Chapter 951: Over One Hundred Billion Worth of Contracts

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Translator: Min Editor: Rainystars

“Mr. Jiang, I am the chairman of the Hua Aerospace Science and Technology Group. Here is my business card. I heard that you have leased out a port to SpaceX. Do you still have plans to rent out additional ports? Our offer will definitely not disappoint you!”

“It is my honor! Mr. Jiang is young and achieved! I am the president of Yike Real Estate Group. This is my business card. I heard that there are two thousand acres of land in the external space station yet to be developed on Celestial City. We have more than 30 years of experience in real estate development. I hope Mr. Jiang can seriously consider our group. Whether it is capital or technology, our strength is proven!”

“…I am the president of Bigo Aerospace. Haha, it’s been a long time since we have seen each other. At Silicon Valley, I shook hands with you… We have extensive research in the field of inflatable spacecrafts, are you interested?”


After the question period, it was open floor discussion.

When Jiang Chen walked down from the podium, he was surrounded by a group of entrepreneurs. All kinds of business cards were stuffed to him one after another. Of course, the invited visitors were all elites. Even if they were enthusiastic, they still maintained courtesy.

There were nearly 370 companies from all over the world who expressed their interest. There were also 50 companies that signed agreements on the spot. Following SpaceX, Hua Aerospace Science and Technology Group also signed a port lease agreement for a price of 170 million XND, leasing a port large enough for five small and medium-sized aircraft to be docked for ten years. Ten years later, the company would have priority in the renew of the lease.

The Russian Aerospace Group subsequently leased three ports to develop its own spacecraft.

This kind of cooperation with state enterprises offered far more diplomatic and political significance than economic significance, so Jiang Chen offered a reasonable price. After all, after renting a port, and then transporting things to the port, they must go through the space elevator. Every kilogram of material delivered to space must pay a transportation fee to Celestial Trade. Although it was not much, it was a stable source of income.

However, the real profit came from the cooperation with companies from all over the world.

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For example, Yike Real Estate Group, the company with a market value in excess of 100 billion directly offered 1.5 billion XND, and bought the development right of an external space station with an area of 700 acres. They ambitiously planned to turn this 700 acres into the most prosperous business district in the entire city.

Converted into a per square meter cost, it was already higher than the price of some cities’ top real estate location. Celestial City wasn’t even open to the public as the risks are self-evident, yet it generated an absurf premium.

However, the boss of Yike Group had other ideas. He sent the group’s best expert to visit Celestial City, whether it was the convenient transportation or potential commercial development value, the land was worth the money.

Although the hefty price certinly pained him, if the 700 acres of land turned into real estate, merchants all over the world would rush to stay in his commercial estates, and banknotes would flow in from every continent.

It was not just Yike Group that possessed ambitions, but Yida Group was preparing to invest in the construction of cinemas in Celestial City. Additionally, the Intercontinental Group, and the ArcelorMittal Group were planning to lease the six by four interface.

As the world’s largest steel producer, ArcelorMittal Steel Group was the leader in the steel market. After seeing the video of Stingray P-1 mining released by Celestial Trade, they immediately saw the broad market prospects of space mining.

It didn’t matter if they didn’t posses the technology. With enough money, they could outsource the design of the space station. With the power of capital, as long as the technical conditions were sufficient met, those challenges were not challenges at all. After the birth of the space elevator, Silicon Valley had too many aerospace companies undergo a difficult transformation.

Celestial Trade left them another opportunity. After the end of the forum, there would be plenty of companies willing to invest. Designing space stations with different functions would become an alternative profitability model to replace commercial satellite launches.

The sea breeze swayed by and brought away some of the heat.

A unique sightseeing tower was built by the seaside not far away from Future Building. The working environment of Future Group was very relaxed, and many employees chose to dine here during their lunch break. But as the night was approaching, the place was getting quiet.

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Jiang Chen stood beside the railing as the tides raged. He lit a cigarette and silently gazed at the ocean. His thoughts drifted away with the breeze.

Tonight, he signed contracts worth at least 60 billion XND. Later, because there were too many people, he left the other tasks to Xia Shiyu and other company executives, and slipped out of the venue.

Now this number should have at least doubled. Xia Shiyu was much better in business negotiation compared to him. He was looking forward to the development of the outer space resources. At the end of the forum, could this figure exceed 100 billion?

Whether it was 60 billion or 100 billion, converted into US dollars, counting his previous income, all investment in the space elevator had been recovered. After paying off the loans from Future Bank, the tightened cash flow of Future Group for over a year finally became alleviated.

With the completion of the space elevator, Jiang Chen felt that the burden on his shoulder had also lightened.

The space elevator appeared more than 50 years earlier compared to history.

This way, even if one-day mankind must face the colonization ship from Harmony, human civilization would stand a fighting chance.

Jiang Chen suddenly smiled.

He found the idea of worrying about something more than a hundred years later, too…

For a while, he couldn’t think of any words to describe himself.

Then, a windbreaker appeared on his shoulders.

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Jiang Chen turned back and met a pair of sapphire eyes.

“Don’t catch a cold.”

Her hair was blowing in the sea breeze. Ayesha was standing behind him

“Mhmm.” Jiang Chen smiled and responded to her gentleness. “Thank you.”

“What are you thinking about?”

“I should… not that. Just some things related to the future.”

Not far away, Ye Yunfei also stood on the beach, watching the two people who were leaning together.

She was wearing a light blue evening gown with a glass of champagne in her hand.

To be honest, she was very surprised.

The Space Resources Development Forum completely changed her impression of him.

Entrepreneurs present were more cunning than the sly foxes. Igniting their investment fervor with just a speech was even harder than convincing a mouse to catch a cat. Even with her experience, she had to admit the speech was indeed a classic.

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Originally, she thought that he was just a lucky new money. She didn’t expect him to have such an ability…

She suddenly felt that he was not so annoying after all.

As for her intimate feeling…

She swore, she only had a little bit of feeling for him.

Thinking of what her father said to her on the phone, she finally decided to try to take the initiative and approach Jiang Chen. However, when she saw the scene of the two embracing, the determination she just formed faded with the wind.

Her closed lips opened, and Ye Yunfei slowly let out a long breath.

“This is good too.”

Her words were inexplicable. She tilted the glass in her hand slightly, pouring the champagne into the sea before turning away without any hestiation.

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