Gate Evolution (1)

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[Your body is protected by the mana mosquito net].


[Stacks : 2]


[Caster: Kang Junyoung]


[The effect ends after 58 minutes].




Kwak Hye-na was delighted.


In truth, she hadn’t been expecting much from Junyoung, and had only asked him to give it a try.


However, the mana mosquito net actually stacked and caused the duration to increase.


“That’s amazing. Stacking buffs is an ability that only hunters who specialise in buffs of at least Rank C can do.”


Not only Gwak Hye-na, but when Junyeong activated the double stacked Mana Mosquito Net for Park Yura as well, her eyes widened with surprise.


Jun-young is also surprised.


He, too, didn’t know that double stacking was possible.


“Well, it’s still just a mosquito net. It doesn’t seem comparable to the buffs that specialised hunters possess.”


“You’re not wrong, but nowadays it’s hard to find a gate that doesn’t have a bloodsucker in it, even the recently created ones have them.”


“But the problem is that my abilities only work on those bloodsuckers.”


In other words, he can’t get inside the gate.


He can’t take on any monsters other than bloodsuckers.


“If the buff lasts for an hour, couldn’t he just stay at the entrance of the gate and use the buff on other hunters without actually going inside the gate?”


Park Yura agreed with Kwak Hye-na’s reasoning.


“That’s right. Many well known specialised buff hunters often earn money by selling their buffs in that manner.”


Selling buffs?


You can make money like that?


Come to think of it, I’d heard of it.


I’ve heard of a few hunters with long-duration buffs who make money just by selling buffs outside the gate.


Most of the buffs are ones that increase the attack power or defence power of the Hunters, or increase their speed, etc.


“But do you think a mosquito net buff is worth paying for?”


“Of course, it’s me. I’d pay for it.”


Gwak Hye-na nodded in agreement, as if it was something obvious.


“Actually, I don’t like mosquitoes, so I often deploy a mana shield even if it costs a lot of mana, because of it  I have to replenish my mana frequently using mana potions, but if I a get mana mosquito net buff that lasts for an hour then it would save me a lot of mana potions”.


“Then I guess I’ll have to sell my buff as well.”


“That’s going to be difficult, since most of the gate entrances have qualification restrictions.”


“Qualification restrictions?”


“It’s a kind of a newbie thing, so it’s best to wait until you’ve made some connections with the Hunters.”


Then Kwak Hye-na suddenly focused on the radio and looked concerned.


“I’ve got to go. A pretty troublesome fellow has shown up and so neither of you should go anywhere near the East Gate.”


After saying that, she disappeared like the wind.


–Emergency! East gate direction! A three star ogre has appeared!!!

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Junyoung also heard the voice from the radio.


‘A three-star ogre?’

Some of the monsters at the gate are labelled with a star (★).


Just like how generals in the military are given stars to signify their ranks, the boss-level monsters which are extremely difficult to deal with, are also given stars.


These are the so-called “star monsters”


Naturally, the more stars they have, the stronger and more dangerous they are.


In the case of the armoured beetle that appeared earlier, it is not considered as a star monster even though it is huge.


But now an ogre (★★★) has appeared on the east side of the gate.


‘Not just any ogre, but a 3-star ogre, just how powerful is it?’


Just thinking about it makes me shiver.


At that moment, Park Yura grabbed Jun-young’s arm and ran to one side.


“Mr. Kang, let’s go to the west gate.”


“There’s a 3-star ogre at the east gate, are you sure it’s going to be okay?”


“Of course it won’t be okay, but since Ms. Kwak Hye-na went there, it should be solved somehow.we have to support the west side of the gate in the meantime.”


“I see.”


Jun-young nodded and ran after her.


Since the motorbike was destroyed earlier, they have no choice but to run.


“More importantly, it’s rare for a 3-star monster to come out of the gate even if the gate is flooded, so I have no idea what’s going on. It would’ve been a mess if Ms. Kwak Hye-na hadn’t come today.”


Upon hearing Park Yura’s words, Jun-young remembered the information that he had seen on the Internet.


“I think I heard that things like this happen when the gate evolves.”


Park Yura suddenly paused, looking surprised.


