Chapter 27: Enjoying Life

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Translator: Min

Jiang Chen was delighted. He acted calm and collected during the meeting, but he had a spring
in his step as soon as he walked out of the door.
Ecstatic, was the only way he could describe his mood.
He managed to sell off several tons of gold, which was something he had never imagined.
His previous plan was to separate the gold into small amounts and sell it off to gold shops.
Although it was inefficient and prone to be spotted by the local gangs, it was the safest way. A
large amount would attract the attention of the authority, and they may force Jiang Chen to
turn all of the gold in. They are always looking for ways to make money from regular people.
What? This is your gold? How do you prove this gold belongs to you?
Of course, Jiang Chen couldn't prove it since the gold really didn’t belong to him.
Jiang Chen was sure that the government would release a statement to say that even though the
gold doesn’t belong to the government, it doesn’t belong to Jiang Chen either.
He thought he would be able to sell off a hundred million dollars worth of gold before getting
found, but now it seems like it would no longer be an issue. If this foreign friend helped him to
find the means to sell, everything would be easy. He just needed to create a Swedish Bank
account, and the gold worth hundreds of millions would no longer be a problem.
Transporting gold was not difficult at all. A ton of gold was only 0.5 cubic meters which only
would cost half a crystal in energy to store.
When he left the main hotel building, Jiang Chen chose to return to the mansion. Liu Yao was
probably still waiting for him.
He got to the front of the mansion and saw Liu Yao under the shade of the trees.
Liu Yao wasn't wearing a bikini like the first time he saw her. Instead, she changed into a beige
dress with a laced floppy hat. Her presence could be felt miles away.
She knew exactly how she attracted people, with the combination of her purity and seduction.
“Why did you take so long? I am starving,” Liu Yao gave him a coquetry as she swayed her
slender waist. Her coquetry didn’t feel staged at all.
“Haha, I’ll take you out for food.” Jiang Chen opened the mansion door, and chivalrously took
over Liu Yao’s bag. “What do you want to eat? Don’t be shy!”
“Yay! I want to eat at the Glacier Ocean Restaurant.” Liu Yao adorably clung onto Jiang Chen’s
arm like a loving girlfriend.
“Ok! I’ll take you there.”
A bright smile appeared on her face as she was pleased with the way Jiang Chen responded. She
hugged Jiang Chen’s arm as they walked towards the restaurant.
Perhaps she was acting, or maybe she was just following her heart.

The division between the two was too faint to distinguish.

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Glacier Ocean Restaurant is a renowned restaurant in Sheraton and extending its influence to
the rest of the Sanya.
The water-themed restaurant was surrounded by the mixture of the pristine sky and the
mysterious sea. Arrays of palm and coconut trees showcased nature’s vibrant energy. The vast
collection of wine displayed at the entrance of the hotel left all the diners dazed. Then the
customers were quickly captivated by the sophistication and class of the restaurant.
The private room in the middle of the restaurant was even more intricate. The aquarium-like
design transformed the dinner into a unique experience as if they were in the midst of the
ocean. There was no need for extra decorations, as the reflection of the water's waves created
the perfect atmosphere.
Jiang Chen and Liu Yao sat in the private room.
“I heard the view at night is even better, but the view at noon is also remarkable.” Jiang Chen
savored the fresh taste of salmon meat and took a sip from the delicious Wen Chang chicken
soup. Delicacies filled the table, and he was even dazzled by all the choices.
“This Boston lobster is delicious!” Liu Yao playfully stuck out her tongue. She skillfully used her
graceful finger to dissect the lobster in front of her.
“Beauty is something one can truly enjoy.” Jiang Chen picked up a piece of clam. The way Liu
Yao ate was extremely pleasing to the eyes.
“Hehe, pretty right?” She pouted as she continued to struggle with the lobster.
“I was talking about the lobster.” Liu Yao’s cute look didn’t stop Jiang Chen from teasing her.
“Screw you!”
Liu Yao didn’t have a big appetite, so she chose all the light but fine dishes. The majority of the
food went into Jiang Chen’s stomach. He had an appetite comparable to two adult males.
“Looks like you are ecstatic today.” She rubbed the corner of her mouse with a napkin as she
looked at Jiang Chen's lively eyes.
“Indeed, I signed a big deal.” He didn’t hide anything.
“Eh? I thought it was because of me.” She joked.
With a mischievous smile, Jiang Chen approached Liu Yao. “How big do you think the deal is?”
“One million? USD?” With her red lips open, she took a sip of wine. She didn’t care how much
Jiang Chen made as it had nothing to do with her. However, she understood a male’s ego as
Jiang Chen wasn’t keeping this from her. She pretended to be curious.
“One million? That’s pocket change.” With his back leaned against the chair, Jiang Chen smiled.
“Pocket change?” Liu Yao shockingly stared at Jiang Chen.
“At least one hundred million,” Jiang Chen replied. He pretended it was not a big deal.
“Ahem.” Liu Yao covered her chest as she ruefully looked at Jiang Chen. She accidentally spat
out her wine out.
“I can’t believe you are so skillful, this is such a pity.” Liu Yao pouted as she took another sip of
wine. Jiang Chen knew what she meant by pity, but he would not change his mind.

