I Have a Simulator

Chapter 7

Somewhere in the mountains, a hunting dog fell dead to the ground, next to a small deer eating frantically at its body.

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A very strange, horrible scene.

A vegetarian animal actually eats meat!

This deer is naturally Ling Ye.

After carrying his prey to get rid of the pursuit, Ling Ye began to enjoy his own beautiful meal, but also his first meat after coming to this world.

Viscera or whatever, he did not eat anything, only the limbs of these pure meat parts, very picky.

He has to say, though the taste of meat is still very tasty, and the taste of green plants is completely different.

Ling Ye didn’t take a breath, and the hound’s limbs gnawed like incense.

The essence of blood and flesh was completely absorbed by the body, Ling Ye did not feel any discomfort, only felt that his body was full of power, the feeling of being able to kick a dozen hunting dogs to death in one breath.

“Really comfortable, ah, occasionally meat or good, I feel like I can eat another head.”

After looking at the corpse of the hound that had lost its limbs, Ling Ye indifferently tossed his head and turned to go.

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After this human chase, his previous idea of whether to accumulate a few simulations has faded.

Now every few days there are humans in the mountains hunting. It’s really unstable. In order to safely through this period, Ling Ye still thinks to improve the strength as soon as possible. Simulation points reach the simulation, don’t need to keep.

Even if you want to stay, you have to wait for the situation to stabilize, such as the mountain a month without human entry. That situation, Ling Ye, can not wait a month. Anyway, survival pressure is small.

However, the situation is now irreversible.

Every now and then, to really have a time. He had a crisis, and just one simulation could become stronger, so that he was able to escape. The gap is a plot simulation.

This situation he did not simulate because he had to nurse, which led to his own accident.

This kind of wrongdoing, Ling Ye does not want to experience.

When he returned to the deer herd in the rain, Ling Ye’s mouth of blood in the rain quickly disappeared.

The deer herd stood next to each other, standing under the trees to avoid the rain. Some deer cowered under their mothers in fear, and then the females would lick their children’s heads to show comfort, although they themselves are very afraid.

Ling Ye did not have such behavior and just obediently returned to their mothers.

For their own mother, this female deer, Ling Ye, can not say what the feeling is. In short, it is very strange.

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To say that there is that kind of affection seems to be a lot worse.

To say no, it is not, after all, in their own birth, the most vulnerable period, this female deer protected her Ling Ye and drank a lot of her milk.

All things have feelings. Even if Ling Ye is a human soul, she can not be completely ignored.

“Alas, forget it. Why think so much, asking for trouble. I remember that the deer’s adulthood speed is very fast. A year on the head antler, then also considered an adult, and the female deer will also give birth again every year. By then I will also have peace of mind”

Ling Ye said to himself in his heart, he could not do ruthless but follow the habits of the deer, the natural leave. He thinks this method is very good.

After all, he can’t live with the deer all his life, He is aiming for a unicorn.

After resting for a while, Ling Ye started the simulation.

This time his goal is still to live longer, but on top of that, Ling Ye intends to explore the outside world to see if there are any spiritual herbs or wonderful medicines.

After all, if you want to quickly enhance strength, relying on these arcane foreign objects is still the most effective and fastest way.

“But that rabbit is trouble.”

Ling Ye inwardly sighed, and then began the simulation.

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【0 years old, Ling Ye was born, you very naturally began to eat to replenish your strength】

【1 year old, you are a cautious and meticulous mind, successfully adult】

【1 year and 6 months old, you fought the snow-white rabbit no less than a hundred times in these six months, you lost sixty-eight times, the remaining thirty-two times were all tied, you found your kicking skills became more and more proficient in the process】

“Dare I say I didn’t win once?”

Ling Ye’s mouth twitched. He could not easily choose the kicking technique in the last simulation, but he still couldn’t clear his shame.

【1 year and 7 months old, you finally defeated this rabbit today. The other party invited you to its colony. You were led to the depths of the forest. You met a large number of sharp kicking rabbits, led by the white rabbit. You ate a good meal in the rabbit colony. You found that the rabbits here also eat meat, and the food is very good. You very peacefully dabble in here】

【1 year and 8 months old. You’ve been eating for a month. Finally, you were kicked out by the rabbit colony and returned to your tree hole, but you feel that your physical strength has improved】.

【2 years old, you were resting comfortably in your tree cave when you suddenly heard numerous rushing sounds from outside, and a large number of beasts came towards your tree cave, and you were slapped to death by a giant eight-meter-tall bear】

【At the end of this simulation, defeat a beast for the first time, get the One Blood achievement, and you can choose one of the following three】

【Two-year-old physique】

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【Skilled Kick technique】

【Three-year lifespan】

After looking twice at the word “beast”, Ling Ye lost his smile and did not evaluate it, decisively choosing the two-year-old physique.

In the current unstable situation, improving body strength can not only improve strength but it also improve physical strength and appropriate speed, which is more cost-effective.

As for the three-year life span, Ling Ye is very tempted but not in a hurry for this moment.

The next month, Ling Ye did the simulation every three days. Around the same time, a lot of Xing soldiers started going into the mountains to hunt. Several bad things happened to the deer, but Ling Ye was always safe each time.

Although in the ten simulations this month, Ling Ye did not live past two years old once, he also found a pattern in the plot simulation world.

Basically, as soon as he reached two years old, the tree cave five hundred meters away from this safety range was invalid. There would be a large number of fierce beasts close to the tree cave, and he basically died here every time.

The threshold of two years old made it impossible for him to continue to improve his physique.

So each time, one can only choose the proficiency of the kick technique and the digestive absorption ability that is improved by those three red and black fruits each time.

However, after choosing the digestion and absorption ability three times, Ling Ye also found it basically useless and could not keep improving, but even this allowed him to increase his life expectancy by three years.

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