“Yes, that could be the case.”


Gate evolution!


That means the gate’s disaster rating will increase.


This means that the Children’s Grand Park Gate, which is currently a level 7 catastrophe, will become a level 6 catastrophe.


In such a case, the gate boundaries could be breached and powerful monsters could pour  out from the gate.


Of course, with the walls in place, it’s unlikely that citizens will be harmed, but there’s always a chance.


“Of course it doesn’t happen very often, but I have a bad feeling about this, so we’d better be as careful as possible, and I want you to stay close to me.”




After running for a while, a storm of mysterious lights came into view in the distance.


‘That must be the entrance of the gate.’


I’ve seen it countless times in photos and videos, but this is the first time I’ve seen it in real life.


The West Gate of the Children’s Grand Park.


Dozens of Special Forces and a dozen or so Hunters have camped near it.


Among them, I recognize some familiar faces.


Yoo Jong-soo, the head of the gate management team, and Lee Jun-young, a C-rank Hunter were there.


Yoo Jong-soo’s face lit up when he saw Jun-young.


“Oh, Jun-young Kang, I’ve been waiting for you!”

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“Is there anything I can do for you?”


“First of all, the bloodsuckers have been dealt with by the special quarantine team and most of the people who were bitten have been cured. However, there are some people who are not getting better and their symptoms continue to worsen, so I would like you to treat their bite with your <rub if bitten> ability.”




Jun-young followed Yoo Jong-soo while looking at the expressions on the faces of the Special Forces and Hunters.


They all looked exhausted.


‘This place is a complete mess.’


The bodies of unidentified monsters are scattered everywhere.


The nauseating smell emanating from the corpses was overwhelming.


And inside a makeshift building made of shipping containers off to one side, two men in their 20s are shouting at the top of their lungs as if they were at death’s door.






As I get closer to them, my ears become deafening.


“Those two are exhibiting some very strange symptoms, aren’t they?”


“Yes, while others have been treated and their symptoms have subsided, these two individuals’ symptoms keep on worsening. As a precaution, we have temporarily restrained them,”


Both of their eyes are bloodshot and they are howling in pain. It’s eerie, like something straight out of a zombie movie.


‘They look like he’s on the verge of becoming a zombie.’


I wonder if there’s going to turn into a real zombie or some other monster.


What if I get too close to them and get bitten?


“Honestly, I don’t know if I can cure them.”


Jun-young frowned.


“Don’t worry, we’ve got the safety measures in place.”


His arms are tied together and his mouth is gagged. This is done so that he won’t bite his own tongue due to the excruciating pain.


In addition to that, there are special forces on standby, so I’m not worried about anything bad happening.


‘What’s strange is that both of them were bitten on the exact same part of their head.’


Jun-young immediately found the spot where the bloodsuckers had bitten them.


They were both bitten in exactly the same spot.


It’s near the crown of their heads.




Junyoung’s right hand swiftly moved and rubbed the crown of one of the men’s heads.


It was a quick movement, like when he was catching a mosquito.


‘So agile hands work even when rubbing a bloodsuckers bite,huh.’


It was a new realisation for Jun-young as well.


He then paused.


Just then, a bug that had burrowed into the man’s crown came out on its own and stuck itself to Jun-young’s finger.


‘What is this?’


It was definitely a bloodsucker.


Not only can he recognise it with his eyes, but he can also feel it in his gut.


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It’s because his <vampire detection> ability is activated.




The creature squirmed as it was suddenly dragged out and then it tried to bite Jun-young’s finger.


Bite Bite.


The things that appear to be saliva and teeth of the creature were shattered into pieces.


It’s because Junyoung’s cheat skill, Vampiric Immunity, was activated.


‘Eek! Eek!’


The sound of the creature’s panic and distress is realistic.


But I have no sympathy for bloodsuckers.




Crushing them is the only answer.




Jun-young pressed his 2 fingers together and crushed the creature’s body.




Like that he killed one of them, followed by a quick swipe at the crown of the other man’s head, grabbing the bug out of there as well.






Just like that, he killed those two bugs.


  [You have leveled up].

【Name】 Kang Junyoung

【Level】 4

【Mana】 200/200


‘Oh! I levelled up!’