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“No way, I remember I used my real skill last night.” Jiang Chen emphasized the words “skill” as
he smirkingly looked at Liu Yao’s facial expression.
Liu Yao paused slightly before she understood the meaning behind Jiang Chen’s words. Her face
turned burning red like the sky at dawn.
Her gentle fist striking Jiang Chen's did not bother him at all.
After the meal, Jiang Chen took Liu Yao’s hand and strolled along the swimming pool. It was a
beautifully decorated pool of water. The palm trees along the side added a sense of nature to the
swimming pool. Under the white umbrella were deck chair of the same color for the tourists
that needed rest.
“I thought you don’t like crowded places?” Liu Yao accompanied Jiang Chen as her crystal eyes
observed his face.
“You are right, but it would be disappointing if we just stayed at the mansion. This swimming
pool is a famous attraction at Sanya.”
“Oh? I thought you were someone who was always busy,” Liu Yao asked curiously.
“Busy people may not like crowded places, but I am quite pleased with this scene. For example,
the blonde European beauty right there.” Jiang Chen changed the topic with a smirk.
“Does my bikini not look attractive?” Liu Yao defiantly raised her D cup chest.
“It’s not the same. Everyone is different.” Jiang Chen tried to explain his reasoning. If it were
his girlfriend, he would not praise other women, but since that was not the case, it didn’t
Jiang Chen’s playboy look made Liu Yao want to yell and laugh at the same time. She pouted
like an attached girlfriend, as she used her finger to squeeze his waist. She controlled the force
just enough so that Jiang Chen would not get hurt.
“I am a D cup Don’t you think I am bigger compared to that woman?” After teasing Jiang Chen
for a moment, Liu Yao fixed her hair as she lifted her chest up again with a seductive look.
“Who knows if these are real or not?” Jiang Chen ridiculed as he sneakily touched her chest.
“Then how do you know mine are fake, and hers are real?” Liu Yao persisted the question.
“Hmm? So they are real.” Jiang Chen pretended to be happy.
In this day and age, everything could be fake. So, Jiang Chen didn’t think it was real.
“Fool. You didn’t notice it after touching it for so long?” Liu Yao blushed as she vexed him with
her eyes rolled.
The coquettish look made Jiang Chen hard.
Liu Yao became flushed as she noticed Jiang Chen’s invasive stare. Although Jiang Chen’s
techniques were still lacking, with some guidance and his long lasting stamina and recovery
time, it was easy to enjoy the heaven like feeling.
Liu Yao, of course, didn’t reject Jiang Chen’s intimate invitatio.

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She defiantly stared at Jiang Chen as she used a finger to hook onto his collar. Then they walked
towards a secluded washroom on the first floor.

