay?"

Jian Qiaoxin nodded: "No problem."

NG is a normal thing in the filming crew, but it is a little uncomfortable if you have to do multiple NGs, and it will be very painful if you have to do NG on wire.


The field staff cleared up the site, the field was ready to film.

The clapperboard wrote: ""Wang Jiang Pavilion", Scene 20, Act 1, Action!"

Everything was in place. After Jian Qiaoxin finished reciting his familiar lines, he regained his courage. He remembered every movement and stepped on the spot firmly.

Just after he finished his actions, it was Wen Yuan's scene again.

It was fine until he got down from the top, but in the lower part it started again: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

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From the director's booth: "Cut, stop!"

A coercive scene was repeated several times, and in the end, a dozen doubles took turns to play for Wen Yuan until they could finish this take.

In the afternoon, the director found Jian Qiaoxin: "Xiao Xin, how are your legs? Is it serious?"

Jian Qiaoxin sat in a chair, his face was pale, but he shook his head slowly: "Thank you for the concern, I'm fine."

Director Wang still had a little pity for this person: "Just don't blame me, you know, behind that person..."

It's Yan Gan.

The biggest investor in this drama,, wasn't that golden master who invested in this drama just to please Wen Yuan?

Jian Qiaoxin's eyelashes trembled slightly: "I know, if there were no... Wen Yuan, I wouldn't be able to get such a good role. I am very grateful to him and I won't blame you."

Director Wang nodded, and he patted Jian Qiaoxin on the shoulder: "It's great that you can have such good thinking. I see that you won't have many scenes in the next few days. I'll give you two days off so you can go home to heal your wounds."

"Thank you director."

"You're welcome, you're welcome."

You are Mr. Yan's little love, is it easy for me not to take good care of you?

It was two or three o'clock in the afternoon. Jian Qiaoxin slowly packed his bags and walked out of the filming site. His legs were hurting and in pain, and the injury was indeed serious. He had to go to the hospital to get some medicine.

Taking a taxi and walking were both exhausting. Jian Qiaoxin thought about it and wanted to take out his phone to call Qiu Jian.

The phone was dialed steadily, and at the end came a mechanical sentence: "Sorry, the number you've dialed is currently busy. Please try again later."

Jian Qiaoxin was silent for a moment, he walked to the side of the road by himself, and waited about five or six minutes before making another call.

There was still a mechanical tone on the phone: "Sorry, the phone you've dialed is..."

He just pressed the hang up button, Jian Qiaoxin smiled helplessly at the two unsuccessful dialed numbers, Qiu Jian, Qiu Jian, who are you calling.

He hailed a taxi to head to the hospital.

The taxi driver glanced at the rearview mirror and hesitated: "Do you need me to help you into the hospital, where is your family?"

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Jian Qiaoxin leaned on the back seat, with painful sweat on his forehead, and his cheeks were pale with no blood running on it. He sat up and smiled in gratitude: "Thank you for your kindness. It's nothing serious."

The taxi driver said: "Can you give me 50, the taxi fare is 40. I will help you in with the remaining ten dollars."

Jian Qiaoxin thought for a while and agreed: "Sure."

So the kind driver found a place to park. He took Jian Qiaoxin in, let the youth sit down, then went to register his name.

After getting the number, the driver handed him the call number: "Little brother, it's not that I want to be a busybody. But do you have any friends? Ask them to come pick you up. With you looking like this, you can't manage on your own."

Jian Qiaoxin shook his head. After graduating from college, his friends were scattered all over the place, none of them lived near him.

The driver left helplessly. Jian Qiaoxin thought about it and wanted to call Qiu Jian again. This time the man answered it, but the background was a little noisy.

Jian Qiaoxin said: "A Qiu, where are you now, are you busy?"

"Xiao Xin, what's the matter? I...I really have something to do now, I really can't move away from here." Qiu Jian's voice came clearly.

Jian Qiaoxin's hand held the medical record tightly, and he said, "Is it urgent?"

Qiu Jian asked stiffly: "What's wrong?"


Jian Qiaoxin's words got stuck in his throat. He made the call from the railing on the ninth floor of the hospital. From this view, he could see the scenery downstairs.

As for the glass door downstairs, Qiu Jian was getting in line while talking on the phone, and there was a person wearing a mask sitting in the waiting area, but even so, it was the person he would recognize even if the person turned into ashes.

Wen Yuan.

Qiu Jian was helping Wen Yuan to register.

Qiu Jian, who was on the other end of the phone, wondered why suddenly there was no sound. He said, "Hello? Baby, why aren't you talking?"+

Jian Qiaoxin said: "Qiu Jian, where are you?"

Qiu Jian was taken aback: "I...I'm at the hospital. I have a friend who is injured. He does not have anyone here, so he can only ask me for help. He is very pitiful, so I want to help him."3



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