His level has increased to level 4.


In the meantime, the men who were cured by the rub if bitten (A) were back to their normal selves, as if they had never been screaming in agony.


“It’s really unbelievable even when I see it, even the sedatives didn’t work on them, but with just one rub from you they were back to normal.”


Yoo Jong-soo looks quite surprised.


The Special Forces members who were watching this whole scene were also dumbfounded, but it was the victims themselves who were most surprised.


When the Special Force member removed the gag from the two men, they looked at Jun-young as if they were in a dream.


“Thank you, sir. The pain that seemed to be killing me has miraculously disappeared!”


“I feel like I’ve come back from being dead. If it weren’t for you, Hunter, I wouldn’t have been able to endure it any longer and would have died.”


Both men are members of the Special Forces.


“I’m glad I could be of any help.”


Looking at the grateful expressions on their faces, Jun-young felt proud of himself.


“This is a mana mosquito net. It keeps the bloodsuckers at bay, so don’t be alarmed.”




A spider web like red glow shot out from his hand.


The Mana mosquito nets were put not only on the two men, but also on the other Special Forces members and Yoo Jong-soo.


“I’m surprised to see a Hunter who has Mana Mosquito Net ability!”

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“Thank you, Hunter!”


“This is truly the best ability, surpassing all other abilities !”


Due to dangerous species of bloodsuckers penetrating even special protective suits, all Hunters who weren’t high-level Hunters who could unfold a mana shield on their own were bound to struggle.


For them, Junyoung’s Mana Mosquito Net is a perfect buff, like a light in the darkness.


“Let’s go outside now, Mr. Kang.”




As they walked out of the container building, Yoo Jong-soo glanced at Jun-young.


‘This is beyond my expectations.’


In fact, as someone who had opposed granting Jun-young an F-grade qualification, he didn’t have high expectations from him.


He thought that if Jun-young could just use the Mana Mosquito Net well, it would be enough for him to earn a living.


“I’ve seen that your rubbing ability works not only on mosquitoes, but also on other bloodsuckers. Does it work on all bloodsuckers?”


So far, there hasn’t been any blood-sucking creature that his ability didn’t work on.


“While it’s stated like that in the skills description, I can’t say for certain if it’s true. Nonetheless, it was indeed effective in treating the patients we just encountered, as the parasites burrowing into their heads were bloodsuckers. It wouldn’t have been useful against other insect species.”


“Have you ever thought about using your powers for the country?”


“You mean like becoming a government hunter?”


“Although the procedures have become more stringent recently, we still face a shortage of government hunter personnel. If Kang Junyeong wishes for it, it’s possible to expedite the special recruitment process.”


Becoming a government hunter.


Until recently, he thought that being a support Hunter was already enviable, but then he received a F-rank licence and he even received a special recruitment offer to be a government hunter.




This isn’t a dream, is it?


It’s so different from yesterday, that it’s hard to believe that it’s real.


Junyoung’s heart was pounding, but he calmed himself and spoke.


“I’m in a bit of a hurry right now, so I can’t give you an answer right away. I’ll think about your offer carefully and then give you an answer.”


Yoo Jong-soo smiled as if he understood how he felt.


“There are definitely pros and cons If you become a government hunter, you will have a stable job, but you won’t get the fame or make as much money as famous freelancer hunters. However, if you want to work as a freelancer or join a private guild, you need to be of at least a C rank to be treated with some respect.”


It is sincere advice from him that there is nothing better for Junyeong, who is F-rank, other than becoming a government hunter.


” Yes. I’ll think about it carefully.”


Junyeong actually finds the idea of becoming a government hunter very appealing, but he didn’t want to make hasty decisions.


‘I can become a government hunter anytime I want, even if it’s not now.’


So it wouldn’t be too late to make a decision after thinking about it carefully.


–Emergency! A two-star vampire tree has appeared at the west gate!


An urgent voice came from the radio.


“A 2-star vampire?”


“Isn’t that crazy?”


“The gate must have evolved!”


The surrounding Hunters and Special Forces were shouting in panic.


Yoo Jong-su also looks panicked.


Next release on Wednesday 

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