“Here?” Although it was a question, Jiang Chen’s hands already grasped onto Liu Yao’s thin
“Pervert, I’ll scream for help.” She seemingly blamed Jiang Chen with her words but then
swiftly locked the door behind her.
There was not a lot of traffic in the area. Most of the people were either in their rooms or on the
beach. Since it was the washroom, there were no cameras as well.
The unique environment made Jiang Chen feel a particular kind of sensation. Liu Yao’s
blushing face indicated that she probably felt the same thing.
“You’ll have to keep quiet,” Jiang Chen smirked as he whispered into Liu Yao’s ear. He grabbed
her smooth legs and entered into her.
Two hours later, the two of them came out of the washroom. Liu Yao's legs felt weak as she half
hanged onto Jiang Chen’s shoulder.
“You pervert, couldn’t you have been more gentle.”
“Haha, the way you held onto the wall and covered your mouth was quite cute.” Jiang Chen
laughed as he dodged and grabbed onto the hands coming at him.
From a bystander, the two looked like a couple displaying affection without a care in the world.
She didn’t know why, but she felt tears in her eyes.
“If I…”
“What? Why don’t you tell me about it?” Jiang Chen smiled at Liu Yao who wanted to stay
something but stopped.
“It’s okay.” Liu Yao turned his face around as she flashed him a smile. The cheerful smile even
dazzled Jiang Chen for a moment.
It was not because of her beauty.
That smile reminded him of his high school time.
At the naïve age, free of trouble. A time where studying hard would deserve recognition. A time
where being good at basketball would receive praise.
Jiang Chen remembered that smile belonged to Chen Lele in the movie; the careless and free
girl. The smile left the supporting actress with an endless amount of regret and despair.
Am I sinking into the plot? What am I thinking?
“I am a woman who loves money, and I know men like you dislike woman like me. One with no
self-respect.” Liu Yao faintly opened her mouth. She still held onto Jiang Chen’s hand but
walked one step ahead of him so he couldn't see her expression.
“This is only a life choice, I never disliked you.” Jiang Chen gently answered. He didn’t lie.
“But unable to accept right?” Liu Yao suddenly turned around.
Jiang Chen noticed her eyes were slightly red.

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Is she acting?
However, Jiang Chen was unwilling to change his opinion. He sighed wanting to explain

“You don’t have to say anything.” Liu Yao turned around with a bright smile and pecked him on
the lips. After seeing Jiang Chen’s confused look, she jumped in front of him and began walking
by herself. “I know, and I understand. A girl like me is not good enough for you. I just haven’t
completely given up yet.”
With her back towards him, Jiang Chen couldn’t see her expression. Liu Yao had to force a smile
before she spoke again.
“What if, I mean, what if we met two years earlier? When I didn’t debut yet. Would you have
fallen in love with me?”
“If I fell in love with you at that time, would you have chosen me?” Jiang Chen thought about the
person who watched <That year> with him.
Too similar.
Jiang Chen's calm and direct rhetoric question made Liu Yao feel his uncertainty. She turned
around as she forced another smile.
She understood what Jiang Chen meant.
“Probably not.”
An honest response.
Liu Yao somehow remembered her university time. She remembered the boy that used 99
candles to write out “Liu Yao I love you” under her dorm room window. She was moved for a
brief second but still rejected him because he couldn’t provide the life she wanted. Liu Yao gave
her first time to a director whose name she didn't even want to remember. She did it in
exchange for the supporting actress role. She had no regrets because she received eighty
thousand dollars in pay along with a ticket into the entertainment industry.
However, at this moment, she regretted.
For some reason, in her eyes, Jiang Chen began to coincide with the boy she rejected.
If the poor Jiang Chen asked her out two years ago, she would probably not even look at him.
It was not a question of right or wrong, but only a matter of choice.
“Since this is a hard earned vacation, why think about these bothersome questions?” Jiang Chen
said faintly as it disrupted Liu Yao’s thoughts.
“Mhmm you are right, let’s enjoy the bench.”
A relieved smile bloomed on Liu Yao’s face.
The smile was beautiful.
Except for a bright jewel hanging at the corner of her eye. Silently, it rolled down and mixed in
with the sand.
Among the waves and tides of the southern county, it was negligible and minuscule.

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